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Team Flyboy (thunking, shipping, discussion) - Lorne/Mitchell/Sheppard/O'Neill

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    Okay... off to make dinner.

    Have a good evening thunkers and maybe I'll see some of you later.



      Originally posted by ShaViva View Post
      Me too! I haven't capped Sunday myself (I know - shock, horror! How could I not have capped the episode where Lorne is painting and wearing casuals AND dress blues?!!!). I can't recall if there were any other episodes Shep wore dress blues in.

      (I'm trying to do some writing while the girls cut up paper and stick things ... somehow I forgot to post the last couple of chapters of Mosaic - duh! Will have to do it Monday now.)
      Hey, ladies! Been lurking while working on my NaNo story.

      I have capped Sunday (shocker!), and that is, unfortunately, the only episode where we see either Sheppard OR Lorne in dress blues.

      Edit: Have a great evening, Bay!


        Was wondering about that... but figured you were just tweaking chapters... obsessive was coming to mind...



          Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
          Okay... off to make dinner.

          Have a good evening thunkers and maybe I'll see some of you later.

          See ya! Not sure if I'll be here when you get back - RL will probably drag me away from the pretty flyboys ... have a great evening!

          Hi LG ... I am shocked you've capped Sunday (I know it's not your fav episode) ... good to know that's the only dress blue episode for Shep too - guess I should try to cap it too, given that Not my fav episode either - I hate how they lull you with all these lovely off duty moments and then bam!



            Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
            Was wondering about that... but figured you were just tweaking chapters... obsessive was coming to mind...

            Yeah, that'll kick in once I open those chapters up in Word - hence saying Monday before I get to posting



              Originally posted by ShaViva View Post
              See ya! Not sure if I'll be here when you get back - RL will probably drag me away from the pretty flyboys ... have a great evening!

              Hi LG ... I am shocked you've capped Sunday (I know it's not your fav episode) ... good to know that's the only dress blue episode for Shep too - guess I should try to cap it too, given that Not my fav episode either - I hate how they lull you with all these lovely off duty moments and then bam!

              Hiya, Sha.

              Honestly, I got angry at myself and capped "Sunday."

              Shortly before getting some horrible family news recently, I got irritated that I couldn't even think about "Sunday" without crying. I made myself sit down and cap the episode, even though my heart almost broke when Carson told Marie, "I'll be right back." It spawned an episode tag (from Teyla's POV in "Snippets and Snapshots") and a crying jag, but I felt better afterward. It still gets to me now, but not like then. I can actually think about the ending without tears in my eyes. Kinda helpful since I'm writing a clone!Carson story for Nano.


                I've been trying to squeeze in a half hour here and there to work on wallpapers for our Christmas Present exchange ... very distracting! (Bay, can you repost your banner for this - I want to see it again )

                Here's a different one - a room full of dress blues



                  Originally posted by ShaViva View Post
                  I've been trying to squeeze in a half hour here and there to work on wallpapers for our Christmas Present exchange ... very distracting! (Bay, can you repost your banner for this - I want to see it again )

                  Here's a different one - a room full of dress blues

                  Ooh! I made a Christmas background/texture someone might be interested in given the new Christmas exchange.



                    That's really nice LG - could be a great starting point for a wallpaper for the exchange. I did one too so I'll share it here as well - very happy for anyone to snurch and use for wallpaper



                      I already used my background for a wallie, but it's a Carson wallie.

                      And I've got yours set aside for something.....just not sure yet.


                        I've done a Lorne wallpaper but I'm not fully happy with it so I'll probably tweak it a bit before December 1st. Thought I'd branch out and make a non Lorne wallpaper as well

                        Jack: I think I'd look very good against a christmas backdrop



                          Originally posted by ShaViva View Post
                          I've done a Lorne wallpaper but I'm not fully happy with it so I'll probably tweak it a bit before December 1st. Thought I'd branch out and make a non Lorne wallpaper as well

                          Jack: I think I'd look very good against a christmas backdrop

                          Yeah, Carson tolerates me doing non-Carson stuff sometimes. So I do understand that.


                            I have done quite a bit of Jack stuff as well ... I think Lorne and Jack are my 1 and 2 thunks ... poor Shep has been demoted to equal third with Cam (shh, don't tell Brn or Bay!)



                              At least Lorne has you. He's been demoted here, poor lad.


                                True ... the flyboys are very lucky here. Lorne has me, Shep as Brn and Cam has Bay ... and then I think Bay and I have been sharing Jack


