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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
    Hi everyone How are you ?

    OT Scotland
    Did you realise that you broke my heart saying me that Nessie didn't exist I'm sure Scotland history is awesome. I keep hope to visit your country someday

    Wow it's true it's an awesome sig
    awww i'm sorry *pats asgard on the back*

    Thanks, sci made them

    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
    I was so sorry to read about Primevel Hun but keep your Temper in check i saw your post on the Primevel thread i found it Hilarious waht you put but i dont think the mods will
    I know, sometimes my mouth (or should I say my fingers) runs ahead of my brain The anger can sometimes get the better of me

    Originally posted by asgard30 View Post


      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
      NO.....No I don't need a blindfold

      *nods head*

      Oh I have no doubt she is a JT shipper

      Originally posted by Camy View Post
      Awww...thank you Cazz. Rachel has always been a JT shipper. She's never denied the attraction between John and Teyla and as you all know, Joe and Rachel have always played the attraction on screen as well.

      We didn't make this stuff up guys! It was there till the end. Just them standing next to each other at the end tells us that it's never left. And even the writers can't deny it.

      So, basically, Teyla is in
      loveless relationship. Harboring feelings for John and John as well harboring feelings for a woman who is with another man.
      How idiotic is that? *grrr*
      Yep and I bet tptb think they are so smart by doing that too.

      Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post

      Looks like we´re busted!

      .. you weren´t all that convincingly "in loooove" with that other guy...
      And you were too thick headed to make the right move!!!
      Don´t worry, they´ll fix it in their virtual season 6!

      Oh you Rock SAF!! LOVE IT!!

      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
      Excellent SAF....

      Speaking of the virtual season 6.. what's happening there.. I think Dezrai seems to have RL stuff so maybe we should pass episode one on to another author.. I'm sure Dezrai would be happy to participate later on in the season if she can...
      I know. I'm really worried about her. Well, have to see what Cazz wants to do.

      How about a teaser for VS6- Ep5?

      No official Title yet: Warning, Linda, it's a cliffie.

      He worked quickly to remove all the obstacles in his way in order to get her out. She was fading in and out of consciousness and her pulse was thready.

      “Teyla? Can you hear me?” he asked while trying to remain calm.

      She faintly nodded her head and carefully brought her to the back of the jumper in tend her wounds better.

      “Colonel Sheppard, this is the Daedalus. Do you read me?” Caldwell boomed into his ear comm.

      “Colonel Caldwell? How did you know we were here?” John said with confusion, but also with much relief.

      “Atlantis informed us that they lost contact with you over an hour ago. Are you and Teyla all right?”

      “No, Teyla is seriously injured and I think I may have a concussion,” he answered. He could feel the room slightly spin and his head pounding even more.

      Teyla’s eyes rolled back into her head and her body went limp, “Teyla!?”

      Originally posted by Fainne View Post
      see what i had to endure during the last few days?
      aww, so soon? it would have been more fun if we let them wait for a few more days *runs and hides*

      *rofl* - sorry, this line makes me always laugh xD
      darn... but it was worth a try ^^

      *nods*alright.. O.ô ... do i want to know details?: you should see them when they actually type. that's so much more fun xD
      Hee hee. Poor you.
      I'm sure you guys are having a blast.

      I don't even remember how she started the fish thing. Might have to blame a smilie for it.
      LOL!! Oh I bet it's a beautiful sight.

      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
      huh, what happened to my cod I was holding
      Originally posted by Fainne View Post
      hmmmm cod, my favourite *grabs cod and puts it in a frypan*
      Originally posted by Fainne View Post
      yeah, rubber ducks are scary... O.o
      You two are crazy and are cracking me up.

      Originally posted by Camy View Post
      LOL....with a bat? LOL

      I'll see if I can find it somewhere in my pb account. For now, I'm off to the movies.

      Mr. Camy is treating! Wohooo!
      What movie did you see?

      Originally posted by Fainne View Post
      nooo, i meant the rubber duck. well, you can have a bubble beth with your bat if you want to. i won't keep you from that xD *hugs*

      have fun hon I'm off watching LotS
      Which ep of LOTS were you watching?
      Last edited by scifan; 15 June 2009, 12:51 PM.


        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
        This should be fun
        Nope, it wasn't.

        Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
        I'm probably going to get booed out of the thread for this, but if they are going to continue with T/K (I know gag) I would kinda like them to show two friends fall in love. Teyla needs love too, guys. And if this is the was things play out, then sure. What I saw of K/T (in the one episode that he actually was Kanaan and not a hybrid) was a friendship. If we must be forced down this particular road, I'd actually like to see something develop believably rather than more of what we have being crammed down our throats as that isn't believable.

        I'm in much the same place with Ronon/Amelia. With both, I've been doing, whaaaat???? Make it make sense.
        IMO. I think that if they showed something before the announcement of why she choice Kanaan instead of John and gave some reasonible explaination, I might..... ok with it, but we can still see they have feelings for each other. So, it's hard to say it's ok.... for me at least.

        Originally posted by Fainne View Post
        not really, just got back from roaming the city center with Cazz and Gater... the last time before they leave Berlin hmm, i don't want to be responsible for them not becoming a couple
        Oh sorry that they are leaving you. I hope you all had a great time together though.


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          Hee hee. Poor you.
          I'm sure you guys are having a blast.

          I don't even remember how she started the fish thing. Might have to blame a smilie for it.
          LOL!! Oh I bet it's a beautiful sight.
          hehe, yes. and i brought them safely to the station, they should be in their hotel now and watching german TV xD

          yes, quite amusing how they tried to get along with the german keyboard (we have about 4 more letters on it)

          You two are crazy and are cracking me up.
          always at your service
          Which ep of LOTS were you watching?
          episode 4 - i'm not far into it yet but i'm catching up
          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          Oh sorry that they are leaving you. I hope you all had a great time together though.
          we had well, i had, not sure about them but i'm sure they had too.


            Originally posted by scifan View Post
            How about a teaser for VS6- Ep5?

            No official Title yet: Warning, Linda, it's a cliffie.

            He worked quickly to remove all the obstacles in his way in order to get her out. She was fading in and out of consciousness and her pulse was thready.

            “Teyla? Can you hear me?” he asked while trying to remain calm.

            She faintly nodded her head and carefully brought her to the back of the jumper in tend her wounds better.

            “Colonel Sheppard, this is the Daedalus. Do you read me?” Caldwell boomed into his ear comm.

            “Colonel Caldwell? How did you know we were here?” John said with confusion, but also with much relief.

            “Atlantis informed us that they lost contact with you over an hour ago. Are you and Teyla all right?”

            “No, Teyla is seriously injured and I think I may have a concussion,” he answered. He could feel the room slightly spin and his head pounding even more.

            Teyla’s eyes rolled back into her head and her body went limp, “Teyla!?”

            I don't even remember how she started the fish thing. Might have to blame a smilie for it.

            You two are crazy and are cracking me up.
            Why thank you mam


              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              How about a teaser for VS6- Ep5?

              No official Title yet: Warning, Linda, it's a cliffie.

              He worked quickly to remove all the obstacles in his way in order to get her out. She was fading in and out of consciousness and her pulse was thready.

              “Teyla? Can you hear me?” he asked while trying to remain calm.

              She faintly nodded her head and carefully brought her to the back of the jumper in tend her wounds better.

              “Colonel Sheppard, this is the Daedalus. Do you read me?” Caldwell boomed into his ear comm.

              “Colonel Caldwell? How did you know we were here?” John said with confusion, but also with much relief.

              “Atlantis informed us that they lost contact with you over an hour ago. Are you and Teyla all right?”

              “No, Teyla is seriously injured and I think I may have a concussion,” he answered. He could feel the room slightly spin and his head pounding even more.

              Teyla’s eyes rolled back into her head and her body went limp, “Teyla!?”


              Way to freak us out!
              This is for the PJ crash ep, right? I'm gonna love this one- I had a similar idea for my other SG fic, & this is just freaky! I mean, I had the idea of the PJ crashing........diff people in it of course. None of the SGA crew.

              Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
              It's fun i agree with you on this. I always thought that concerning Teyla they always missed a thing concerning stress with John I mean. The Ark is my all time favorite ep but seriously I so wan(ted to see the angst on John face seeing that she wasn't there and a lot of time action was too quick and never shown emotions. Seriously the speed of the end of Prodigal was disconcerting I mean even as friendship if the authors had been honnests with themselves there would have been an hug or something. They were friends all these years not for dislike each other like this particularly without explanation

              I agree- there were many times he should've freaked slightly at her missing. The Ark being one of those.
              End of Kindred 1 (ok- well near the end, cos a certain Scottish Doc appears) when Caldy says they've lost the hive ship cos it went into hyperspace, John's reaction was sooo emotional I swear he could've burst out crying if he was on his own. (he had tears forming in his eyes).
              As for Prodigal- John stuck back after Teyla joined in. I think he did punch Michael once after Tey appeared....... I was expecting him to at least come forward & stand next to Teyla when Michael was hanging off the edge, or at least come over at the end. Instead he hung back just watching her- neither made the move to each others side.
              At least we have the end of EatG- where they're side by side without stupid Kanaan around. Pitty S5 was filled with McPuker (barf)

              Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
              I made a little something. it's bad I tried to inspire myself from something that I've seen but the result isn't good at all. But it was so long since i did something and this is JT so i post it anyway in good memory LOL
              Nice. Lovely. I like it. Well done!


              All Sigs Made By Me.


                Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                hehe, yes. and i brought them safely to the station, they should be in their hotel now and watching german TV xD

                yes, quite amusing how they tried to get along with the german keyboard (we have about 4 more letters on it)always at your service
                episode 4 - i'm not far into it yet but i'm catching up

                we had well, i had, not sure about them but i'm sure they had too.
                I'm glad you all had a good time and I bet that was funny for them to figure out your keyboard. LOL!!!

                I'm sure you'll enjoy them. I know I did.

                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post


                Why thank you mam
                Hmmmm. Let me see.... was it the JT part or the....
                Teyla whumping that got you excited?

                YEP!!! That's the smiley


                Hey Ninja. I hope you don't mind me posting the other sig I made you.


                  From a partial transcript of an interview Joe did on the Season 5 DVD:
                  If we didn't have Rachel we'd be in serious trouble; for one, we'd just be a bunch of pretty much sweaty guys running around. Um, but we give her a really hard time, and she just, for some reason, takes the bait. It's, um. But she's a sweetheart, and uh, it's been fun watching her have a child, be a mom, and do all those things, and um, yeah. And she's gonna be beautiful for the rest of her life


                    Originally posted by Dr Quinn View Post
                    From a partial transcript of an interview Joe did on the Season 5 DVD:

                    Awwwwww!!! That is the sweetest thing ever!!

                    Thanks Dr Quinn for sharing that.


                      Originally posted by Dr Quinn View Post
                      From a partial transcript of an interview Joe did on the Season 5 DVD:

                      So sweet!


                      All Sigs Made By Me.


                        Originally posted by Dr Quinn View Post
                        From a partial transcript of an interview Joe did on the Season 5 DVD:

                        Thank you so much
                        sig by Cazzblade


                          Originally posted by scifan View Post

                          Thanks hun and I do know. **HUGGLES** It's nice to be reminded though.

                          I know I'm using my Shippy eyes, but I took it as he had to keep himself from showing how much it bothered him that Teyla was in trouble. Yes, it would've been nice to have some mention of it, but I think that fight scene said it all. He was willing to get his *** whooped, then let Michael get away, plus he was willing to do... yet again... a suicide mission to save her, Torren and the city. But that's just me.

                          Gibb's never said that. He understood what she was doing and why. It was an understanding. I also liked that she was shocked when Tony said it did it to protect her. Is it the next season yet?

                          *Hugs* This is true. LOL, we been out of touch lately. So I figure I will remind you.

                          I like your shippy eyes. But I wasn't just commenting on John's feelings alone. But the overall feelings of the characters. Zelenka and Lorne was there looking at the monitor. What was their emotions? We audience knew what was going on in the control room - office, but the characters didn't. And at no time when they were making their way to the control tower, no asked or commented about what was happening to Zelenka if I recall correctly he was watching the monitor. By having the characters' inquiring about what is taking place in the tower - would have given me some insight into their thoughts and feelings. IMO

                          I thought so too. I was able to watch the episode over the weekend without interruptions. And he didn't. I love that whole take down scene. LOL, it can't come fast enough for me too.

                          Oh, lovely sigs you did for Linda.

                          Linda had a milestone. Congrats Linda!

                          Oh, congrats Blue!

                          Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                          Here it is then

                          Well, I (Cazz ) asked Rachel what she thought of JM's post on JT having a mutual attraction but that Teyla had settled with Kanaan. She started with that sweet lovely Raxhel smile she has and said 'Well he's a writer, he has his opinion. Ýou know these writers, they all have their opinions, she laughed. But you know, Teyla definately has an affinity to Kanaan, they grew up together but you know..." Then the girl next to her piped up 'If there had been another season?' And Rachel goes 'Yeah... you know... dot dot dot!' (she actually said dot dot dot )

                          It was clear that she wasn't too enamoured with the writers thoughts on it all and that she was expecting something between John and Teyla but it never happened
                          Interesting...thanks Cazz.

                          Originally posted by Camy View Post
                          Awww...thank you Cazz. Rachel has always been a JT shipper. She's never denied the attraction between John and Teyla and as you all know, Joe and Rachel have always played the attraction on screen as well.

                          We didn't make this stuff up guys! It was there till the end. Just them standing next to each other at the end tells us that it's never left. And even the writers can't deny it.

                          So, basically, Teyla is in
                          loveless relationship. Harboring feelings for John and John as well harboring feelings for a woman who is with another man.
                          How idiotic is that? *grrr*
                          You know my thoughts. The writers cop out! How can the writers expect us to believe that Teyla settled down with Kanaan...pleazzzze. How can I believe a relationship that they never bother to developed.

                          Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post

                          Looks like we´re busted!

                          .. you weren´t all that convincingly "in loooove" with that other guy...
                          And you were too thick headed to make the right move!!!
                          Don´t worry, they´ll fix it in their virtual season 6!
                          Too funny!

                          Originally posted by Padme18 View Post

                          I won't be around this week. My dad is having surgery for stage 1 Colon Cancer on Tuesday so I will be at the hospital a lot. I'll be back next week most likely and hopefully with artwork if my muse cooperates.

                          I truly hope your dad will be fine. God bless.

                          Originally posted by asgard30 View Post

                          I totally understand you and share your feeling As for GW I'm like you it's for this thread that I joined
                          Besides your Pretender sig is awesome

                          It's fun i agree with you on this. I always thought that concerning Teyla they always missed a thing concerning stress with John I mean. The Ark is my all time favorite ep but seriously I so wan(ted to see the angst on John face seeing that she wasn't there and a lot of time action was too quick and never shown emotions. Seriously the speed of the end of Prodigal was disconcerting I mean even as friendship if the authors had been honnests with themselves there would have been an hug or something. They were friends all these years not for dislike each other like this particularly without explanation

                          Hey you long time no see. How are you doing?

                          Yeah, we did had some discussions in th Rachel's thread about this. Thanks. Are you talking about this sig? Because I had another Pretender's sig today. I like your Pretender's sig too. Have you done any more artwork since the ones that I last saw? I was away from LJ and GW for some time.

                          Before, I saw the episode I was excited that we would get some angst from John. Only to be disappointed. There was a moment though when he was looking at the screen - you saw his concern, but the way they filmed this episode. I just don't think they put much effort into the emotional aspects of it. John and Teyla share something poignant with the death of Michael. Was that addressed? No. They went back to having Rodney and Sheppard racing cars at the end and Teyla holding TJ smiling and watching them. I would have like to have seen a conversation between John and Teyla discussing what happened with Michael. We didn't have to hear the conversation just the pretense of them having a conversation. I like this episode a lot and I will watch it again before I watch some other episodes of Season 5. This episode had the potential to be an awesome episode instead of just a good one.

                          Awesome artwork.
                          Last edited by Hope24; 15 June 2009, 08:23 PM.
                          Sigs made by the talented Cazzblade, Donna, Jeyla, Linda, Luciana, Mayra, Mrs.B, Padme
                          Scifan, Teylafan, WraithLord & YC & me.

                          Thanks for the memory to the cast and crew of Stargate Atlantis.
                          WraithLord - R.I.P.


                            Originally posted by Dr Quinn View Post
                            From a partial transcript of an interview Joe did on the Season 5 DVD:

                            Awww!! How sweet is that!! And it seems like the boys like teasing Rachel.
                            Sigs made by the talented Cazzblade, Donna, Jeyla, Linda, Luciana, Mayra, Mrs.B, Padme
                            Scifan, Teylafan, WraithLord & YC & me.

                            Thanks for the memory to the cast and crew of Stargate Atlantis.
                            WraithLord - R.I.P.


                              Originally posted by Dr Quinn View Post
                              From a partial transcript of an interview Joe did on the Season 5 DVD:

                              Thanks for coming in and sharing it with us...

                              That is the cutest and sweetest thing
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                I'm glad you all had a good time and I bet that was funny for them to figure out your keyboard. LOL!!!

                                I'm sure you'll enjoy them. I know I did.

                                Hmmmm. Let me see.... was it the JT part or the....
                                Teyla whumping that got you excited?

                                YEP!!! That's the smiley


                                Hey Ninja. I hope you don't mind me posting the other sig I made you.

                                That is awesome Hun
                                Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana

