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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by gater101 View Post
    Title: The Kindling, part four
    Summary: And as he walked away, he hoped he knew what he was thanking him for.
    Characters: Carson, Rodney
    Rating: K+
    Wow awesome story so sweet and well done I love it
    Originally posted by Mayra View Post
    Wow! those are some really cool affects you did to the sigs!. They came out great asgard!

    Thank you for the Congrats as well!...i'm so glad you liked them!.

    YAY!..we suspected it was a Mistake by Picardos part but its so nice to have it confirmed. Thank you MrsB!.

    Wow, great icons Hope!

    Lovely Carson sig and i love what it says!.

    Another lovely Carson sig! it's so cute with the hearts!

    Very nice!!!...and you used micheal! cool!
    Thank you so much wow i'm really glad that they pleased you thank you
    Originally posted by Mayra View Post
    Happy Birthday Luciana!!!

    And since you liked it, here is the Carson icon for you, that is if you want it

    Wow awesome icon
    Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
    Sneaks in, in the night...
    Just practising...
    Been playing with PB, I can't figure out how to use multiple pics yet, so have to fiddle with one scene.
    And I'm not brave enough to try Gimp, yet.

    Must be in a hopeless romantic mood...
    Wow awesome idea I love when you are in a hopeless romantic mood
    Originally posted by LandJrule View Post
    I emailed it yesterday to my boyfriend whose over in Canada doing stuff, & he replied saying:
    "Loz! That was amazing! Angsty John- hehehe! And the end was fab! You're really getting good at it."
    Only problem is he's missed the end of s3. Luckily I've kept all the episodes on the dvd player......

    Watched "First Strike" this morning taped from last night.
    Who the hell is Ellis & since when has the Apollo been around?????
    Didn't even notice it was Lorne flying one of the ships that got the asteroid until they mentioned his name.
    And the massive whumpage round the Control Room- poor buggers.
    And John just walks in looking shocked.
    Except I didn't like he practically ignored Teyla in the end scene- didn't check on her......
    EDIT: whoops. He asked "you guys alright?"- just checked transcript.
    PLUS, it takes 16 min (on tape- most likely less cos that's including ads) to get Tey into it.

    Oh, & I loved the reference to the Fantastic 4 that John did. And the "huh?" reaction from Tey & Ronon.
    Yeah he has great idea
    Originally posted by Camy View Post
    I feel your pain Yappi....but this is what is holding me with some hope....

    Season 4 & 5 Spoilers

    I can't post all your comment but I agree with a lot of what you said even if things are painful or if I disagre with tiny little bit you say things really well and it's true. My only problem is totally stupid lol it was that since the authors seemed motivated for doing romantic things particularly if it's concrete for Keller I really hoped we would have a realisation I love UST so I don't want especially that there is concretisation but I would like to say 'hey you see this it's true' like you said a declaration to Ronon or anything. I so would like an AU moment lol. And it's why I can't wait that K leaves I mean that he doesn't be involved anymore in the JT that at least JT can evolved. I have to say I find it a little paiful that others have something while we are waiting. I wasn't a Sam Jack shipper and yet I felt the same with Unending and the scene between Daniel & Vala lol. But for exactly the reason you said i has to be careful and personnaly I'm glad with what the authors do. I would like that when they say that they will be less subtle in romantic pov it involves JT but I'm waiting to see what they've done
    Really beautiful icons
    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
    Hi this is really well done. I love the layout (now that I know what it means ) it's really well done
    Sig by the Great Linda06


      Originally posted by Mayra View Post
      Happy Birthday Luciana!!!

      And since you liked it, here is the Carson icon for you, that is if you want it

      You know I love that icon. I've voted for it.
      Thank you. *loves*


        It's SGA day.........................


          Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
          OT --

          Too bad. Well, make sure you try and cook a healthy meal soon then. Take good care of yourself and the family! *hugs*

          And I'm sorry that you're still feeling crappy. I know how you feel. Stupid migraines... Stay in bed, rest - and sleep! Feel better hun.

          I'm going on vacation tomorrow, so I will talk to you again in a week.
          Hee hee. Thanks I'll try.
          Thanks for your well wishes hun. I feel better this morning.

          Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
          Okay hun i Understand
          Thanks hun.

          Originally posted by Luciana View Post
          Thanks! Your birthday wishes are enough to make me happy. Don't worry.

          Oh Cazz. The Carson sig almost killed me. That's amazing. *loves*
          The Walli. With the CG scene I love so much. *stares* All mine.
          Thanks hun. *huggles*

          I LOVE IT sci! Looks so beautiful. One of my favorite scenes.

          Aawww. Thank you DONNA. It means a lot to me that you did these banner for me. I love them. You're getting better and better. *huggles*


          *sighs* Can't believe you all did those amazing arts for me. Thanks again. It's great to have a birthday like that one.
          Everytime I feel bad I'll have look at all those freaky awesome arts you did for me. I'm sure they will always cheer me up.
          I'm glad you like it.

          Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
          Oh, I know. I just have a bad taste left in my mouth from the whole S&J "mess-up".
          And thanks for the season 4 update.


          Gorgeous! Love the Ronon & Beckett interaction.

          Wall E

          I keep getting conflicting reports on this movie. LOL, I thought I would like it from the previews. I guess I should stick with my gut feeling and just go see it. LOL
          If you liked the other Pixar movies, then I think you'll enjoy this one too.

          And thanks.

          Originally posted by Hannanora View Post
          Well, I'd much rather be in the UK waiting for Atlantis than in Canada. We don't get Sci-Fi out here and from what I can tell... we don't get new Atlantis for a year and a half after it comes out. Seems a bit unfair, really, considering it's filmed in Canada!


          Aww... the sweetest film! I loved it!!! And I loved the pixar short at the beginning, too! What a vindictive little bunny... remind me never to forget to feed my pets (when I have some!). Go see - it's a great little film! And don't be late - you'll miss the bunny!

          Oh I know. I was dying laughing. The kids were too.

          Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
          Thanx TF! Have a fab hol


          Thanx asgard!

          Woo, glad you like And sooo happy you had a fab birthday

          I very much enjoyed your birthday too: spoiler for off topicness
          It was my bro's birthday too so great food and great company But my Mum has improved sooooo much lately (she has depression), she made my brother a birthday cake today She is an amazing cook and always used to make cakes for birthdays and take orders from people she worked with and stuff, she hasn't made anything since december so this is a msjor step in the right direction

          Thanx cc!

          Thanx Laura

          Thanks Cazz

          I'm glad your mom is doing better. Depression is such a rough thing to deal with. I hope she continues to do well.

          Originally posted by gater101 View Post
          Title: The Kindling, part four
          Summary: And as he walked away, he hoped he knew what he was thanking him for.
          Characters: Carson, Rodney
          Rating: K+

          Hope to read them all soon.

          Originally posted by Mayra View Post
          Happy Birthday Luciana!!!

          And since you liked it, here is the Carson icon for you, that is if you want it

          Wonderful job Mayra!!!

          Originally posted by Mayra View Post
          So much lovely artwork to try and catch up on! LOL!. So sorry if i miss anyone!.

          Beautiful! i love the blue color you used!

          Awesome icons!!! those were yours!, they are awesome! i love the Teyla one!!!!.

          WOW! love it!. A lot of awesome Carson in one sig! awesome!.

          and your common ground sig is as MrsB would say THE BOMB!

          Lovely!... Definitely capture some of the best Carson and Ronon moments!.

          At first i wasn't too sure about Wall-E but i've heard sooo many good things about that movie that now i want to go see it!.

          Those came out Great Donna! another awesome common ground sig!
          Thanks Mayra!

          Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
          Sneaks in, in the night...
          Just practising...
          Been playing with PB, I can't figure out how to use multiple pics yet, so have to fiddle with one scene.
          And I'm not brave enough to try Gimp, yet.

          Must be in a hopeless romantic mood...

          Very nice!!

          Those are awesome Cazz!!!

          Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
          Great job Donna!

          TJ: I sent you a PM.

          Oh for those that might want to use....
          Torren is sigs. We can't it's too much of a spoiler. Sorry


            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            It's SGA day.........................

            Woooohooooo!!! 13 1/2 hrs to go!!!!


              Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
              Great icons Cazz.
              Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
              Really beautiful icons
              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              Those are awesome Cazz!!!

              Oh for those that might want to use....
              Torren is sigs. We can't it's too much of a spoiler. Sorry
              Thanx TF, asgard and Sci!

              I figured as much Sci, probably won't be able to use it til S6

              Thanx for the well wishes to my mum Jess, asgard and Sci

              What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                Hi everybody i can't stay long RL is still keeping me very busy.

                I just wanted to stop by quickly and post a birthday present for Luci and to say hi i miss you all *hugs everyone in the thread* hopefully RL will calm down soon.

                Well here's Luci's present Happy Belated Birthday it's OT so spoiler tag



                  Author's Links

                  Anlaria Onyx aka Agrabah's Princess

                  Camy aka Cielito



                  Doxymom's page

                  Second site

                  Hope24 aka Fox66








                  Ruby Caspar

                  Ryan C. Charles



                  Seldear aka Tielan

                  SheylaFreak aka Camerine

                  Teal'c206 aka Jack O'Neal2006

                  Teyilia aka Autumnstarr



                  Winged Pegasus


                  Find More JT Fanfics On These Sites:


                  JT Convergence

                  Unique Bond

                  Fanfic Central (Teal'c is looking for Aurthors to help a new site and post fics.)

                  Author's Fanfics Daily/Weekly Post Links

                  Round Robin Fic Jan., Round Robin Fic Feb., Round Robin Fic Mar., Round Robin Fic April, Round Robin May

                  Round Robin June: Parts 1-10, part 11

                  Forces of Nature

                  Primary Target

                  Spectrum JT Rarepairing fic

                  Kissing is Better

                  Kindling, Kindling Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

                  What is Love

                  The Day That It Was Hell for John

                  The Long Way Home (S&R spoiler)

                  Spaces of Belonging

                  Stargate Atlantis: An Old Enemy Returns, Part 1

                  He Is Mine

                  Another World


                  Night Phantoms
                  Uncommon Bond

                  Dinner Plans

                  Fanfic Chapter Updates

                  Anlaria Onyx aka Agrabah's Princess:
                  Ancient Baby Maker Chapter 19- Girl's Day Out

                  Carter O'Neill aka Sillyscipia:
                  Paintball War Chapter 4

                  The Enemy Within Part 2, Chapter 1: Relationships
                  The Journal Chapter 5

                  Tainted Survival Part 8

                  Journey to Bring Them Home Chapter 8
                  One Moment In Time Chapter 5 (Mature Reading and Cold Shower Alert for Chapter 4)
                  Silent Torture Chapter 3

                  Betrayal (Updated and finished. 3.28)

                  Dark Planet Chapter 7

                  Planet tv:
                  Teyla Snatcher(updated 6-26-08)
                  A Wish Yet to Come(updated 6-26-08)
                  DNA Snatchers(updated 6-26-08)

                  Ruby: Atlantis Lake Chapter 3, Chapter 4
                  I Have Almost Forgotten the Taste of Fears Chapter 6

                  SGA- A Rip In Time Chapter 3
                  Mature Readers Only

                  Captivity Chapter 5
                  Lost Chapter 2

                  Thayne M:
                  The Journal Chapter 8(Not to be confused with Devine's story with same title.)
                  Stupid Cupid and Other Rhyming Words

                  Paternity Chapter 5 Chapter 6
                  Cold Shower Alert!!!
                  Warning: Mature Readers ONLY!

                  YappiChick: Out of the Loop Chapter 2



                  The Ascension War part 2 New Birth Chapter 16

                  Parting Thoughts

                  Non-JT stories and sites:

                  Cabouse Fics:
                  Find SGA and SG-1 fics @ Heliopolis
                  I didn't see any JT, but it might have other good stories.


                  Are We There Yet

                  Severed Ties

                  Doctor Who- The Discovery

                  SGA Lightsaber Story

                  Beauty Secrets

                  Shep Whump Round Robin

                  July Birthdays

                  Ruby's Gifts:

                  By Gator: Tales from a Brewery Floor
                  By MrsB: Till the End
                  By Scifan: (No Title)
                  By YappiChick: Drinking Problem

                  Fic Rec
                  From Blue: Author-Frisco: Helping Hands

                  Linda's gift
                  By Yappichick(picking on Linda ficlet)

                  Master List of Author and their stories

                  If I missed anything Please PM me. And try to send me your post link to my PM. Click on the number on your post, then copy and paste the web address.


                    Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                    Thanx TF, asgard and Sci!

                    I figured as much Sci, probably won't be able to use it til S6

                    Thanx for the well wishes to my mum Jess, asgard and Sci

                    I kinda thought so too, but was still hoping.
                    NP Cazz.

                    Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
                    Hi everybody i can't stay long RL is still keeping me very busy.

                    I just wanted to stop by quickly and post a birthday present for Luci and to say hi i miss you all *hugs everyone in the thread* hopefully RL will calm down soon.

                    Well here's Luci's present Happy Belated Birthday it's OT so spoiler tag
                    WL!!!!!!!!!!! We miss ya!!!
                    Awesome Carson sig.

                    Did any one make a fic for Tey? Just wondering?


                      Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                      Title: The Kindling, part four
                      Summary: And as he walked away, he hoped he knew what he was thanking him for.
                      Characters: Carson, Rodney
                      Rating: K+

                      heehee nice......Love the interaction with Carson/Rodney!

                      Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                      Happy Birthday Luciana!!!

                      And since you liked it, here is the Carson icon for you, that is if you want it

                      Oh this is awesome!

                      Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
                      Sneaks in, in the night...
                      Just practising...
                      Been playing with PB, I can't figure out how to use multiple pics yet, so have to fiddle with one scene.
                      And I'm not brave enough to try Gimp, yet.

                      Must be in a hopeless romantic mood...

                      When are you not in a hopeless romantic mood um so yeah.....beautiful

                      Originally posted by Camy View Post
                      I feel your pain Yappi....but this is what is holding me with some hope....

                      Season 4 & 5 Spoilers
                      I had a long convo about this with two friends...and I just want to write that this is just my thoughts and in no way shape or form am I stating that this is a fact, simply my little happy place for now....*wink*

                      Rachel got pregnant, the writers were thrown a curveball. Teyla got pregnant and Kanan appeared and VOILA...she's been seeing someone that we didn't know about!

                      Observation number 1: If the writers wanted to make Kanan and Teyla a love story...they would have given us one plain and simple. The actor playing Kanan seems to have been available. Instead they threw us this plot to explain Teyla's pregnancy due to Rachel's real life pregnancy.

                      I...*points to self* would have much rather have had a "scifi like" pregnancy, but the majority seem to have NOT wanted that and so did the writers. So, we have a real life pregnancy with a real life daddy.

                      Noting that I don't care for this plot whatsoever, I do have to give the writers some credit; in my eyes, they really did try to make this as much as possible in Teyla's favor, if I may use those words carefully. Not taking into consideration how I personally feel about any of this...the bottom line is looking into Teyla's past and what I've seen from her now, I still believe that Teyla didn't "carelessly" spent the night with Kanan.

                      Her words "it just happened" still make me shiver at what it could mean. I'm hoping she meant that as the pregnancy and not at the entire relationship between her and Kanan.

                      See, if Teyla was the type of character that on occassion we found her to be with other men, then I could buy that comment because it would be within character. But up till then, we knew of Teyla without anyone, hence John and everyone else's surprise, except Ronon.

                      So, was she truly hiding Kanan from the others, NO! Ronon noticed it. They were just not looking.

                      The bottom line is Teyla owes no explanation as to her affairs after hours just like neither do any of them.

                      John might just as easily have a child somewhere in the Pegasus that we don't know about, too.

                      So, for me...the writers opted with a storyline that certainly puts some distance between our duo, and yet in Season 4 it brought them even closer and more intimate. And I can only imagine what Season 5 is going to do.

                      For me, to have Teyla now go and find John and admit her feelings to him, is really out of character. For me, as much as I don't like it, it's within Teyla's character to continue and fight for the father of her child. In Teyla's eyes and in John's if there was ever any hope of anything else between them, now there is none. So, I don't forsee that Teyla is going to do anything or say anything to John or anyone else that will admit her feelings towards John. For me, Teyla will be truthful to Kanan. That's the Teyla that I know.
                      That's the Teyla that I want to continue seeing.

                      John....John will continue to be John. In his eyes, he's never had the chance to be with Teyla. For whatever reason, he never admitted his feelings to Teyla and has not only denied it to himself but also to even Ronon. And after S&R and seeing that he wasn't surprised about dreaming with Teyla in a romantic dinner, tells me that he's dreamt of her before, that he's aware of his feelings for her and has chosen not to act upon them for whatever reason, I don't know.

                      Hence Teyla went to Kanan. She admitted her feelings to someone and also admitted that she would never do anything or say anything to him because those are not the ways of her people. Hence Kanan must have made the first move and he's part of her people and he has a unique connection with her and they are friends. Teyla chose the second best thing. And I can totally see that in Teyla.

                      Right now, what I think we are going to see, is that Teyla is going to want to find a cure for Kanan. But as long as Kanan is bug boy, we aren't going to see anything "romantic" between them, and we haven't yet, either! So, that is a good sign. The writers have to find closure for Kanan in a way that will keep Teyla's character true to herself, and hence JM's comment that Teyla has a man, and has a child from that man. They want to deal with that first. And I like it that they are keeping him bug boy. If he was brought back to normal quickly, then I'd worry because I do see Teyla moving on with Kanan even when she has feelings for John. She's opted not to pursue it and not to wait for it. I can understand that too.

                      Lastly, John I see continuing to pursue Teyla because as we've seen in Season 4 he simply can't be without her even while she's with another. I think it will be interesting to see him fight those feelings and hold back on his real thoughts, but one thing I know is that he's going to want her back on the team, and he's going to continue to protect and be with her. He did it in Season 4 when she was trying to pull away from him and I expect nothing less.

                      Is she playing with him? I don't think so. Nothing was ever admitted or clearly stated by either one of them, and both have pursued someone else. They've done nothing wrong to each other. Do they both have feelings for one another? I think so. I think we will see Teyla struggle with her feelings both for Kanan and John. But I think after S*R there should be no doubt that her love is John and not Kanan. She trusted him to come for her, she never gave up hope because she counted on him to come find her even while the father of her child was right there with her and clearly out of Michael's grasp.

                      These two will face even more challenges this season and I don't expect any romance just like JM commented, and although it saddens me, I think that even moreso after seeing S&R, it is far from over between them. At least I hope the rest of the season continues in that direction.

                      What I hope to see is Teyla continue to make a family with Kanan. I expect that from her character because that's the Teyla that I've been show so far. One that doesn't take relationships lightly, that doesn't have an affair lightly and just for convenience and pleasure...she went to Kanan because she needed and wanted pure love and commitment and Kanan gave her that and John didn't. He offer her friendship.

                      I think and hope that the whole Kanan story ends this season sooner rather than later. I know that if they do kill him, she will mourn him but she can move on. I know that if he opts to turn bad completely Teyla will try to want to save him, so I rather he just dissappears out of thin air. And I hope that John continues to stand by her and realizes that he needs and loves her so that when she does become available, he will be there to embrace her and never loose her again.

                      It can be done. And it can still be done right. Do I like it? HELL NO! But I think it's still beautiful and still something that keeps all characters in tact with who they are. Teyla has shown where she stands with John...she sees him and only him as the number one man in her life. She named her child after her own father and John...that means a lot! Other people can argue she did it out of friendship and respect, and that is true, but hidden underneath everything we saw her do to save Kanan and then to so casually and naturally want her child name after him...Yeah, she loves this man! and then of course there are all the subtle connotations in the episode that clearly show that these writers haven't given up on JT.

                      What I hate to see is that this season ends with the same feeling as last season. Last season we thought it was the end because of her pregnancy and in the contrary, we got some of the best scenes in JT history. So, although I don't expect any outright romance, I do expect that closeness to continue and the need to be with one another and seek one another will continue to be there, and if I"m lucky, John will confess his feelings towards Teyla to Ronon or someone else.

                      That would be GREAT!

                      But, yeah...Yappi, I do think that JT won't be going to that next level that we wanted, but I do think that this will bring them even closer.

                      Ooh i like this scenario....Can i have these thoughts too

                      Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                      Thanx Mayra!



                      ooh more awesome icons from the icon queen!

                      Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                      These are awesome Donna!

                      Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
                      Hi everybody i can't stay long RL is still keeping me very busy.

                      I just wanted to stop by quickly and post a birthday present for Luci and to say hi i miss you all *hugs everyone in the thread* hopefully RL will calm down soon.

                      Well here's Luci's present Happy Belated Birthday it's OT so spoiler tag
                      Ooh more lovelies!


                        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                        It's SGA day.........................

                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        Woooohooooo!!! 13 1/2 hrs to go!!!!
                        I think I have nothing more to say and thanks for the links
                        Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                        Thanx TF, asgard and Sci!

                        I figured as much Sci, probably won't be able to use it til S6

                        Thanx for the well wishes to my mum Jess, asgard and Sci

                        Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
                        Hi everybody i can't stay long RL is still keeping me very busy.

                        I just wanted to stop by quickly and post a birthday present for Luci and to say hi i miss you all *hugs everyone in the thread* hopefully RL will calm down soon.

                        Well here's Luci's present Happy Belated Birthday it's OT so spoiler tag
                        Hi WL I hope all is well. Awesome sig it's beautiful
                        HUGS to you and see you soon
                        Sig by the Great Linda06


                          Some icons...



                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            Some icons...

                            Nice! I love the first one on the second row--very artistic!
                            Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                              ooh more awesome icons from the icon queen!
                              Hehe! I don't think so

                              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                              Some icons...
                              Oooo! Love the third one

                              What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                                Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                                Nice! I love the first one on the second row--very artistic!
                                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                                Hehe! I don't think so

                                Oooo! Love the third one

                                Thanks guys.....If you want any help yourselves

