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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
    Oh great caps Ruby....

    The JT moments were really excellent in Quarantine... John and Teyla just looked like an old married couple already, with John fussing over her... and the moment when she took his hand and put it on her stomach, I squeeed for joy.... They are just so comfortable with each other and I love how Teyla is always touching John... her actions always seem quite intimate when it comes to John.. she allows him in her personal space without hesitation... I just couldnt imagine Teyla being this comfortable with any other guy other than John.
    I loved her concern for John too when he climbed up the tower and she couldnt see him.... she climbs out herself!! to me that really shows just how worried she was for him...sigh.. aww. The JT scenes were really the best in the episode and then Zelenka/Sam... I loved their interaction and Zelenka is such a cutie... and YAY he got to save the day. !!
    I agree, wholeheartedly!
    I loved the whole "sit down... *pulls a chair into her, basuically* just sit down", lol. He's soooo cute when he's all protective. There was certainly a closeness there between them and few awkward moments - there, was,of course mention of the father's child. And his "family" commentooo. Sooo sweet.

    But, can I just say, how HOT is John/Joe climbing up the tower...
    Also loved Radek tossing himself down the air shaft! Hahaha!

    Originally posted by YappiChick View Post

    I think they are forming an attachment to John and the baby. When the baby ends up in peril (because, do anyone really think everything will be all peaches and cream when it's time for the baby to be born?) John will be sad, angry and everything in between. Since Teyla is off-limits, John has to show his affection to the unborn child.

    And ITA, about John touching her tummy. None of my male friends or babe's friends, would put their hands on my tummy nor would I put them on their. It's a very personal thing.
    Well, I've never been pregnant but I would think it's quite an intimate thing too.
    and the way they just reached for one another... well. Need I say more?

    Originally posted by seldear View Post
    ..we'll always have Parisl.
    More commonely known as "Conversion"? Or am I mixing that up with "Spoils of War"?
    don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

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      Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
      Is there a time limit? I'll be back befor the 7pm artwork deadline, but is there another?
      I added a extra hour as I got up late, the artwork time limit is seven pm my time(just over two hours fromnow) the birthday messages though have until 8 pm mytime (just over three hours)

      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


        Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
        I added a extra hour as I got up late, the artwork time limit is seven pm my time(just over two hours fromnow) the birthday messages though have until 8 pm mytime (just over three hours)
        oh crap! i won't be back in time... oh well! I'll try and come home asap!


          JM BLOG UPDATE

          “A relationship blossoms, an engagement is planned.” = Quarantine.

          Joyce writes: “Hi Joe, I was wondering… when the SGA cast was chosen, were the main characters mostly chosen through auditions, or did you (meaning the head execs for SGA) have some of the actors in mind already?”

          Answer: The casting was a long and often arduous process. I remember that one of the first roles cast was that of Dr. Beckett. Weir followed soon after. The characters of Sheppard and Teyla proved quite a challenge for most of the actors who auditioned. It took a while, but we finally found the right people for both roles. But that was nothing compared to our attempts to find the right person to play the role of the team scientist. After countless auditions and production fast-approaching, Robert Cooper had the brilliant idea of using an established SG-1 character instead: Carter’s arrogant, annoying, yet some lovable rival, Dr. Rodney McKay. Rob gets a gold star for that one.


            Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
            It's short and hopefully not to sweet (sorry in advance for any cavities ): Campanion
            I need an insulin shot now but I loved it!!!

            Click here daily to give free mammograms

            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I"m going to screammm.....oh, I'm screaming already...

              I HATE SATELLITE!!!!

              Hubby and I record Stargate..well, he records Flash Gordon and all those shows before SGA but in the middle of Quarantine, the stupid satellite went off, and now I"m trying to buy it in Itunes and it's not there!



                Originally posted by YappiChick View Post

                I think they are forming an attachment to John and the baby. When the baby ends up in peril (because, do anyone really think everything will be all peaches and cream when it's time for the baby to be born?) John will be sad, angry and everything in between. Since Teyla is off-limits, John has to show his affection to the unborn child.

                And ITA, about John touching her tummy. None of my male friends or babe's friends, would put their hands on my tummy nor would I put them on their. It's a very personal thing.
                I loved how easily she did that... it was just so comfortable and just... aw! *warm feeling*

                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post

                What can I say that all of you haven't!
                Sorry...I couldn't get all the posts I wanted to post....It would let me! I loved all of them!!
                I actually really liked this ep! It is so true that out of all the pairings that JT are like the 'old married coulple'! I so agree with Blue when she stated in her post.(I think it was Blue!)
                I love how protective John is over Teyla fussing over her. When Teyla put his hand on her stomach it was a bittersweet moment for me. It was so sweeee!! I so wish that Canoe did not have come into the picture but, alas, he does and the confrontations will begin. We will just have to wait and see how this all plays out!

                You are correct Ruby about him not mentioning college until SoW and that this is the second time that he says something about his college days. And, I have to admit to squeeeeeeeing when he was climbing the tower!! I so loved it!! I could just slap ya Rubes because, I actually did have the SpiderJohn song thing in my head when that happened.

                The J/R moment in the beginning of the ep was hilarious!! John calling Rodney DUDE!! was priceless! And, when R mentioned the rock on the ring was an eighth of carat and he got a really good deal!! John replying, I'm sure you did!! YES! I was so laughing!!!!!!!

                Who knew! Ronon likes nerdy girls!!... It was nice to hear Ronon talk about Melana and stuff. We haven't really gotten to hear about it. How Keller reminded of her! That was cool! I loved the oxygen tank thing and the reference to JAWS!! I loved R's gleeful smile during this moment and when Keller asked how did see the movie. Ronan said he watched it Sheppard and he when he it's a good movie! That so reminded of The Return when Shep quoted the Princess Bride and it'a a good movie!!! I love that!

                Rodney was just truly freakin' just John said. Truly not one of his best moments.

                Can we all SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEee aloud about Sheppykins knowing Rodney's password!!! I so love that!!!!!!!!! I was trying not to laugh aloud as to not disturb the rest of the peeps in my household!!!!!! The reference to DG and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG!!! What I don't understand is why Rodney didn't the that Sheppykins would not have remembered his password when he (Sheppy) is a math genius himself. HINT: Him taking the Mensa test and being to the thing in The Brotherhood!...DUH!! So, of course he would have been able to remember the code.

                The K/R moments were kinda there for me. No, Rodney was and is no where near ready for a serious commitment! We all know that.

                Teyla gettin' out on the ledge! I know I probably would do it myself but, I just had a mother moment! I caught myself saying to the screen : You've got me confuse with someone who is going to let not lose the last brain cell in your head! This is not I am going to scale a tower for the pregnant lady day!! But , you could see where she was concerned for John.

                How does Teyla really feel about Kanan? How is John going to react to finally coming face to face with him? And, is Teyla even with John in the Kindred pt. 2? From the cap I've only seen her with Lorne.

                They've got more than friendship going our JT. The bond between them is way more than friendship. But, we all know that.

                And as I end my non sense of rambling and babblings. I leave you with this!!

                HAHA you know you love me really Elf!


                Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                  May I ask a rookie question of the veteran J/T shippers?

                  How do you feel about TPTB, considering how they've handled this ship? And has the constant push-pull turned you off to J/T, or made you cling to it all the more, because it's best when love ultimately conquers all?

                  I've always been able to see the possibilities of J/T together. It just makes so much sense. But IMO, TPTB haved turned them into Ross and Rachel....putting them together, tearing them apart....gaaaah! It drives me crazy!

                  I had high hopes when I heard


                  about Teyla's pregnancy. I thought "FINALLY! Teyla and John admit their feelings and hook up!"

                  ....but the way that storyline has played out this season has left me a little

                  Need I say more?

                  Got Fanfic?


                    Originally posted by Camy View Post
                    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I"m going to screammm.....oh, I'm screaming already...

                    I HATE SATELLITE!!!!

                    Hubby and I record Stargate..well, he records Flash Gordon and all those shows before SGA but in the middle of Quarantine, the stupid satellite went off, and now I"m trying to buy it in Itunes and it's not there!

                    OH NO.....Camy's having a meltdown.....Man that suxs!!


                      Originally posted by Camy View Post
                      AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I"m going to screammm.....oh, I'm screaming already...

                      I HATE SATELLITE!!!!

                      Hubby and I record Stargate..well, he records Flash Gordon and all those shows before SGA but in the middle of Quarantine, the stupid satellite went off, and now I"m trying to buy it in Itunes and it's not there!

                      Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      That is tragic.

                      Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                        Ruby, Linda...this is not the time to pick on CAMY!

                        SHE'S PISSED! *wink*


                          Originally posted by Camy View Post
                          AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I"m going to screammm.....oh, I'm screaming already...

                          I HATE SATELLITE!!!!

                          Hubby and I record Stargate..well, he records Flash Gordon and all those shows before SGA but in the middle of Quarantine, the stupid satellite went off, and now I"m trying to buy it in Itunes and it's not there!


                          That so bites!!!!

                          Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                          I loved how easily she did that... it was just so comfortable and just... aw! *warm feeling*

                          HAHA you know you love me really Elf!

                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            Originally posted by DoodleyDog View Post
                            May I ask a rookie question of the veteran J/T shippers?

                            How do you feel about TPTB, considering how they've handled this ship? And has the constant push-pull turned you off to J/T, or made you cling to it all the more, because it's best when love ultimately conquers all?

                            I've always been able to see the possibilities of J/T together. It just makes so much sense. But IMO, TPTB haved turned them into Ross and Rachel....putting them together, tearing them apart....gaaaah! It drives me crazy!

                            I had high hopes when I heard


                            about Teyla's pregnancy. I thought "FINALLY! Teyla and John admit their feelings and hook up!"

                            ....but the way that storyline has played out this season has left me a little
                            when I heard about the pregnancy I was excited, but I never thought that it would be John's - at least not in a normal way. I thought that if he was the father it would be because of an alien experiment or some foul play or an ancient machine or something like that - I didn't think that they would just get together and have a baby. Stargate just doesn't do that.

                            TPTB were thrown a curveball with Rachel's pregnancy, and I think that on the whole they've handled it well. It would have been nice if we'd met Kanan before, but you can't have everything. And hopefully we'll get to meet him soon. The fact that Kanan exists doesn't worry me in the slightest - we're getting some of the best angst and JT moments right now - and I love angst in their relationship! Plus, there's no way Kanan is going to become a recurring character. They'll kill him off. And they'll probably get rid of the baby in some way, though I can't decide whether or not I like the idea of the baby disappearing...

                            I kind of know what you mean about the Ross/Rachel thing, but they haven't really got together enough for my liking ... but I have high hopes that will continue to get closer during this season and the next.

                            Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                              Originally posted by Camy View Post
                              Ruby, Linda...this is not the time to pick on CAMY!

                              SHE'S PISSED! *wink*
                              I was being totally serious. I would curl up and weep. No joke. *innocent eyes*

                              Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                                Originally posted by DoodleyDog View Post
                                May I ask a rookie question of the veteran J/T shippers?

                                How do you feel about TPTB, considering how they've handled this ship? And has the constant push-pull turned you off to J/T, or made you cling to it all the more, because it's best when love ultimately conquers all?

                                I've always been able to see the possibilities of J/T together. It just makes so much sense. But IMO, TPTB haved turned them into Ross and Rachel....putting them together, tearing them apart....gaaaah! It drives me crazy!

                                I had high hopes when I heard


                                about Teyla's pregnancy. I thought "FINALLY! Teyla and John admit their feelings and hook up!"

                                ....but the way that storyline has played out this season has left me a little
                                Oh my,where to start
                                Well in some eps it's like finally their moving forward then in others it's like um ok what the hell are they doing with John and Teyla,,,For me i don't think the guys at SGA can decide what to do with JT...One minute they're getting closer then the next they're pulling them apart...It's like they're scared to write a romantic relationship for those two....I mean they give us all these hints that they like each other as more than just friends then they go and give Teyla a relationship with siomeone else and that he's the Father of the Baby,one that we've never heard off or seen before this season,i mean come on who's gonna believe that,now some sort of experiment would be way more believable....If they weren't intending to push this relationship forward then why give us these moments to begin with,give us these false hopes..

                                Relationships do work between main Characters,just look at CSI New York,if it's written right it can work and not take away from the essence of the show,we don't want them to be all lovey dovey in every scene,god forbid if that happened but relationships have to have a chance to grow!

                                Um sorry for that rather long rant...I'll shut up now!

                                Camy - I'm sorry,i wasn't trying to be mean..I was trying to be sympathetic and not doing a very good job of it!

