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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Sci -
    I really really like how your having him lose his memory in chunks. It totally adds to the suspense and anxiety of the situation and not just for him either. Can you imagine the stress of knowing something is happening to you little by little and theres nothing you can do? Poor Shep...Awesome update dude! Keep it up!


      Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
      Snippet #2
      Setting the kitten on the bed Teyla turned around, "she did" she said somewhat hesitant to speak. "Your mission went well?"

      "Oh yeah, like normal when it comes to the Wraith." John said taking a seat as Teyla sat on the bed with the kitten crawling its way into her lap to sleep, her little forepaws under her head as she slept. "You have a name for it yet?"

      "Her" Teyla corrected.

      "oh, you got a name for her yet?" John then said nodding as he was corrected. he started to smile when he saw the kitten in Teyla's lap alseep, somehow he couldn't stay mad. The kitten was just too darned cute. And John knew it.

      "I didn't yet think of one, I was thinking of waiting a short while before naming her, unless she already has a name." Teyla said, already wondering what John was thinking, more about her herself then the kitten, mostly because she had changed clothes after getting the needed things for the kitten. Now the kitten was on her leg asleep and she was sure that John was taking her in more then the kitten. And Teyla knew it. "Like what you see?" Teyla thought, not knowing that the kitten herself also sent John the same thought.

      John just stared, "Did you just get into my head?.... Nevermind." John stood up, something felt different, "I think I'll....." The Kitten woke up as John spoke cutting him off in mid speak, and let out a large kitten sized yawn and John had the sudden idea to say. "Something about that kitten makes me want to stay here." He looked to Teyla, "And it's not the kitten either."

      Teyla smiled faintly, somehow John was right, it wasn't the kitten that was making him want to stay in the room, which made her a bit nervous. What was it if not the kitten that made him want to stay? "John?" Teyla was unsure of where the conversaion (if there even was one) was going, but where ever it was headed so far she was a little unsure. "Is something wrong?"

      "Hmm? Not that I know of why?" John looked to Teyla and she saw clearly something that she had seen the first time they met, but, was it truely what she saw? No it wasn't, the first time they met back on Athos only seven months before she had seen only kindness in Johns eyes, now this time she saw..... something that reminded her of longing, as if he wanted to be with her and her with him. But how could she put those into words?

      Teyla had no idea how to answer John, but the kitten did instead by getting up and padding over to John's outstreched hand and started to lick his fingers, John played with the kitten a few seconds then asked, "what's wrong?" he had noticed Teyla being unusually quiet.

      Teyla took a breath, "well, it is nothing really, other then that you seem to want something, what is it?" Teyla looked both concerned and somewhat scared, What if John didn't want her? What if he only wanted her for so long then leave her? with all the questions going through her head she didn't notice John setting the kitten back in her lap.

      "Well, something tells me that this little kitten might be the cause of why I'm here. After all Weir told me to come here after I reported to her." John said giving Teyla a smile, only to get grabbed by Teyla as he turned away to leave. "Wha.... You getting a little touchy feely now? When did that start?"

      Teyla, relizing she had Johns arm in a deathgrip let go. "I am sorry, I did not think before I acted." she said quietly.

      "Don't be" John said startleling Teyla with the way his voice sounded, he himself was also startled as he spoke, calmly and in no way mad, more like total surprise at the fact that Teyla grabbed him. "What's on your mind?"

      Teyla had looked away from John, nervous of what she might say or do that she did not want, "I don't know, I guess I am tired as it is late." She was right it was late and she had a idea. "Perhaps in the morning we could talk over this more?" she said.

      John nodded, "sounds good to me, sleep well Teyla" John then left the room and headed for his own room to sleep.
      And here is snippet #3
      The night slowly passed, though Teyla slept a fitful sleep, every few minutes her mind went over her thoughts of John, and the hopes that he wanted her as much as she did right then, the kitten though slept peacefully by her side. Looking to the kitten Teyla couldn't help but wonder if it was placed in the cloth at the campment by someone for her to find and bring home, John wasn't even mad when she had grabbed him, it was if she didn't want him to leave.

      The kitten seemed to sense Teyla watching her and opened her eyes, the bright green staring into Teylas deep brown, "Donnot worry this night, sleep now for it will be restful, I will take care of the rest" came a thought to Teyla's mind.

      Teyla was about to say something to the kitten when sleep overcame her and she zonked out cold. The kitten waited a minute or so before getting up and padding to the edge of the bed, then dropped to the ground with a soft 'plop', then scampering to the door as fast as the little kitten could run she headed for Johns room after Teyla's door slid aside, after all, the kitten was an Ancient, and she thought it best to use the doors like everyone else.

      Once inside Johns room the kitten padded over to Johns bed, John was staring at his ceiling, counting the number of lightbulbs in the currently off lights over his bed as he had the lamp on the bedstand on. he didn't notice the kitten until it was on his feet curled up in a ball. Looking down to the kitten at his feet John asked, "How did you get in here?"

      "Just sleep, everything will be well in the morning" Came a thought to John, who instead of sleeping right away took a good look around his room to make sure that it was only him and the kitten inside it, 'just sleep huh? OK I guess' John thought nodding off to sleep.

      Seeing John's breathing start to go into a normal sleeping pattern the kitten hopped to the floor with a second 'plop' and scampered to the door, once outside John's room the kitten faded away out of view, and met up with another on the Ascended Plane version of Atlantis.

      "Report, how is things going with the Humans?"

      Morgan looked to the first to speak, "So far I have only gotton them to sleep soundly, thinking of the other now, the woman, Teyla she is called, found me in the camp, unlike how we had planned it out for the one called John to find me. So I had to make do a bit."

      "You have been in Atlantis in the Mortal Realm too long Morgan." Moros said calmly, though not mad or anything, just stating a fact of nature, which was actually true, Morgan had never really left the city even when she Ascended.

      Morgan had to keep herself from laughing in her elders face right then and there, he was the one that knew of the past and how to correct it all, most of the plan was getting two humans together, and those two seemed nervous as all hades about it too.

      "You say they sleep now?"

      "Yes" Morgan answered, "I had planned on returning to the woman named Teyla to spend the rest of the night in her room, she seemed to have a hard time falling asleep" Morgan pause a minute, "Perhaps this is too soon....." she was cutoff by Moros.

      "No, either they profess their love for the other as we clearly saw in their eyes when they first me now or the War between Atlantis and the Wraith will never be truely ended." Moros said as if giving Morgan fresh orders. Which he just did. And those orders were clear, Get the pair to profess their love for the other no matter the cost. Even if it means the citys total destruction

      "I understand." The Ascended Plane of Atlantis then faded away and Morgan was once more on Teyla's bed to sleep the rest of the night. Now she needed to think, what could she do to get them to profess their love for the other? Smiling inwardly Morgan hopped off Teyla's bed and headed for Rodney's lab, she knew he was awake at that time of night, he rarely went to sleep at night being how they were so long in the city.

      Rodney looked up from his computer as the lab doors opened and the fresh smell of a cat entered his nose, when he noticed Morgan in the doorway his jaw dropped, he had never seen the kitten yet but he knew that it was the one Teyla had found, "well, hello little one. Where did you come from?" he then noticed Ford in the hallway. "and hello to you too."

      "Rodney, any idea where the kitten came from? I followed it from my room to here." Ford said, he was very confused about the happenings that day, what with John lost in thought after seeing Teyla was confusing enough.

      Before Rodney could answer the kitten mewled a bit, and as she did so Morgan told them her mission, "I am to get the ones you call Sheppard and Teyla to profess their love for the other, can you help me do that?" as a kitten Morgan had every ready rescorce a kitten could have at being cute, and a plan was set up, namely Rodney would go to Teyla and Ford to John. But right then, they all needed sleep.

      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


        Oooh! Thought you folks might like to know... remember the clip of Teyla hugging Shep from the Season 4 promo?

        There's a clip of it with *sound* up here.... (and I think maybe it's from Doppelganger)...


          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
          Oooh! Thought you folks might like to know... remember the clip of Teyla hugging Shep from the Season 4 promo?

          There's a clip of it with *sound* up here.... (and I think maybe it's from Doppelganger)...
          Hey Ali good to see you in here

          OK MrsB who voted for Dopp Ep for the hug scene to be in? is it too late to change my vote?

          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
            Oooh! Thought you folks might like to know... remember the clip of Teyla hugging Shep from the Season 4 promo?

            There's a clip of it with *sound* up here.... (and I think maybe it's from Doppelganger)...
            THANKS! I don't think that looks to me like DG...hmm....that looks like the real John to me...
            I think that's more like Missing..something happens to Teyla cause John is coming to see her.


              Alipeeps - Thanks a bunch dude!!

              SOS - Now I could hear it but this laptop wouldnt play a video with it.
              So was the part where he said "I was coming to see you, but I wasnt sure you wanted to see me" the hug part???


                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                Sci -
                I really really like how your having him lose his memory in chunks. It totally adds to the suspense and anxiety of the situation and not just for him either. Can you imagine the stress of knowing something is happening to you little by little and theres nothing you can do? Poor Shep...Awesome update dude! Keep it up!
                Thanks you soooo much MrsB.
                [SPOILERS]I'm glad you're liking this fic. I hope I can keep up with it. LOL[SPOILERS]

                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                Oooh! Thought you folks might like to know... remember the clip of Teyla hugging Shep from the Season 4 promo?

                There's a clip of it with *sound* up here.... (and I think maybe it's from Doppelganger)...
                OH MAN!!! Thank you soooo much Alipeeps!!! I gave you green too.
                Ok MrsB who won?
                It looks like Doppleganger.
                He said she was sexy again. grrrr.

                Now I got to go catch up on pages.



                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  Oooh! Thought you folks might like to know... remember the clip of Teyla hugging Shep from the Season 4 promo?

                  There's a clip of it with *sound* up here.... (and I think maybe it's from Doppelganger)...
                  Really... It will take a while for me to see it but thanks.
                  I'm still thinking TR is the eppy but can't wait to see for sure.

                  Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                  And here is snippet #3
                  The night slowly passed, though Teyla slept a fitful sleep, every few minutes her mind went over her thoughts of John, and the hopes that he wanted her as much as she did right then, the kitten though slept peacefully by her side. Looking to the kitten Teyla couldn't help but wonder if it was placed in the cloth at the campment by someone for her to find and bring home, John wasn't even mad when she had grabbed him, it was if she didn't want him to leave.

                  The kitten seemed to sense Teyla watching her and opened her eyes, the bright green staring into Teylas deep brown, "Donnot worry this night, sleep now for it will be restful, I will take care of the rest" came a thought to Teyla's mind.

                  Teyla was about to say something to the kitten when sleep overcame her and she zonked out cold. The kitten waited a minute or so before getting up and padding to the edge of the bed, then dropped to the ground with a soft 'plop', then scampering to the door as fast as the little kitten could run she headed for Johns room after Teyla's door slid aside, after all, the kitten was an Ancient, and she thought it best to use the doors like everyone else.

                  Once inside Johns room the kitten padded over to Johns bed, John was staring at his ceiling, counting the number of lightbulbs in the currently off lights over his bed as he had the lamp on the bedstand on. he didn't notice the kitten until it was on his feet curled up in a ball. Looking down to the kitten at his feet John asked, "How did you get in here?"

                  "Just sleep, everything will be well in the morning" Came a thought to John, who instead of sleeping right away took a good look around his room to make sure that it was only him and the kitten inside it, 'just sleep huh? OK I guess' John thought nodding off to sleep.

                  Seeing John's breathing start to go into a normal sleeping pattern the kitten hopped to the floor with a second 'plop' and scampered to the door, once outside John's room the kitten faded away out of view, and met up with another on the Ascended Plane version of Atlantis.

                  "Report, how is things going with the Humans?"

                  Morgan looked to the first to speak, "So far I have only gotton them to sleep soundly, thinking of the other now, the woman, Teyla she is called, found me in the camp, unlike how we had planned it out for the one called John to find me. So I had to make do a bit."

                  "You have been in Atlantis in the Mortal Realm too long Morgan." Moros said calmly, though not mad or anything, just stating a fact of nature, which was actually true, Morgan had never really left the city even when she Ascended.

                  Morgan had to keep herself from laughing in her elders face right then and there, he was the one that knew of the past and how to correct it all, most of the plan was getting two humans together, and those two seemed nervous as all hades about it too.

                  "You say they sleep now?"

                  "Yes" Morgan answered, "I had planned on returning to the woman named Teyla to spend the rest of the night in her room, she seemed to have a hard time falling asleep" Morgan pause a minute, "Perhaps this is too soon....." she was cutoff by Moros.

                  "No, either they profess their love for the other as we clearly saw in their eyes when they first me now or the War between Atlantis and the Wraith will never be truely ended." Moros said as if giving Morgan fresh orders. Which he just did. And those orders were clear, Get the pair to profess their love for the other no matter the cost. Even if it means the citys total destruction

                  "I understand." The Ascended Plane of Atlantis then faded away and Morgan was once more on Teyla's bed to sleep the rest of the night. Now she needed to think, what could she do to get them to profess their love for the other? Smiling inwardly Morgan hopped off Teyla's bed and headed for Rodney's lab, she knew he was awake at that time of night, he rarely went to sleep at night being how they were so long in the city.

                  Rodney looked up from his computer as the lab doors opened and the fresh smell of a cat entered his nose, when he noticed Morgan in the doorway his jaw dropped, he had never seen the kitten yet but he knew that it was the one Teyla had found, "well, hello little one. Where did you come from?" he then noticed Ford in the hallway. "and hello to you too."

                  "Rodney, any idea where the kitten came from? I followed it from my room to here." Ford said, he was very confused about the happenings that day, what with John lost in thought after seeing Teyla was confusing enough.

                  Before Rodney could answer the kitten mewled a bit, and as she did so Morgan told them her mission, "I am to get the ones you call Sheppard and Teyla to profess their love for the other, can you help me do that?" as a kitten Morgan had every ready rescorce a kitten could have at being cute, and a plan was set up, namely Rodney would go to Teyla and Ford to John. But right then, they all needed sleep.
                  Interesting and definitely worth the read. Good Job.


                    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                    I just found this it looks like Rachel will definatley not be in the finale of Atlantis according to this interview she Wrapped two weeks ago as she was getting Tired and it gives us a hint that the love interest is indeed someone that means alot to her and is a link to her past
                    Hmm...there's a lot here that we can speculate about...I"m not going to get worked up about this...we are just going to have to wait and see...but,
                    it's interesting how she words this..first...the confirmation with Gero can really be good and not good....I think that since Rachels' pregnancy shifted a couple of things, well then, that means that they might have changed their direction a bit...who knows. When the news first came out all I could think of was that Season 3 DVD's were recorded before Season 4 began. So, things could have changed. What I don't care to see as I've mentioned before is...

                    a love interest and a crush...I mean how can you explain Teyla slept with someone but in reality she has a crush on John...JEEPERS! Soap anyone....also, Rachels' words are interesting..she mentions that there is someone new, someone important from her past, important to her and important to her history and her people, she nevers mentions that she's in love with this new person.....I"m thinking, could she be referring to Davos? I don't know, that just came to me. I"m hoping that Rachel again is veering us and that she isn't talking about her love interest as being new but that instead she's mentioning Davos...but he doesn't come into play until The Seer...and she's pregnant way before that.....I just refuse to believe that the writers will make me believe that Teyla has someone in her life that got her pregnant but that deep inside she is in love with John...I care not to have John be the second guy around. It's not like Teyla. It doesn't sound like her pregnancy is something out of the ordinary though as we thought, since she does comment that it's not divine intervention and she mentions that there is somebody....*sighs*

                    We'll hopefully, we will know as an audience sooner rather than later.....


                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      Thanks you soooo much MrsB.
                      [SPOILERS]I'm glad you're liking this fic. I hope I can keep up with it. LOL[SPOILERS]

                      OH MAN!!! Thank you soooo much Alipeeps!!! I gave you green too.
                      Ok MrsB who won?
                      It looks like Doppleganger.
                      He said she was sexy again. grrrr.

                      Now I got to go catch up on pages.

                      It looks like Doppleganger.
                      He said she was sexy again. grrrr.
                      WHAT? Where did you get that...I missed something here!

                      NEVER MIND! I figured it out...yeah, Joe really thinks that Larrin's character will be a favorite this season....he's such a guy! LOL...but have you also noticed that he always brings up Teyla's
                      pregnancy? he almost sounds like Sheppard in there...jealous!!!!! LOL...and please..I'm referring to JOHN...NOT JOE!
                      Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 25 September 2007, 04:08 PM.


                        Originally posted by Camy View Post
                        THANKS! I don't think that looks to me like DG...hmm....that looks like the real John to me...
                        I think that's more like Missing..something happens to Teyla cause John is coming to see her.
                        I'm pretty sure it's from Doppelganger because John is wearing a fleecy top which he is seen wearing in a lot of the pics/caps from Doppelganger (and not in any other episode so far that I've seen). Don't mistake me, I don't think
                        the John in the clip is the evil John.. I think it's from the end of the episode, and John is worried his friends - and Teyla - won't want to be around him so much after and evil thing with his face tortured them in their dreams. I think that's what he means by "I was just about to come see you but I wasn't sure if you wanted to see me..." and Teyla, bless her soul, just hugs him to let him know things are still okay with them...


                          Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                          Look like I'm not really looking forwards to the finale for this season, IF there is a S5 and when that comres to DVD I'm hoping that Teyla is in the first episode! man I hate this, all my hopes are shattered now that Teyla is not in the Finale BUT she is in the two episodes BEFORE it so why not be in a few scenes?

                          I need a hug somebody!!!
                          I know, I'm so bummed! Even though we knew it was going to happen, it's still sad to see it confirmed she's not there for the finale! I'm holding out small hope that maybe they filmed a small side scene with her ahead of time, before she wrapped. *crossing fingers tightly!*

                          As for that other comment:

                          The infamous love interest...AH! This is driving me nuts! She worded that one VERY carefully, so it still doesn't tell us anything different or new, that's for sure. But it does remind me not to so flippantly rule out a possible love interest entirely. I'm still in the camp that there is a twist to this pregnancy and it's not from some random guy that's magically introduced, especially in light of other tidbits that are known, but until these episodes air, and we finally know with 100% certainty, it's still in the realm of possibilities. I'm really hoping we don't see the whole love triangle route. Even though no matter what happens, I'm confident this season will be great for J/T, I still hate the idea of a triangle.

                          Let's see, what do we know so far:

                          1. John is the crush in Sunday, which takes place after the break in Return 1, so the thought that she fell in love with an Athosian while John was away is unlikely. That is speculation of course, but we do know for a fact that John is her crush and that they have not been separated since this was revealed so it would not be believable to throw in a lover.

                          2. There have been no casting sides for a love interest.

                          3. Conner T. (Michael) stated at a recent con that he was "confident" that Michael has something to do with the pregnancy.

                          4. Rachel has commented on a love interest being introduced before the start of two different seasons now. She is known for vague and teasing answers and for wording things very specifically and carefully.

                          5. Rachel commented that Joe sees John feeling some jealousy over Teyla this season.

                          6. This pregnancy is somehow tied to a "last of her kind" comment.

                          7. Teyla calls the situation "complicated" and initially hides it from the others.

                          8. JM has hinted that this is not a normal pregnancy.

                          What we don't know:

                          1. Well, anything. LOL! Just kidding.

                          As Blue said, it's been discussed to death, so at this point, all we can do is wait and see. Regardless of how it all falls into place, I am so excited for all the great J/T moments we know we'll get! Sounds like some angst and jealous mixed in there this year as well!
                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            I'm pretty sure it's from Doppelganger because John is wearing a fleecy top which he is seen wearing in a lot of the pics/caps from Doppelganger (and not in any other episode so far that I've seen). Don't mistake me, I don't think
                            the John in the clip is the evil John.. I think it's from the end of the episode, and John is worried his friends - and Teyla - won't want to be around him so much after and evil thing with his face tortured them in their dreams. I think that's what he means by "I was just about to come see you but I wasn't sure if you wanted to see me..." and Teyla, bless her soul, just hugs him to let him know things are still okay with them...
                            Good point...plausible looking at it that way!


                              i just hit 2,500 + posts and Not one person gave me a Teyla Whump/non whump screenshot! *sad face here*

                              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                                I'm pretty sure it's from Doppelganger because John is wearing a fleecy top which he is seen wearing in a lot of the pics/caps from Doppelganger (and not in any other episode so far that I've seen). Don't mistake me, I don't think
                                the John in the clip is the evil John.. I think it's from the end of the episode, and John is worried his friends - and Teyla - won't want to be around him so much after and evil thing with his face tortured them in their dreams. I think that's what he means by "I was just about to come see you but I wasn't sure if you wanted to see me..." and Teyla, bless her soul, just hugs him to let him know things are still okay with them...
                                This is exactly why my vote is currently for DG. But it's so hard to know for sure! I'm also going off the first previews, when it was shown, when only a few of the episodes had been filmed so far according to JM's blog.

                                ETA: Not the sound, since that is new, THANK YOU FOR THAT BY THE WAY!, but by the possibilities of what happens in that ep and how they could possibly end it.
                                Last edited by LoveConquers; 25 September 2007, 04:06 PM.
                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

