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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
    No one is disappearing on you.

    You guys can sure talk.
    Hey GNB!! Are you home in hot FL?


      Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
      Here you go!
      Thanks Elf. Will read later.


        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        Just a quick post and Cofessions is done. I told you it was short.


        “John you need to hold on we are working on the problem and the Daedalus should be there in less than two hours,” answers a concern Sam. “We will be there as soon a possible.”
        John lets out a small chuckle, “It doesn’t matter if you were to get here now or not. The entrance to the cave is blocked. It’ll take you for ever to get us out.”
        Just then, Rodney yells that he got the shield down. Sam tells them the good news and that they will be there shortly with a medical team.
        Teyla returns to John. He looks at her with half closed eyes, “Teyla. I need to tell you and don’t stop me please.” She nods her head. “I want you to know that from the moment I met you I knew you were someone special. I’m glad that we’ve always had a close friendship. Please tell Rodney and Ronon the same. I also hope that you and Ronon stay at Atlantis. Please ask Sam for you two to join Lorne’s team.” He struggles to take a breath and tears flow from Teyla’s face. He extends his weak arm and places his hand on her wet cheek. She holds his hand with hers. He gives her a smile, “I don’t why I waited so long to say this, but you are so beautiful, inside and out. I want you to know that I love you and always have.”
        Tears stream down her face. She leans closer to his ear; she whispers that she loves him too and gives him a kiss on his lips.
        John begins to smile, “If I knew that it would be this good, I would’ve got hurt a long time ago.” Teyla give him a week smile.
        Within no time Ronon, Rodney, Keller and her medical team were there. They took the puddle jumper and landed as close the caves entrance as possible. Ronon desperately begins to pull rocks away to widen the opening of the cave.
        John waits for Teyla to walk away before using his comm. to radio Ronon, “Ronon, just listen don’t let Teyla know I’m talking to you. You need to get her out of here first. She needs to get her wound checked and I don’t want her here when… you know. Click on comm. twice to let me know that you’ll do this for me.” Ronon responds with the two clicks and John thanks him.
        As soon the opening was big enough Ronon and Keller convince her to get checked out while they work on getting John out.
        John clicks his comm. to talk to Teyla, “I’ll miss you Tey….” Before John could finish, there was another cave-in.
        Teyla turns towards the cave, “John!!!!” Ronon holds her to keep her from rushing toward the entrance.
        A familiar voice comes over their radios, “This is Colonel Caldwell. We have Colonel Sheppard and he’s in the infirmary right now. Don’t worry they will take good care of him. Colonel Carter informed me of the urgency and we pushed the hyper-drive a little harder.”
        Everyone, especially Teyla, was relieved. Keller asks Caldwell to beam up Teyla and herself. She wanted to have Teyla’s head examined and she also wanted to be there in case they needed help with John.
        John was in surgery for many hours and there were many times they thought they would lose him, but he made it through.
        It took a day before John wakes up. He sees Teyla with a bandage wrapped around her head and she is also resting her head by his. He slowly raises his hand to brush her hair away from her face.
        She wakes up with a smile, “I thought I lost you.”
        A smirk crosses his face, “Now that I know that you love me, you’ll never get rid of me.”
        Teyla cups her hands around John’s face and gives him a soft gentle kiss. “I feel the same way.”
        The End.

        I'll be back later.

        Okay, as you can see i'm still catching up with all the posts so i just spotted the final chapter! LOL!. Awesome Scifan!!!!
        I love happy endings especially when it's John and Teyla!

        Sig by Camy


          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

          Dude, excellent....
          i really liked the whole two clicks if you hear me relaying of his message, that was so great
          Thanks MrsB. I'm glad you liked it. I wanted to keep it short and sweet.


            Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
            If this is not on I will kill you Scifan! *wants to read it all in one sitting but the database is a little slow at loading other pages of this thread*

            I'll put it on FF in a little bit.


              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
              lol who's the bet with? Sci?
              Nope. Teyilia!

              Thanks for encouragement Nina! That makes me want to do more unless the S3
              DVD's get to my house before then. I'll have to be offline atleast a couple of hours to concentrate on my research to make by the deadline...
              sig by Sci!

              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                Scifan: is Confessions on *wants to read it there as the place is easy on thre database* also....

                will soon post part 1 of Teyla vs Adra!

                This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                  Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                  This is Awesome!
                  I love the ending! So, typical John! It sounds just like something he would say. This reminded of the end of Conversion, Sateda, and especially the infirmary scene in The Ark!! Such an emotional,loving, endearing ending..
                  Aww thanks Elf and Linda.

                  Maffieg. Take your time in reading.


                    Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                    Scifan I love Confessions - it's a great idea and you really had me worried at the end there!

                    MrsB great end to Wraith Queen! Absolutely loved it! Elf has really corrupted you...

                    I would hang out for a bit longer but I am sooo tired... I'll start work on the final chapters of Baby Love tomorrow. For now, I'll leave you with the prologue of my new story 'Can't Take My Eyes Off You':



                    “Incoming wormhole – it’s Major Lorne’s IDC.”

                    “Lower the shield.”

                    Elizabeth hurried down the stairs from the control room as Chuck followed her order and lowered the shield. As she reached the bottom steps Major Lorne and his team walked through the stargate, followed by Rodney McKay and Ronon Dex. Elizabeth waited hopefully but a moment later the wormhole disengaged.

                    Elizabeth looked at Major Lorne, who was looking sombre. “There’s no sign of them,” he said.

                    “You searched the whole area?” Asked Elizabeth.

                    “Well, most of it,” said Lorne.

                    “We have to go back!” Exclaimed Rodney, striding over to Elizabeth. Ronon was right behind him.

                    “Right now,” he said as they got nearer.

                    Elizabeth frowned. “Why have you come back, if you haven’t finished searching the area yet?” She asked.

                    “The Fizans made us leave,” replied Lorne.


                    “One of the guards gave us Colonel Sheppard’s dog tags, and Ronon punched him,” said Lorne matter-of-factly.

                    Elizabeth stared at the Major, and then looked at Ronon. He looked back at her defiantly, as if daring her to reprimand him for his actions. Rodney wore the exact same expression. She didn’t really care that Ronon had punched someone, but what Lorne had said before made a shiver of fear run down her spine.

                    “Are… are they definitely the Colonel’s dog tags?” She asked.

                    Major Lorne hesitated for a moment, and then started to undo one of the pockets on his flack jacket.

                    “It doesn’t matter if they are or not,” said Rodney angrily.

                    “They are not dead!” Said Ronon fiercely.

                    Major Lorne pulled the dog tags our of his pocket. There was blood on the chain. Elizabeth didn’t reach out to take them – instead she concentrated on not losing her head.

                    “Get Dr B- get someone to analyse that blood,” she told the Major. She turned to Rodney and Ronon.

                    “What makes you so sure?” She asked them.

                    “Sheppard and Teyla’s weapons are far superior to anything the Fizans have –”

                    “It would take more than a lion to get those two –”

                    “I saw the guard they said was dead –”

                    “I never trusted them! They’re too...”


                    “Yeah! It must be an act!”

                    Elizabeth raised her hands to get them to stop.

                    “Let’s take this to my office,” she said.

                    “We don’t have time, Elizabeth,” whined Rodney. “We have to go –”

                    “No one is going anywhere until we talk through your suspisions,” Elizabeth said flatly. “You come too, Major Lorne.”

                    She glanced at the bloody dog tags again before turning on her heel and starting back up the stairs, her mind reeling. Her instinct was to agree with Rodney and Ronon – something about this just didn’t add up. She couldn’t imagine a lion getting the best of John and Teyla while they were both armed with P-90s. Even unarmed they would have put up a hell of a fight.

                    But if they were alive, where were they?

                    Great Prologue Ruby! It definitely has an exciting and interesting start!

                    Sig by Camy


                      Congrats Nina On 5500!! WOW!

                      Congrats Linda for 500 Posts!

                      Congrats Elflinn on 2400!

                      I hope i didn't miss any milestones, you guys are sooo fast! LOL!

                      Sig by Camy


                        Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                        Scifan I love Confessions - it's a great idea and you really had me worried at the end there!

                        MrsB great end to Wraith Queen! Absolutely loved it! Elf has really corrupted you...

                        I would hang out for a bit longer but I am sooo tired... I'll start work on the final chapters of Baby Love tomorrow. For now, I'll leave you with the prologue of my new story 'Can't Take My Eyes Off You':



                        “Incoming wormhole – it’s Major Lorne’s IDC.”

                        “Lower the shield.”

                        Elizabeth hurried down the stairs from the control room as Chuck followed her order and lowered the shield. As she reached the bottom steps Major Lorne and his team walked through the stargate, followed by Rodney McKay and Ronon Dex. Elizabeth waited hopefully but a moment later the wormhole disengaged.

                        Elizabeth looked at Major Lorne, who was looking sombre. “There’s no sign of them,” he said.

                        “You searched the whole area?” Asked Elizabeth.

                        “Well, most of it,” said Lorne.

                        “We have to go back!” Exclaimed Rodney, striding over to Elizabeth. Ronon was right behind him.

                        “Right now,” he said as they got nearer.

                        Elizabeth frowned. “Why have you come back, if you haven’t finished searching the area yet?” She asked.

                        “The Fizans made us leave,” replied Lorne.


                        “One of the guards gave us Colonel Sheppard’s dog tags, and Ronon punched him,” said Lorne matter-of-factly.

                        Elizabeth stared at the Major, and then looked at Ronon. He looked back at her defiantly, as if daring her to reprimand him for his actions. Rodney wore the exact same expression. She didn’t really care that Ronon had punched someone, but what Lorne had said before made a shiver of fear run down her spine.

                        “Are… are they definitely the Colonel’s dog tags?” She asked.

                        Major Lorne hesitated for a moment, and then started to undo one of the pockets on his flack jacket.

                        “It doesn’t matter if they are or not,” said Rodney angrily.

                        “They are not dead!” Said Ronon fiercely.

                        Major Lorne pulled the dog tags our of his pocket. There was blood on the chain. Elizabeth didn’t reach out to take them – instead she concentrated on not losing her head.

                        “Get Dr B- get someone to analyse that blood,” she told the Major. She turned to Rodney and Ronon.

                        “What makes you so sure?” She asked them.

                        “Sheppard and Teyla’s weapons are far superior to anything the Fizans have –”

                        “It would take more than a lion to get those two –”

                        “I saw the guard they said was dead –”

                        “I never trusted them! They’re too...”


                        “Yeah! It must be an act!”

                        Elizabeth raised her hands to get them to stop.

                        “Let’s take this to my office,” she said.

                        “We don’t have time, Elizabeth,” whined Rodney. “We have to go –”

                        “No one is going anywhere until we talk through your suspisions,” Elizabeth said flatly. “You come too, Major Lorne.”

                        She glanced at the bloody dog tags again before turning on her heel and starting back up the stairs, her mind reeling. Her instinct was to agree with Rodney and Ronon – something about this just didn’t add up. She couldn’t imagine a lion getting the best of John and Teyla while they were both armed with P-90s. Even unarmed they would have put up a hell of a fight.

                        But if they were alive, where were they?

                        Thanks Ruby.

                        Ooooo. I'm liking it so far. I can't wait for more. See ya tomorrow.


                          Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post

                          I would hang out for a bit longer but I am sooo tired... I'll start work on the final chapters of Baby Love tomorrow. For now, I'll leave you with the prologue of my new story 'Can't Take My Eyes Off You':



                          “Incoming wormhole – it’s Major Lorne’s IDC.”

                          “Lower the shield.”

                          Elizabeth hurried down the stairs from the control room as Chuck followed her order and lowered the shield. As she reached the bottom steps Major Lorne and his team walked through the stargate, followed by Rodney McKay and Ronon Dex. Elizabeth waited hopefully but a moment later the wormhole disengaged.

                          Elizabeth looked at Major Lorne, who was looking sombre. “There’s no sign of them,” he said.

                          “You searched the whole area?” Asked Elizabeth.

                          “Well, most of it,” said Lorne.

                          “We have to go back!” Exclaimed Rodney, striding over to Elizabeth. Ronon was right behind him.

                          “Right now,” he said as they got nearer.

                          Elizabeth frowned. “Why have you come back, if you haven’t finished searching the area yet?” She asked.

                          “The Fizans made us leave,” replied Lorne.


                          “One of the guards gave us Colonel Sheppard’s dog tags, and Ronon punched him,” said Lorne matter-of-factly.

                          Elizabeth stared at the Major, and then looked at Ronon. He looked back at her defiantly, as if daring her to reprimand him for his actions. Rodney wore the exact same expression. She didn’t really care that Ronon had punched someone, but what Lorne had said before made a shiver of fear run down her spine.

                          “Are… are they definitely the Colonel’s dog tags?” She asked.

                          Major Lorne hesitated for a moment, and then started to undo one of the pockets on his flack jacket.

                          “It doesn’t matter if they are or not,” said Rodney angrily.

                          “They are not !” Said Ronon fiercely.

                          Major Lorne pulled the dog tags our of his pocket. There was on the chain. Elizabeth didn’t reach out to take them – instead she concentrated on not losing her head.

                          “Get Dr B- get someone to analyse that ,” she told the Major. She turned to Rodney and Ronon.

                          “What makes you so sure?” She asked them.

                          “Sheppard and Teyla’s weapons are far superior to anything the Fizans have –”

                          “It would take more than a lion to get those two –”

                          “I saw the guard they said was –”

                          “I never trusted them! They’re too...”


                          “Yeah! It must be an act!”

                          Elizabeth raised her hands to get them to stop.

                          “Let’s take this to my office,” she said.

                          “We don’t have time, Elizabeth,” whined Rodney. “We have to go –”

                          “No one is going anywhere until we talk through your suspisions,” Elizabeth said flatly. “You come too, Major Lorne.”

                          She glanced at the y dog tags again before turning on her heel and starting back up the stairs, her mind reeling. Her instinct was to agree with Rodney and Ronon – something about this just didn’t add up. She couldn’t imagine a lion getting the best of John and Teyla while they were both armed with P-90s. Even unarmed they would have put up a hell of a fight.

                          But if they were alive, where were they?

                          Great start Ruby! Waiting for more!

                          my ships


                            Originally posted by Teyilia View Post

                            I see a lot of Teyla whumpage to happen, speaking of which I start the Teyla Whumping thread one week from this coming friday...meaning there are 6 fridays left for you guys, and a unknown nuimber for me because I'm gonna wait for the season to come to DVD and get it then.

                            Keep it up Ruby!
                            Sounds Great Teyilia!!


                              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                              Congrats Elf on 2400 posts!!!

                              Congrats Linda on 500 posts!!!

                              Scifan - Loved the story,,,
                              I'm glad they were able to get him out in time...glad Caldwell pushed the hyperdrive extra hard to get there in time... and glad that John confessed...

                              ruby - Great start to the story...can't wait to find out what happened to them

                              Elf - I meant that I haven't seen Camy here since last friday,,and just wondered if she was going to be gone this week or something...since she haven't been around
                              Thanks Nina.


                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                Hey GNB!! Are you home in hot FL?
                                Yep. I nearly cried when I felt the temp *cries/laughs* the weather was so NICE up north!!!

                                my ships

