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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    Fury Finale

    John stared at Teyla's face which was as beautiful as ever, her brown eyes staring up at him meaningfully. "John, may we speak?" she asked and let herself into his quarters without him saying a word.

    John continued to stare out into the empty hallway as Teyla stood alone in his bedroom behind him. He was petrified of her being here. He didn't want to be angry with her, he didn't want her to see how hurt he was, how broken she had made him. And saying goodbye to her forever was just something he knew he could never willingly do. He plastered on an attempted smile and closed the door, turning to face her. When he saw the expression on her face the forced smile dropped and instinctively he approached her as a single tear slid down her cheek.

    He began to reach out to touch her arm comfortingly, but retracted it suddenly when he neared her skin, as if he were scalded by an unseen flame. "What's wrong?" he asked nervously wiping his extended hand on his pants as he looked around the room, trying to come up with a reason to excuse himself.

    She wiped her tear away and looked deeply at John's constantly shifting eyes before she spoke. "John, I am sorry, but I had to speak with you right away."

    John stared hard at his feet, silently begging her not to go on. He did not want to hear about her love affairs, or relationship problems, he didn't think he had enough strength left in him to go on pretending he was only her friend.

    "Please do not leave Atlantis, Colonel," she said softly with her face pointed downwards.

    John raised his head, unsure if he had heard her correctly. "What?"

    "I am frightened, Colonel," she said quietly, her chin quivering. "Frightened you are going to leave when I need you the most."

    John looked at her in total disbelief. "What are you talking about Teyla? What could you possibly need from me?" His voice came out harsher than he had intended and he instantly saw a reaction of surprise and then hurt appear on her face.

    "I need you to listen. Listen to something I should have told you earlier," she began to wring her hands awkwardly and looked to be thoughtful, as if choosing her words wisely. "There were days, days when I was searching for my people...days that are missing from me," she said carefully.

    "Missing?" John looked at her confused and she went on.

    "A few weeks ago when Dr. Keller and I were attacked in the woods on that terrible planet and those...those creatures took us, we were their prisoners until I negotiated her release. I was there alone with them for quite some time before your team reached me, Colonel," she said looking at John, hoping he could see the meaning behind her eyes.

    He did.

    "What are you saying Teyla? Did they..." his face deeply reddened and his hands began to tremble." Did they hurt you?" he added with his own hidden meaning.

    Teyla looked away overcome with emotion and then shrugged her shoulders wildly as she answered in a high voice," I do not know, John! I remember very little and when I came back to Atlantis, I was...I was..." She could no longer speak and sobs choked at her throat. She walked forward slowly and embraced him and he hesitantly placed a trembling, gentle hand around her, holding her close.

    John felt a great conflict inside, as his heart filled with sweet relief that all his fury, all his rage, his reasons for leaving Atlantis were all in vain. She had not loved another. And yet his heart filled with a murderous darkness that he knew would soak through him, unrelenting, until every last one of those beasts were slaughtered in her name.

    Sorry Camy and Linda, I guess it was sad after all.

    WOW!!! I'm speachless. That was.... WOW.


      Vote for Joe on ... Favorite Celebrity Born In 1967
      Sigs by Scifan


        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
        I think I read you could only have one in each category...or was that just for videos... I have slight feeling I can't have all my 6 videos that were nominated...depends I guess what categories there is... I'll get back and see if I can get in tomorrow...
        Yes, you can only have one piece of work per sub-category. So for example, I had 14 vids nominated, but can only place five of them into different categories as obviously, most of my vids are J/T romance vids! LOL! But I can only pick one for the J/T romance category and the rest will be deleted and disqualified from the contest. That happened to me last year. I had all of my three vids (that's all I had done so far last year at that time!) nominated, but as all three were J/T romance, only one could be in the contest and the other two were removed. And they couldn't fit into another cateogry unfortunately. This year, I can place five into different categories and the other 9 will be removed from the contest because they don't apply to the remaining categories or would be a duplicate to another category I already placed a vid in. Does that make sense?

        Nina, I can get onto the site still no problem, so to answer your earlier question, here are the Video categories:

        Music Videos:
        Episode Based
        Team Action/Aventure
        Team Character Focused
        Romantic Pairings
        Friendship Pairings

        Now within each category, there are subcategories, and it's one work per subcategory. So for example, under character, there is a John, Teyla, McKay, etc subcategory, so you could place one of your John vids there.

        Under Duets Category, there is J/T romance and J/T friendship, so you could place one vid under each category if it's applicable.

        From the rules listed on the site:

        Each author/artist can have no more than 10 nominations total in the Awards and no more than 1 per subcategory (exception: see rule #3). Pieces produced by multiple authors or aritsts will be treated as a separate entity and does not count towards an individual's maximum of 10.

        A nominee may place more than one nominated work in an "Other Character" category If they are placing different Characters in that category (ex. Hammond and Silar). If 5 nominations appear for one of the characters, they will be removed from the "Other Character" category and given their own category leaving only the 1 nomination. However, since it might not be broken out, a nominee must list in the Additional Information section which of their nominations they wish to keep in and which to drop if necessary.
        The author/artist must confirm their desire to participate in the awards by placing their nominations into the correct categories and sub-categories based on the category definitions. Failure to respond within the time frame allowed will result in forfeiting their nominations.

        The Awards Team reviews all valid, author/artist confirmed nominations to ensure correct placement. Generally, the author/artist placement will stand unless there is disagreement about the work's genre. The team has the final say on placement.

        The Awards Team determines the final subcategories for each category based on the number of entries within that category. Some combining of subcategories may be required if the minimum number of entries (5) isn't reached.
        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Well... I figured I'd stop by an say thanks to whoever nominated me in the fanawards... I was kinda not planning on participating this year at all.

          Also... Camy wanted my thoughts on Season 3 a long time ago so here goes...

          Season 3 had plenty of moments for us, from the first squeeworthy moment in Seteda to many of the second part scenes that just made you smile. The chemistry is there, regardless of them not professing their love for each other or making out in the city. We saw protective Sheppard in the episode with the giant asteroid (sorry, names escaping me) we saw a brief Sheppard/Teyla scene regarding Beckett in Sunday and many more that I'm sure you have all broken down in better detail than I can.

          I think that Season 4 is going to continue this trend, it's there. Protective Sheppard makes me happy, and we'll definitely see him coming back, though how about a protective Teyla? Can we see her doing the same? Is it too much to ask?

          Anyhow, I'll try and stop by, but no promises. Keep shipping guys and gals.
          Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            JM BLOG UPDATE

            Anonymous #3 writes: “Teyla's only getting 'character development' because Rachel's pregnant.”

            Answer: Respectfully, dipstick, we already had an arc planned for the Teyla character and simply folded the pregnancy into said arc. Thanks for playing.

            Les Fez writes: “1. Will Carter be going off world at all in s4 this year? 2. If so, will it be with Sheppards team? 3. How many episodes are the Wraith in this year, as they didn't make many appearances in s3?”

            Answers: 1. Yes. 2. Kind of. 3. I won’t give you a specific number, but let’s just say that the wraith will play key roles in a number of major story arcs in season four.

            Jeremsg1 writes: “In second half of season 4 (13 to 17), there are epsiodes stand alones (like season 3), or episodes with continuity? (like season 1)”

            Answer: Both.

            Copernicus writes: “Do you feel there is there a certain irony to the expedition's lead diplomat switching to a recurring role when the expedition reaches a crossroads where diplomatic skills are suddenly at a premium?”

            Answer: Not at all. In fact, with all of the mounting dangers the expedition has faced in the Pegasus Galaxy, the question one should ask is not “Why is the military getting more involved?” but “What took it so long?”

            Jeremsg1 writes: “1)There is a funny episode in the second half of season four? Like Duet for exemple. 2)Within sight of the spoiler, season four seems to be the best, and the darkest of all seasons. Do you think that?”

            Answer: Yes and yes.

            LesFez writes: “Is there ANY episodes this year that have been dissapointing to you guys so far?”

            Answer: I can honestly say that, so far, all of the episodes have been very strong.

            O1 writes: “Can you give us a hint about outcast and whether it is going to be an action episode, a character driven episode or an angsty episode?”

            Answer: Hopefully, all of the above.
            Thanks MrsB. I guess that means that he didn't answers yours.


              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
              LOL WOW!
              Thats such a compliment, you and Nina both put some good thought into it and I agree, the fic is ended well this way, it leaves room for continuation yet closure on his FURY which was what the whole thing challenge of yours was about! I just hope I did the "hug" picture justice!!
              Going to watch Jekyll, be back!

              AGAIN, THANKS SO MUCH!!!

              and nope jm didnt answer anything of mine *boo*
              I think you did! Now I can make another wallie for this one too!


                Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                strangely the only email I got was the resend itself, not the first one... oh well, just gotta wait on Kelly to respond.
                Yes, that means the first one sent on Monday was blocked by your ISP, but you got one of the resends because Kelly sent them a different way to bypass the spam filter. Hopefully she'll get back to you soon on the password thing!
                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                  Hey Y'all there is not going to be as many 'miniheadlines' this week in newslettter
                  because of the seriously good conversations and specs about S4! There is so much all I can do is just give you the links! We have so much activity in here that even posters from other threads are coming in here just to see what is going on!

                  Is that not Awesome of What! And, on top of that the Galleria has also been keeping on the top of the Character and Relationship page so everyone can see all of the lovely artwork and posters we as team have all created! All I want to do right now to show my love for all of you is THIS AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS!!

                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    There is also a vote for fave ship on stargate happening where you can vote for JF for best actor born in 1967...

                    It closes in 67 days had no clue that this was going on! S/W is on top right now!

                    We can can at least go show our support for our couple!!

                    sig by Sci!

                    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                      Yes, you can only have one piece of work per sub-category. So for example, I had 14 vids nominated, but can only place five of them into different categories as obviously, most of my vids are J/T romance vids! LOL! But I can only pick one for the J/T romance category and the rest will be deleted and disqualified from the contest. That happened to me last year. I had all of my three vids (that's all I had done so far last year at that time!) nominated, but as all three were J/T romance, only one could be in the contest and the other two were removed. And they couldn't fit into another cateogry unfortunately. This year, I can place five into different categories and the other 9 will be removed from the contest because they don't apply to the remaining categories or would be a duplicate to another category I already placed a vid in. Does that make sense?

                      Nina, I can get onto the site still no problem, so to answer your earlier question, here are the Video categories:

                      Music Videos:
                      Episode Based
                      Team Action/Aventure
                      Team Character Focused
                      Romantic Pairings
                      Friendship Pairings

                      Thanks ....
                      Okay that means as far as I see there...I have 3 videos...hrmm Team action video/adventure,,, *lol* that wont work... I usually have most clips with either John or J/T not much team in them...*lol* a few scenes maybe ,,, so I hardly feel I can put anything in there... *lol* oh well... guess that hard part is on,,,chose videos... *sigh*
                      Sigs by Scifan


                        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                        There is also a vote for fave ship on stargate happening where you can vote for JF for best actor born in 1967...

                        It closes in 67 days had no clue that this was going on! S/W is on top right now!

                        We can can at least go show our support for our couple!!

                        WOW...can we vote daily? We aren't that far behind! NINA, may I suggest adding this to the top of the links? And also add it in the Galleria! woohoo!

                        THANKS ELFF! You are doing a wonderful job! ALL of YOU ARE!

                        RITTER!..LOVE YA BOY! *SMOOCH!


                          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                          Yes, that means the first one sent on Monday was blocked by your ISP, but you got one of the resends because Kelly sent them a different way to bypass the spam filter. Hopefully she'll get back to you soon on the password thing!
                          Steph...don't make me come after you with the bat...How come you haven't gone to the Galleria?


                            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                            There is also a vote for fave ship on stargate happening where you can vote for JF for best actor born in 1967...

                            It closes in 67 days had no clue that this was going on! S/W is on top right now!

                            We can can at least go show our support for our couple!!

                            I actually don't see a point in it...seems way to set up already...there is NO WAY S/W is bigger then S/J or D/V.... beside someone already stated on the site it seemed like it's been spamming on it... I've seen things like this set up in the past for other things as someone can go from being an underdog and then by just like 2 hours can be ahead with thousands of just screams set up...
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Originally posted by Camy View Post
                              Mrs. your latest fic Fury in I missed a couple of chapters. Do you mind posting an entry with all of the chapters here?

                              Scifan, I"m pretty sure I"ve missed a couple of your fics from the past weeks. Would you mind posting the link here as well?

                              And anyone else.

                              I"m so far behind in here it's not even funny!

                              Okay, I've been working on this for a long time now. It's something I"ve had in my mind but for several reasons I never followed up on it, till now.

                              Two things inspired me. One, the JT SGA Awards. There are a lot of things that the team is thinking about but one of the things that I really wanted was if we could somehow only vote on things yearly so that the same fics and things are repeated like I"ve seen in other awards. Sort of like the Oscars thing. The nominees are from movies from the previous year. The JT SGA AWARDS will be hosting a survey after the winners are announced on the 24th. Keep in mind everything that you have encountered good and not so good and make suggestions. This is a great community that was sparked in here in this thread not too long ago with a different group of kiddies, and it's all for the JT shippers. So, keep this and other things in mind. Now I"m not persuading you one way or another, simly that we want this to be a great community that will last awhile.

                              So, with that in mind, I wanted to house those JT works in one place so that when voting time comes, you know which ones you can nominate instead of hunting them down.

                              Two, my other mode of inspiration were you guys! I've been here for awhile, but this is definetly the busiest group I've ever met in here. I love everyone in here. So, it's not a competition but several have expressed how things get buried in the thread. Now, I know there are several sites and LJ communities for JT lovers. But none have sparked some of the things that we've started Motivational Posters, Word Challenges, Fic Cover Challenges, etc...

                              So, with that in mind, I've opened a new JT LJ community with the intention of not COMPETING but simply to house and archive our creations. Now, of course, I want to include everyone in the net that loves JT...but I"m sure that will take time.

                              We've started a newsletter here and there is a newsletter journal in LJ but it's stopped posting for some reason. Tielan has volunteered to continue it but someone has to provide her with the works and right now, to be honest, the JT fandom is mostly active in here and not much commotion elsewhere.

                              So, I"ve volunteered to help her, but I've also have JTStargaze to continue posting all the caps up to now and the ones coming for Season 4 and in addition I have this and the new LJ Beya...

                              So, right now I still have to input the guidelines and rules on posting so that everything looks neat and organize. The main idea is that using tags and using the page summary you will be able to find fics, and artwork, and vids easily with all the postings combined in each category. That's what the tags are for. But I"m still learning all of this so I have a few good women in my little circle. Ubiquitous did my layout and she's a moderator. Cyn and Steph are moderators and Wikkedangel as well. These girls will find and post things on the web that are not in GW so that you guys can see others things as well. In addition, things that have to do with fics, artworks and vids that pertain to JT, you can post as well. The JT SGA Awards supports this community and hopefully it will be another resource for all of us when awards time come.

                              Right now, what I"d like to see is that I"m hoping that all fics posted have their own fic, if you have a fic that you've written after the noms for the JTSGA AWARDS, and you don't have a cover for your fic, then please go and request one in the Galleria so that when you post your fic you can post it with your cover.

                              In addition, only completed works can be posted in the lj. But again, rules and guidelines will be posted soon.

                              Membership is still close. It will open for this weekend.
                              Hope you all come and join. I know we will have a great time posting our stuff there....Click on the pic to go to the Community. You can request to become a member. But soon I"ll simply post it that anyone can join without asking for request. Simply no one can post yet until the rules and guidelines have been posted....I Hope you guys like it since you were a big reason for the inspiration!

                              Beautiful Beya cover Camy!!!.

                              So this is going to be an LJ just dedicated to archive all the artwork, fics and vids done by JT shippers so it can be easier to find???. Just making sure i understood it right.

                              Sig by Camy


                                You're so smart, Mayra!

                                *grumbles...smarty pants*

