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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    aye aye captain

    lol u really think so? hey u think she'll really get taken over?
    Well, there are some clues that JM has posted that could be interpreted as such.

    A while back in JM's blog someone asked him if Teyla will be taken over by a Wraith and take over Atlantis or something like that..and JM replied...something like that...or something to that effect.

    Then even earlier on he also stated that Teyla will have some new found knowledge, again...don't quote me exactly...

    Then we know that she's going to
    to turn dark so I'm wondering if they did want Teyla to go to the dark side originally because JM has also mentioned that he really wanted Teyla to go even darker but due to Rachel's pregnancy, they couldn't go there. Now we read in Gero's interview that her arc is going to be something unexpected. Something different. So, I think we are going to be in for a surprise. I just hope it's a good one. I'd love to see Teyla take over Atlantis and have the entity or Wraith inside her do something similar to what the entity in John always does to him...he starts confessing how he feels about her. In Conversion, the kiss and in the long Goodbye, he cares for you more than you's about time that Teyla looses control and let's her true feelings and her vulnerabilities show.


      Originally posted by Camy View Post
      Well, there are some clues that JM has posted that could be interpreted as such.

      A while back in JM's blog someone asked him if Teyla will be taken over by a Wraith and take over Atlantis or something like that..and JM replied...something like that...or something to that effect.

      Then even earlier on he also stated that Teyla will have some new found knowledge, again...don't quote me exactly...

      Then we know that she's going to
      to turn dark so I'm wondering if they did want Teyla to go to the dark side originally because JM has also mentioned that he really wanted Teyla to go even darker but due to Rachel's pregnancy, they couldn't go there. Now we read in Gero's interview that her arc is going to be something unexpected. Something different. So, I think we are going to be in for a surprise. I just hope it's a good one. I'd love to see Teyla take over Atlantis and have the entity or Wraith inside her do something similar to what the entity in John always does to him...he starts confessing how he feels about her. In Conversion, the kiss and in the long Goodbye, he cares for you more than you's about time that Teyla looses control and let's her true feelings and her vulnerabilities show.
      lol oh man, john would flip out.....
      can u imagine if roles were reversed like in the long goodbye half of him would be all concerned and the other half turned on

      she def needs a bigger arc, and as u can tell from my stories I think the darker the better, leads to more angst, more drama, and ultimately i hope more romance

      Starburst ChallengeUDE u did AWESOME Camy
      Last edited by MrsB108; 08 August 2007, 03:06 PM.


        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
        Dude, your so totally right....


        Congrats to DONNA!! The 1000 marker, you go man!

        and ELF - this bud's for you

        No worries... I thought it kind of sounded like the one I saved down on my harddrive,,went to look...and voila... instead of going searching for the was of course easier to copy it from my harddrive

        Well I'm heading to bed... have an early morning again...have to go to work in like 6 hours... so the daily links will be delivered when I get home,,,I promise
        Sigs by Scifan


          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
          OASIS - PART 12

          John's eyes fluttered wildly in the pitch black. He felt cold and was lying on something hard and uneven. His breath came hurriedly as if his lungs were full and could handle little air. He moaned softly and tried to move but a great pain burned white hot at the side of his head, his left leg, and his abdomen.

          "God damn," he muttered through bruised lips as he tried again to lift his body from the rocky surface. With a loudly mustered grunt, he finally began to rise as the pain shot deep throughout his body, almost causing him to fall back.

          Feeling the side of his head with his hand, his fingers slipped over the blood that was pooling around a large wound and he sighed deeply, holding his other hand to what he was sure was a bruised and broken ribcage. He remembered falling, it had felt like he was flying, flying forever, flying through the dark.

          His thoughts traveled to the moments before. He had kissed Teyla and told her how he felt for her, something he had hidden for what felt like an eternity. He laughed at himself and immediatley regretted it, holding his side even tighter now. He had recalled he did not get a chance to see her reaction and thought perhaps it was better that way. It didn't matter anways, he thought, he was glad he had tasted her, glad he had confessed, for now was surely to be his end.

          He heard a scuffling in the dark and turned towards it. Many sets of red eyes were bright against the blackness, all gazes directed towards him. He gulped and then smiled to himself and said aloud," Oh hey guys. I was getting lonely down here."

          The eyes didn't come any closer, as he was sure they would have surrounded him by now. His hand silently groped for his weapon which he was relieved to find still strapped around his heaving chest. If he was about to die, he would at least take some of them with him. " What are you guys waiting for? An invitation?"

          Suddenly, he heard a loud rumbling, almost like distant thunder. It came in even intervals, and the ground trembled, boom........boom.......boom, an uneasy sound in the dark. The red eyes turned from him, facing a different direction now.

          And then with utter horror, John realized what the thunder was.

          Your awesome MrsB!!! Two fics from you to read today! YAY!.

          Poor John!!!...he is in some terrible danger but now i'm more worried about those Footsteps...could they be Teyla's!!!!. Ah! Hopefully those monters don't harm them even more!!!

          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
          Oh dear....I just made this up for no reason


          John was held on either side by large Wraith males, both faces shrouded with a faceless, blank mask. Neither of them spoke nor gestured as they dragged his beaten body down the long, echoing, green hallway.

          John’s head was pounding and his heart wrenched at the thought of what he would find behind the looming, large double doors at the end of the hall.

          The hallway seemed endless and when they finally arrived, the guard to his left held open the door as the other led him in silently.

          His feet dragging as he was pulled, they approached an ornate throne decorated with what resembled human bones of all shapes and sizes. Two more faceless Wraith stood erect and motionless on either side of the throne with long spears held regally in their clawed hands.

          John gasped as he tried to contain his sudden urge to be sick, as at last, his gaze rested upon the throne and the elegantly robed creature that rested somberly upon it.


          Her face was mangled as a Wraith, but still much remained of her beautiful Athosian features. Her body slightly discolored and her hair a wispy silver white lay curved upon her shoulders and she was clad in a long, deep, red robe that extended far beyond her length of body.

          The guards held John taut as he felt his knees weaken in despair and called out her name in a breathless gasp, “Teyla…..”

          Her eyes fixed on him and her chin raised high, she gracefully stepped down from her throne, taking confident strides towards him, her robe trailing neatly behind her. She neared him and with an evil look she snarled deeply, peering in his face. “I am Attar and you will kneel when you speak to me, human.”

          One of the guards kicked him hard behind his knees and he dropped wincing towards the floor. She bent down to his disbelieving face and leaned in close, dragging a long, clawed fingernail across his cheek.

          His face was defiant and yet his eyes revealed his true emotions.” Your lover is gone, Colonel. Your lingering desire for her is pathetic. You will do what we ask of you, for your Lantian gene may very well save your worthless, little life.”

          John stared into her face and had never felt so alone in his life. “Teyla, I know you’re in there somewhere. Please.... hear me,” he begged as his eyes filled with tears. “You can fight this, you’re the strongest person I know! You have to be strong! Please!”

          Teyla stood staring down at him, her head tilted to the side listening. Her blackened eyes seemed to waver for a moment and she held out her hand cupping his trembling chin and watched the torment dance upon his face. John thought for one gleaming moment he saw her beautiful brown eyes pierce through the darkened features and felt her hand quiver against his skin.

          But then…

          “Take this thing from my sight,” she scowled at her guards. “He will do as we ask or he will suffer a fate much worse than death.” And she gave Colonel Sheppard a sickening smile, baring her mangled teeth. As he was being roughly hauled back through the double doors, his heart sank and he continued screaming a name that no longer belonged to the beautiful woman he once knew. “Teyla!…..TEYLA!! PLEASE!!””
          I love this idea!!!...It would be really cool if in the show, like many people have commented that
          If Teyla goes dark this season, maybe she could be possessed by a queen wraith a lot longer this time and i think it will be interesting the drama and Angst that could happen having John interact with her like you did in your fic!. The wraith queen would definitely know what Teyla feels for John and use it to her advantange!!!.

          Congrats on 900!!! Awesome!!!

          Sig by Camy


            Originally posted by scifan View Post
            Thanks Linda.

            Here's a little something that came to mind. Just for fun. I don't have a title.


            John is sitting on his bed in his quarters. The lights are off and he has a beer in his hand. The door opens and Ronon walks in, “Hey.”
            John looks up at Ronon, “Hey.” He returns hanging his head down and looking at his beer.
            “I just heard about Teyla. Are you ok?” ask Ronon in a soft concerning tone.
            John gives a deep sigh, “Yea, I’m ok. She just told me during the quarantine. She says she doesn't remember how it happened.”
            “You mean you don’t believe her?” responds Ronon.
            John makes a face and stares into his mug as he swirls the last bit of his beer, “You know I want to believe her. She’s never really lied before, but how can you not know? I don’t even know why it’s bothering so much. It’s not like it’s any of my business.”
            “Now who’s lying? You know why this is bothering you. It’s because you what her to be with you. You hate the idea that she was with someone else and that she’s having their baby. What if this wasn’t consensual? Wouldn’t she remember if it was something she wanted?” scolds Ronon.
            John looks up at Ronon with a surprise look on his face, “I never thought about that. And you’re wrong about how I feel.”
            Ronon smiles as he sits next to John, “Who are you trying to kid. I see how you look at her. I see how she looks at you and others see it too. She was trying to hide it, but I saw her crying just before I got here. I think she was going to her quarters.” Ronon gets up and starts heading toward the door. “Tell her John. Tell her how you feel. She needs you and you know it. She already feels alone because of her people, do you want to make it worse?” He walks out and leaves John in the darkness.
            John waits a long time before he gets the nerves to see Teyla. He was so cold to her when she told him and the sadness of her face nearly broke his heart. He didn’t mean to, but it just came out that way. He knew that Ronon was right and he had to tell her. He finally gets up, walks out of his room and towards hers.
            John waves his hand over the crystals to sound the door chimes and hears a faint, “Come in.” from Teyla. She hides her face as she wipes her tears away. When she turns around she is surprised to see that it was John.
            John walks closer to her and takes her hand, “Teyla, I’m so sorry for being a jerk. I… I guess I was just…” He couldn’t say it. He starts to turn back to the door, but Teyla grabs his arm.
            “You were what John? What is it that you want to say?” she pleads.
            “I was jealous! I guess I got jealous think of you with someone else and having someone else’s baby.” He hangs his head in shame, but she takes her hand and lifts up his chin. Her eyes meet his and she gives him a smile. “Tonight Ronon made me see something that I tried to keep buried.” He pauses, “ I love you Teyla Emmagan.” There he said it.
            Her smile became bigger, “I love you too John Sheppard. That is why it pained me to tell you. I wish I knew more.”
            John takes her in his arm and comforts her tightly. He whispers in her ear, “I will be here for you. No matter what.” They both close their eyes and enjoy each other’s embrace.
            The End.
            This is soooo sweet!!!!...i love how you wrote John and Teyla's emotions!...very well done Scifan!!!. All these fics about what might happen in season 4 has really got me excited for the new season to start!!!. What is it now 51 days???? is that what i saw on one of the posts!!!.

            Congrats to Donna for reaching 1000 posts!!! do you think you'll reach the infamous 2000 before the new season starts???

            Sig by Camy


              Originally posted by Mayra View Post
              Your awesome MrsB!!! Two fics from you to read today! YAY!.

              Poor John!!!...he is in some terrible danger but now i'm more worried about those Footsteps...could they be Teyla's!!!!. Ah! Hopefully those monters don't harm them even more!!!

              I love this idea!!!...It would be really cool if in the show, like many people have commented that
              If Teyla goes dark this season, maybe she could be possessed by a queen wraith a lot longer this time and i think it will be interesting the drama and Angst that could happen having John interact with her like you did in your fic!. The wraith queen would definitely know what Teyla feels for John and use it to her advantange!!!.

              Congrats on 900!!! Awesome!!!
              Thanks Mayra!! What time zone are you cuz I hardly see you while your online! and yeah man,
              it would be cool if they made her real bad a*s and the struggle to see john watch as she does!!

              and hey nina i looked and looked for that clip, so i mean it, thanks dude


                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                Thanks for posting this. This is too funny!


                Check this out. It's interesting. Though not suprising to me because of the timbre of his voice. But, It's fun to see. Enjoy!
                It was very interesting!....he doesn't have a bad voice!...but i was more focused on his hair!!! LOL!!!. I definitely like it better short! LOL!

                Sig by Camy


                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  Thanks Mayra!! What time zone are you cuz I hardly see you while your online! and yeah man,
                  it would be cool if they made her real bad a*s and the struggle to see john watch as she does!!

                  and hey nina i looked and looked for that clip, so i mean it, thanks dude
                  No worries...glad I could help out

                  Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                  It was very interesting!....he doesn't have a bad voice!...but i was more focused on his hair!!! LOL!!!. I definitely like it better short! LOL!
                  Yeah I know the hair... last week I was going through some tapes and ended up on some old ER episode...and suddenly I was like huh? wait a minute ...hey that's Rodney *lol*
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by Camy View Post
                    THIS WEEKEND? Oh, man...I don't know that I"ll have time but I"ll give it a try!

                    Loved your little fic btw...I can't find it now, but I loved IT! and as far as changing the name, it was fine the first time but as long as you are happy that is all that matters!

                    Thanks everyone for all your comments. I don't want to spam the thread. Shopping was good. Shopping is always good!

                    Keep those fics coming. I"m still working on The Kiss That Started It All! I"m also working on the Stargaze LJ and trying to finish capping Season 3 so that Wikked can start on Season 2. Then I"m working on some other projects and well, life is good!
                    Thanks Camy for both. Don't worry if you can't do it in time. I'm patient. I'm glad you had fun shopping.

                    Woohoo!!! I can't wait to you do the next chpt.


                      hmmm will soon have an update(read chapter of) Our Unbreakable Bond on soon(hopefully tomorrow sometime)

                      will soon have the big carchase chapter up also hopefully tomorrow, if not tomrrow then perhaps on Friday afternoon

                      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                        ZZZzzzzzzzzzzz whats everyone doing


                          jm blog update

                          Rebecca writes: “Will we ever see another runner like Ronon, if not in season four, then possibly in season five?”

                          Answer: We won’t be seeing another runner, but we will be seeing some kick-ass Satedans in season four’s Reunion.

                          Anonymous #1 writes: “It does make me wonder if he had not approached you with this plot, would we have gotten any Sheppard back story at all this season?”

                          Answer: Delving into Sheppard’s backstory was one of the things on our To-Do list at the beginning of the season, and Joe’s idea gives us the perfect scenario in which to do it.

                          Grey writes: “On the SciFi website, for Sheppard's character it describes him as "the son of a respected Cold War colonel". In the upcoming Sheppard-on-Earth storyline, might we learn anything about said father (ie: dead, alive, disowned) or is that something initially thought of that doesn't fit the character anymore?”

                          Answer: That didn’t come from us.

                          Despite the distractions, we (hopefully) have our final episode slotted. No title yet but, like most season finales, this one will be big - but very, very different. Alas, in response to many who have been asking, Daniel Jackson will not be making an appearance in season four (although Michael was on the lot today to do an interview for one of Ivon Bartok‘s upcoming DVD Special Features). But, if we get a fifth season pick-up, it’s definitely something we definitely aim to pursue.

                          Still looking for a title for the Sheppard on Earth story we finished breaking yesterday. To those of you who are using the bio on the Sci Fi website as a guide, stand advised - the reference to his father being a Cold War Colonel is not canon. I’m not even sure where it came from. So, expect some insight into Shep’s past relationships late in season four.
                          Last edited by MrsB108; 08 August 2007, 05:50 PM.


                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            ZZZzzzzzzzzzzz whats everyone doing
                            I just posted a few ficlets on FF. The one I did today, A Moment of Truth. The one for Doxy's challenge, Future Matchmaker and a fic I did awhile back for Camy's challenge for first date, The Best First Date.

                            I probably won't stay on too much. I have a major headache right now. I'll be back when I feel better. Don't worry I'm sure those motrins will kick in soon.


                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              jm blog update

                              Rebecca writes: “Will we ever see another runner like Ronon, if not in season four, then possibly in season five?”

                              Answer: We won’t be seeing another runner, but we will be seeing some kick-ass Satedans in season four’s Reunion.

                              Anonymous #1 writes: “It does make me wonder if he had not approached you with this plot, would we have gotten any Sheppard back story at all this season?”

                              Answer: Delving into Sheppard’s backstory was one of the things on our To-Do list at the beginning of the season, and Joe’s idea gives us the perfect scenario in which to do it.

                              Grey writes: “On the SciFi website, for Sheppard's character it describes him as "the son of a respected Cold War colonel". In the upcoming Sheppard-on-Earth storyline, might we learn anything about said father (ie: dead, alive, disowned) or is that something initially thought of that doesn't fit the character anymore?”

                              Answer: That didn’t come from us.
                              Last one. Awwww. That's soooo cute. Thanks for pic and post from JM.


                                you mean that one about tthe time traveler? Scifan fo you have a Live Journal? I got an area set up for fanfiction challenges

                                also guys nothing new from JM... other then Joe making some music..... nothing on Rachel though *gets dragged from computer by Teyla for a sparring session* something tells me I'm not gonna like this......

                                This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                                "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                                "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress

