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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    SCIFAN! I LOVE IT! Just left you a review and I posted the link in the Galleria. It's a wonderful idea and you had the character spot on! Wonderful scenes there too...Aw...I'm off to read it again before I go pick up the boys!

    Thank you soooo much! you guys are the BEST!


      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      Nope, It's not you. All I see is x's too.

      Stephie, I LOVE the chicken pic.

      Ruby, again great sig. Good luck on your fic.When you get Rachel link, can you post it? Thanks.
      Hehe, thanks Scifan!

      Spoilers for OT:

      There's a bit of an inside story to that one for anyone who also visits my LJ. My pointer, Petey is absolutely obsessed with his favorite toy, dubbed Yellow Chicken. Yellow Chicken goes everywhere with Petey and has to share in all his experiences with him. So when I saw that same toy in the clutches of a Boston, I had to just laugh. I think that's the one thing that would cause war in the household with a second dog, LOL! He would let her know that it's HIS toy, that's for sure. But no, Petey is very well trained. I've put him through several obedience training courses and he's certified as well. He recently passed his Good Citizen test, and our goal is to continue to work up to become a therapy dog eventually, the kind that visits sick or elderly people. Petey is such a character and a total lover; he would be perfect at that! My trainer also uses him in all her puppy classes because he's very good with puppies. He tolerates their rude antics (as they haven't learned proper doggie social manners yet!) and he tells what what is and what is not acceptable. He's actually a good trainer himself! LOL!

      --YAY to getting the sig!!! Looks great!!! Cute new stories too!!! Really enjoyed them, thank you so much!!!!

      --thanks so much for the name suggestions!!! I'm also waiting for pics first since it's easier to name them once you've actually seen them! LOL!

      Spoilers for more OT:
      Nick, I did know that about the Boston in England! Very cool! I follow the dog world pretty closely, especially the breeds I love, like German-Shorthairs and Bostons. And Camy, yep, they can be wild little creatures. That's where training is soo important. I've got my trainer on standby already as they can also be a bit stubborn to train sometimes, hehe. But they are extremely smart and loyal little doggies! A lot of little dogs or certain breeds get bad names because of lack of socialization and/or training. This little girl will be introduced to over 100 different people and sounds and experiences before she's 8 weeks old and before she even comes to me. That is the minimum ideal for puppies! Not looking forward to house-breaking though. LOL!

      Anyway, sorry for all the OT!!! Thanks for listening to me ramble.
      Last edited by LoveConquers; 07 June 2007, 09:17 AM.
      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


        Okay..Three more challenges...Just so you know..I have 50 of them...I"ve done how many so far...let me get my notes...43 so far..and now 3 more...

        Woohooo! So many great things coming out from these challenges....This just makes me want to come up with more! NAH!


        1. Mess Hall Lounging....Discuss the mess hall scenes that we've had between JT and or come up with your own and write a fic about it.
        Is there an episode where there could have been a great missing scene? I know that Blue always writes that The Return Part 2 should have ended with a team, how about it..anyone up for an episode tag challenge?

        2. Funny JT moments...Man, there are a ton of those.....Look them up, post the transcript, captions, or make up your own comical fic...I know Nick already has one....LOL.....Camel riding! LOL

        3. For the Galleria I have Black and White Effects Fanart...but how about if we modify that one in here for moments that you think were very plain and obvious for John and Teyla. We always chat about those subtle moments, but which top 10 moments, do you even think there are ten, that without a doubt show that John really does care for Teyla and vice Versa. Cap them, post them, write about them...or come up with your own in a fic.

        Something else that I"ve not done in a long time is a picfic...I don't know that I'll have the time but why not find a couple of caps and write your own dialogue version of it!

        I"ll see if I can find some of my own picfics. I did a couple and one massively long one!




          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
          Hehe, thanks Scifan!

          Spoilers for OT:

          There's a bit of an inside story to that one for anyone who also visits my LJ. My pointer, Petey is absolutely obsessed with his favorite toy, dubbed Yellow Chicken. Yellow Chicken goes everywhere with Petey and has to share in all his experiences with him. So when I saw that same toy in the clutches of a Boston, I had to just laugh. I think that's the one thing that would cause war in the household with a second dog, LOL! He would let her know that it's HIS toy, that's for sure. But no, Petey is very well trained. I've put him through several obedience training courses and he's certified as well. He recently passed his Good Citizen test, and our goal is to continue to work up to become a therapy dog eventually, the kind that visits sick or elderly people. Petey is such a character and a total lover; he would be perfect at that! My trainer also uses him in all her puppy classes because he's very good with puppies. He tolerates their rude antics (as they haven't learned proper doggie social manners yet!) and he tells what what is and what is not acceptable. He's actually a good trainer himself! LOL!

          --YAY to getting the sig!!! Looks great!!! Cute new stories too!!! Really enjoyed them, thank you so much!!!!

          --thanks so much for the name suggestions!!! I'm also waiting for pics first since it's easier to name them once you've actually seen them! LOL!
          Nick, I did know that about the breed in Boston! Very cool! I follow the dog world pretty closely, especially the breeds I love, like German-Shorthairs and Bostons. And Camy, yep, they can be wild little creatures. That's where training is soo important. I've got my trainer on standby already as they can also be a bit stubborn to train sometimes, hehe. But they are extremely smart and loyal little doggies! A lot of little dogs or certain breeds get bad names because of lack of socialization and/or training. This little girl will be introduced to over 100 different people and sounds and experiences before she's 8 weeks old and before she even comes to me. That is the minimum ideal for puppies! Not looking forward to house-breaking though. LOL!

          Anyway, sorry for all the OT!!! Thanks for listening to me ramble.
          Aw, I love the little bugger already!


            I just thought of a name, Steph...Bonita...pronounced....Bowl (-L) nee-tah

            It means Pretty in Spanish!


              How beautiful Scifan!! I love Unseen.

              I especially love it when:

              When John put his hand on Teyla's cheek to
              comfort her. And she leans into his touch and closes her eyes.
              That is to me is beautiful.

              sig by Sci!

              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                How beautiful Scifan!! I love Unseen.

                I especially love it when:

                When John put his hand on Teyla's cheek to
                comfort her. And she leans into his touch and closes her eyes.
                That is to me is beautiful.

                Thanks Elflinn. I'm glad you liked it.


                  Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                  Awwww!!!!!!!! I absolutely love this!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!! Is that her dog, Nala? Too cute!!!!

                  I'm soooo excited!!! I might have finally found my puppy!!! I'm anxiously and eagerly waiting for the baby pics at the moment. LOL! I've been looking for a Boston Terrier for six months and finally found one I think! Now I just have to convince Petey that this is a good idea, that he really does want a sister. Hehe. Alright guys, I need suggestions for girl names too! She was just born on Sunday, so I won't get her until August, but I would like to at least name her right away. And she's a Rescue too! Which I especially excited about because Rescues are one of my passions. Her Mom and Dad were found wandering the streets, eating road kill for food. Parents have been adopted already and the woman who adopted Mom is looking for homes for the babies now. I'm waiting for her to send me pics. I can't visit them yet because they are too young and vulnerable.

                  Blue--WOW!!! Those are GORGEOUS!!!!!
                  That's awesome news Steph!...wait, so this is a different Boston Terrier that you are going to look at?. I know there was another possibilitly to get one but not sure if it's the same one your talking about?.

                  Names...Gosh, girl, are you sure you want any suggestions from me!, you know what i named my other pets! LOL!!!. Not the best at animal names...wait! i haven't told you what i named one of my hamsters one time! Horrible i tell you, poor hamster stuck with that name LOL!!!!.

                  Yes, please show us the pics of the Babies when they send them too you!.

                  Sig by Camy


                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    You guys gotta read Only You. I thought I was going to cry. It a short, sweet and beautifully written story. I'll catch up on the others later.
                    All Tied Up was funny too.

                    Great Job!

                    There is so many fics I'll have to slow catch up on.

                    Mayra: Sorry you're not feeling well. I hope you get better soon. Have some sweet dreams of John and Teyla. Read Ruby's All Tied Up fic They say that laughter is the best medicine. That will get you laughing and your blood pumping. It'll push that bug right out of you.
                    If I missed any body, I'll catch you later.

                    I was going to post the score for the 500 smiles men, but some one has been messing with the pics. Daniel dropped down about 20 and John about 4 and I don't know about Cam. I seems that some one has deleted some. I'm going to check the ladies now.
                    Thank you scifan for the fic rec!. It definitely hit the spot and made me laugh!. You are so right, laughter is the best medicine!.

                    Ruby_Caspar, this fic is awesome!. I totally loved it!. Had some nice J/T mixed with some funny, funny moments!. I loved how we the readers are able to well....get an idea of what our favorite couple were up too! LOL!.

                    Sig by Camy


                      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                      Scifan, Cyn, thank you both so much! She was just born on Sunday so I won't get her for a few months, but I'm pretty excited! Scifan, I have an old cat that pretty much rules the roost too.

                      ETA: Although Petey may declare war if she decides to do what this little girl did:

                      LOL! I about died when I stumbled across that pic in a Boston forum, hehe.
                      Oh No! LOL!!! too funny!. Well, i think your going to have to get your new puppy a pink they make a pink one? LOL!!! so Petey wont get jealous because i could see Petey defending that yellow chicken with his life! LOL!. Does he even let Billy get next to his yellow chicken or Billy doesn't even care for it?

                      Sig by Camy


                        Do excuse me while i do some catch up here. Thanks

                        Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                        @Nick. OT
                        Yes, historical disasters really interest me. Took Geography/Chemistry/Archeology in Uni, wanted to end up doing either seismology, vulcanology or something to do with environmental change. Unfortunatly I couldn't afford to finish so instead I read, watch and photograph. Would love to hear more about the site.
                        Well although history and the Roman period is one of my other passions, this particular site will be focusing on a book, soon to be made into a movie.

                        There'll be a forum to talk about the film itself, the book, other historical fiction, as well as people's experiences when visiting the site and the surrounding area. A gallery too hopefully, have to look into how best to do that.

                        The novel is called Pompeii, by Robert Harris. Do you know it?

                        I envy you, the courses you took at Uni, i would've loved that i think. Wasn't meant to be though unfortunately, or it just wasn't possible.

                        Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                        New little Teyla spoiler from JM's blog tonight:

                        Anonymous #4 writes: “So we finally get to see Teyla and Ronon on Earth?”

                        Answer: Ronon, yes. Teyla, no. Changes were made after the first draft.

                        Bummer, I was looking forward to that.

                        (Spoiler space for small S4 spec):

                        I wonder if that is why she was missing from that last little Miller's Crossing spoiler. I don't know if there was more than one ep they were supposed to be going to earth or not though. I suppose it will be one of those eps where she's not shown at all, has a small B plot, or is seen only in the very beginning, saying goodbye with some reason as to why she's staying behind that may or may not be pregnancy related. Well, at least we know she'll get plenty of screen time in other eps! But I was really looking forward to seeing her reaction to Earth, that's too bad!
                        *Nick turns the air blue*

                        Very disappointed about this but there's nowt we can do about it unfortunately.

                        In an alternative JT kind of world, Teyla's first visit will be on their honeymoon some time toward the end of S7. Oh what am i doing tempting the Fates like this. Probably already laughing.

                        I'm sure Crescere and Maddie did jsut this in fics mind you. Fiarly certain Psris was one destination.

                        Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                        Nick, this is wonderful!!!! I just tried to leave you a review at, but there appears to be something wrong with the site. It wouldn't let me leave one as it seems to think I already have! Very strange! So sorry about that! But just wanted to let you know that I really liked this a lot! Had to laugh at the camels. I've ridden a camel twice in my life, and it's definitely an experience! Can't wait to read more!!!
                        Oh no worries, if you and others enjoyed it, that's all that matters.

                        Originally the story was only supposed to be one chapter and utterly serious, took a wrong turn somewhere along the line. Now i wonder what i've got myself into. lol

                        I nearly rode one myself last year when on a day trip to Tangers, though when the time came, the tour guide said we'd only have like one minute and the setting wasn't exactly the romantic one i had envisaged if that is the right word. On a strip of wasteland next to an industrial estate, not exactly the image you picture beforehand you know.

                        Originally posted by Camy View Post
                        *claps madly*

                        Off to read it again...WOOHOO! Nick...promise me you won't keep me waiting too long, right?

                        Here's a little something....

                        Oh thanks, another one of Wikked's little gems, cool.

                        As for the ETA on the second chapter, i've got the general theme sorted, in my head anyway, just need to flesh it out a little and get started on typing it up and seeing if it reads well or not. When i did the first bit, i did it all in one stint, well bar the times where i paced up and down or walked around the garden seeking inspiration.

                        Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post
                        CAMY!...I'm here!....sowwy for the delay....

                        First my computer was on the fritz, then was acting up...but without further delay....


                        LJ: PUDDLE JUMPER RENDEVOUS



                        Quality wallie Witchy. * thumbs up*

                        Loved the fic, much appreciated.

                        I do have to wonder if John would be able to keep a feisty Teyla over his shoulder like that though.

                        Originally posted by Camy View Post
                        Hmmm. you will eat your shoe in front of us...interesting....I'm going to hold you to that one!

                        Would us Brits be getting flown out to the States to see this? First Class if possible please.

                        Now personally i think eating a shoe is too harsh, how about this Skoda instead, it is made entirely out of cake.


                        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                        From one of your caps Camy...

                        Now you and Camy have done some absolutely wonderful caps since i last caught up, again.

                        And i commend you both on them, the quality runs high in this place, bit i particularly like this one blue. Had to go and watch The Gift after seeing it too which s no bad thing. Of course the JT moment stood out, more than remembered actually.
                        Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 07 June 2007, 02:50 PM.


                          Nick, thanks for the review. I just posted my thanks on JTG thread,but since your here.....


                            Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                            Names...Gosh, girl, are you sure you want any suggestions from me!, you know what i named my other pets! LOL!!!. Not the best at animal names...wait! i haven't told you what i named one of my hamsters one time! Horrible i tell you, poor hamster stuck with that name LOL!!!!.

                            Yes, please show us the pics of the Babies when they send them too you!.
                            When i was a kid i had a Guinea Pig, wel it was rather chubby even when very young, it ended up with the name Fat Guinea, completely left wanting in the imagination stakes. I dare anyone to beat or do worse than that?

                            Don't know if i had a say in that or not, best to think that i didn't.

                            My cat now is a resuce and she was called Hannah when we got her [about a year old maybe less, nobody knew for certain.] we stuck with it.

                            Poor girl looks a bit evil in this one with her green eyes how they are but i tell you she isn't, not often. Know's how to train us humans though, has me opening doors for her.

                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            Nick, thanks for the review. I just posted my thanks on JTG thread,but since your here.....
                            Oh cool, but no it is i who should be thanking you really.

                            Speaking of which and i hope i don't miss anybody out here.

                            Cyn, SC, Mayra, Elflinn, Jess and yourslef scifan, thanks very much for the positive feedback on the Palshara story, much appreciated.

                            If the writers are reading this, i hope to see John and Teyla struggling with a Pegasus breed of camel before the end of S4, or maybe not. lol

                            I guess there aren't any fellow fans of the late Wallace Breem or the utterly outstanding Lindsay Davies in here, otherwise i might've expected somebody to pick me up on the names i used in the fic.

                            Cyn & Elflinn, also cheers fo the fic recs, i've read msot of them i think but a few new ones definetely, thank you.



                              I read alot SGA fanfic. So, it is not a problem at all to pass them along. They
                              are stress relievers for me.

                              Since, I have written any myself, I have give you guys your props for providing
                              me with something I love to do.

                              It keeps me out of trouble!! I always look for the JT fics. They are my faves.
                              sig by Sci!

                              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                                Nick's JT Limerick Challenge

                                Now come on we can all have a go at this. Only five lines.

                                I guess i'll start.

                                *clears throat*

                                There was an Athosian called Teyla,
                                And smitten was John Sheppard the Major,
                                He gave her a kiss
                                Oh they still remenisce
                                Leaving their feelings till later!

                                Now i expect far better from the rest of you, as that is extremely iffy, particuarlly that last line hehe. And if the rhyming doesn't quite sound right to you, then apologies but it worked just fine with my London accent.
                                Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 08 June 2007, 02:29 AM.

