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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    I've been meaning to post this for awhile. I know it's DH, but in the beginning he picks on JF. It's funny. (Joe's not there to defend himself.) LOL
    That was hilarious ...... David is always making fun of Joe... I would really like to see Joe get his own back sometime.


      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
      That was hilarious ...... David is always making fun of Joe... I would really like to see Joe get his own back sometime.
      LOL. Yea, me too. I could almost picture Joe saying something like that so he could go home sooner.


        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        I've been meaning to post this for awhile. I know it's DH, but in the beginning he picks on JF. It's funny. (Joe's not there to defend himself.) LOL
        Thanks for posting this. This is too funny!

        Check this out. It's interesting. Though not suprising to me because of the timbre of his voice. But, It's fun to see. Enjoy!
        sig by Sci!

        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
          Thanks for posting this. This is too funny!

          Check this out. It's interesting. Though not suprising to me because of the timbre of his voice. But, It's fun to see. Enjoy!

          Thanks Elf: They should really do something like a band or even record something and sell it for charity. I'd buy it.


            Originally posted by scifan View Post
            Thanks Elf: They should really do something like a band or even record something and sell it for charity. I'd buy it.
            It is kinda freaky to see him with hair. I would love to know if Chris J could sing. He would almost have to be able to with his voice. INDEED....
            sig by Sci!

            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
              Thanks for posting this. This is too funny!


              Check this out. It's interesting. Though not suprising to me because of the timbre of his voice. But, It's fun to see. Enjoy!
              Another great vid.... David has a nice voice... shame about the hair.


                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                It is kinda freaky to see him with hair. I would love to know if Chris J could sing. He would almost have to be able to with his voice. INDEED....
                LOL. It's alway funny to see anyone when they were younger. Who knows about CJ. It would be interesting. Indeed.


                  Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                  Another great vid.... David has a nice voice... shame about the hair.
                  That was just I commenting on. I thought it was kinda freaky. I've only really seen him on SGA!
                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    so here I am thinking to myself "maybe I should put these in BIG WORDS" then I thought no just post it

                    Challenge for fanfiction!

                    Must be centered on either John or Teyla or both.
                    Can take place in either season one two or three(not four at this time
                    Must have either mention of Jack or have him in the story(does not matter which)
                    Jack must say at least once "Ya Think?!"

                    will also be posted at the Arena

                    Hope someone bites one of these

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      You need to save these onto Word before you post them. Just in case this happens again.
                      Dude, your so totally right....
                      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                      Hrmmm ..might it be this one... the only one I know that fits..that I had on my harddrive...
                      John stood in the doorway pretending to have a conversation with Rodney and Sam but his eyes were fixed elsewhere. He looked at Teyla as she talked and laughed standing closely to Ronon. His heart pounded in his chest and he felt the powerful burn of jealousy in his heart.

                      Later that evening Teyla came to see him in his quarters. “Good evening, Colonel. I came to see if you were alright. You did not seem to enjoy yourself at the festivities.”

                      “You seemed to have a good enough time for the both of us,” he mumbled.

                      “Excuse me?” she said confused, only catching half of what he said.

                      “Nothing. Look Teyla, I’m just really tired so if you wouldn’t mind…” and he held his hand out towards the door.

                      “John?” she said quietly approaching him. She placed her hand on his arm and his heart beat faster. “What is it?” She looked into his eyes and he swallowed.

                      “Look,” he started. He couldn’t believe he was about to have this conversation. “If you want to have a relationship with someone Teyla, that’s your business. Far be it from me to stand in your way, but if you’re gonna be with another member of my team, I—“

                      Teyla interrupted him. “What are you talking about?”

                      “I saw you with Ronon. I see you everyday with him! The way you two are with each other, it’s just….Look, that kind of stuff shouldn’t happen on the job, it’s not—“

                      “John, what is going on here? Ronon and I are friends! You know this!” Teyla was getting flustered and her voice was getting higher.

                      “I just don’t want this rubbed in my face anymore, ok?” John said turning away from her.

                      “Rubbed in your…..There is nothing between him and I, John! And I cannot believe you would even care if it were true!”

                      John walked right up to her causing her to jump in surprise, his eyes searching her face hard. “Stop it Teyla, stop pretending! Don’t you know how I feel? Can’t you see it?”

                      She held her breath in for a moment. “No, John! How should I know how you feel if you do not tell me! All I have ever wanted is for you tell me!”

                      “You really want to know Teyla? All I do is think about you! You haunt my world, day and night! I can’t get you out of my head and it’s killing me! Knowing we can never be together, knowing this can never happen!”

                      “Why John? Why can’t this happen?!” she cried.

                      “Is that what you want Teyla? Are you sure you wouldn’t want your precious Ronon?” he yelled sarcastically.

                      She slapped him hard in the face, tears in her eyes.

                      He closed his eyes for a moment and then looked at her and grabbed her roughly pulling her close. “This cannot happen,” he said through gritted teeth. “I…..I….” He trailed off, his voice breaking.

                      And then he kissed her hard, overwhelmed with his passion and desire for her. She pulled him tighter and he kissed her even harder.

                      Congrats to DONNA!! The 1000 marker, you go man!

                      and ELF - this bud's for you


                        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                        Dude, your so totally right....


                        Congrats to DONNA!! The 1000 marker, you go man!

                        and ELF - this bud's for you
                        Thanks Mrs B! Nothing like some Mary Poppins Whump.....
                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          Well Y'all I've got to get ready and go to my monthly meeting!

                          I will definitely be back in here tomorrow morning! No appts that I know of!

                          Mrs B hold the fort down while I am away! Don't get to rowdy up in here!!
                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            Oh dear....I just made this up for no reason


                            John was held on either side by large Wraith males, both faces shrouded with a faceless, blank mask. Neither of them spoke nor gestured as they dragged his beaten body down the long, echoing, green hallway.

                            John’s head was pounding and his heart wrenched at the thought of what he would find behind the looming, large double doors at the end of the hall.

                            The hallway seemed endless and when they finally arrived, the guard to his left held open the door as the other led him in silently.

                            His feet dragging as he was pulled, they approached an ornate throne decorated with what resembled human bones of all shapes and sizes. Two more faceless Wraith stood erect and motionless on either side of the throne with long spears held regally in their clawed hands.

                            John gasped as he tried to contain his sudden urge to be sick, as at last, his gaze rested upon the throne and the elegantly robed creature that rested somberly upon it.


                            Her face was mangled as a Wraith, but still much remained of her beautiful Athosian features. Her body slightly discolored and her hair a wispy silver white lay curved upon her shoulders and she was clad in a long, deep, red robe that extended far beyond her length of body.

                            The guards held John taut as he felt his knees weaken in despair and called out her name in a breathless gasp, “Teyla…..”

                            Her eyes fixed on him and her chin raised high, she gracefully stepped down from her throne, taking confident strides towards him, her robe trailing neatly behind her. She neared him and with an evil look she snarled deeply, peering in his face. “I am Attar and you will kneel when you speak to me, human.”

                            One of the guards kicked him hard behind his knees and he dropped wincing towards the floor. She bent down to his disbelieving face and leaned in close, dragging a long, clawed fingernail across his cheek.

                            His face was defiant and yet his eyes revealed his true emotions.” Your lover is gone, Colonel. Your lingering desire for her is pathetic. You will do what we ask of you, for your Lantian gene may very well save your worthless, little life.”

                            John stared into her face and had never felt so alone in his life. “Teyla, I know you’re in there somewhere. Please.... hear me,” he begged as his eyes filled with tears. “You can fight this, you’re the strongest person I know! You have to be strong! Please!”

                            Teyla stood staring down at him, her head tilted to the side listening. Her blackened eyes seemed to waver for a moment and she held out her hand cupping his trembling chin and watched the torment dance upon his face. John thought for one gleaming moment he saw her beautiful brown eyes pierce through the darkened features and felt her hand quiver against his skin.

                            But then…

                            “Take this thing from my sight,” she scowled at her guards. “He will do as we ask or he will suffer a fate much worse than death.” And she gave Colonel Sheppard a sickening smile, baring her mangled teeth. As he was being roughly hauled back through the double doors, his heart sank and he continued screaming a name that no longer belonged to the beautiful woman he once knew. “Teyla!…..TEYLA!! PLEASE!!””
                            Oh, Mrs. B...I've always had this sort of scenario on my mind that the Wraith will take over Teyla someday and will do some serious harm to her must continue this!!!!! You can do all three at the same time. That's a piece of cake for a writer like you!



                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              I love Kermit. The earliest I would say maybe Friday night. Probably by this weekend.
                              THIS WEEKEND? Oh, man...I don't know that I"ll have time but I"ll give it a try!

                              Loved your little fic btw...I can't find it now, but I loved IT! and as far as changing the name, it was fine the first time but as long as you are happy that is all that matters!

                              Thanks everyone for all your comments. I don't want to spam the thread. Shopping was good. Shopping is always good!

                              Keep those fics coming. I"m still working on The Kiss That Started It All! I"m also working on the Stargaze LJ and trying to finish capping Season 3 so that Wikked can start on Season 2. Then I"m working on some other projects and well, life is good!


                                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                                Well Y'all I've got to get ready and go to my monthly meeting!

                                I will definitely be back in here tomorrow morning! No appts that I know of!

                                Mrs B hold the fort down while I am away! Don't get to rowdy up in here!!
                                aye aye captain
                                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                                Oh, Mrs. B...I've always had this sort of scenario on my mind that the Wraith will take over Teyla someday and will do some serious harm to her must continue this!!!!! You can do all three at the same time. That's a piece of cake for a writer like you!

                                lol u really think so? hey u think she'll really get taken over?

