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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    OASIS - PART 4

    “Um, hello? Guys? I can’t…I can’t see anything! Where are you guys?......OW! What was that?”

    “Sorry,” Ronon’s voice could be heard. Rodney thought he could almost hear him smiling.

    John turned on the small flashlight attached to his weapon and then Teyla’s and Ronon’s clicked on as well. A deafening silence greeted their ears as they stood just outside the building. There was nothing to see but sand and themselves.

    “Look,” Ronon said. “No moon.”

    They all looked up at the endless blackness above them and Rodney began to groan dramatically when he was cut off by a strange sound in the distance.

    An eerie wail drifted to them carried on the dead air surrounding them.

    The others all instantly aimed their weapons in the direction of the noise but the small lights shed no information on what could have caused it.

    “I think we should return inside and stay hidden until first light,” Teyla said quickly.

    “I couldn’t agree more,” John replied.

    And they hastily turned and re-entered the building with Ronon dead bolting the door behind them.

    “Well, we at least have food and water and shelter, we could be worse off ya know,” John said trying to sound optimistic.

    “Food? You call this canned stuff food? I feed Carson’s turtle’s better food than this….” Rodney grumbled loudly to himself.

    Teyla placed her weapon on the metallic desk facing it so that the light would face them without her having to hold it. “Good idea,” John said and he and Ronon did the same. The room was dimly lit but at least they could partially see.

    “So what now?” Rodney said warily. “Shadow puppets?”

    “Actually Rodney, I was hoping you could read some more of that diary for us. I’d like to know what happened here and besides, you have such a lovely speaking voice.” John said smiling.

    “Ha ha, very funny,” Rodney jutted out his chin defensively. “Fine, but only because there’s absolutely nothing else to do till morning.”

    They all sat on the floor in a circle facing each other as Rodney pulled the book out and flipped through.

    “Entry 15. Balthazar is sleeping. Actually, I don’t know how he can possibly sleep through his own obnoxious snoring. I sit here at my desk and hope to finish some of this paperwork I’ve been letting pile up. The team is out, scouring the planet for the energy source. It’s so unbelievably hot here and the sun has been up for over three days straight.”

    “Three days straight?” Rodney said. “The odds of a solar system supporting a sun that could radiate that much heat for three days is—“

    John interrupted. “Just keep going, Rodney.”

    Rodney glared and cleared his throat flipping through more pages. “Entry 28. It’s dark now. Darker than anything I could have ever imagined. I keep hearing these strange noises, like someone scratching outside the compound. Balthazar says I’m going stir crazy already but I know what I heard. Scratching like I've never heard before. It made my skin crawl. I sure hope the team’s ok although they’re probably lost wandering around in the night.”

    Rodney stopped reading and the four of them looked at each other with the same look of concern. Suddenly, Teyla rose from the floor and walked slowly over to one of the walls of the building, pressing her ear softly to the cool metal. The men looked at each other confused and then towards her, watching her, waiting in silence.

    She gasped loudly, frightening them. “They are here!” she whispered loudly.

    Just finished reading all the 4 chapters!!!..i'm loving this story!. It's full of suspence and mystery, definitely have me curious .

    Sig by Camy


      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
      Throwing some relaxing Joe pics... from JM's blog... taken on set...

      Beware of spoilers

      going to bed now...night all,,,see ya tomorrow...
      Cool!!! Thanks Nina!!!

      YAY!!! Carson's back!!!

      I can't wait for the new season to start!!!. With the report on the Con and What JM said and now these pics, they are really making it hard to wait! LOL!

      Sig by Camy


        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
        Alright. I admit it.Elfie truly had a girlie moment:

        I had a slow in my back right side passenger tire. So, I took it to the place that would fix it for me. Well, after waiting 1 1/2 hrs.(I did not mind it was free) The tire worker guy comes and asks if I has the LUG KEY to my tire. The What? He is kindly explaining this to me and then asks: Do you know what that is? I looked at the tire dude and said: I have no idea, I have never had to buy tires for this car ...YET ( I had a Mckay moment). Then, I told the TG Do I look mechanical to you? Whatever! He then had to go to his supervisor to tell him what I said! Now, I know I am not the only one that said something like that! I just wanted to leave ! I could not believe I sounded so stupid!! Now, if they would have asked me about JT, SGA,etc, I would have been able to give them a direct quote, scene, season, year, minutes,and what they, were wearing!
        I admit it: I AM A SGA JT GEEK!
        LOL. That was a cute story. I guess I'd be almost the same, but I do know a little. Talk about SGA, JT geek, Look at you. Your almost at another milestone. Maybe I should wait 'til the end of the week to just say congrats on 2000. LOL


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          I have most of it posted on FF now. The title is The Ties That Bind. I hope that helps. I'm gonna try to do some more tonight. That's only if my littlest gives me a break.
          Thanks again Scifan! I'll definitely go to FF to catch up as well as Yappi's fic too!

          I also wanted to say Congrats to all the milestones!!!

          Sig by Camy


            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
            Throwing some relaxing Joe pics... from JM's blog... taken on set...

            Beware of spoilers

            going to bed now...night all,,,see ya tomorrow...
            I love those pics. It's nice to see Paul back. I REALLY Love the 1st pic of JF. NICEEEE!!!! Thanks Nina.


              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              I have most of it posted on FF now. The title is The Ties That Bind. I hope that helps. I'm gonna try to do some more tonight. That's only if my littlest gives me a break.
              You figured out the chapter thing despite my long winded instructions, I see. And yes, the little ones can keep you busy. I know...
              Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                You figured out the chapter thing despite my long winded instructions, I see. And yes, the little ones can keep you busy. I know...

                LOL. Yea, it took me a couple of tries, but I did it. Thank you Jess.

                I'm slowly getting this next section done. I think I do some more after I read yours.

                Just so you guys know. I changed a few things, but most of it is the same.


                  Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                  Thanks y'all for your congrats! 300 posts...that's like the most posts I've had at any forum. (What can I say? I'm more of an email girl... )

                  I wanted to let you know that the next part of Multiplicity is up. What can I say? Elf's "warning" scared me into submission
                  Did you see the renforcements!

                  I love this! This GReat!
                  Ronon spying on him and knew which one he was!!! He did not any thing else to do!!....
                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    Oh Elf...... new chapter of Forgotton Past is up!!! *zooms off to work on the big carchase chapter for the other story* please be kind to leave a review there if you can! NOTE Forgotton past as a TC(Teyla Carson) pairing and a TJ(Teyilia/John) pairing set up as the plotline

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      Jess: I just want to say that was awesome.
                      I loved it all and I laughed at the spikey hair part. ROFL
                      Great job! I left a review.

                      AGGGGHHHH! There are so many fics to read. Teyilia, I will read yours as soon as I can. Plus there's all those fic for the JT awards. I've never read some. Not evern in high school. LOL

                      Don't forget to vote guys. There's vids, fics and artworks. There's lots of fics. So get started.


                        Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                        Oh Elf...... new chapter of Forgotton Past is up!!! *zooms off to work on the big carchase chapter for the other story* please be kind to leave a review there if you can! NOTE Forgotton past as a TC(Teyla Carson) pairing and a TJ(Teyilia/John) pairing set up as the plotline
                        I am really liking your new fic Teyilia! I do not usually Carson/Teyla ship at all.
                        I am JT all the way! but, it very well written and I truly enjoying the plot and
                        story. Can't wait until you update it again!
                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                          Just 9 more Fridays!
                          My fellow whumper posted this in the official countdown to S4 thread! I loved the way she broke it down for everyone! It does not seem that far away now!!
                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                            Did I miss the welcome party?
                            Thanks Padme18
                            Thanks for the sig Scifan


                              Hiya Kingdom!!

                              sig by Sci!

                              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                                OASIS - PART 3

                                "Jesus Christ!" Rodney cried as they stared at the decomposing body lying on the floor. Its mouth seemed opened rather widely, as if the person had died screaming. Ronon knelt down to examine the body further, while Colonel Sheppard and Teyla walked over to him, leaving Rodney standing alone by the desk, the tattered diary grasped firmly in his hands and held tightly to his chest.

                                Ronon used his weapon to poke and prod the corpse gently. “Looks like the poor guy was ripped to shreds. Something attacked him. Something vicious." Teyla and Colonel Sheppard looked at each other, both of them growing more concerned with the escalating dangers of this place by the minute.

                                "COLONEL???" Rodney hollered.

                                They all turned to where he was pointing. His hand extended towards the large doorway. The powerful sun that had been providing them with a deep intense light was now rapidly fading against the horizon.

                                "What...What’s happening? It can't be night already?" The alarm in Johns voice was evident as he stared at the quickly dissipating glow. The sun was moving at an incredibly unnatural speed, within minutes it would have completely disappeared beyond the horizon.

                                Teyla stepped in front of him, looking out, her eyes filling with dread. “Darkness will cover this place soon. We must leave, John,” she said turning to him. “We must leave now, or I fear we shall never find the Stargate through the night.”

                                “Are you crazy?” Rodney said hysterically. “Didn’t you read the same journal I did? The scratches in the DARK?? No way am I going out there at night to be ripped into shredded beef like our friend here!”

                                Ronon stood looking down at the body and then at John’s frustrated face. Teyla implored him. “John, please! There is no time for discussion, we must go now!”

                                John stared at her pleading expression for a moment and to the look of utter obstinacy on Rodney’s. “Ok, were leaving, grab your gear. We’re moving out. NOW!”

                                They all began scrambling for their stuff as Rodney groaned and grappled with his backpack. Just as they began hurriedly making their way to the door, the last few splinters of sunlight seemed to laugh at them, as they scampered down below the last dunes of sand, leaving them in total and absolute darkness.

                                Thanks for the green YC!
                                I'm loving this....scary. They better listen to Teyla.
                                Thanks for the sig Scifan

