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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    What? What did I do?

    Okay...guys Magg posted some gorgeous artwork for DM's word challenges. Go and check them out!

    Also, the Galleria needs some life to it, any ideas?

    I have a couple but let's see.

    One challenge is to make a banner for your favorite fics. If anyone has any fic request that they like to have a banner for, let us know in the galleria. If you have anything specific in mind, also let us know.

    I think I did this word already but I have more ideas with it, in the meantime, Flowers is the challenge for today. Go and post your favorite caps with JT that have some sort of flowers. Write a fic or do a picfic *dialogue* with flowers as your theme....

    Have fun and I shall be back! AND GO AND POST THOSE CAPS FOR THE RETURN PART 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      i posted this in the galleria as well
      Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


        CAMY - lol sorry i meant I just did it as in I just posted a pic over there

        DONNA - Excellent pic as usual


          OASIS - PART 5

          Rodney leaped to his feet instantly alarmed. "What? Who's here? Is this like some Wraith DNA Sixth Sense thing?" John and Ronon also rose looking at Teyla's panicked expression and approached her gingerly. Neither of them had heard anything and they both could tell the other was thinking the same thing.

          John put a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Teyla, there’s nothing out there. None of us heard anything. I know this place is creepy but-“

          He was cut off by a very loud metallic groan, like someone harshly dragging metal across metal just outside where she was standing. John jumped a mile and Ronon quickly backed up, swiping his gun from the desk.

          “Um….okay…. That can’t be good. I guess that’s what I get for doubting you,” John said warily to Teyla as she looked at him with an exasperated face. The sound stopped suddenly and they all stood, listening.

          Their heads moved in unison as another loud metallic groan came from the opposite wall. “What the hell is going on here? What is that?” John yelled over the din.

          “I think it’s safe to say, something’s trying to get in!” Rodney shrieked as the noise moved, coming from directly above them. “They’re on the roof! They’re everywhere!”

          Ronon waved his gun, following the sound as it seemed to be coming from all directions now. “What do we do, Sheppard?” he roared.

          John looked at Teyla, his forehead furrowed in apprehension. “I’m open to suggestions,” he said tensely. Teyla shook her head thinking. “I think we should do nothing. We were not attacked in light. These creatures seem to come only in darkness. We should wait for dawn and then quickly return to the Stargate.”

          John nodded in agreement and cringed at the next loud groan of metal beside him. “Ok, we wait it out.”

          Rodney looked extremely perturbed. “That’s it? That’s our plan? What if these things actually make their way in here? Then what? We ask them nicely to wait outside till morning?”

          Ronon cocked his gun. “Then we kill ‘em,” he said gruffly.

          Rodney looked at him, relaxing some. “Ok fine, Rambo. But I hope you people don’t actually expect anyone to get any sleep tonight.”

          An hour later the racket had subsided and Rodney had fallen asleep using his backpack as a pillow, with a long stream of drool trailing to the floor from his mouth.

          Ronon was slumped by the door, his gun positioned readily in his hands. His eyes kept begging to close and his neck jolted every time they did.

          John and Teyla sat backs against the wall, lit very dimly with only one flashlight switched on. John had heard Teyla’s stomach growl and retrieved a can of food from one of the crates. “Thank you, Colonel,” she said smiling softly in the light. He pulled a knife from his pocket and began opening the can for her as he sat back down beside her.

          “You know, I don’t think we need to worry about those things outside anymore,” he said. Teyla sat up, curious. “What do you mean?” John smiled widely. “I think it’s a good bet this food will kill us before anything else does.”

          She smiled playfully and snatched the now open can from his outstretched hand. They sat there together and he watched her eat and prayed the sun would come up soon so they could return safely.

          Hours passed and soon Teyla was leaning heavily on his shoulder sound asleep. John couldn’t sleep though. All he could do was focus on the tiny scratches surrounding them and the sound of many feet scuttling about outside. His thoughts suddenly turned to the diary and he suddenly felt a glimmer of hope figuring there would be more information on these creatures buried somewhere in the book.

          He started to gently lift Teyla’s head from his shoulder, trying not to wake her. She twitched slightly and moaned but remained asleep. As he leaned over to grab her backpack from the other side of her to give her as a pillow, she stirred again and this time slowly opened her eyes. His face was only inches from hers as he was reaching over her body. The light was barely outlining them in the dark. Neither moved and all John could notice was how close her lips were to his and felt a sudden rush deep inside. His eyes searched hers for some kind of sign, a longing, the way he did for her.

          Just as he was about to lean into her, an insanely loud thump came from above and the metal on the roof sunk in deep. Rodney gave a little yelp and woke as Ronon stirred from his half slumber and immediately aimed his gun upwards.

          John and Teyla looked up as well, and they all stared at the humungous indent in the ceiling above.
          Last edited by MrsB108; 31 July 2007, 07:05 AM.


            Camy: how about a trade? you know, you make a banner for a fanfic of mine and I'll write a character of your own making into my next story?

            or is that too much? I'll go over there and post it

            anyhow, I will soon have an update to "Forgotton Family and a Forgotton Past" up soon, only this chapter is going to be a possible tear jerker(and introdeuces Ronon to the story) when Teyilia tells Teyla what really happened to their parents

            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


              Scifan Love the update on your fic.... they managed to get him....
              Can't wait for more...

              MrsB108 - Oh my ,,,great update...
              Okay darn that thing whatever it is for destroying the moment between J/T... got to be some thing since it did even sink the roof in,,, getting really creepy now...

              Can't wait to read more of this
              Sigs by Scifan


                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                Scifan Love the update on your fic.... they managed to get him....
                Can't wait for more...

                MrsB108 - Oh my ,,,great update...
                Okay darn that thing whatever it is for destroying the moment between J/T... got to be some thing since it did even sink the roof in,,, getting really creepy now...

                Can't wait to read more of this
                Thanks Nina! I know. How rude of those things interrupting like that!

                This place sure is quiet today.............................


                  Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                  Thank you Scifan once again for leading me in the right direction! LOL! i caught up on your fics!!! Finally!!! LOL!!!

                  Nice job on Chapter 12!!! i love how your incorporating the spoilers we have gotten on season 4 into your fic!.

                  Thanks Mayra, I'm glad you're liking it.


                    Hey Scifan - Your story is getting soooo good. Do you think you'll have another chapter up today??

                    Have Elf post it in the whump thread


                      Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                      Hey Maffieg here:
                      Oh wow you guys eat these pages up!!!!

                      Gotta say I am really enjoying the fics.

                      Scifan you sure got make great pics and fics. Darn I am envious.

                      Mrs. B I am loving Oasis!!! You are cool.

                      Keep it coming cuz I'm hooked.

                      JT forever
                      Thank Maffieg. It's the JT love that brings it out. I've never written stories like this before or do this kind of art either. I struggled in High School for doing reports and stuff like that. I had no desires to do it until recently. And you guys are awesome support too.


                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        Thank Maffieg. It's the JT love that brings it out. I've never written stories like this before or do this kind of art either. I struggled in High School for doing reports and stuff like that. I had no desires to do it until recently. And you guys are awesome support too.
                        I guess it could also be that you are writing something you truly enjoy and like... and of course it always help to have support and feedback from the ones who read it too... just like everything else... same in artwork and videos... it's more fun when you do it for more then just yourself... at the beginning I thought I would never in a million years post my videos anywhere for anyone else to see beside my close friends...but a one time changed it all and now they end up getting posted... well just the J/T and John videos... my Buffy/Angel videos is not posted anywhere... to tell you all the truth I'm more proud of my J/T and John videos then the other ones I've made....
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                          OASIS - PART 5

                          Rodney leaped to his feet instantly alarmed. "What? Who's here? Is this like some Wraith DNA Sixth Sense thing?" John and Ronon also rose looking at Teyla's panicked expression and approached her gingerly. Neither of them had heard anything and they both could tell the other was thinking the same thing.

                          John put a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Teyla, there’s nothing out there. None of us heard anything. I know this place is creepy but-“

                          He was cut off by a very loud metallic groan, like someone harshly dragging metal across metal just outside where she was standing. John jumped a mile and Ronon quickly backed up, swiping his gun from the desk.

                          “Um….okay…. That can’t be good. I guess that’s what I get for doubting you,” John said warily to Teyla as she looked at him with an exasperated face. The sound stopped suddenly and they all stood, listening.

                          Their heads moved in unison as another loud metallic groan came from the opposite wall. “What the hell is going on here? What is that?” John yelled over the din.

                          “I think it’s safe to say, something’s trying to get in!” Rodney shrieked as the noise moved, coming from directly above them. “They’re on the roof! They’re everywhere!”

                          Ronon waved his gun, following the sound as it seemed to be coming from all directions now. “What do we do, Sheppard?” he roared.

                          John looked at Teyla, his forehead furrowed in apprehension. “I’m open to suggestions,” he said tensely. Teyla shook her head thinking. “I think we should do nothing. We were not attacked in light. These creatures seem to come only in darkness. We should wait for dawn and then quickly return to the Stargate.”

                          John nodded in agreement and cringed at the next loud groan of metal beside him. “Ok, we wait it out.”

                          Rodney looked extremely perturbed. “That’s it? That’s our plan? What if these things actually make their way in here? Then what? We ask them nicely to wait outside till morning?”

                          Ronon cocked his gun. “Then we kill ‘em,” he said gruffly.

                          Rodney looked at him, relaxing some. “Ok fine, Rambo. But I hope you people don’t actually expect anyone to get any sleep tonight.”

                          An hour later the racket had subsided and Rodney had fallen asleep using his backpack as a pillow, with a long stream of drool trailing to the floor from his mouth.

                          Ronon was slumped by the door, his gun positioned readily in his hands. His eyes kept begging to close and his neck jolted every time they did.

                          John and Teyla sat backs against the wall, lit very dimly with only one flashlight switched on. John had heard Teyla’s stomach growl and retrieved a can of food from one of the crates. “Thank you, Colonel,” she said smiling softly in the light. He pulled a knife from his pocket and began opening the can for her as he sat back down beside her.

                          “You know, I don’t think we need to worry about those things outside anymore,” he said. Teyla sat up, curious. “What do you mean?” John smiled widely. “I think it’s a good bet this food will kill us before anything else does.”

                          She smiled playfully and snatched the now open can from his outstretched hand. They sat there together and he watched her eat and prayed the sun would come up soon so they could return safely.

                          Hours passed and soon Teyla was leaning heavily on his shoulder sound asleep. John couldn’t sleep though. All he could do was focus on the tiny scratches surrounding them and the sound of many feet scuttling about outside. His thoughts suddenly turned to the diary and he suddenly felt a glimmer of hope figuring there would be more information on these creatures buried somewhere in the book.

                          He started to gently lift Teyla’s head from his shoulder, trying not to wake her. She twitched slightly and moaned but remained asleep. As he leaned over to grab her backpack from the other side of her to give her as a pillow, she stirred again and this time slowly opened her eyes. His face was only inches from hers as he was reaching over her body. The light was barely outlining them in the dark. Neither moved and all John could notice was how close her lips were to his and felt a sudden rush deep inside. His eyes searched hers for some kind of sign, a longing, the way he did for her.

                          Just as he was about to lean into her, an insanely loud thump came from above and the metal on the roof sunk in deep. Rodney gave a little yelp and woke as Ronon stirred from his half slumber and immediately aimed his gun upwards.

                          John and Teyla looked up as well, and they all stared at the humungous indent in the ceiling above.

                          Another awesome part MrsB. The description is so detailed, I feel like I'm right there.
                          I love it when Rodney called Ronon, Rambo.


                            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                            Scifan Love the update on your fic.... they managed to get him....
                            Can't wait for more...

                            MrsB108 - Oh my ,,,great update...
                            Okay darn that thing whatever it is for destroying the moment between J/T... got to be some thing since it did even sink the roof in,,, getting really creepy now...

                            Can't wait to read more of this
                            Thanks Nina.


                              You can watch the 3rd SGA ad here... just a quick glimpse of JF but hey it's an ad atleast... *lol*

                              Edit: J/T in The Return 1 needs 10 more votes to reach 50 in the Favorite ship episode picture game... nice then we will have 3 in the top list
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                                I guess it could also be that you are writing something you truly enjoy and like... and of course it always help to have support and feedback from the ones who read it too... just like everything else... same in artwork and videos... it's more fun when you do it for more then just yourself... at the beginning I thought I would never in a million years post my videos anywhere for anyone else to see beside my close friends...but a one time changed it all and now they end up getting posted... well just the J/T and John videos... my Buffy/Angel videos is not posted anywhere... to tell you all the truth I'm more proud of my J/T and John videos then the other ones I've made....

                                You're right, I do enjoy it and I'm glad that I joined this family. And you should be proud of all your vids Nina.

