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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    Thanks Nina.

    I hope that she get closet to John than with Ronon, but it's nice to know that it doesn't seem to be a problem with her and her team.
    I wonder too what might happen...
    That something is going to happen between J/T in result of her pregnancy... hrmmm John steps up to make sure everything goes well with Teyla...or also making sure to tell her he will always be there for her no matter what... since they are the closest to eachother as I feel...I can only see them getting closer...
    yes she was going to bond with Ronon...but even there I feel there just might be the brother protecting his sister kind of thing... being there at times when John can't be there if she is behind and he is on a mission... or if John feels if something is going to happen to him atleast she will have Ronon then looking out for her...

    Now some has speculated since at the con there was a ship question about Teyla and Ronon... and JM said there are some relationships that might be in for but that he wouldn't say anything at the time... then thing was that some that had seen the actual clips...thought that the look on Jewel when that question came that it might be Ronon and Keller that has been talked about... but this is just some specualtion on the slight little thing of how she reacted to that question... but oh who knows...but as it seems JM seems to have some relationships in the works...hrmm since it sounded like more then one... but oh who's all specualtion at thing point
    Sigs by Scifan


      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
      That's great you had fun,pity bout you missin the SGA gang,i can't go cause well i'm in Scotland Do they ever come over here!

      Working on a Sunday,aw that suxs,i'm really sorry to hear about your co-worker.
      I feel yer frustration about the crappy weather,must be the same all over Europe the now,um what does the sun look like again...Oh yeah i so can't wait for S4 of Atlantis to start,i reaaallllyyyy need my JT fix,hopefully it'll start at the beginning of October here in the U.K.....Ah yes CSI New York,well it's just finished here so i won't see it for a while so no DL for me for a while but JT will make up for it!
      yeah exactly...what does the sun look like again ?? *lol*
      CSI NY just ended where you are... you mean season 3??...
      Here we haven't finished the season yet... but I've seen it all I would wait *lol*
      And I hope one day that I can come in here and have a thrill of having J/T there as I have D/L now....

      The ones that say main characters can't be together because they ruin the kills it... I have to say that's bull... if NY can do it without taking away from the show and what it's about then sure as heck so can SGA do... I really don't get why people can stand a main character being together with a recurring McKay and Katie... but they can't stand two main character being together... it's for me the same darn thing...romance as romance...whatever it's with a recurring or a main... the only difference I see is with like Katie...being a recurring character and her only purpose on the show is being McKay's love intrest...well let me tell you I find her boring just for that fact... since that's all she is there for... it's a whole other deal if it were John and Teyla... they have to go out in battle...fight side by side.. have dissagrements.. she would never be there only as a love intrest for him... since she haven't been that since the beginning...I can't see her ever being just that on the show... but by putting John with a recurring character that is only there for that aspect...then heck I rather see him alone...

      If you take a sweet moment between recurring (Katie) and main McKay...and compare to a sweet moment between main (John) and main (Teyla).... which one means more???
      For me that would of course be J/T since their sweet moment are at times when it hard, the have to deal with so much, they confide in eachother of not only about them but what they see in terms of winning the war against their enemies... for me the only thing I see when I see a scene with M/K is *ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz* since she isn't there for any other reason...

      I'll stop my rambling now
      Sigs by Scifan


        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
        yeah exactly...what does the sun look like again ?? *lol*
        CSI NY just ended where you are... you mean season 3??...
        Here we haven't finished the season yet... but I've seen it all I would wait *lol*
        And I hope one day that I can come in here and have a thrill of having J/T there as I have D/L now....

        The ones that say main characters can't be together because they ruin the kills it... I have to say that's bull... if NY can do it without taking away from the show and what it's about then sure as heck so can SGA do... I really don't get why people can stand a main character being together with a recurring McKay and Katie... but they can't stand two main character being together... it's for me the same darn thing...romance as romance...whatever it's with a recurring or a main... the only difference I see is with like Katie...being a recurring character and her only purpose on the show is being McKay's love intrest...well let me tell you I find her boring just for that fact... since that's all she is there for... it's a whole other deal if it were John and Teyla... they have to go out in battle...fight side by side.. have dissagrements.. she would never be there only as a love intrest for him... since she haven't been that since the beginning...I can't see her ever being just that on the show... but by putting John with a recurring character that is only there for that aspect...then heck I rather see him alone...

        If you take a sweet moment between recurring (Katie) and main McKay...and compare to a sweet moment between main (John) and main (Teyla).... which one means more???
        For me that would of course be J/T since their sweet moment are at times when it hard, the have to deal with so much, they confide in eachother of not only about them but what they see in terms of winning the war against their enemies... for me the only thing I see when I see a scene with M/K is *ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz* since she isn't there for any other reason...

        I'll stop my rambling now
        Yeah i think it was season 3
        the one where they finally got together and Danny gets injured...boooooo.......but he's ok and Lindsey comes to him......yeeeeeeeeaaaaaa!

        Yup i get what your saying,i mean what is the deal with Katie and Rodney,i only remember seeing her a couple of times and i must say i was rather bored by the whole concept.....Now Cadman would huv been a different story,i loved the interaction with he and McKay when they had to share the same body,now that was pretty funny and i must admit from what i've seen of Cadman i actually quite like her and the way Rodney acts around her is pretty funny,i think that would be a better match....

        But the interactions between John and Teyla is just something else,you can literally feel the heat there and getting two of the main characters together doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing as long as it's done the right way,i mean you can see the way they look at each other that there's something there and they're are no secrets,they can see right through the other and i think it would make them stronger not weaker if they were together!


          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
          Yeah i think it was season 3
          the one where they finally got together and Danny gets injured...boooooo.......but he's ok and Lindsey comes to him......yeeeeeeeeaaaaaa!

          Yup i get what your saying,i mean what is the deal with Katie and Rodney,i only remember seeing her a couple of times and i must say i was rather bored by the whole concept.....Now Cadman would huv been a different story,i loved the interaction with he and McKay when they had to share the same body,now that was pretty funny and i must admit from what i've seen of Cadman i actually quite like her and the way Rodney acts around her is pretty funny,i think that would be a better match....

          But the interactions between John and Teyla is just something else,you can literally feel the heat there and getting two of the main characters together doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing as long as it's done the right way,i mean you can see the way they look at each other that there's something there and they're are no secrets,they can see right through the other and i think it would make them stronger not weaker if they were together!

          Yup that was season 3...darn it hurt seeing him beat up like that...

          As you said we have seen so little of Katie...and then the fact that she is only there for being Rodney's love intrest...makes her boring... Cadman had more spunk... she could snark it back at Rodney just as much as he could dish out... he seems to need a women that could put him in his place..not him walking all over her because she is so soft and Katie is...

          Teyla is that to John...she can dish out and put him in place faster then anyone can do...Rodney can't ,,we've seen that ,,John just yells in his face that makes Rodney basically scared of him..*lol* well John may not scare Ronon easily but he sure doesn't back down there either...Weir had no much control over him either,,, although I have to say I was furious during a lot of moments in season 2..where I felt she walked all over him like he didn't know how to do his damn job.. I just felt like he became some kind of darn lapdog... who backed down way to easily... I've seen him in episodes being the tough soldier..and to see him back down to someone who don't know a darn thing about his job was so frustrating I wanted to scream at the TV...

          So back to the point *lol* Teyla has been the only one to be able to talk sense into him down when he has acted on impuls without thinking... he at times is a hot head and she is the calm one...they balance eachother out... which is one of the reasons I never would think their romance would take anything out from the show itself... they have so much on their plate.. and they have to work together.. they are professionals... they arn't two teenagers going around and giggle all the time... *lol* so to tell the truth in SGA ...J/T is the only main couple I can think of that would work...
          Sigs by Scifan


            Aye,i think Cadman could put Rodney in his place,i think Katie is just too soft....Rodney and Cadman make a far better match.
            I would love to see Cadman more in season4,i like her,she's got spunk...Um ok a little off topic and in the wrong thread....back on topic now

            Yea,he seems to listen to Teyla more than anyone else and she seems to be able to control him,keep him grounded,it's also almost they've got this sixth sense with each other,like they know what the others thinking....They are soulmates and how often do you find your soulmate,when you do find them you hang onto them for dear life!

            At least give us some recognition that they do have feelings about each other even if they don't get together just yet,i mean they've never outright said it!


              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
              Aye,i think Cadman could put Rodney in his place,i think Katie is just too soft....Rodney and Cadman make a far better match.
              I would love to see Cadman more in season4,i like her,she's got spunk...Um ok a little off topic and in the wrong thread....back on topic now

              Yea,he seems to listen to Teyla more than anyone else and she seems to be able to control him,keep him grounded,it's also almost they've got this sixth sense with each other,like they know what the others thinking....They are soulmates and how often do you find your soulmate,when you do find them you hang onto them for dear life!

              At least give us some recognition that they do have feelings about each other even if they don't get together just yet,i mean they've never outright said it!

              Oh I hear ya....
              She is the one to keep him grounded.... she is his calm other half that can balance him out....
              She is his voice of reason....

              Oh trust me I know all about what you mean about them having a sixth sense about eachother... all it takes is a look between them and they know what needs to be done... they speak volumes without actually speaking... just that tells me they know eachother truly well... it's not like you can give Rodney a look and he knows exactly what John wants to be done *lol* he needs to be told...hehe...

              It's like Teyla knows how he thinks... and who he is ..and also the one to understand the burden he carries with taking care of so many people,,and trying to keep them all safe...and lead his men out into war... I think because of all the factors might be a reason how she is the only one that seems to have been able to reach him on a more personal level... if there have been anyone else who have even tried to imply something personal...he clams up or he changes the subject or he cracks a joke...but he has never turned down Teyla or backed away from her when she has gone a little more into his personal space... he has instead chosen to confide in her and open up to her...
              Sigs by Scifan


                Aye with Rodney you literally have to spell it out for him,for someone so smart he can be so dumb sometimesmes


                  Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                  I wonder too what might happen...
                  That something is going to happen between J/T in result of her pregnancy... hrmmm John steps up to make sure everything goes well with Teyla...or also making sure to tell her he will always be there for her no matter what... since they are the closest to eachother as I feel...I can only see them getting closer...
                  yes she was going to bond with Ronon...but even there I feel there just might be the brother protecting his sister kind of thing... being there at times when John can't be there if she is behind and he is on a mission... or if John feels if something is going to happen to him atleast she will have Ronon then looking out for her...

                  Now some has speculated since at the con there was a ship question about Teyla and Ronon... and JM said there are some relationships that might be in for but that he wouldn't say anything at the time... then thing was that some that had seen the actual clips...thought that the look on Jewel when that question came that it might be Ronon and Keller that has been talked about... but this is just some specualtion on the slight little thing of how she reacted to that question... but oh who knows...but as it seems JM seems to have some relationships in the works...hrmm since it sounded like more then one... but oh who's all specualtion at thing point
                  But, when the question was asked about Teyla/Ronon besides Jewel's reaction, JF said something to the effect of that's why they are bringing Paul Mcgilliion (spelling) back. And, after that was said everyone was tight lipped. Do you think it might be with Carson? I do not think so myself. I was going by the fact that no one openly added anything to what JF said. I did not like the fact that they had to sit with the Skiffy lady with them the whole time!! You know they did not do that with the Eureka panel. Of course I really do not know though.
                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    I think my coffee stealer has drunk a bit too much of it

                    anyhow I too hope that because of her pregnacy John and Teyla gorw clser together, you know, like "I'm gonna make sure you are safer then me" type of scenario, at least I think it may be just me that sees that happening, though from what I think there are more then just me thinking this.

                    *scampers over to Scifan and hops into her lap with a loud purr* I do hope that last bit was not a dream like it appears to be, it is a wornderful written story!! it also puts more weight behind my possiblity over in the "Seer" pre-airing thread about who really got my owner with child.

                    I just hope they don't get the firing squad out or Teyla would go NUTS without me.

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      Aaaahhhhh,i really don't know how much longer i can wait for season 4,isn't it October yet???????

                      I know,maybe i could go into hibernation till then!!!!


                        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                        But, when the question was asked about Teyla/Ronon besides Jewel's reaction, JF said something to the effect of that's why they are bringing Paul Mcgilliion (spelling) back. And, after that was said everyone was tight lipped. Do you think it might be with Carson? I do not think so myself. I was going by the fact that no one openly added anything to what JF said. I did not like the fact that they had to sit with the Skiffy lady with them the whole time!! You know they did not do that with the Eureka panel. Of course I really do not know though.
                        I hardly think so....
                        The speculation has been that JF was just joking... I hardly think he is stupid enough to blurt out such a spoiler if that was the case..since according to JM on his blog anything or whatever on Carson was something they wern't allowed to talk about... I read a con report which basically stated in the beginning to don't believe anything really that comes out of them especially JF.,..since I also felt reading the transcript is that he was not really serious to most of the stuff he talked about...he seemed to joke, and tease and be his usual self... I can't see the clip so I can't see his face when he says it...if they even show him when he says it... but I hardly think he was being serious... there has been NOTHING in 3 season that has told me Teyla even spent time with Carson.... besides he was with Cadman,,and even in The Return 1 Cadman was mentioned again... I'm sure if Teyla had been the one he would have mentioned it...he doesn't strike me as someone who would not say anything,,since he always seems to be the one wearing his heart on his sleeve...
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                          Mayra The weekend here has been sooooooooooo slow that I hardly think you have missed much... it's basically the pics of JF from the Con,,, some little tidbit about J/T as you saw just now...
                          And Scifan has updated her story.. how many chapter since the last time you read...I'm not sure.... other then that I'm not sure there was much of anything else... ahh Yappi updated her story too... I think both stories are in the last few pages..since I don't think there has been to many pages since friday...
                          Thank you Nina!. If Scifan has only posted one more chapter since Thursday, than i just need that one to read and of course Yappi's i need to read as well. I'll try and read them tomorrow and do the catch up game because it's going to be a busy day for me today. I really wish i could have been there on Friday and would have told you guys exactly what was said about the ship questions but i wasn't. Hopefully come tomorrow and the rest of this week, summaries of the SGA panel will be posted and we will get a better idea of what was said and what JM said.

                          I just hope
                          That the pregnancy brings John and Teyla closer together. They are very close to each other and i'm sure this pregnancy will bring some angst between them..good or bad but just as long as in the end, it brings them closer together.

                          Sig by Camy


                            [QUOTE=Linda06;6941942]That's great you had fun,pity bout you missin the SGA gang,i can't go cause well i'm in Scotland Do they ever come over here!

                            Yeah, i had LOTS of fun!. It's like you enter another world or something! LOL!. There are a lot of different people from all over the world who just love Scifi it's really cool!. There is lots to see and people to meet, it was a very cool experience and i can't wait for next year and this time see the SGA cast! LOL!. As far as "Comic Con" i don't think they go to Scotland. I only know about the San Diego one and the New York one. But there are tons of other types of Conventions out there. So if anyone knows of any????. This was my first Convention so i'm not sure of all the different types of conventions out there and what they are called LOL!.

                            Sig by Camy


                              I haven't a clue what they're all called either,i have never been to a convention so i got no clue what they're like!


                                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                                That's great you had fun,pity bout you missin the SGA gang,i can't go cause well i'm in Scotland Do they ever come over here!

                                Yeah, i had LOTS of fun!. It's like you enter another world or something! LOL!. There are a lot of different people from all over the world who just love Scifi it's really cool!. There is lots to see and people to meet, it was a very cool experience and i can't wait for next year and this time see the SGA cast! LOL!. As far as "Comic Con" i don't think they go to Scotland. I only know about the San Diego one and the New York one. But there are tons of other types of Conventions out there. So if anyone knows of any????. This was my first Convention so i'm not sure of all the different types of conventions out there and what they are called LOL!.
                                I am so happy that you enjoyed yourself and had a great time Mayra!! You deserved it!!
                                sig by Sci!

                                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..

