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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Camy View Post
    Mrs. B...I don't want to bombard JM with shippy questions cause first he won't reply and second it will start ship wars in his blog as well. If I can find a way to write the question without implying too much of JT ..then perhaps, but I think my name in there alone sparks wars! LOL

    Mayra...I"m not sure how many days but, yes. Fear not it will run for weeks.

    I"ll get the exact dates and post it for you later on.
    Thanks Camy!...just wanted to make sure i'll be able to vote.

    Sig by Camy


      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post about: Is there any particular reason you seem to progress the less prominent romantic relationships on the show rather than allowing the more talked about relationships to advance further?

      Ok lol. No anonymous stuff from Camy. Got it!! Lol
      Hmm...this is tempting!


        Originally posted by Camy View Post
        Hmm...this is tempting!
        See? its pretty vague while getting to the point right


          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
          The Secret Challenge Part 13 - NOT FOR THE SQUEMISH

          As they crouched in the dark, John nudged Ronon and spoke silently with his eyes. ‘You take Claude, I’ll take Ezekiel’.

          Ronon smiled at the idea of getting his revenge on the fat madman. Knives at the ready, they quietly entered the room.

          They were practically upon them with the perfect advantage when John suddenly stepped on something loud that crunched underneath his foot causing the two lunatics to quickly turn around.

          Everyone stood frozen, staring, except Teyla whose eyes widened in surprise and continued to viciously struggle against her bonds.

          “Well, that didn’t exactly work out how I hoped,” John said plainly.

          Ronon roared as he lunged hard at Claude tackling him to the ground, knocking the wind from him. Ronon’s fists came flying in a barrage of perfectly aimed blows until Claude regained himself and the two of them began rolling around the room, knocking things over while trading punch for punch.

          John with his knife held out, shaking in pure rage seeing Teyla’s half exposed and bleeding body, started towards Ezekiel, who smiled widely in delight.

          Ezekiel quickly took the jagged razor still in his hand and instead of holding it to John, pressed it tightly against Teyla’s throat. She could only give a muffled cry through her gag, as John froze in place, fixated in fear.

          “Come, come now, boys! Surely you had a better plan than this!” Ezekiel cried, his bladed hand steady and precise.

          John called out for Ronon to stop and moments later, Claude and Ronon released each other, both of their faces covered in bruises and cuts.

          Ronon, breathing heavily, looked over at the razor to Teyla’s throat and watched snarling as Ezekiel told John to lower his knife. John’s face recoiled in frustration, staring at Teyla’s eyes as her muffled voice tried to convince him to keep his weapon.

          John did what Ezekiel told him, his eyes never leaving Teyla’s. “I’m sorry,” he told her, knowing he couldn’t voluntarily let him hurt her.

          Ezekiel laughed loudly in victory but was cut short by a swift movement and a loud thud.

          Ronon had taken his knife and whipped it directly at the middle of Claude’s forehead.

          Claude turned slowly, his eyes crossed with a trail of blood running down from the knife stuck in his face and said, “Boss?” before his enormous body fell face first to the ground.

          YAY!!! definitely up there as one of my favorite chapters!!.
          I totally LOVED the way you killed off Claude!!, he definitely had it coming!! YAY! Ronon! LOL!

          Sig by Camy


            Originally posted by bluealien View Post

            I'm not even sure whether this love interest will even materialize as we still havn't heard a peep about anyone being casted for the role. I still can't see Teyla having some secret love interest and keeping it from everyone anyway... but who knows. If it does happen I think it will have to be some long lost love and most likely Teyla won't still feel the same about the guy as she did in the past.

            It must be quite an important reason to get John back to earth again. He will already have been there in TR with Ronan so I also think it will be Rodney who accompanies him this time. If it's a closure thing with his ex as Yappi chick says then I don't really mind that, but I've had this confo before with Shep fans and I just can't see Joe pitching a relationship episode.. as he tends to like action.. but again I could be wrong.


            I'm a bit surprised that they are going down the McKay/Brown route as I just see their scenes as pretty boring... I really have no interest in her character at all and IF they wanted to make a canon ship, why not go with Cadman.. at least there were sparks between them and I found their interaction quite enjoyable.. unlike McKay/Brown which puts me in a coma.
            Camy I don't think John and Teyla would have been made canon irrespective of what happens between Rodney and Katie.... I really don't see that hapening for a long time yet... you know the mindset of the ptb ... if they get together it kills the show .. and all the jazz!!

            But I would be happy if they continued along the vein of season three... but with just a little extra thrown in during season four. This is the path I was hoping they were going to take.. no big affirmations.. but yet enough happens between them to show us that they most definitley care a lot about each other. Maybe an admittion of feelings while one of them is hurt and unconsious .. so again it doesn't mean that the relationship has to be made canon but just enough that it gives it forward momentum. Throwing in obstacles just seems lame IMO.... the usual love that appears from no where just to halt things between the characters. Why not just keep it low key and subtle without having to resort to such predictable measures. I guess they think the angst it brings is what viewers want to see. But I would much prefer to see a scene between the regular characters... like in Sateda and the Ark that gives us more intimate background to the characters...rather than throwing in some character that I have no attachment of feelings for at all.


            They may be steering Teyla in a different direction but if they do I think it will be temporary and she will come back to John. I don't mind these obstacles if they actually bring them closer and who knows.. it may just do that... I really hope they have learnt something from Sam and Jack and don't intend to carry on going nowhere so to speak... why introduce John and Teyla as having a sexual attraction if they don't intend to go anywhere with it. Why give us all the moments and have Ronan pretty much point out to John in Sunday that he has noticed that there is "something" between them. I am going to be optimistic and hope that the ptb are doing all of this for a reason, but are doing the predictable meandering route before anything manifests. I just hope they don't meander too much off course or I may just wander off myself , but I'm still confidant that season four is going to give us great JT moments and we will see how strong their feelings are for one another, and I really dont think that Rodney/Katie or any other pairing will effect what is going to happen between John and Teyla.

            Who knows Camy... maybe it won't just be Katie and Rodney.. maybe something will transpire between John and Teyla as well. Possibley not admitting feelings but in a round about way or through their actions showing us the very same thing.
            Blue, if this is your point of view and what you would like, then I think you will be very happy with Season 4. I"m almost certain.

            They are not going to stop giving us JT. It's simply their favorite ship.

            I'm a bit more demanding and picky. I want to see them struggle but for me to seem "real" and continue to have the passion that I see betweent them, there are certain barriers that I set myself up for. But again, it all boils down to how I see it onscreen. I can't and shouldn't even write that I won't like JT if now I see Teyla with another guy cause in the end, it's how it is presented and now convincing and well portrayed it will be.

            I don't want a declaration of love or even kids with a ring on her finger, yet. But I would like to see something more than what we've seen in Season 3. In reality, there is only so long you can wait for someone without giving up and finally going to someone else. So, I need to see that Teyla has this feminine side, this side of her that wants and needs to be loved. And I care not to see her doing that with someone else, but at least it will bring depth to her role. I want to see her fight for John and vice versa. And I want them to fight for what I believe they feel for each other. To me, they have to go to the next level, it has to be a step above what we've seen in Season 3. Season 2 was a sort of stall for them with some great confirmations but it did stall. Season 3 gave us a great step forward between them from Season 1 to Season 3. Now I hope that Season 4 isn't a repeat of Season 2 but instead moving up to something more serious and more meaningful. By now, they should know how they truly feel about each other. That I want to see!


              Not sure if were are still doing this challange but mine for secrets..



                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                Hehe... well put... I don't think he'll answer any ship questions at all but if he was to answer that one... I think he would say

                it's probably safer and doesn't stir up a hornets nest between the different shipper groups. Even if you mention wanting interaction between JT on JM's blog you will have someone posting almost immediately how much JT suck and that certain other pairings are so much better and the way to go... yada yada yada....
                Exactly..that is my fear...that he won't answer and all I'll caused is mayhem! LOL


                  Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                  I've never gotten the impression that they will be a big focus. They've shown a major character in a relationship with a minor character before (Carson and Cadman). And while I do think we'll see a little more scenes or development with Rodney/Katie than we saw with Carson/Cadman, I do think it will be handled similarly. A major and minor character together is completely different than showing two major characters in a relationship together, like John and Teyla. Using a minor character for a relationship is easy, a few little comments can be thrown in here and there, they can give us a few scenes here and there and bam, it's a believable relationship that has no major impact on the story or the leads and can be changed or ended at any time without any repercussions. You can't do this with major characters, hence as JM said, the need for progression.

                  For Quarantine:
                  The ep focuses on all the characters quarantined in various areas, Rodney trapped with Katie will be one part of it, not the whole thing. I think it will be great! I can't wait to see who else is trapped together and how they all react. It sounds like a great character ep to me!
                  Smarty pants! That is very, very true. And that basically answers the question right there on Rodney and Katie. I just wished it didn't have to be that way. I keep going back to Velana and Paris in Voyager. I'm sorry if others here liked that pairing but they were the most boring couple I've ever watched in my entire life and I never shipped them either. There was one or two episodes were I thought finally something good between them. To me, it's a waste of time to even show those kinds of scenes. It does nothing to the characters and nothing to the episode but take time and space away from something that could be very good!

                  I like Katie and I think she could be a great minor character like Zelenka and Caldwell, but they simply haven't given her that role. She's just there to show Rodney in love and that is a shame.


                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                    See? its pretty vague while getting to the point right
                    I think it's safe that its best not to post anything. He will either not answer or answer very vaguely and really not give us nothing at all. But I'll think about it, I promise!


                      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                      Not sure if were are still doing this challange but mine for secrets..


                      It loooks awesome!

                      Camy,you should just ask and see what happens,you'll never know if you don't try,right?


                        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                        Not sure if were are still doing this challange but mine for secrets..

                        Blue, you should know by now that nothing is definite in here! We love everything and anything JT old or new! so keep it coming sweetie...this is truly BEAUTIFUL!

                        I posted some of my resources for textures in the Galleria if you are interested!


                          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                          It loooks awesome!

                          Camy,you should just ask and see what happens,you'll never know if you don't try,right?
                          Another one tempting me!!!!!!!!!


                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            Thanks GB! How goes the world of computer programming
                            *sigh* I have so much to get done in four days...its sad.

                            I don't find Larin(sp?) a problem. The kiss looked one sided in the promo but it went by pretty fast.

                            my ships


                              Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                              YAY!!! definitely up there as one of my favorite chapters!!.
                              I totally LOVED the way you killed off Claude!!, he definitely had it coming!! YAY! Ronon! LOL!
                              LOL Thanks Mayra, Claude has a splitting headache now lol
                              Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
                              *sigh* I have so much to get done in four days...its sad.

                              I don't find Larin(sp?) a problem. The kiss looked one sided in the promo but it went by pretty fast.
                              Ya where ya been dude? You were 'sposed to make something like days ago, you must be wicked busy,
                              and yeah i def hope the kiss is one sided


                                I've just been looking through my con pics with Joe F.... sheesh can't believe that I actually had his arm around me.

                                This is a pic that he autographed... anyone want to see the pics of me with him..


