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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
    Hey guys, never posted on here before but I made some Sheyla icons for Rootortoise and she suggested I post them on here because you might like them, I hope that's okay. Anyway, here they are Lemme know if you like them!

    I've got to say, these are my favourites, very nice. Mind you, i'm hardly sticking my neck out here, i'm sure the othes are also quite partial to them too.

    Thanks for posting them, and also to Roo for pointing you in our direction.

    Now if you will excuse me, i must start these fic recs.

    Later all,


      I have made some wallpapers with a line from Jack Ingram’s Wherever You Are. There are subtle differences in each wallpaper some that may only be noticeable at the original size. It contains screen caps from the episode The Return part 1,which is why link is in spoiler tags, and is suppose to be from Shep’s point of view with the lines of text written by Teyla, picked a font that I thought would be Teyla’s handwriting.

      They are the ones with The Return Part 1 in the file name. The original manipulation, before I did anything to it, is under the file name thereturnpart1-44bb_text.

      I do have idea for another one that has both of them in it with the same line as the ones above and I may do one from Teyla’s point of view with the same text. If I do I will try to find a font that I think would look like Shep’s handwriting.

      I do have one quick question:

      Does the planet, the one from the Return part 1 and beyond, with Teyla’s people have a name?
      I need it for a fan fic.

      Signs by Scifan and me. | My Forum - Planet TV Role Play | My Fan Fiction | My Mini City - Rygel City


        Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
        Hey guys, never posted on here before but I made some Sheyla icons for Rootortoise and she suggested I post them on here because you might like them, I hope that's okay. Anyway, here they are Lemme know if you like them!

        WOW. They are all wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing these. You are welcome to do more if you like.
        Last edited by bluealien; 16 February 2007, 10:26 PM.


          Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post
          I've got to say, these are my favourites, very nice. Mind you, i'm hardly sticking my neck out here, i'm sure the othes are also quite partial to them too.

          Thanks for posting them, and also to Roo for pointing you in our direction.
          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
          WOW. They are all wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing these. You are welcome to do more if you like.
          Wow, thanks!


            Some fic rec I found on and on LJ's,,,, in case you might not have seen them before...

            Missed You - By: imaginary iby

            Hand on experience - By: Madj
            (very's just a little something on a scene in Runner)

            Tease - By: Kioko (think it was pointed out being an NC-17 so read at own risk .... )
            (wonder if I'll ever shopping see the same way again *lol*)

            Nightshade - By: madkrazyghetto

            Give and take - By: purple_cube

            Memento - By: purple_cube
            Sigs by Scifan


              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
              firefly - I think you have heard it by now *lol* but I don't know where you end up seeing them so I'm covering my bases...
              I love them and I know a special someone on here that will be so happy to see these when she gets back....
              Thanks for sharing...

              And thanks Roo for directing firefly on here to post go girl..
              Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post
              I've got to say, these are my favourites, very nice. Mind you, i'm hardly sticking my neck out here, i'm sure the othes are also quite partial to them too.

              Thanks for posting them, and also to Roo for pointing you in our direction.

              Now if you will excuse me, i must start these fic recs.

              Later all,
              no problem guys, i thought you would all enjoy them!!and i was right!! theyre fantastic! and she is a shelya fan so its even better!!



                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                Bella, you need to come around more often so that you can understand my content! It's not something that I can explain about just have to live it!


                Teyla is in her room! Now, the Johnny Cash poster is up to you to decide how it got there and who and where did Teyla get it from? *winks* All I"m going to say is this....when you love someone you immerse yourself into that other persons culture and likes and dislikes...and if a certain someone is infatuated with Johnny only seems appropriate that the other half would consider it part of them as well..although I have to say, hubby likes Aerosmith and all those hard rock type of music, and I personally never cared for it....LOL....but the point being....Altantis has the means now to travel and request things back and forth from it is plausible that there are two Johnny Cash posters in Atlantis! maybe, oh, I don't know.....something that Teyla said, like, I am interested in this Johnny Cash you say you love so much!? and John replying, I could do one better....LOL....hey, if Ronon got the chance to sit and listen to John's music after a year and a half in Atlantis, Teyla has been there for 3 years going on'd think the woman would know Johnny Cash by now...and has listened to and sat on occassion in John's room.....just my thoughts! *grin*
                Think of it as a compliment. I didn't realise you'd added it and thought it was part of the original pic, so I was wondering what the set designers were up to.

                Originally posted by AthosianGirl View Post
                Anyway this idea prompted this wallpaper....(just threw Rodney in because he's part of the team)


                Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                Hey guys, never posted on here before but I made some Sheyla icons for Rootortoise and she suggested I post them on here because you might like them, I hope that's okay. Anyway, here they are Lemme know if you like them!

                And again

                And I love the letters as well.

                The Postcard Campaign

                1. Find postcard showing your local area.
                2. Write message, making sure it includes 'Have a Great Season 4.'
                3. Check prices for sending postcards to Canada and make sure you have the right amount of stamps.
                4. Post.

                Small print:
                -I'm wary of using our own art for the postcards as manips/artwork are actually a legally grey area and it's probably not a good idea to send it direct to the copyright holders.
                -The message can be non-shippy or incredibly shippy, it's up to you. This is NOT a campaign to get favourite couple together on screen, it's just a campaign to let Rachel and Joe know how great we think they are.
                -Please check the postage if you're not sure either at a post office or online. A postcard from the UK costs around 45p. Seldear thinks a postcard from Australia is around $1.42.
                -If you include your address you MAY get a response. I know Joe is responding to his fanmail but it may take a long time or it maybe they are only responding to letters with a Self Addressed Envolope, I don't know.

                The address is:
                Joe Flannigan and Rachel Luttrell
                C/O The Bridge Studios
                2400 Boundary Road
                Burnaby, BC
                V5M 3Z3

                I think I've covered everything. Any questions let me know.

                If you have any J/T friends who want to join in, let them know! I'm interested to see how many send postcards.


                  Originally posted by bella View Post
                  Think of it as a compliment. I didn't realise you'd added it and thought it was part of the original pic, so I was wondering what the set designers were up to.


                  And again

                  And I love the letters as well.

                  The Postcard Campaign

                  1. Find postcard showing your local area.
                  2. Write message, making sure it includes 'Have a Great Season 4.'
                  3. Check prices for sending postcards to Canada and make sure you have the right amount of stamps.
                  4. Post.

                  Small print:
                  -I'm wary of using our own art for the postcards as manips/artwork are actually a legally grey area and it's probably not a good idea to send it direct to the copyright holders.
                  -The message can be non-shippy or incredibly shippy, it's up to you. This is NOT a campaign to get favourite couple together on screen, it's just a campaign to let Rachel and Joe know how great we think they are.
                  -Please check the postage if you're not sure either at a post office or online. A postcard from the UK costs around 45p. Seldear thinks a postcard from Australia is around $1.42.
                  -If you include your address you MAY get a response. I know Joe is responding to his fanmail but it may take a long time or it maybe they are only responding to letters with a Self Addressed Envolope, I don't know.

                  The address is:
                  Joe Flannigan and Rachel Luttrell
                  C/O The Bridge Studios
                  2400 Boundary Road
                  Burnaby, BC
                  V5M 3Z3

                  I think I've covered everything. Any questions let me know.

                  If you have any J/T friends who want to join in, let them know! I'm interested to see how many send postcards.

                  Cool ...I think I might do this actually...I've done something similar to an other show..but it was for birthdays..that was made into some kind of book or something that was given over at some con they attended...

                  I have no idea if they would respond...maybe someone here that has written aything before and gotten a respond could tell us...

                  I've never really done the thing Self adressed envolope does that really work.. I mean I can't really get a stamp here from Canada to Sweden...
                  Feel stupid not knowing these kinds of things but then again I usually never really written to actors or such in the past...
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                    no problem guys, i thought you would all enjoy them!!and i was right!! theyre fantastic! and she is a shelya fan so its even better!!
                    Lol, thanks Roo!


                      Hey Folks!

                      Camy: We are happy to inform you the due to a computer error Devine Inc. inadvertently sent you a ‘pink slip’(you’re fired ). This note is to alleviate any undue concern, confirm that we consider you a valuable asset to Devine Inc. and to apologize for any inconvenience that this error may have caused (you hired again ). HA!

                      ‘The Letter’ was beautiful. Great job Camy!

                      AthosianGirl & Bluealien: Beautiful wallies!

                      Nick: OMG! You have to write more. That was awesome! Talk about being too harsh on yourself…..

                      Firefly: We like ‘em, we like ‘em a lot! Cool! (Kudos to Roo too!)

                      Nina: Thanks for the recs. (Will read later). Oh, hey just give your local post office a visit. My Mom did it when I was in Korea and then again when I lived in Belgium. When they input the zip in the system it will give them the price needed. That way you won’t slap 5 stamps on a post card when you only needed 2 .

                      Bella: Thanks for the info on the Campaign. I’ll get to work.


                        Originally posted by Devine27 View Post

                        Firefly: We like ‘em, we like ‘em a lot! Cool! (Kudos to Roo too!)
                        Heh Thanks Devine!!



                          Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                          Heh Thanks Devine!!
                          What Roo said


                            Originally posted by Devine27 View Post

                            Nina: Thanks for the recs. (Will read later). Oh, hey just give your local post office a visit. My Mom did it when I was in Korea and then again when I lived in Belgium. When they input the zip in the system it will give them the price needed. That way you won’t slap 5 stamps on a post card when you only needed 2 .
                            Well I know what it costs to post a postcard to Canada,,,that's 10kr in my currency.... just that I don't know how the self adressed envolope work... since it's not like I can buy stamps from Canada so they would be able to send to me here in Sweden... or have I just missunderstood the thing you wrote.. *lol*
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Okay, so I have a letter, but it's only got a teeny weeny bit of sheyla in it. I'll post it anyway and tell me what you think: Is it okay or should I do another?

                              Letter to McKay
                              Dear Rodney,

                              I knew this would happen sooner or later. My little reunion with Michael made me realize that it was best to be prepared for my own mortality than to leave my personal wants and wishes in the hands of others. But there are some things that can’t be placed in a will and for those I turn to you.

                              I know you are too far away to drop in on my mother, nor would you want to (besides I have plenty of brothers and sisters to do that), but if you would be so kind as to drop her a card every now and then I would appreciated. You’ve heard me talk about how fragile she is and I think it would help to ease some of her pain if she occasionally heard from a friend that was with me when I passed. I would like for her to know that I wasn’t alone, that I have friends and loved ones here in Atlantis and that my spirit lives on through their works.

                              As for my Atlantis family……ah, where shall I start? Please keep an eye on Elizabeth. Let her know that whatever happened to me wasn’t her fault. Some things can’t be controlled and death is inevitable. Make sure she doesn’t push herself too hard and takes more time to relax.

                              Keep an eye on Ronon as well. He can be so reckless a times. I don’t think the lad really understands how much he’s become apart of our family. Let him know that we need him and care about his well being.

                              Tell John that it’s okay. Let him how much I respect him and thank him for trying to save my life. Tell him how proud I am to call him a friend and that I don’t regret any of the time spent on Atlantis.

                              Remind Teyla that she is not alone. We are her family now and always. Let her know that the bond we now share cannot be broken by time or distance. She is a Lantean now as much as she is an Athosian.

                              In truth I worry about those two. They carry the weight of the world on their shoulders and ask nothing for themselves. I only wish that they would realize how happy they could be together. If only they took a moment to see the love that they share for each other. I know that eventually they will. I only wish that I could have been there to share in their happiness.

                              And of course Rodney, take care of yourself. You couldn’t have saved me either. Just remember that you were a good friend and for that, I thank you. Don’t mourn me. I don’t want any of you to mourn me, just remember me as I was. As I am.

                              Your dearest friend,


                                Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                                Okay, so I have a letter, but it's only got a teeny weeny bit of sheyla in it. I'll post it anyway and tell me what you think: Is it okay or should I do another?

                                Letter to McKay
                                Dear Rodney,

                                I knew this would happen sooner or later. My little reunion with Michael made me realize that it was best to be prepared for my own mortality than to leave my personal wants and wishes in the hands of others. But there are some things that can’t be placed in a will and for those I turn to you.

                                I know you are too far away to drop in on my mother, nor would you want to (besides I have plenty of brothers and sisters to do that), but if you would be so kind as to drop her a card every now and then I would appreciated. You’ve heard me talk about how fragile she is and I think it would help to ease some of her pain if she occasionally heard from a friend that was with me when I passed. I would like for her to know that I wasn’t alone, that I have friends and loved ones here in Atlantis and that my spirit lives on through their works.

                                As for my Atlantis family……ah, where shall I start? Please keep an eye on Elizabeth. Let her know that whatever happened to me wasn’t her fault. Some things can’t be controlled and death is inevitable. Make sure she doesn’t push herself too hard and takes more time to relax.

                                Keep an eye on Ronon as well. He can be so reckless a times. I don’t think the lad really understands how much he’s become apart of our family. Let him know that we need him and care about his well being.

                                Tell John that it’s okay. Let him how much I respect him and thank him for trying to save my life. Tell him how proud I am to call him a friend and that I don’t regret any of the time spent on Atlantis.

                                Remind Teyla that she is not alone. We are her family now and always. Let her know that the bond we now share cannot be broken by time or distance. She is a Lantean now as much as she is an Athosian.

                                In truth I worry about those two. They carry the weight of the world on their shoulders and ask nothing for themselves. I only wish that they would realize how happy they could be together. If only they took a moment to see the love that they share for each other. I know that eventually they will. I only wish that I could have been there to share in their happiness.

                                And of course Rodney, take care of yourself. You couldn’t have saved me either. Just remember that you were a good friend and for that, I thank you. Don’t mourn me. I don’t want any of you to mourn me, just remember me as I was. As I am.

                                Your dearest friend,
                                That was great - very sweet but sad.

