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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
    It's so quiet today!! Anyway, here's a response to the word 'Snickersnee'. It's very silly and not really very romantic but it's the first thing I thought of when I saw the word.



    ‘The criminal cried as he dropped him down, in a state of wild alarm –’

    “Why would he be so alarmed by dropping?” Teyla interrupted, cutting off Rodney’s singing.

    “It’s talking about him hanging by his neck,” said John. “It’s a way of executing people on Earth.”

    Teyla nodded, but Rodney tutted loudly.

    “No, it’s not!” He said, annoyed. “I just told you that Ko-Ko had told the Mikado that they had beheaded Nanki-Poo, so obviously the song refers to him dropping to his knees.”

    Teyla nodded. “Oh, of course,” she said. She caught John’s eye and they smiled slightly. Rodney, who was sitting behind them in the jumper, didn’t see.

    “Right,” he said. “Anyway… ‘With a frightful, frantic, fearful frown I bared – ’

    “Why was Ko-Ko fearful?” Asked John.

    Rodney scowled at him, and Teyla tried not to laugh as she also pretended to glare at the Colonel.

    “Obviously it is because he was scared that Nanki-Poo would fight back,” she said.

    John nodded. “Yeah, sorry, stupid question,” he said.

    Rodney was off again. “Of course he wasn’t going to fight back!” He said angrily. “Ko-Ko’s talking about his frown being scary, not being scared himself!”

    John and Teyla glanced at each other, smiling slightly. “Oh…” They said simultaneously.

    ‘With a frightful, frantic, fearful frown I bared my big white arm… I seized him by his little pigtail –’

    “Is not that dangerous?” Interrupted Teyla. “If he was going to cut off his head Ko-Ko should not hold onto his hair.”

    Rodney blinked at her. “I – I’m sure he let go,” he said.

    “He was probably just being cheeky,” said John.

    Rodney rolled his eyes. “‘I seized him by his little pigtail as on his knees fell he –’

    “He was already kneeling!” Said Teyla at the same moment John said “But he was on his knees already!”

    They smirked at each other as Rodney threw his hands in the air.

    “Would you two stop interrupting!?” He cried.

    Teyla and John looked straight ahead out of the jumper window to hide their laughter.

    “Right,” said Rodney. “‘And gnashed my teeth as from its sheath I drew my snickersnee.’
    Teyla turned round in her chair. “I am sorry, Rodney, but what is a snickersnee?”

    “It’s a knife.” Teyla, John and Rodney all looked at Ronon in surprise – they had thought he was asleep. He kept his eyes closed and didn’t say anything else.

    “Yes, it’s a large knife,” said Rodney.

    “Gotta love that word,” said John, s******ing. “Snickersnee…”

    Teyla grinned and Rodney rolled his eyes again. “What do you think of the song?” He asked.

    John shrugged. “It has some serious narrative inconsistencies,” he said.

    Rodney shook his head. “Oh never mind!” He said. “It’s not like I’d expect you to appreciate Gilbert and Sullivan anyway.”

    John looked over his shoulder at Rodney and raised an eyebrow. He sat back again and cleared his throat. Then he started singing.

    “‘We know him well, he cannot tell untrue or groundless tales, he always tries to utter lies and every time he fails.’

    Teyla smiled as John stopped singing. Rodney stared at him.

    “How do you know The Mikado?” He asked.

    John shrugged, smirking. “That’s for me to know,” he said. He winked at Teyla and she struggled not to laugh.

    “Very well sung, Colonel,” she said.

    “Why thank you, Ma’am,” said John. “If you’re a good girl I’ll sing Tit Willow for you later.”
    LOL!!! i love this!...Poor Rodney, they really do love playing around with him...too funny!

    Sig by Camy


      Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
      a little something i made ill post it in the galleria as well
      That is beautiful, Donna!!!!! Thank you!!!
      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


        Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
        Thanks Elflinn!!! Nice job!

        Here's another wallie for 'platitude'.


        Heheh, that's too cute! I love their expressions!
        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Eflinn, AWESOME summaries!!!! Thank you!!!! Too much to quote it all, but just wanted to say thank you for doing that!!!!
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            Originally posted by Mayra View Post
            Wow guys!!! just when i think i've caught up with all the wonderful discussions, artwork, fics ect...i come back and i've got a BUNCH more stuff to read so hopefully i get through them and not spam too much! LOL!

            I wanted to ask if anyone of you knows the website/link to that "Animal Attraction" vid???. Don't know who the vidder is, i think it's a french site or something?. If anyone knows, i'd really appreciate it, it's really a great J/T vid!!!.
            I believe it's this one that you were searching for

            Edit: or this link to save down
            Sigs by Scifan


              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
              Part 12 - The Trial

              There was a short foyer before the next room. Rodney's eyes caught a small set of heiroglyphs etched into the wall and he slowed down to study them. He recognized the symbols. John stopped and turned looking at him. "What is it?"

              "These symbols. Look."

              "Well, what do they mean?" Sheppards voice was cold. Rodney was oblivious as he carefully interpreted the signs. "Bravery....... love...... friendship......and...... sacrifice. Thats all it says."

              John turned back around, his eyes steely. "It's of no use to us. Let's keep moving."


              The next room was completely empty. Two torches perched on either stone wall and the floor was made of sand.They stood a few feet inside the doorway and looked around, wondering. "What the hell is this now?" John said, irritated. Rodney looked around, eyes wide. "I have no idea. There's nothing here. Maybe we took a wrong turn?"

              A strange sound towards the back of the room grabbed their attention, as they saw a hidden door slide open and the most gigantic being either of them had ever seen stepped through and into the room. He looked human, but his eyes were a strange bright yellow. He was at least twice their size, topless, and carried a long metal spear. His muscles were enormous and he was covered in some sort of shiny oil. He said nothing as he approached them slightly, stopping in the center of the room, and locking his body into a fighting stance, his yellow eyes fixed on the Colonel.

              Rodney's eyes filled with fear as he watched this monster. "Captain, captain, we gotta get out of here!" he whispered loudly to John. John looked at the monster, a sly smile spreading on his face. "No, Twitchy. We're not going anywhere."

              "What??? This is wreckless!! No offense, but there's no way you can take him! Look at him! He's.....rippling.... all over the place!"

              John snorted arrogantly, his eyes locked with the monsters. "I said, I've got this."

              Rodney looked at him in disbelief. "You're not seriously planning on fighting him, are you? Just shoot him! I can't believe you feel so guilty that you're willing to just throw your life away.....and mine! Is this how you think you're going to get your vengeance? Will this make you feel better, Captain? Do you really think this is what she would have wanted?"

              John's face flickered for a moment before setting back to stone. "It doesn't matter now. Nothing matters now."

              Rodney threw his hands in the air, dismayed. "Fine, go ahead! Fight till the death, which is probably gonna be our deaths if I might add!"

              John removed his vest and gun, placing them on the ground. He stretched his neck and arms and threw some practice punches in the air as he slowly began circling the monster.Once he felt ready, John advanced on him, striking the monster square in the jaw.

              "OW!" John shouted in pain for his hand and looked in utter horror as his punch seemed to have no effect on the monster. His eyes opened huge as he saw the massive fist flying through the air, coming to return his blow, striking him hard on the chin, sending him flying across the entire room.

              Rodney stared at John's crumpled body. "Our father who art in heaven....."
              Another exciting chapter!!!

              Poor John but you really had me laughing with Rodney's praying!...that is soooo Rodney!

              Sig by Camy


                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                Elflinn, Sorry hun, but you might want to put Sateda cap in spoiler. It's stretching the page. I've done it lots of times too.

                You're doing a GREAT JOB!!!!
                Thanks Scifan! Did not realize it until now!

                This might not be the brightest question but, What page is the Sateda cap on?

                When I'm putting these together I have a whole heck of a lot more I start with
                and then, fit trim it down to the allotted characters and and images per page.
                which only only about 20000 total. We had this week over 53000 thousand of them more than last week.
                sig by Sci!

                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                  Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                  Eflinn, AWESOME summaries!!!! Thank you!!!! Too much to quote it all, but just wanted to say thank you for doing that!!!!
                  Thank LC! You very welcome!
                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                    I believe it's this one that you were searching for

                    Edit: or this link to save down
                    That's the one Nina Thank you!!!!!.

                    Sig by Camy


                      Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                      That's the one Nina Thank you!!!!!.
                      You're welcome
                      Sigs by Scifan


                        Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                        Can anyone tell what's stretching thread so we can get that post edited? It's driving me nuts! LOL!
                        Sorry, That was me. Scifan pointed it out the Sateda caps in round-up I went
                        back and put in spoiler caps. That fixed it I hope. Let me know if it is better now.
                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          Hey Ruby if you're still around. I PM'd you. Hope you get it.
                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            Elflinn you did another job of recapping.Thanks!

                            Linda: Congrats on 100 posts!!

                            Ok, I did another one for Doxy's challenge. This is for Memento.



                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              Elflinn you did another job of recapping.Thanks!

                              Linda: Congrats on 100 posts!!

                              Ok, I did another one for Doxy's challenge. This is for Memento.


                              Thats perfect for Memento, Scifan..Another masterpiece.


                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                Elflinn you did another job of recapping.Thanks!

                                Linda: Congrats on 100 posts!!

                                Ok, I did another one for Doxy's challenge. This is for Memento.


                                Too lovely!!! I love that scene! It definitely had a romantic feel to it

                                Here's one I did for Incurable, i posted it in the Gallery earlier...

                                And here's one for Mercy...

                                my ships

