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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
    Oh, hey! Me again. Saw this Teyla vid and it's too cute. Has some nice J/T moments. (I don't think it's been posted here before.) Teyla: Maneater
    Thanks for the rec...

    Not to fond of the song,,,but this one I can stand *lol* but it's a good Teyla video,,,and I don't mind the J/T scenes ....heheh no matter what it seems to sneak in some moments between them in videos
    Sigs by Scifan


      Originally posted by expendable_crewman View Post
      Love this. I'm going to check it out. There's material there for Teyla. I love the whole Athosian aspect of the show and find the idea of a mini-civilization camping out on the main land fascinating. I hope we get to see it in more detail, and Teyla with her people in an exciting story arc, on the TV before the decade ends.

      Re: the poem, Devine, I know, I love to speculate, too. Favorite show and all.

      So much happened with the franchise at the end of the summer that it just feels ... I don't know ... like too much is up in the air.

      I've heard that Teyla in season 4
      gets an arc. Yea! What about John? Has anyone heard any rumors / insider chat on what's happening to John in season 4? I'm greedy for spoilers on Teyla and John.

      What day is it? Is it Monday yet?

      From what I know it's the only thing I've heard so far,,haven't heard anything about John though for season 4 yet...
      Sigs by Scifan


        Fic Rec: Dreams May Come

        Gang, don't know if you've been following this one but it is GOOD. Check it out if you haven't.

        Last edited by jtjaforever; 06 January 2007, 10:48 AM.


          Originally posted by Doxymom View Post
          I love that concept. It'd make a great romance plot.


          DM the fic I just recommend kinda works on that premise.



            Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
            I agree
            about John and his ‘brother’ Wraith. I considered that myself, but I haven't heard any rumors. If TPTB pass up the chance of those two crossing paths again they are just nuts.

            For my suggestion, I was actually thinking about the line that mentions 'Carter arrives; a reunion of sorts'. That could be John/Wraith, Teyla/Michael, or Carson/whoever took him.

            The word court from ‘One of our own the enemy courts’ made me think of Elizabeth and enemy made me think of the bomb that goes off in Sunday. Could The Trust try to infiltrate Atlantis again by implanting a Goa'uld in Elizabeth or trying to distract her from her duties and make her look bad in the eyes of the IOA?

            Maybe I've had too much caffeine?

            The idea of The Trust came from ‘A tech-savvy group who progress via pillage’. I know about the situation in Irresponsible, but I just can’t see Lucius or deserters of the Genii as tech-savy, but The Trust is and they often pillage or steal the technology that they use to progress just as the Goa'uld did; who have now infiltrated The Trust. And just because they failed to destroy Atlantis once, I don’t see them tucking tail and running away.

            Oh, well I just like to speculate. It’s fun trying to look into the world of J/T.

            Capricorns? Both are! What?!! So am I! Capricorns rule!
            That is very possible:

            The idea of the Trust infiltrating could very well be true(like they tried to do before w/ Caldwell). If was meantioned or rather speculated on the S/W thread when news of Weir being *courted* by a new scientist that possibly *he* could be responsible for the explosive that goes off, that he is *courting* Weir for more than noble reasons. We know he moves pretty fast, so just maybe this *could be* the one that courts one of our own and turns her to the dark side. Too many possiblities. Thanks goodness for Canadian TV - LOL.


              Why is this thing showing my different post as one in the same? Any thoughts



                Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
                Fic Rec: What Dreams May Come


                Gang, don't know if you've been following this one but it is GOOD. Check it out if you haven't.

                Yeah I've been following's a great one...different twist to it all....poor John and Teyla for what they have to go through...

                It's been updated too,,,it's now up to chapter 8
                Sigs by Scifan


                  The JT Birthday Bash has challenges for you!


                  Feel free to participate! No Real People fic, please, but if you want to create art or a vid about either Joe or Rachel's careers separately, feel free!

                  We're trying to concentrate on the John/Teyla angle.



                    Originally posted by JTLover View Post
                    Well, I didn't say anything about Teyla trusting Michael, as I said he'd probably try to use some kind of mind control on her like he did before.

                    Sorry, I wasn't trying to imply that you were saying that. It was only meant to state how I agreed and then to move onto my other thoughts.. No harm intended!


                      Originally posted by 4prettierships View Post

                      Sorry, I wasn't trying to imply that you were saying that. It was only meant to state how I agreed and then to move onto my other thoughts.. No harm intended!
                      Oh, that's OK, 4prettierships. No harm done.

                      Whoohoo for the

                      Teyla arc in S4. She's one of my favourite characters and it's great that she's getting more development.

                      I posted this on the Galleria thread so I thought that I should post it here too. It's a link to a John/Teyla manip I found a while ago on SGA Newsletter. I think it's John and Teyla in bed. They're naked but all possible offending bits aren't in the pic. You can only really see their heads. It just looks beautiful.

                      The Replicators
                      We must Replicate


                        Hi Everyone

                        Thanks for all the great fic and video recommendations. There are some fantatic J/T fics and vids out there. Kudos to all you talented authors and video makers.

                        I was confusing myself even more by trying to make sense of JM's poem so I've decided not to bother - too many possiblities - but there have been some fantastic speculations going on - it will be interesting to see if any come true.

                        Looking forward to the Arc - only a few more day now until we get a new episode.


                          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                          Hi Everyone

                          Thanks for all the great fic and video recommendations. There are some fantatic J/T fics and vids out there. Kudos to all you talented authors and video makers.

                          I was confusing myself even more by trying to make sense of JM's poem so I've decided not to bother - too many possiblities - but there have been some fantastic speculations going on - it will be interesting to see if any come true.

                          Looking forward to the Arc - only a few more day now until we get a new episode.
                          Yeah I know ,,,can't wait for the new see if it has some intresting content in it,,and when we get a new episode we get something new to discuss....and that is always great....
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            Originally posted by JTLover View Post
                            Oh, that's OK, 4prettierships. No harm done.

                            I posted this on the Galleria thread so I thought that I should post it here too. It's a link to a John/Teyla manip I found a while ago on SGA Newsletter. I think it's John and Teyla in bed. They're naked but all possible offending bits aren't in the pic. You can only really see their heads. It just looks beautiful.

                            This is beautiful. To see this in the show...sigh.



                              Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
                              This is beautiful. To see this in the show...sigh.


                              Yeah that would have been great to see in the show... like having such a tender moment in the candlelight....that would be great...
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                There is an update on Trials of's now chapter 22...and it seems to be the conclusion of the first installment...

                                Sigs by Scifan

