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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I"d rather we keep ours the way it is and that you change theirs. We allow serious discussions here as well and we also allow lite and basically anything and everything JT..including vids, artwork, fics, etc....We aren't lite...we do all sorts of things here lite and serious pro romance and pro everything JT.

    It was my understanding that the new thread was strickly for S4 spoilers and discussions. May I suggest simply adding to the current name S4 speculations, spoilers and discussions? or has that changed?


      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      Hi guys

      Last week or so the mods were contacted by folks wanting to start a new Shep and Teyla discussion. And we said yes. And it is fine, however, with the threads having such similar names, it's confusing people. They're thinking that one thread is just a duplicate of the other.

      What we're suggesting is, change the title of the John and Teyla ship discussion thread to 'Sheppard and Teyla pro ship lite discussion (includes vids, art and fluff)'

      And change the John and Teyla romance to 'John/Teyla Pro ship, Serious Discussion Only

      That way they are distinctly different, labeled clearly, and this should allow the two to co-exist.

      Opinions? Issues?

      I know that it might not make everyone happy, but what we're aiming for is to make most folks happy.

      I don't see why we should change our name. This thread obviously has been established for along time now and we are all familiar with the name that we have now. If it was to change then I think that the confusion will grow more. If the new thread want to say that it a serious with strictly possitive discussions only then I believe now would be the time to change it while it's still new. The threads I go to the most are this one and JT Galleria...
      I'm kinda surprised that this is coming up. I mean if you're curious, like I was, then people will check it out. They should be able to see it new and should read the rule that has been written. Sanssong is pretty clear with the thread's rules. I'm sure if you give it time people, how what to check it out, will figure it out. Thank you.


        Nicely written Scifan.


          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          Hi guys

          Last week or so the mods were contacted by folks wanting to start a new Shep and Teyla discussion. And we said yes. And it is fine, however, with the threads having such similar names, it's confusing people. They're thinking that one thread is just a duplicate of the other.

          What we're suggesting is, change the title of the John and Teyla ship discussion thread to 'Sheppard and Teyla pro ship lite discussion (includes vids, art and fluff)'

          And change the John and Teyla romance to 'John/Teyla Pro ship, Serious Discussion Only

          That way they are distinctly different, labeled clearly, and this should allow the two to co-exist.

          Opinions? Issues?

          I know that it might not make everyone happy, but what we're aiming for is to make most folks happy.
          With all due respect, I wholeheartedly disagree. This has always been the Pro J/T ship thread since the beginning. Because someone saw fit to open another one for pure discussion only and no vids, pics, or art, should not negate this one to anything else. We are and always should be the ship thread.

          If the new thread is causing confusion, then logic dictates the new thread is the one whose name should be clarified or deleted if it is in fact too similar. I would suggest a name similar to the J/T Galleria which is for pictures only. J/T Discussion Thread or J/T Discussion Only Thread or some such similarly themed name you deem appropriate.

          Please do not touch an established thread for a new one. It makes absolutely no sense at all. The more simple and logical response should be to better name the new one. It is, after all, the cause of the confusion. Not this one. Please feel free to PM me if you would like more on my thoughts on this matter.

          Thank you.
          Last edited by LoveConquers; 09 July 2007, 08:45 PM.
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            Thanks Camy and nice said to you and Steph. Has this ever happen before? I know I've only been on this thread for a few months, but I've never seen this and like I said already, I already fimilar to it's title. I would say more, but I think I made my point and it's way past my bed time.


              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              Thanks Camy and nice said to you and Steph. Has this ever happen before? I know I've only been on this thread for a few months, but I've never seen this and like I said already, I already fimilar to it's title. I would say more, but I think I made my point and it's way past my bed time.
              No,and quite honestly, I am floored. I belong to many forums and have never heard of such a thing before. I am absolutely baffled. If the new thread is poorly named, why on earth should this one be changed instead?

              And the statement that this is not a ship thread is completely baseless and inaccurate. It comes down to the fact that occasionally someone will post that they like J/T as friendship and we kindly welcome them as we welcome anyone who wants to discuss pro J/T. But we are first and foremost a shipper thread. Always have been and always will be. The fact that we are polite to the occasional visitor who may not see as deeper as the rest of us do absolutely no way negates this from being a shipper thread. The title has made that perfectly clear for over three years now and our responses, while kind and polite, make that perfectly clear as well.
              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                While I don't post here much (I do read and catch up though!) I'm just going to throw my 2cents in.

                Not a fan of renaming the thread 'Sheppard and Teyla pro ship lite discussion (includes vids, art and fluff)'. Not completely against renaming the thread but could we lose the 'pro ship lite discussion' bit? Didn't the s/j thread go through a renaming a while back? That's when they switched to s/j ship family thread? How 'bout something similar if we can't keep our current title.


                  Toomi..I do see your point. But I"m not sure why the S/J went through the renaming but, they only have one thread so that was probably something they did together on their own and collaboratively. But I could be wrong...

                  Here is a different situation. Our name says it all. We are the John and Teyla ship discussion thread. We are, as Steph pointed out, PRO John and Teyla in a relationship. We have all sorts of people come here with different opinions about the ship but we have worked hard to maintain this a friendly thread but always for John and Teyla in a relationship.

                  Again, the new thread was created outside of this thread. That thread was never discussed here and it has nothing to do with this thread besides discussing John and Teyla. My understanding, again...and Suz explains that very clearly in her first posting, that the purpose of that thread was for Season 4 discussion purposes only, which we do here as well, btw.

                  This thread is clearly defined and everyone knows of our thread that has been here long enough. Those newbies that come here are quickly welcomed and directed to the guidelines of this thread in a friendly manner making it clear for everyone what the purpose of this thread is.

                  When I visited and posted in the new thread, I was received in the same manner. When my posting was out of their jurisdiction, it was addressed. So, I"m still not clear as to the confusion.

                  In either case, that is something to be addressed with the new thread and NOT this one.

                  It makes no sense to change our name. The John and Teyla Ship Discussion Thread says it all, in my opinion.

                  When the Galleria opened, it was discussed here and we gave the Galleria a shot and it neither hindered not affected this thread and both are clearly defined as to their purposes. As a result, there is now even a Ronon/Teyla Galleria.

                  My suggestion, give the new thread a chance as well. But don't touch this one in the process! That's what we did with the Galleria, and that's what should be done in this situation as well.

                  Change/Modify their name, if it deems needed, but don't touch this one!


                    Thanks Camy. I gotcha now What you say makes sense now I've reread the posts a little more (me no nicotine, things don't quite processs )

                    How long has this other thread existed? I've not seen it (I;ll go have a hunt once I'm done ). Is it a thread that might not keep going if it's for s4 speculations?


                      Toomi...I"m calling it a night. But to answer your question, that thread isn't even expecting too many postings because they have a very strick policy/guideline. Go and find it and you'll understand.

                      I hope you didn't think I was against your opinion. Simply put I don't see the need for it and if anything it will only confuse matters more.


                        No worries... I checked out the thread (something I should've done first...) and see your point... I don't think this thread title should be changed.

                        G'night Camy.


                          We definitely appreciate reading everyone's thoughts so thank you for posting them

                          I do want to clear up one very important thing that was brought to our attention BEFORE it becomes an issue.

                          During our *Round-table discussions* in the Moderating Back-room we put forth some variations on the different thread Titles

                          The one suggested for THIS THREAD - 'Sheppard and Teyla pro ship *lite* discussion (includes vids, art and fluff)'

                          I wanted to let you know that it was myself, TameFarrar GateWorld Moderator, who suggested that title. Not any other J/T shipper. So to head off any unjustified rumors or backlash please do not accuse anyone else of this.

                          My only thought at the time was to come up with a thread title that conveyed what the thread was about while still emphasising that FUN was also a huge factor in the thread. My apologies if this was offensive to you or anyone you have spoken with.

                          But please do not pass along that any member came up with this title or even suggested it. It was I and I alone who suggested this to the Moderating team and it was presented to the thread for discussion.

                          and please continue to let us know your thoughts... we do want your input

                          Tame Farrar
                          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                            Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                            No, I don't fill in the character part... maybe I should? ffnet has been really weird actually - none of my new stories have been coming up on the TV show page, but when I update Baby Love it does. Random!

                            Anyway, I see I have about five pages to catch up on from ONE day, which is sure to cheer me up, though I do have to sleep...

                            I'll just say a thank you to everyone who said congrats on 100 posts and spare you all the spamming of thanking you all individually! xxx
                            Ruby, I think it would definitely help if you filled out the character fields with John and Teyla! A lot of people search by character or by pairing, so that will make your wonderful stories easier to find!
                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              CAMY: THANK YOU THANK YOU. I'll try to do some noms tonight. I hope I remember what I sent. I have an account, so does that mean I should see it or do I have to go some where special. sorry for more questions.

                              Summer flinng: I hope these are ok.

                              Donna: Thanks for sending me to blibs.
                              Scifan, these are BEAUTIFUL! I think this is my favorite one of yours yet! Very pretty!!!! And of course I'm not partial to the sparring scene or kissing scene at all.... LOL! But seriously, very beautiful, thank you!
                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                                No worries... I checked out the thread (something I should've done first...) and see your point... I don't think this thread title should be changed.

                                G'night Camy.
                                Toomi, just had to say again how much I LOVE your sig! And speaking of sigs, Sel and Tame, your sigs are AWESOME as well! Very cool!

                                Mrs. B and Sel--Congrats on 200 posts!
                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

