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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
    Thank so much for posting these links! These are absolutely Unbelievable!!
    The first one is Spot on!! Perfect!!

    How's it going Mrs. B!!
    Hey Elflinn - How are you?
    Stuck at work late today, hopefully can write new chapter tonight
    Got any good j/t fic recs while I'm at work?


      Originally posted by Camy View Post
      Excellent..I will make time to read them tonight!
      Awesome, dont forget to tell me what you think!

      PS - Thats too funny about your son saying what you were upstairs doing


        I will...I'm really enjoying this fic right now by Yogo

        I really liked her previous one where they are infected with a virus or something and John and Teyla team up to do some really cool evil things.

        This one started very Teyla centric but her latest chapters have John and Teyla together and a third party to. It's building this tension that I love and it's very good in character.

        I will definetely let you are a really good writer, Mrs. B.


          Originally posted by Camy View Post
          I will...I'm really enjoying this fic right now by Yogo

          I really liked her previous one where they are infected with a virus or something and John and Teyla team up to do some really cool evil things.

          This one started very Teyla centric but her latest chapters have John and Teyla together and a third party to. It's building this tension that I love and it's very good in character.

          I will definetely let you are a really good writer, Mrs. B.

          I'll have to read it today while I'm at work - Sounds good!
          And thanks for the compliment and the ones you sent in my email, that was very kind of you. I think writing here has boosted my confidence in writing BIG time!


            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            Hey Elflinn - How are you?
            Stuck at work late today, hopefully can write new chapter tonight
            Got any good j/t fic recs while I'm at work?
            Little Man Sheppard by Stealth Dragon

            Snacks » by moms2398


            These aren't so much JT but, they are very good.
            The first one an excellent team fic in the way they make sure John is protected
            and taken care of. The Second is for a good laugh because we all need
            to laugh at least one to two times a day IMHO!! The comment about bleach
            is to die for!! Enjoy!!

            Camy- I can so relate to your what your son said about you and
            SGA and computer!! My niece did almost the same thing to me while we at
            the doctor's office and preceeded to tell everyone in the office and the
            doctor that I was a computer geek and I SGA especially Sheppard and Teyla!!
            She also said she likes Teyla better 'cuz she kick his booty with those sticks!!
            sig by Sci!

            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


              Thanks Elf!!


                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                SC and Steph...did you get the connection? LOL

                You know...I love my little one...Daddy come home yesterday and asked where's Mommy?

                And guess what he replied...

                Mommy is upstairs playing with her computer watching Stargate Atlantis John and Teyla. She is doing something with their picture together with them kissing...

                Don't you just love kids!

                Now, I do have a bionic ear but he also has a loud voice...but you should hav seen me run down those three flights of stairs to explain that the kid is exxagerating. Course, that was after I closed all my windows with all pictures of John and Teyla. Jeepers!

                He would have kept going too.

                Now whenever he comes up to mommy's office, I have a picture of Rodney!


                Who said we are crazy!

                I never saw those pics, Steph. Are those the real pictures in smaller version or is that how small she made them? Not the icons, the other pics. Oh, I really want that John and Teyla icon.
                Oh yes, who could miss the "I know" connection! Very cool!

                And ROFL about your son's comments! Hehe.

                For the pics, I'm not sure either, but I think she just made them in the small size since her intention was to make icons. So it looks like she made them slightly bigger for detail and then shrunk down to the icon size. I love that J/T one!
                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                  Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                  Little Man Sheppard by Stealth Dragon

                  Snacks » by moms2398


                  These aren't so much JT but, they are very good.
                  The first one an excellent team fic in the way they make sure John is protected
                  and taken care of. The Second is for a good laugh because we all need
                  to laugh at least one to two times a day IMHO!! The comment about bleach
                  is to die for!! Enjoy!!

                  Camy- I can so relate to your what your son said about you and
                  SGA and computer!! My niece did almost the same thing to me while we at
                  the doctor's office and preceeded to tell everyone in the office and the
                  doctor that I was a computer geek and I SGA especially Sheppard and Teyla!!
                  She also said she likes Teyla better 'cuz she kick his booty with those sticks!!
                  Thanks for the recs! And LOL about your niece!!!! That is too funny. Luckily for me, my boys can't talk.
                  Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                    Originally posted by Camy View Post
                    You know...I love my little one...Daddy come home yesterday and asked where's Mommy?

                    And guess what he replied...

                    Mommy is upstairs playing with her computer watching Stargate Atlantis John and Teyla. She is doing something with their picture together with them kissing...

                    Don't you just love kids!

                    Now, I do have a bionic ear but he also has a loud voice...but you should hav seen me run down those three flights of stairs to explain that the kid is exxagerating. Course, that was after I closed all my windows with all pictures of John and Teyla. Jeepers!

                    He would have kept going too.

                    Now whenever he comes up to mommy's office, I have a picture of Rodney!

                    LOL. That is so funny. Kids do pick up everything. My youngest, who's 4, is just as quick to pick things up. I was working on the sig that I posted the other day. He asked what I was doing and I told him I was making something. He knows who Teyla and John are, and he mentioned how Teyla likes John. I asked him what do you mean. Then he said I don't know(with a smile). You mean like a friend Ronon and Rodney. Of course he said no, but I think he was embarassed to say more. I know he saw a pic of them kissing awhile ago so maybe that's why, but I was still proud of my boy. My oldest is in the ewww to kisses stage.


                      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                      Thanks Elf!!
                      You're welcome, welcome!!!

                      Have checked out the Pro John/Teyla Discussion Only Thread?

                      I've been reading what everyone has to say about the upcoming season. I
                      wish I was able to express in words the way some of them are able to because
                      I am not very good at being able to get everything I want to say down without
                      a million typos. My thoughts actually are faster than what I can type. And, I can
                      type pretty good. *crosses fingers hopes this makes sense*

                      So, a lot times instead joining in the discussions I usually end up just reading
                      them to see what the different POV's are. It is really quite interesting to me.
                      sig by Sci!

                      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                        You're welcome, welcome!!!

                        Have checked out the Pro John/Teyla Discussion Only Thread?

                        I've been reading what everyone has to say about the upcoming season. I
                        wish I was able to express in words the way some of them are able to because
                        I am not very good at being able to get everything I want to say down without
                        a million typos. My thoughts actually are faster than what I can type. And, I can
                        type pretty good. *crosses fingers hopes this makes sense*

                        So, a lot times instead joining in the discussions I usually end up just reading
                        them to see what the different POV's are. It is really quite interesting to me.
                        Yeah I hear ya. I went in a couple times and read what was going on but I think I'll just read over there to check up and see whats what and spend most/all of my time on this thread. Maybe when some more spoilers come out I would post a thought or two, but I dont know..


                          Originally posted by scifan View Post
                          LOL. That is so funny. Kids do pick up everything. My youngest, who's 4, is just as quick to pick things up. I was working on the sig that I posted the other day. He asked what I was doing and I told him I was making something. He knows who Teyla and John are, and he mentioned how Teyla likes John. I asked him what do you mean. Then he said I don't know(with a smile). You mean like a friend Ronon and Rodney. Of course he said no, but I think he was embarassed to say more. I know he saw a pic of them kissing awhile ago so maybe that's why, but I was still proud of my boy. My oldest is in the ewww to kisses stage.
                          How precious....out the mouths of babes....even he knows they destined
                          to be together...Good Job Mommy for bringing him right!!!.....
                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            Yeah I hear ya. I went in a couple times and read what was going on but I think I'll just read over there to check up and see whats what and spend most/all of my time on this thread. Maybe when some more spoilers come out I would post a thought or two, but I dont know..
                            That's more than likely what I will do. I really like some of the things are being
                            brought up about them. Especially the one about them in Rising, I believe, where
                            whoever commented hit it spot on.When they said that John was an observer
                            until they got on Teyla's planet and when the stuff with Halling and Jinto happened and we saw the real John when they went into the tent for the
                            trade talks and tea. Where they're drawn together like magnets so to speak.

                            It pretty much said that it verbatim as the post. I just remember that jumping
                            out at me when I read it and yes, that is exactly right.
                            sig by Sci!

                            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                              Originally posted by Camy View Post
                              So, my youngest is into Star Wars for several months now....he is engrossed with it...he has an entire collection and this Xmas..EVERYTHING was Star, guess what movie he watches a lot...YUP...Star Wars..he likes the Return of The, I was dozing off when his favorite part came along and his little sweet fingers had to wake me, startled....I glanced up to see the scene where Teyla....oh..sorry....Leia is hurt while trying to cover for Joh..oh....UM....Han....*doesn't it sound like it rhymes with John and Leia rhymes with sort of Teyla...* is trying to hot wire the doors to the control room to shut down the shield and she gets shot and he is so concerned for her and at one point he tells her with that grin of his...I love you...and she smiles and says....I know...

                              Now, why does that sound familiar to me?
                              Obsessed much
                              I actually do that with certain songs,if i hear a song i'm like that just sounds like it could have been written for JT.....Think we're all a little......or alot obsessed huh!

                              Originally posted by Spectrum View Post

                              to GW and the JT thread!! Join the craziness...I mean fun!
                              Craziness,fun,isn't it all the same

                              Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                              Just saw this rec'd in LJ, so had to share here as well! Really cool drawing of Teyla singing! Wow!

                              WOW,that is such a beautiful pic,you captured her beauty very well,i had no idea she could sing so beautifully until i saw the ep that this was outta!

                              I was thinkin bout Stargate Atlantis,i actually think about it alot when i'm workin,makes the day go in quicker Anywho i was just wondering what would happen if Teyla came face to face with the Wraith that took her father....It just kinda popped into ma heid!


                                John and Teyla wallie....


