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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Okay I've been able to watch The ...

    Shep/McKay banter is fun but it felt just overdone in this episode for me... every good thing can get be to much too and this one was...

    I have to say I'm way more into a heavy episode and not to light,, this was not the worst epi...but not the best either...

    I'm glad that for once when another woman was on the show Shep don't show any intrest... I'm happy about that so far in season 3...not throwing alien women at him all the time..

    Loved that Teyla touched his shoulder when she asked what he had named his village... so a cute moment there...

    I'm also glad that Teyla was paired up with John in this epi...instead of having Ronon at John's I'm glad she was with him when the team was split up...

    I liked the banter between Zelenka and Lorne,,, oh what problems a "game" can cause... *lol*

    Loved the end scene where John beat Rodney at chess... and Rodney could hardly believe it...yeah well seems like he got to know John isn't so easy to beat at times...the guy is smart,,, heheh,,,

    So all in all not the greatest episode..but I'm glad for a small moment between John and Teyla and that she was with him when the team was apart...

    Now I want the meaty episodes to get here... need more action, more angst and more great screentime for our favorite couple...
    Sigs by Scifan


      Cyn, to my knowledge when it's green it means you are logged in GW, but if in your settings you checked that you wanted to remain private or something like other words you don't want others to know when you are logged on in GW, the circle is mine!

      I want to remain lurking! LOL

      yeah, like you guys don't know when I"m around! LOL

      okay, so I was thinking....I"ve been reading on some, the new fic that I am reading has Teyla knocking down John...cutting his lip..and I was like...Uh, Teyla would never do that...but then I thought...wait a minute....Teyla elbowed Bates and would have gone one on one with him...but I don't know..I still don't see Teyla hitting John even in you guys.....possessed, yes....but not willingly!

      Now, the other thing...I've always been a bit of hesistant believing that John would shed a, he almost did in

      Tao of Rodney

      but he didn', for Weir when she was injured and almost about to die, he didn't cry...he reacted...*could John have the healing power and not know it?* For Ford and for Summner, and all the others he got angry....

      but for Teyla..he's actually been on the verge of crying The Return Part 1
      he choked when he said to Teyla "take care"
      in Sateda
      he stopped and held his breath terrified at not seeing her at first and then seeing her on the ground before he fell

      I know I"m missing another incident...I thought of this today and now I can't will come to me...

      my point...we've seen John really loose it....but not really his full would he react if he ever sees Teyla on a deathbed or in danger to the point where he thinks she is gone.....and will he ever shed a tear, and for whom will he do that for...Oh, now I remember....I told you...

      In Sateda
      he choked up as the famous cafeteria scene
      ...and only for Teyla has John really found himself shaking in the knees and really showing a side of himself for her well-being different and more profound than with the others...

      In Tao of Rodney
      I saw this side of John that I thought he'd never show in front of others....and especially not something that would come so easily for him...why? Hmm....but now, I do see John capable of such emotion but only with certain circumstances and certainly an elite group of people!

      any thoughts?


        Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post
        jtjaforever, what it must be like for you at the minute, what i could imagine would not do it justice. You speak of some relatively good news though, well may your sister's condition continue to improve and 2007 be a better year.

        Thanks so much Nick for your kind words.



          Hi Gang, this is a little something I thought you might like: It's called "You Gave to Me" by Reefgirl. Someone's sending John presents and he doesn't know who. Based on the 12 days of Christmas. Enjoy.

          Fic Rec:


            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
            *lol* I think you are right,,it's the earth gate...
            It is. For starters, the chevrons on the Atlantis gate are blue.


              Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
              Hi Gang, this is a little something I thought you might like: It's called "You Gave to Me" by Reefgirl. Someone's sending John presents and he doesn't know who. Based on the 12 days of Christmas. Enjoy.

              Fic Rec:
              Thanks for the link.


                okay, so I was thinking....I"ve been reading on some, the new fic that I am reading has Teyla knocking down John...cutting his lip..and I was like...Uh, Teyla would never do that...but then I thought...wait a minute....Teyla elbowed Bates and would have gone one on one with him...but I don't know..I still don't see Teyla hitting John even in you guys.....possessed, yes....but not willingly!
                I'v been reading this fic and I was a bit put out by it at first and thought that it was something Teyla would never do but she isn't really herself at the moment and maybe her anger and grief are clouding her judgemment.

                Now, the other thing...I've always been a bit of hesistant believing that John would shed a, he almost did in

                Tao of Rodney

                but he didn', for Weir when she was injured and almost about to die, he didn't cry...he reacted...*could John have the healing power and not know it?* For Ford and for Summner, and all the others he got angry....

                but for Teyla..he's actually been on the verge of crying The Return Part 1
                he choked when he said to Teyla "take care"
                in Sateda
                he stopped and held his breath terrified at not seeing her at first and then seeing her on the ground before he fell
                I don't know whether John was about to cry but he did look as emotional as we have ever seen him - also similar to the scene in Sateda. Teyla has always caused the most emotional reaction from him and now Rodney. Rodney was about to die - so this was probably the closest he has come to losing someone close to him. I have never felt that he was as close to Elizabeth as he is to Rodney and Teyla and this is becoming evident throughout season three. John would still put his life on the line for them as he did with Ronan in Sateda but I don't think he is as close to either of them as he is to Rodney and Teyla.

                In Tao of Rodney
                I saw this side of John that I thought he'd never show in front of others....and especially not something that would come so easily for him...why? Hmm....but now, I do see John capable of such emotion but only with certain circumstances and certainly an elite group of people!

                any thoughts?
                Oh yes I can definitely see John becoming emotional over certain people in his life.
                He tries to hide his feelings for the most part but Teyla has definitely wormed her way into his heart and we also saw the raw emotion in Echoes when he visited her in the infirmary.
                Last edited by bluealien; 20 December 2006, 07:08 AM.


                  Chapter 5 is's getting interesting...


                    Originally posted by Camy View Post
                    Chapter 5 is's getting interesting...

                    I've read it and yes it is getting very interesting.


                      Wow how much have i missed?!?! Caught up on some great discussion, some beautiful pictures *Camy and Witchy* and a magnificent video *Steph*!!! Camy thanks for the links to all of the brilliant fics!!!

                      I can't believe we've reached 1000 pages and 20000 posts!!!

                      Oh and Witchy I can't wait until you get your sig back up; it makes me smile

                      Oh and a thought about The Game:

                      NinaM: Loved that Teyla touched his shoulder when she asked what he had named his village... so a cute moment there...
                      I agree completely. I couldn't help but think that, as Rodney had named his 'country' after a girl, that Teyla was hoping John had done similarly and named his after Teyla like "Teylanos" or something , okay so i may stretching it A LOT but hey *shrugs*

                      Hope you are all well, sorry if i have missed anything, I probably have, but i have just eaten some chocolate covered coffee beans so i'm a bit hyper!!!

                      Cya all

                      Magnificent sig by Sheylafan87!!! *hugs*


                        Originally posted by Gigajules View Post
                        It is. For starters, the chevrons on the Atlantis gate are blue.

                        I'm embarrassed to say I never paid attention to the gates before. I'm usually more of a people watcher I guess. But I'll have to pay better attention next time I watch! Thanks!

                        Cyn and Camy, thank you so much for all the fic recs!!!! I can never get enough! Great stories!! Thanks!!!!

                        Hi Daisy! Thank you so much for watching the vid!!! I'm so happy you liked it! Thank you!!

                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          Originally posted by majortrip View Post
                          ROFL! You know me too well.

                          The Game
                          I notced that, too. Also, did you note how their positions mirrored each other? Don't know that it's shippy, but it's amusing.

                          I liked this, too. Can't say it'll be a favorite, but not bad at all. Once again, Teyla was not featured much, and it wouldn't be so glaring if it didn't happen in back-to-back-to-back episodes. Looking forward to the last five eps, though.

                          I didn't see the ending coming. I loved how Sheppard and McKay were like little boys in trouble, as well as Lorne and Zelenka. I have to say I'm tickled by Zelenka in the way that I'm tickled by Carson. They rarely feature prominently, but when they're there, it's worth the screen time.

                          I also liked the beginning with Rodney's moral dilemma problem. Foiled by the team. And in the PJ, too. The competitiveness between Sheppard and McKay is fun to watch; they're like the Odd Couple. Their leaders mirrored them perfectly. I loved that bit. And the portraits of McKay everywhere. That made me laugh out loud. I liked Dr. Weir in this one, too, minding the kids so to speak.

                          Overall thumbs up, but I'm ready for some action now.
                          *helps trippy off the floor* know it's not good for your back...

                          oh i didn't notice that, but i did rewatch it, and see what you meant, when they're standing at the console. they were in the same positions.

                          oh i know what you mean, they had her had these one liners, like the convo with Ronon asking him how it was on his end, it seems as though they were just the tag alongs....*shrugs*

                          Yeah that's what i enjoyed about it also, Shep and Mckay, explaining to elizabeth about 'the game' in the beginning as totally cute...i wish they'd do an episode where they had a young shep and mckay, like the fanfic, can't remember the title. But that would be amusing.

                          Exactly, both Lorne and Zelenka had nice scenes. They seem to get along like a house on fire...*lol*....

                          I think Elizabeth had the situation in total control,(from her end), it really stood out to me as a good episode for her, but then again, i loved it when she gave Kavanaugh a proper dress down.

                          I especially loved it when shep and mckay were bickering in her office, her expression said 'wtf'....

                          Anyway, i'm totally looking forward to the ark and sunday....

                          So everyone who do you think is going to be missing at the end of this season...Season one, Shep, Aiden, and Teyla were kind of thought to be goners. And Season 2, We had Shep, Ronon, and Mckay. Who do you think will though to be a goner at the end of this season?..

                          and it gives me great pleasure to present my brand spankin' new siggy....

                          *slow enough girls*????....

                          R.I.P Wraithlord

                          Awesome sig by SciFan


                            Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post

                            *slow enough girls*????....

                            Perfect !!!

                            Sooooo many beautiful sigs.


                              Originally posted by White Tigeress View Post

                              Oh and a thought about The Game:

                              I agree completely. I couldn't help but think that, as Rodney had named his 'country' after a girl, that Teyla was hoping John had done similarly and named his after Teyla like "Teylanos" or something , okay so i may stretching it A LOT but hey *shrugs*

                              Hope you are all well, sorry if i have missed anything, I probably have, but i have just eaten some chocolate covered coffee beans so i'm a bit hyper!!!

                              Cya all

                              You know, that was actually my same thought when I watched it for the first time, LOL!

                              When Rodney mentions you can even choose the women's hair color, both he and John exchanged looks. And again, when John says he just kept the original name, they again exchanged that same look. My immediate thought was, oh they're hiding something! I really expected more of that to be revealed in the end and was surprised when it wasn't. I thought maybe it would come out in the end what he really named his country and that he really did choose the hair color of the second in command. So perhaps it's a bit of a stretch, but not enough that I didn't notice it on first airing and expected more to come from it! Of course I was disappointed there wasn't some great joke revealed in the end, but we can still imagine that it was really there and the writers are having fun being subtle and playing with us. So I like to think Rodney knows the truth that John is in love with Teyla and only held his tongue because she was right there in the room and John would have killed him otherwise, hehe.
                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                So, I haven't posted regularly in a while and hadn't seen the new doo to the site. But you know those floating banners that say 'Gateworld' on them and they would have pics of cast members either in scene, in promo shots, or off screen?! Well I have always complained outside this forum and basically to myself I don't see any Teyla ones, although I've seen Weir, Ronon, and Rodney, rarely John. Anyway I just saw a Teyla banner one, and in shadow form what do I see?! The legendary pic from S1 in The Gift I believe when John and Teyla are sparring...
                                I find it wicked cool, since that really is a pretty shippy banner---despite it only being Teyla (cause for shippy eyes like myself--that's Teyla remembering her first sparring with John)--with the ghostlike shadow pic. Anyway, just wanted to give a heads up if no one else has seen or noticed it!

                                Decided to add it here so everyone could see it, it's directly from the homepage. I really hadn't noticed until today.

                                I think I'm gonna ask if I can have it as a's a pretty rad banner, I'd just take away GW, or maybe just keep it!!
                                Last edited by vaberella; 20 December 2006, 11:55 AM. Reason: Adding pic
                                Click statement above to read article.

