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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
    Thank you Elflinn
    You're Welcome Donna!! It is beautiful!!
    sig by Sci!

    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      Trust me mine were that great either. Just a bunch of caps shrunk to go over a back drop. Paint is a pain sometime.

      Thanks Donna for the link, it took me forever to get it close to what I wanted. I had to go back and forth between paint and blibs. Be patient. I'll get there.

      oh Lea that is awesome youll have to teach me to paste the pics like you do as i like what you have come up with please give me some tips as you are really good at it im absolutley hopeless
      Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
        ! You are trying kill me!! THIS IS CLASSIC!!
        I could not stop laughing! TWITCHY! This reminds of theJ/R banter
        in the Brotherhood when they're trying to figure out the numbers
        it should be when John says he took MENSA test!

        I kept going last night and then again this morning with the story - I'm glad you like it!


          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
          Part 6-

          Ronon, Teyla, and John all looked at each other, eyebrows raised. “No? No one? Hm. Why am I not surprised? Well, may I suggest we leave this room and try a different one before someone gets--Oh crap.” Rodney put his head down. “What is it?” Teyla asked. Rodney shook his head. “The door we came in, it’s gone,” he said agitated, pointing behind them. He buried his face in his hands. “I hate this place.”

          The others turned around and saw the wall had somehow closed up behind them. John took a deep breath and looked at Teyla, trying to smile. “Ok, well I guess we have no choice then but to figure out this puzzle. I’m sure one of us here is intelligent enough.” He looked at the others.

          Rodney lifted his head. “Yeah, well I certainly wouldn’t place that hope into any of you three.” Ronon started towards him, but Teyla placed a firm hand on his arm. Rodney flinched and continued. “I think it’s pretty obvious here people it’s going to have to be me! I don’t know what you three actually do for a living, but I don’t think MENSA is knocking down any of your doors.” Ronon and Teyla looked at him with blank expressions. John cleared his throat and said, “Well then brainiac, why don’t you just get to work then?”

          Rodney turned and examined the tablets carefully, making sure not to touch any of them. The others came over and peered over his shoulder. Rodney murmured to himself for awhile and appeared to be making notations to himself, using his fingers to write in the air. An hour or so passed and while he continued this, the others had sat down together, backs against the wall, remaining far away from the tablets. “Are you ok?” John asked Teyla hesitantly. She smiled and nodded.” Yes, thank you." She paused for a moment. "Do you think Twitchy will able to solve the puzzle?” John smirked. “Well, he seems pretty confident, so yeah, I’m sure we’ll be fine.” Teyla looked down, her eyes thoughtful. John kept going, seeing her furrowed brow. “We’ll get our memories back soon. Don’t worry.” His voice was soft and caring. She looked up at his hazel eyes and felt a shiver as they seemed to burn right through her.

          “I’ve got it!” Rodney yelled. They all stood quickly and hustled over to him. “Ok, see the big picture here makes a sort of symbolic circle. The only difficulty was trying to figure out which symbol went where in the ring. I’m pretty sure I’ve deciphered the text correctly. Now all we need is for one of you to uh…try it out,” he said carefully not looking any of them in the eye. Ronon raised an eyebrow. “Pretty sure?” Rodney looked at him defensively. “Well, I’d like to see you give it a try!” John stopped the argument then and there.

          “Shut up both of you! I’ll try it. Show me which order to press them in and then all of you step back.” Rodney gratefully showed him the sequence while Teyla and Ronon walked back to their position against the wall. Teyla looked up at Ronon. “He is very brave, is he not?” Ronon looked at her after a moment. “Yeah, let’s hope he doesn’t get an arrow through his face.”

          They both returned their gaze towards the others. Rodney had finished telling John the sequence and stepped back to join Teyla and Ronon. John took a deep breath and looked back at them before he said, “Ok here goes. You’d better be right about this or I’m gonna be really pissed off!.” And he closed his eyes and stepped on the first tablet with full force.

          A hidden door began to rise from the ground across the room. Rodney leapt in excitement. “It’s working!” he exclaimed. John opened his eyes and smiled proudly. “I always knew you could do it, Twitchy,” he said breathlessly as he finished the sequence without a hitch. They all happily made their way through the fully raised doorway with Ronon even slapping a congratulatory hand on Sheppards shoulder.

          They entered the next room which was much darker than the last. Only four or five torches barely made the scope of the room visible. There was a long thin beam leading across the room and no other means of crossing, as it was surrounded on either side by endless black pits.

          Rodney’s face went from prideful joy to utter horror. “There’s no way I am crossing that! I can barely walk in a straight line as it is!” he cried. They all looked at each other, worried, when they heard a deep creaking from behind the walls of the room. Suddenly, ten extremely large swinging axes came flying out of the wall and began criss-crossing over different parts of the beam, each at different intervals in the form of a deadly gauntlet.

          Part 5 -
          “What did she mean by insurmountable odds?! Huh? Huh?” Rodney squeaked. John, Teyla, and Ronon all looked at each other. “Well, nothing like a good old fashioned adventure to add some character,“ John said. He looked at Ronon. “And obviously, some of us need it more than others.” Ronon flashed him a deadly look.

          “Ok, well since we’re obviously going to be stuck together for awhile, I think it's only proper to come up with some names for each other. For you," he looked at Rodney. “I’m thinking we should stick with Twitchy or the Twitchmeister, if you prefer,” Rodney scoffed and rolled his eyes. John continued on to Ronon, “You? Hmmm… about... the Hulk?” Ronon looked at him blankly. “Ok. The Hulk it is. And you,” he said as he looked at Teyla. “What should we call you?” She smiled slyly. “Do you not already have a name picked out for me as well?” John looked at her dark brown eyes. “Sure, we’ll just call you Angel,” his cheeks reddening again. “Oh, please somebody shoot me,” Rodney said and continued.

          “Anyways, and what are we calling you? Captain America? Captain Picard? Patton?” John smirked. “How about just Captain? That has a nice ring to it.” Ronon sighed heavily. “Can we just go now?” John nodded and led the way back into the dark hallway. They started down the first corridor they came to, guns at the ready, John and Ronon in the front, Rodney and Teyla in the rear.

          The first room they came to was lit by many torches on either side. In the center on the floor were many tablets, each with a different marking on them. “What do you suppose these are for?” Teyla asked. Ronon walked over and placed his foot gently on the first one. A tiny arrow came shooting out from an unseen hole in the wall, grazing Ronons left cheek, leaving a streak of blood across his face.

          He stepped back aghast. John grabbed his arm. “Are you ok?” he asked eyeballing the cut on his cheek. Ronon wiped the blood with his sleeve. “Yeah, what was that?” Rodney stepped forward, a horrified look on his face. “This is obviously one of the insurmountable odds I was worried about! Look, it’s defintely a puzzle. These tablets probably need to be pressed in a particular order. The Hulk here obviously never heard the proverb, look before you leap, and did not hit the correct one. Well at least we can rule that tablet out. Now who’s going to try for another? Hmm? Any volunteers?”

          Part 4-

          John reached the ground and used his gun’s flashlight to search the immediate area. He paced up and down the tunnel, finding nothing of interest but also nothing illustrating danger. “Have you been eaten yet?” he heard Rodney call down. John made a face and walked back towards the opening. “No, I haven’t been eaten yet. I think this is our best bet of finding a way out of here. These tunnels seem pretty long, I say we chance it.”

          He heard muffled conversation overhead before he heard Ronon call down. “We’re sending the woman down first.” John put his gun by his side and held his arms up to ease her slight drop as Ronon lowered her into the tunnel. John reached for her waist and held her tight as her feet hit the ground. Their eyes met and locked, his hands still tight on her waist. “Um, I believe I am fine now,” Teyla spoke softly, still looking in his eyes. John let go of her quickly, realizing he was still holding on. His cheeks were red. “Oh, sorry,” he mumbled, looking away pretending to adjust his gun. “Ok, I’m sending the other woman down now,” he heard Ronon call. “Oh, very funny Conan,” he heard Rodney respond. “What did you call me?” “Nothing, nothing. I’m coming down. NOW please!”

          John smiled at the franticness in his voice and reached up to give him a hand as well. When they were all in the tunnel, they began to venture towards a small light at the end of the tunnel to their rear. They found a small room with a large panel lodged in the wall. Rodney approached it, intrigued, and pressed a large red button in the very center. A ghostly looking hologram appeared in the form of an older woman with long silvery hair, wearing a white robe and smiling.

          The four of them stood fixed, gazing at the vision. She began to speak. “Hello and welcome to The Trials. As of this moment, your quest will begin. You must navigate these tunnels facing insurmountable odds, relying only on each other and yourselves. You will find your way using the skills you each possess. The rewards will prove wondrous, while the dangers will prove fatal. You will find what you seek if you are true to yourself. Goodbye and good luck.” With that, she gave a half bow and the hologram disappeared. They stood there in silence. John spoke first. “What the----“

          Part 3 -

          “Oh c’mon now….pal. Everything’s gonna be fine. Our giant friend here is gonna be a good boy and play nice, isn’t that right big guy?” John nodded confidently at Ronon. Ronon looked ferociously at them for a few moments and then hesitantly put his gun in his holster, giving John a dirty look. “There, now. That wasn’t so bad was it?” Rodney relaxed and came out from behind Colonel Sheppards coverage.

          John continued. “Ok, now first things first. We need to figure a way out of here and since I don’t see any doors or anything, I’m guessing that’s going to be a little difficult.” The others began to search the room for a discernible way out and found nothing. “I only think its fair you should all know I’m severely claustrophobic and I’m prone to have anxiety attacks when stuck in small spaces,” Rodney spoke wiping sweat from his brow. “Oh Lord,” he said, putting a hand to his chest. “I think I’m having one right now!” Teyla approached him and intuitively placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “You will be fine. We are all here with you.” John and Ronon watched them from across the room and both noticed what a calming effect she seemed to have.

          They continued their search for a way out. Ronon approached the pedestal covered in white powder in the center of the room. “What’s this?” he uttered deeply. Touching one of the strange markings on its rim, the pedestal moved suddenly, causing Ronon to step back quickly and draw his gun again. “Easy, easy big fella…Don’t go shooting anything just yet,” John spoke hastily. A large gaping hole in the ground displayed a tunnel that was only barely visible. All four of them peered into the hole together. “Well, I guess someone’s gotta go down there and see what’s what.” John muttered. Rodney guffawed. “What?! You can’t be serious! You don’t really expect me-“ John interrupted. “Oh, relax twitchy. I’ll go.”

          He retrieved his gun from the corner and approached the hole. His eyes swiftly met Teyla's. Teyla looked at him in admiration of his bravery. Ronon held out his arm prepared to lower John into the abyss. John reluctantly took it and said, “Now if I get eaten down there-“ Ronon spoke. “We’ll be sure and cover up the hole.” John grimaced and began his descent.
          I love how inventive. I can't wait for more. I love the twichy parts.


            Originally posted by scifan View Post
            I love how inventive. I can't wait for more. I love the twichy parts.
            Thanks scifan!!


              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
              Part 6 -

              Teyla emerged in the hallway, peering carefully around each corner before she turned its corridor. She was anxious and exhausted from running. Ronon had her on edge picturing their entire expedition lying dead in all corners of Atlantis. After narrowly escaping three different sets of Wraith, she found herself running through a corridor in the East Wing, a place she had never ventured before. It was very dark and she was traveling at a great speed when she tripped hard over something and went flying through the air. As quickly as she could, she regained composure and turned back to see what she had fallen over.

              Her eyes widened as she realized she had tripped over someone’s legs, someone who was lying flat on their back in the middle of the hallway. She dropped to her knees as she looked at the face of the person who lay there before her. It was Colonel Sheppard. He was lying there so still, Teyla was sure he was dead. She felt sick as she crawled over slowly to his motionless body, dragging her heavy hand to feel for some sign of life. She felt no life signs and began to gag on the rising spittle in her throat. Her chin was trembling and she sat there, staring at his restful face. Her mind felt fuzzy as she thought of everything they had been through together and all the time she thought they would have together. Desperate gasps of air clogged in her throat when suddenly, Colonel Sheppards body seemed to come to life as he began to sputter and cough, turning slowly onto his side, his eyes still closed. Teyla’s heart leapt with joy and she felt overwhelmed with emotion, as tears spilled from her eyes. “John? John?! Are you allright?” she asked her smile wide and true as he continued to cough.

              When Colonel Sheppard felt a whoosh of air rush into his lungs, he started to cough and rolled over on his side, slowly catching his breath. He thought he heard Teyla’s voice over his incessant coughing, but his thoughts returned to him and he remembered that dirty Wraith draining her body and tossing it aside like a rag doll. His coughing started to subside and he heard Teyla again, she sounded like she was right there beside him. He opened his eyes quickly, for her voice sounded so real. He saw her sitting there, on her knees, her beautiful smile was bright and her eyes seemed to glow with joy.

              John sat up immediately and reached out with his hand to make sure she was real. His touch surprised her and she fluttered briefly as his hand touched her face. Overcome with happiness, he grabbed her roughly and pulled her warm body close, burying his face in her hair, feverishly taking in her scent. Teyla was so happy that Colonel Sheppard was alive, his touch had surprised her, and before she knew it she was engulfed by his strong arms, his hands wrapped tightly around her sides. After a few moments like that, she began to realize the pure ecstasy his touch was having on her, and she slowly began to pull away, unsure of what to do. His eyes were glistening as their eyes met and she felt her heartbeat increase as she backed up slowly, looking deep in his face. “Teyla,” he said softly. “I thought you were dead.” Teyla smiled and looked down quickly. “And I thought the same of you, Colonel.” John stared at her hard. She had never looked as beautiful to him as she did at this moment, and he wanted everything he had ever held back from allowing himself to feel for her to pour out, but as she looked away, he lost his nerve.

              He started to get up from the ground and lent a hand to help her up as well. “Teyla,” he started. “I saw you killed by a Wraith. We were in the woods and I-“. She interrupted him. “Colonel, I believe we are all witnessing things that are not real. I have seen Ronon and he seemed very disturbed, like he had been through some great trauma. I have been through much of the city and found no one else, till now. I feel as though we are somehow conscious yet we remain in our subconscious.” John pondered this, scratching his messy hair. “Ok, let’s say I buy that. What does that mean? We’re stuck in our nightmares? Hey you haven’t seen a guy with a black and red sweater and long metal claws for fingernails, have you?” he asked half joking. She looked at him confused and answered, “I have seen only Wraith.” He looked at her seriously and replied, “Close enough. C’mon, let’s go see if we can find anyone else.”

              This is great MrsB!!! Can't wait to see what happens next!!!

              Sig by Camy


                Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                This is great MrsB!!! Can't wait to see what happens next!!!
                Thanks Mayra!


                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  Ok girls, thanks to Pocus I was able to share JF dancing. Here's another one. I'll post both.

                  The second one is quicker than the original clip, but still......
                  LOL!!! this is great Scifan!!! i was cracking up when i saw this!. I've seen the one that he dances a little during the stick fighting scene but i've never seen the one that...i guess he is in a wedding or something dancing with his glasses on!!! LOL!!! too funny!. Thanks!

                  By the way, Lovely Wallie you made for Girlinabox!!!...very pretty! and sweet!

                  Sig by Camy


                    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                    i was a little bored so i made a wallie its not that good but ill post in the galleria as well
                    Very Pretty Donna! i love the colors you used for the Wallie! and of course the J/T pics!

                    Sig by Camy


                      Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
                      I've finally deciced to come out of lurking and register.
                      I'm kinda a new stargate fan, about a month now, but I've always been a sheyla fan!

                      Nice banner!
                      Welcome Girlinabox!!! I hope you decide to de-lurk more often!. It's always nice meeting another fellow J/T shipper!

                      Sig by Camy


                        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                        Part 6-

                        Ronon, Teyla, and John all looked at each other, eyebrows raised. “No? No one? Hm. Why am I not surprised? Well, may I suggest we leave this room and try a different one before someone gets--Oh crap.” Rodney put his head down. “What is it?” Teyla asked. Rodney shook his head. “The door we came in, it’s gone,” he said agitated, pointing behind them. He buried his face in his hands. “I hate this place.”

                        The others turned around and saw the wall had somehow closed up behind them. John took a deep breath and looked at Teyla, trying to smile. “Ok, well I guess we have no choice then but to figure out this puzzle. I’m sure one of us here is intelligent enough.” He looked at the others.

                        Rodney lifted his head. “Yeah, well I certainly wouldn’t place that hope into any of you three.” Ronon started towards him, but Teyla placed a firm hand on his arm. Rodney flinched and continued. “I think it’s pretty obvious here people it’s going to have to be me! I don’t know what you three actually do for a living, but I don’t think MENSA is knocking down any of your doors.” Ronon and Teyla looked at him with blank expressions. John cleared his throat and said, “Well then brainiac, why don’t you just get to work then?”

                        Rodney turned and examined the tablets carefully, making sure not to touch any of them. The others came over and peered over his shoulder. Rodney murmured to himself for awhile and appeared to be making notations to himself, using his fingers to write in the air. An hour or so passed and while he continued this, the others had sat down together, backs against the wall, remaining far away from the tablets. “Are you ok?” John asked Teyla hesitantly. She smiled and nodded.” Yes, thank you." She paused for a moment. "Do you think Twitchy will able to solve the puzzle?” John smirked. “Well, he seems pretty confident, so yeah, I’m sure we’ll be fine.” Teyla looked down, her eyes thoughtful. John kept going, seeing her furrowed brow. “We’ll get our memories back soon. Don’t worry.” His voice was soft and caring. She looked up at his hazel eyes and felt a shiver as they seemed to burn right through her.

                        “I’ve got it!” Rodney yelled. They all stood quickly and hustled over to him. “Ok, see the big picture here makes a sort of symbolic circle. The only difficulty was trying to figure out which symbol went where in the ring. I’m pretty sure I’ve deciphered the text correctly. Now all we need is for one of you to uh…try it out,” he said carefully not looking any of them in the eye. Ronon raised an eyebrow. “Pretty sure?” Rodney looked at him defensively. “Well, I’d like to see you give it a try!” John stopped the argument then and there.

                        “Shut up both of you! I’ll try it. Show me which order to press them in and then all of you step back.” Rodney gratefully showed him the sequence while Teyla and Ronon walked back to their position against the wall. Teyla looked up at Ronon. “He is very brave, is he not?” Ronon looked at her after a moment. “Yeah, let’s hope he doesn’t get an arrow through his face.”

                        They both returned their gaze towards the others. Rodney had finished telling John the sequence and stepped back to join Teyla and Ronon. John took a deep breath and looked back at them before he said, “Ok here goes. You’d better be right about this or I’m gonna be really pissed off!.” And he closed his eyes and stepped on the first tablet with full force.

                        A hidden door began to rise from the ground across the room. Rodney leapt in excitement. “It’s working!” he exclaimed. John opened his eyes and smiled proudly. “I always knew you could do it, Twitchy,” he said breathlessly as he finished the sequence without a hitch. They all happily made their way through the fully raised doorway with Ronon even slapping a congratulatory hand on Sheppards shoulder.

                        They entered the next room which was much darker than the last. Only four or five torches barely made the scope of the room visible. There was a long thin beam leading across the room and no other means of crossing, as it was surrounded on either side by endless black pits.

                        Rodney’s face went from prideful joy to utter horror. “There’s no way I am crossing that! I can barely walk in a straight line as it is!” he cried. They all looked at each other, worried, when they heard a deep creaking from behind the walls of the room. Suddenly, ten extremely large swinging axes came flying out of the wall and began criss-crossing over different parts of the beam, each at different intervals in the form of a deadly gauntlet.

                        Part 5 -
                        “What did she mean by insurmountable odds?! Huh? Huh?” Rodney squeaked. John, Teyla, and Ronon all looked at each other. “Well, nothing like a good old fashioned adventure to add some character,“ John said. He looked at Ronon. “And obviously, some of us need it more than others.” Ronon flashed him a deadly look.

                        “Ok, well since we’re obviously going to be stuck together for awhile, I think it's only proper to come up with some names for each other. For you," he looked at Rodney. “I’m thinking we should stick with Twitchy or the Twitchmeister, if you prefer,” Rodney scoffed and rolled his eyes. John continued on to Ronon, “You? Hmmm… about... the Hulk?” Ronon looked at him blankly. “Ok. The Hulk it is. And you,” he said as he looked at Teyla. “What should we call you?” She smiled slyly. “Do you not already have a name picked out for me as well?” John looked at her dark brown eyes. “Sure, we’ll just call you Angel,” his cheeks reddening again. “Oh, please somebody shoot me,” Rodney said and continued.

                        “Anyways, and what are we calling you? Captain America? Captain Picard? Patton?” John smirked. “How about just Captain? That has a nice ring to it.” Ronon sighed heavily. “Can we just go now?” John nodded and led the way back into the dark hallway. They started down the first corridor they came to, guns at the ready, John and Ronon in the front, Rodney and Teyla in the rear.

                        The first room they came to was lit by many torches on either side. In the center on the floor were many tablets, each with a different marking on them. “What do you suppose these are for?” Teyla asked. Ronon walked over and placed his foot gently on the first one. A tiny arrow came shooting out from an unseen hole in the wall, grazing Ronons left cheek, leaving a streak of blood across his face.

                        He stepped back aghast. John grabbed his arm. “Are you ok?” he asked eyeballing the cut on his cheek. Ronon wiped the blood with his sleeve. “Yeah, what was that?” Rodney stepped forward, a horrified look on his face. “This is obviously one of the insurmountable odds I was worried about! Look, it’s defintely a puzzle. These tablets probably need to be pressed in a particular order. The Hulk here obviously never heard the proverb, look before you leap, and did not hit the correct one. Well at least we can rule that tablet out. Now who’s going to try for another? Hmm? Any volunteers?”
                        WOW!!! another great story from you MrsB!!!!. How exciting and interesting!. Looking forward to seeing what happens next!

                        Also wanted to say Congrats to Ruby for reaching 100 Posts!!!! That's awesome!!!

                        I know i still have a lot to catch up on especially fic recs. but just wanted to pop in and say how much i'm enjoying the artwork and fics!.

                        Sig by Camy


                          Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                          LOL!!! this is great Scifan!!! i was cracking up when i saw this!. I've seen the one that he dances a little during the stick fighting scene but i've never seen the one that...i guess he is in a wedding or something dancing with his glasses on!!! LOL!!! too funny!. Thanks!

                          By the way, Lovely Wallie you made for Girlinabox!!!...very pretty! and sweet!

                          I wed clip is from The Other Sister.


                            Part 7 -

                            Well, that certainly puts a damper on things,” Colonel Sheppard remarked as they all stood horrified, watching the enormous axes slice through the air. Ronon’s eyes narrowed and he looked eagerly at the gauntlet before them. “Something you wanna share with the rest of the class, Hulk?” John asked noticing his intense demeanor.

                            “I can make it,” Ronon said. He smiled brazenly to himself as if trying to intimidate an opponent. “Well, I’m really glad you’re being positive here, but it’s really only helpful if you can figure out a way for us less confident people to make it, too.” Rodney looked panicked and grabbed Teyla by the shoulders, looking at her face to face. “They don’t really expect me to do this, do they?! Because I have this inner ear thing and it makes me very dizzy at inappropriate times and I…” he continued rambling much to Teyla’s dismay.

                            Ronon looked over at Colonel Sheppard and remarked, “I can carry one, the woman if you wish. There’s nothing I can do for the rest of you.” John looked at him and nodded in acknowledgement. He understood. “Ok, you two, stop messing around and get over here. Angel, the Hulk here says he can carry you on his back and I—.” Teyla interrupted and looked over as Rodney gripped her arm till his knuckles turned white. “No, thank you Captain. I can manage the gauntlet myself. I’m sure it would be much more productive if he were to carry another.” She turned her head and smiled comfortingly at Rodney.

                            “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. God, you really are an angel,” Rodney praised her. John looked at Teyla’s face concerned. He took her shirt sleeve and tugged her slightly away from the others. “Listen, um…. if I could carry you I would but I….look, I can’t guarantee your safety if you don’t let him carry you. I totally understand you wanna be nice and let Twitchy go, if not just for the sake of the rest of us having to listen to him. But I don’t want anything bad to happen to you so…..” he trailed off, looking away.

                            She smiled wide and took his hand. He noticed how soft her skin was. “Thank you Captain, but I will be fine. I appreciate your concern but I think this is the way things should be.” Their eyes met again and they each felt an intense heat between them before Rodney called to them. “Ok, c’mon I’m ready!!” They looked over to see Ronon slightly hunched with Rodney straddling his back. “Stop pulling my hair or I’ll throw you in that pit myself!” Ronon roared at him. Colonel Sheppard gave Teyla a sheepish grin. “Ok, guess I’ll go first, then you, and the boys in the back. Let’s go.”

                            Part 6-

                            Ronon, Teyla, and John all looked at each other, eyebrows raised. “No? No one? Hm. Why am I not surprised? Well, may I suggest we leave this room and try a different one before someone gets--Oh crap.” Rodney put his head down. “What is it?” Teyla asked. Rodney shook his head. “The door we came in, it’s gone,” he said agitated, pointing behind them. He buried his face in his hands. “I hate this place.”

                            The others turned around and saw the wall had somehow closed up behind them. John took a deep breath and looked at Teyla, trying to smile. “Ok, well I guess we have no choice then but to figure out this puzzle. I’m sure one of us here is intelligent enough.” He looked at the others.

                            Rodney lifted his head. “Yeah, well I certainly wouldn’t place that hope into any of you three.” Ronon started towards him, but Teyla placed a firm hand on his arm. Rodney flinched and continued. “I think it’s pretty obvious here people it’s going to have to be me! I don’t know what you three actually do for a living, but I don’t think MENSA is knocking down any of your doors.” Ronon and Teyla looked at him with blank expressions. John cleared his throat and said, “Well then brainiac, why don’t you just get to work then?”

                            Rodney turned and examined the tablets carefully, making sure not to touch any of them. The others came over and peered over his shoulder. Rodney murmured to himself for awhile and appeared to be making notations to himself, using his fingers to write in the air. An hour or so passed and while he continued this, the others had sat down together, backs against the wall, remaining far away from the tablets. “Are you ok?” John asked Teyla hesitantly. She smiled and nodded.” Yes, thank you." She paused for a moment. "Do you think Twitchy will able to solve the puzzle?” John smirked. “Well, he seems pretty confident, so yeah, I’m sure we’ll be fine.” Teyla looked down, her eyes thoughtful. John kept going, seeing her furrowed brow. “We’ll get our memories back soon. Don’t worry.” His voice was soft and caring. She looked up at his hazel eyes and felt a shiver as they seemed to burn right through her.

                            “I’ve got it!” Rodney yelled. They all stood quickly and hustled over to him. “Ok, see the big picture here makes a sort of symbolic circle. The only difficulty was trying to figure out which symbol went where in the ring. I’m pretty sure I’ve deciphered the text correctly. Now all we need is for one of you to uh…try it out,” he said carefully not looking any of them in the eye. Ronon raised an eyebrow. “Pretty sure?” Rodney looked at him defensively. “Well, I’d like to see you give it a try!” John stopped the argument then and there.

                            “Shut up both of you! I’ll try it. Show me which order to press them in and then all of you step back.” Rodney gratefully showed him the sequence while Teyla and Ronon walked back to their position against the wall. Teyla looked up at Ronon. “He is very brave, is he not?” Ronon looked at her after a moment. “Yeah, let’s hope he doesn’t get an arrow through his face.”

                            They both returned their gaze towards the others. Rodney had finished telling John the sequence and stepped back to join Teyla and Ronon. John took a deep breath and looked back at them before he said, “Ok here goes. You’d better be right about this or I’m gonna be really pissed off!.” And he closed his eyes and stepped on the first tablet with full force.

                            A hidden door began to rise from the ground across the room. Rodney leapt in excitement. “It’s working!” he exclaimed. John opened his eyes and smiled proudly. “I always knew you could do it, Twitchy,” he said breathlessly as he finished the sequence without a hitch. They all happily made their way through the fully raised doorway with Ronon even slapping a congratulatory hand on Sheppards shoulder.

                            They entered the next room which was much darker than the last. Only four or five torches barely made the scope of the room visible. There was a long thin beam leading across the room and no other means of crossing, as it was surrounded on either side by endless black pits.

                            Rodney’s face went from prideful joy to utter horror. “There’s no way I am crossing that! I can barely walk in a straight line as it is!” he cried. They all looked at each other, worried, when they heard a deep creaking from behind the walls of the room. Suddenly, ten extremely large swinging axes came flying out of the wall and began criss-crossing over different parts of the beam, each at different intervals in the form of a deadly gauntlet.

                            Part 5 -
                            “What did she mean by insurmountable odds?! Huh? Huh?” Rodney squeaked. John, Teyla, and Ronon all looked at each other. “Well, nothing like a good old fashioned adventure to add some character,“ John said. He looked at Ronon. “And obviously, some of us need it more than others.” Ronon flashed him a deadly look.

                            “Ok, well since we’re obviously going to be stuck together for awhile, I think it's only proper to come up with some names for each other. For you," he looked at Rodney. “I’m thinking we should stick with Twitchy or the Twitchmeister, if you prefer,” Rodney scoffed and rolled his eyes. John continued on to Ronon, “You? Hmmm… about... the Hulk?” Ronon looked at him blankly. “Ok. The Hulk it is. And you,” he said as he looked at Teyla. “What should we call you?” She smiled slyly. “Do you not already have a name picked out for me as well?” John looked at her dark brown eyes. “Sure, we’ll just call you Angel,” his cheeks reddening again. “Oh, please somebody shoot me,” Rodney said and continued.

                            “Anyways, and what are we calling you? Captain America? Captain Picard? Patton?” John smirked. “How about just Captain? That has a nice ring to it.” Ronon sighed heavily. “Can we just go now?” John nodded and led the way back into the dark hallway. They started down the first corridor they came to, guns at the ready, John and Ronon in the front, Rodney and Teyla in the rear.

                            The first room they came to was lit by many torches on either side. In the center on the floor were many tablets, each with a different marking on them. “What do you suppose these are for?” Teyla asked. Ronon walked over and placed his foot gently on the first one. A tiny arrow came shooting out from an unseen hole in the wall, grazing Ronons left cheek, leaving a streak of blood across his face.

                            He stepped back aghast. John grabbed his arm. “Are you ok?” he asked eyeballing the cut on his cheek. Ronon wiped the blood with his sleeve. “Yeah, what was that?” Rodney stepped forward, a horrified look on his face. “This is obviously one of the insurmountable odds I was worried about! Look, it’s defintely a puzzle. These tablets probably need to be pressed in a particular order. The Hulk here obviously never heard the proverb, look before you leap, and did not hit the correct one. Well at least we can rule that tablet out. Now who’s going to try for another? Hmm? Any volunteers?”
                            Last edited by MrsB108; 08 July 2007, 02:59 PM.


                              [QUOTE=MrsB108;6867704]Part 7 -

                              Well, that certainly puts a damper on things,” Colonel Sheppard remarked as they all stood horrified, watching the enormous axes slice through the air. Ronon’s eyes narrowed and he looked eagerly at the gauntlet before them. “Something you wanna share with the rest of the class, Hulk?” John asked noticing his intense demeanor.

                              “I can make it,” Ronon said. He smiled brazenly to himself as if trying to intimidate an opponent. “Well, I’m really glad you’re being positive here, but it’s really only helpful if you can figure out a way for us less confident people to make it, too.” Rodney looked panicked and grabbed Teyla by the shoulders, looking at her face to face. “They don’t really expect me to do this, do they?! Because I have this inner ear thing and it makes me very dizzy at inappropriate times and I…” he continued rambling much to Teyla’s dismay.

                              Ronon looked over at Colonel Sheppard and remarked, “I can carry one, the woman if you wish. There’s nothing I can do for the rest of you.” John looked at him and nodded in acknowledgement. He understood. “Ok, you two, stop messing around and get over here. Angel, the Hulk here says he can carry you on his back and I—.” Teyla interrupted and looked over as Rodney gripped her arm till his knuckles turned white. “No, thank you Captain. I can manage the gauntlet myself. I’m sure it would be much more productive if he were to carry another.” She turned her head and smiled comfortingly at Rodney.

                              “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. God, you really are an angel,” Rodney praised her. John looked at Teyla’s face concerned. He took her shirt sleeve and tugged her slightly away from the others. “Listen, um…. if I could carry you I would but I….look, I can’t guarantee your safety if you don’t let him carry you. I totally understand you wanna be nice and let Twitchy go, if not just for the sake of the rest of us having to listen to him. But I don’t want anything bad to happen to you so…..” he trailed off, looking away.

                              She smiled wide and took his hand. He noticed how soft her skin was. “Thank you Captain, but I will be fine. I appreciate your concern but I think this is the way things should be.” Their eyes met again and they each felt an intense heat between them before Rodney called to them. “Ok, c’mon I’m ready!!” They looked over to see Ronon slightly hunched with Rodney straddling his back. “Stop pulling my hair or I’ll throw you in that pit myself!” Ronon barked at him. Colonel Sheppard gave Teyla a sheepish grin. “Ok, guess I’ll go first, then you, and the boys in the back. Let’s go.”

                              Awesome... you really have me hooked on this...
                              Twitchy,,,hehe you have me laughing evertime they call him that...
                              And sure seems like something is building between John and Teyla...

                              Can't wait to
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Thanks Ninam!
                                If they ever call him twitchy on the show I'm really gonna crack up after this

