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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
    Very well said scifan. It is nice that we get just little bits because, it makes
    us hungry for more!!
    Well at least with these snack I don't have to worry about gaining weight.

    Part 3 is very cute.
    Last edited by scifan; 07 July 2007, 06:49 PM.


      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
      Part 3 -

      “Oh c’mon now….pal. Everything’s gonna be fine. Our giant friend here is gonna be a good boy and play nice, isn’t that right big guy?” John nodded confidently at Ronon. Ronon looked ferociously at them for a few moments and then hesitantly put his gun in his holster, giving John a dirty look. “There, now. That wasn’t so bad was it?” Rodney relaxed and came out from behind Colonel Sheppards coverage.

      John continued. “Ok, now first things first. We need to figure a way out of here and since I don’t see any doors or anything, I’m guessing that’s going to be a little difficult.” The others began to search the room for a discernible way out and found nothing. “I only think its fair you should all know I’m severely claustrophobic and I’m prone to have anxiety attacks when stuck in small spaces,” Rodney spoke wiping sweat from his brow. “Oh Lord,” he said, putting a hand to his chest. “I think I’m having one right now!” Teyla approached him and intuitively placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “You will be fine. We are all here with you.” John and Ronon watched them from across the room and both noticed what a calming effect she seemed to have.

      They continued their search for a way out. Ronon approached the pedestal covered in white powder in the center of the room. “What’s this?” he uttered deeply. Touching one of the strange markings on its rim, the pedestal moved suddenly, causing Ronon to step back quickly and draw his gun again. “Easy, easy big fella…Don’t go shooting anything just yet,” John spoke hastily. A large gaping hole in the ground displayed a tunnel that was only barely visible. All four of them peered into the hole together. “Well, I guess someone’s gotta go down there and see what’s what.” John muttered. Rodney guffawed. “What?! You can’t be serious! You don’t really expect me-“ John interrupted. “Oh, relax twitchy. I’ll go.”

      He retrieved his gun from the corner and approached the hole. His eyes swiftly met Teylas. Teyla looked at him in admiration of his bravery. Ronon held out his arm prepared to lower John into the abyss. John reluctantly took it and said, “Now if I get eaten down there-“ Ronon spoke. “We’ll be sure and cover up the hole.” John grimaced and began his descent.

      Part 2 -

      Ronon and Teyla instinctively raised their guns immediately causing Colonel Sheppard to do the same and the three of them pointed their guns at each other respectively. Rodney stood there wide eyed simply gaping at them. Ronon’s eyes held a fiery glow while Teyla’s seemed less malicious and more confused than anything. John began speaking. “All right, why don’t we all just calm down here and figure this thing out, nice and friendly like. You,” he said briefly waving his gun towards Rodney. “Let’s start with you. Start talking. Who the hell are you and what’s going on here?” Rodney stammered for a moment, his eyes fixed on Ronon’s menacing expression. “Hey buddy, I’d start talking before anybody gets any ideas,” John told Rodney, his eyes never leaving Ronons.

      Rodney finally spoke. “I-I have no idea who any of you people are or how I got here! Wherever here is! Can you just all put down the guns so we discuss this like rational, civilized people?!” he asked semi-hysterically. Ronon gave a quick snort and replied, “Not on your life.” His gun never strayed from the middle of Colonel Sheppard and Teyla’s heads. Colonel Sheppard spoke hastily again. “Ok, maybe you were the wrong person to ask. Um, how about you Miss?” His eyes left Ronons for a moment to look over at Teyla. He did a double take when their eyes met. Something familiar about them, he thought. He quickly returned his gaze to Ronon, fearing any moment now, a gentle slip of the finger and someone would get seriously hurt or worse.

      Teyla looked at each of them. “I have never seen any of you before in my life. I think it is obvious that whatever has happened here has happened to all of us. I cannot remember my own name and I find that fact very unsettling.” She looked at the clothes they all wore. “I find it interesting that three of us share some form of uniform, though.” All of them looked at themselves and the others clothing. “Hey! Hey! Maybe were on some sort of a team!” Rodney said excitedly. John scoffed. “What, like the A-Team?” Rodney looked at him and laughed at the joke and then shook his head. “No, I guess not.” He looked nervously at Ronon and snapped his fingers and pointed."Um, hello, hey! Why isn’t he wearing a uniform? Why would three of us have a uniform and only one of us doesn’t? Maybe we were chasing him! Maybe he’s a bad guy!” Ronon shifted his eyes and his gun towards Rodney. “And what if I am?” he grunted. Rodney winced and edged his way over behind Colonel Sheppard. “That would be fine then. You can be whoever you want.... sir,” he replied quietly speaking over the Colonel’s shoulder.

      “Allright,” Colonel Sheppard spoke. “Enough of this, I’m putting my gun down and I hope you both do the same.” Ronon leaned forward with gun as if to say, no way, and John made a face. “Just until, we can figure this thing out,” he spoke pointedly, as he continued placing his weapon on the floor and kicking it away into a corner. Rodney’s voice was high when he spoke. “Oh what the heck did you do that for? Now were dead for sure!” He turned a few moments later in disbelief as Teyla bent over and also lowered her weapon to the floor. Ronon swept his gun pointing it at her as she did this. John’s eyes searched Teyla’s to say a silent ‘thank you’ and she gave a quick smile in return. Rodney turned around and groaned, “Oh, great idea Casanova, now were all dead.”

      Part 1 -

      Col. Sheppard, Teyla, Ronon, and Rodney had stepped through the gate only an hour earlier. They found the cave almost immediately after Rodney had detected an energy reading. The cave was ordinary at first glance but after further examination, Colonel Sheppard had discovered a simulated wall that reacted when he approached it. “Must be the good ole’ Ancient gene,” John muttered. “Hey guys, come check this out.” The others walked over, staring at the gaping hole where a wall just stood.

      John scanned for life signs as Rodney scanned for any anomalies. “The energy reading I detected on the surface is definitely coming from in there,” Rodney said. “Then what are we waiting for?” Ronon replied as he brushed past Rodney, his gun held out straight in front of him. The other followed suit and entered into the dark hidden chamber. After what seemed like a long hallway of total darkness, at the end was a room filled with an eerie blue light and only a large white pedestal in the center. They approached it carefully. “This writing is definitely Ancient,” Rodney remarked at the markings written on the pedestal.

      Colonel Sheppard, Teyla, and Ronon peered over into the center, where a large hole lay. Rodney spoke quickly, “Something isn’t right here. Whatever you do people, don’t’ touch —“ He was interrupted by Ronon tracing one of the markings with his finger when a loud rumbling noise sounded from inside the pedestal. Rodney glared in disbelief at Ronon. “Oops.” Ronon said. “Ronon! Who knows what catastrophic event you might have just initiated by having the same ability of restraint as a TWO YEAR OLD!!” Rodney shrieked at him. The pedestal began moving in a slow, methodical circular motion and they all took a few steps back. The rumbling felt beneath them and grew louder with each moment. “I do not think we should remain,” Teyla spoke quickly.

      The whole room seemed to be quaking now and they slowly backed up towards the hallway they had entered through, except the doorway wasn’t there any longer. “Um, wheres the door?” Colonel Sheppard asked as they stood in disbelief staring at the wall. “Did I ever mention I am VERY claustrophobic??? Can’t you be all Ancienty again and open it?!” Rodney was near hysterics. Colonel Sheppard waved his hands in front of the wall many times before turning to Rodney and replying, “I don’t think this is working.”

      Before their panicking got worse, the rumbling stopped and there was a complete silence. A few moments passed before Ronon smiled and said, “See McKay? Nothing to worry about.” Rodney grimaced and before he could reply, a loud whooshing noise came from the hole in the pedestal and a surge of white powder burst from the center of it, quickly filling the room and causing all of them to cough and choke. They tried to conceal the powder from entering their mouths with their arms, but to no avail. The air was so dense with the powder, they could not even see each other anymore.

      Minutes had passed before the air began to clear and when it did the four of them stood blinking furiously and coughing, each of them covered head to toe in white powder. Colonel Sheppard looked around the room carefully, eyeing the pedestal first and then raising his eyes to see the others. He stared at them for a couple of seconds, cocked his head to the side strangely and made a face. “Um…I don’t mean to be rude or anything but who the hell are you people and where the hell am I?”
      YEA!! Loved this!!
      Relax twitchy!!! OMG! I was laughing so hard after that! Then Ronan's comment We'll be sure to cover the hole!!!
      sig by Sci!

      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
        YEA!! Loved this!!
        Relax twitchy!!! OMG! I was laughing so hard after that! Then Ronan's comment We'll be sure to cover the hole!!!

        I'm cracking myself up LOL It's late here, I'm getting punchy, which means I should probably write another chapter


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          Well at least with these snack I don't have to worry about gaining weight.

          Part 3 is very cute.
          This is true. It might better than a KitKat or a Milky Way indulgence.
          You do not have to feel guilty!!
          sig by Sci!

          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            I'm cracking myself up LOL It's late here, I'm getting punchy, which means I should probably write another chapter
            Whatever you chose to do if you want.
            I'm enjoying reading the parts very much!!
            sig by Sci!

            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
              Whatever you chose to do if you want.
              I'm enjoying reading the parts very much!!

              Yup, I already started. Last one for the night. I'll make it a good one


                Ok girls, thanks to Pocus I was able to share JF dancing. Here's another one. I'll post both.

                The second one is quicker than the original clip, but still......


                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  Ok girls, thanks to Pocus I was able to share JF dancing. Here's another one. I'll post both.

                  The second one is quicker than the original clip, but still......
                  These are hysterical!!!


                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                    These are hysterical!!!

                    Oops! The second one I was able to get from Mayogaelz!


                      Part 4-

                      John reached the ground and used his gun’s flashlight to search the immediate area. He paced up and down the tunnel, finding nothing of interest but also nothing illustrating danger. “Have you been eaten yet?” he heard Rodney call down. John made a face and walked back towards the opening. “No, I haven’t been eaten yet. I think this is our best bet of finding a way out of here. These tunnels seem pretty long, I say we chance it.”

                      He heard muffled conversation overhead before he heard Ronon call down. “We’re sending the woman down first.” John put his gun by his side and held his arms up to ease her slight drop as Ronon lowered her into the tunnel. John reached for her waist and held her tight as her feet hit the ground. Their eyes met and locked, his hands still tight on her waist. “Um, I believe I am fine now,” Teyla spoke softly, still looking in his eyes. John let go of her quickly, realizing he was still holding on. His cheeks were red. “Oh, sorry,” he mumbled, looking away pretending to adjust his gun. “Ok, I’m sending the other woman down now,” he heard Ronon call. “Oh, very funny Conan,” he heard Rodney respond. “What did you call me?” “Nothing, nothing. I’m coming down. NOW please!”

                      John smiled at the franticness in his voice and reached up to give him a hand as well. When they were all in the tunnel, they began to venture towards a small light at the end of the tunnel to their rear. They found a small room with a large panel lodged in the wall. Rodney approached it, intrigued, and pressed a large red button in the very center. A ghostly looking hologram appeared in the form of an older woman with long silvery hair, wearing a white robe and smiling.

                      The four of them stood fixed, gazing at the vision. She began to speak. “Hello and welcome to The Trials. As of this moment, your quest will begin. You must navigate these tunnels facing insurmountable odds, relying only on each other and yourselves. You will find your way using the skills you each possess. The rewards will prove wondrous, while the dangers will prove fatal. You will find what you seek if you are true to yourself. Goodbye and good luck.” With that, she gave a half bow and the hologram disappeared. They stood there in silence. John spoke first. “What the----“

                      Part 3 -

                      “Oh c’mon now….pal. Everything’s gonna be fine. Our giant friend here is gonna be a good boy and play nice, isn’t that right big guy?” John nodded confidently at Ronon. Ronon looked ferociously at them for a few moments and then hesitantly put his gun in his holster, giving John a dirty look. “There, now. That wasn’t so bad was it?” Rodney relaxed and came out from behind Colonel Sheppards coverage.

                      John continued. “Ok, now first things first. We need to figure a way out of here and since I don’t see any doors or anything, I’m guessing that’s going to be a little difficult.” The others began to search the room for a discernible way out and found nothing. “I only think its fair you should all know I’m severely claustrophobic and I’m prone to have anxiety attacks when stuck in small spaces,” Rodney spoke wiping sweat from his brow. “Oh Lord,” he said, putting a hand to his chest. “I think I’m having one right now!” Teyla approached him and intuitively placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “You will be fine. We are all here with you.” John and Ronon watched them from across the room and both noticed what a calming effect she seemed to have.

                      They continued their search for a way out. Ronon approached the pedestal covered in white powder in the center of the room. “What’s this?” he uttered deeply. Touching one of the strange markings on its rim, the pedestal moved suddenly, causing Ronon to step back quickly and draw his gun again. “Easy, easy big fella…Don’t go shooting anything just yet,” John spoke hastily. A large gaping hole in the ground displayed a tunnel that was only barely visible. All four of them peered into the hole together. “Well, I guess someone’s gotta go down there and see what’s what.” John muttered. Rodney guffawed. “What?! You can’t be serious! You don’t really expect me-“ John interrupted. “Oh, relax twitchy. I’ll go.”

                      He retrieved his gun from the corner and approached the hole. His eyes swiftly met Teyla's. Teyla looked at him in admiration of his bravery. Ronon held out his arm prepared to lower John into the abyss. John reluctantly took it and said, “Now if I get eaten down there-“ Ronon spoke. “We’ll be sure and cover up the hole.” John grimaced and began his descent.

                      Part 2 -

                      Ronon and Teyla instinctively raised their guns immediately causing Colonel Sheppard to do the same and the three of them pointed their guns at each other respectively. Rodney stood there wide eyed simply gaping at them. Ronon’s eyes held a fiery glow while Teyla’s seemed less malicious and more confused than anything. John began speaking. “All right, why don’t we all just calm down here and figure this thing out, nice and friendly like. You,” he said briefly waving his gun towards Rodney. “Let’s start with you. Start talking. Who the hell are you and what’s going on here?” Rodney stammered for a moment, his eyes fixed on Ronon’s menacing expression. “Hey buddy, I’d start talking before anybody gets any ideas,” John told Rodney, his eyes never leaving Ronons.

                      Rodney finally spoke. “I-I have no idea who any of you people are or how I got here! Wherever here is! Can you just all put down the guns so we discuss this like rational, civilized people?!” he asked semi-hysterically. Ronon gave a quick snort and replied, “Not on your life.” His gun never strayed from the middle of Colonel Sheppard and Teyla’s heads. Colonel Sheppard spoke hastily again. “Ok, maybe you were the wrong person to ask. Um, how about you Miss?” His eyes left Ronons for a moment to look over at Teyla. He did a double take when their eyes met. Something familiar about them, he thought. He quickly returned his gaze to Ronon, fearing any moment now, a gentle slip of the finger and someone would get seriously hurt or worse.

                      Teyla looked at each of them. “I have never seen any of you before in my life. I think it is obvious that whatever has happened here has happened to all of us. I cannot remember my own name and I find that fact very unsettling.” She looked at the clothes they all wore. “I find it interesting that three of us share some form of uniform, though.” All of them looked at themselves and the others clothing. “Hey! Hey! Maybe were on some sort of a team!” Rodney said excitedly. John scoffed. “What, like the A-Team?” Rodney looked at him and laughed at the joke and then shook his head. “No, I guess not.” He looked nervously at Ronon and snapped his fingers and pointed."Um, hello, hey! Why isn’t he wearing a uniform? Why would three of us have a uniform and only one of us doesn’t? Maybe we were chasing him! Maybe he’s a bad guy!” Ronon shifted his eyes and his gun towards Rodney. “And what if I am?” he grunted. Rodney winced and edged his way over behind Colonel Sheppard. “That would be fine then. You can be whoever you want.... sir,” he replied quietly speaking over the Colonel’s shoulder.

                      “Allright,” Colonel Sheppard spoke. “Enough of this, I’m putting my gun down and I hope you both do the same.” Ronon leaned forward with gun as if to say, no way, and John made a face. “Just until, we can figure this thing out,” he spoke pointedly, as he continued placing his weapon on the floor and kicking it away into a corner. Rodney’s voice was high when he spoke. “Oh what the heck did you do that for? Now were dead for sure!” He turned a few moments later in disbelief as Teyla bent over and also lowered her weapon to the floor. Ronon swept his gun pointing it at her as she did this. John’s eyes searched Teyla’s to say a silent ‘thank you’ and she gave a quick smile in return. Rodney turned around and groaned, “Oh, great idea Casanova, now were all dead.”

                      Part 1 -

                      Col. Sheppard, Teyla, Ronon, and Rodney had stepped through the gate only an hour earlier. They found the cave almost immediately after Rodney had detected an energy reading. The cave was ordinary at first glance but after further examination, Colonel Sheppard had discovered a simulated wall that reacted when he approached it. “Must be the good ole’ Ancient gene,” John muttered. “Hey guys, come check this out.” The others walked over, staring at the gaping hole where a wall just stood.

                      John scanned for life signs as Rodney scanned for any anomalies. “The energy reading I detected on the surface is definitely coming from in there,” Rodney said. “Then what are we waiting for?” Ronon replied as he brushed past Rodney, his gun held out straight in front of him. The other followed suit and entered into the dark hidden chamber. After what seemed like a long hallway of total darkness, at the end was a room filled with an eerie blue light and only a large white pedestal in the center. They approached it carefully. “This writing is definitely Ancient,” Rodney remarked at the markings written on the pedestal.

                      Colonel Sheppard, Teyla, and Ronon peered over into the center, where a large hole lay. Rodney spoke quickly, “Something isn’t right here. Whatever you do people, don’t’ touch —“ He was interrupted by Ronon tracing one of the markings with his finger when a loud rumbling noise sounded from inside the pedestal. Rodney glared in disbelief at Ronon. “Oops.” Ronon said. “Ronon! Who knows what catastrophic event you might have just initiated by having the same ability of restraint as a TWO YEAR OLD!!” Rodney shrieked at him. The pedestal began moving in a slow, methodical circular motion and they all took a few steps back. The rumbling felt beneath them and grew louder with each moment. “I do not think we should remain,” Teyla spoke quickly.

                      The whole room seemed to be quaking now and they slowly backed up towards the hallway they had entered through, except the doorway wasn’t there any longer. “Um, wheres the door?” Colonel Sheppard asked as they stood in disbelief staring at the wall. “Did I ever mention I am VERY claustrophobic??? Can’t you be all Ancienty again and open it?!” Rodney was near hysterics. Colonel Sheppard waved his hands in front of the wall many times before turning to Rodney and replying, “I don’t think this is working.”

                      Before their panicking got worse, the rumbling stopped and there was a complete silence. A few moments passed before Ronon smiled and said, “See McKay? Nothing to worry about.” Rodney grimaced and before he could reply, a loud whooshing noise came from the hole in the pedestal and a surge of white powder burst from the center of it, quickly filling the room and causing all of them to cough and choke. They tried to conceal the powder from entering their mouths with their arms, but to no avail. The air was so dense with the powder, they could not even see each other anymore.

                      Minutes had passed before the air began to clear and when it did the four of them stood blinking furiously and coughing, each of them covered head to toe in white powder. Colonel Sheppard looked around the room carefully, eyeing the pedestal first and then raising his eyes to see the others. He stared at them for a couple of seconds, cocked his head to the side strangely and made a face. “Um…I don’t mean to be rude or anything but who the hell are you people and where the hell am I?”


                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        Ok girls, thanks to Pocus I was able to share JF dancing. Here's another one. I'll post both.

                        The second one is quicker than the original clip, but still......
                        Cool! I love these!!
                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                          Part 4-

                          John reached the ground and used his gun’s flashlight to search the immediate area. He paced up and down the tunnel, finding nothing of interest but also nothing illustrating danger. “Have you been eaten yet?” he heard Rodney call down. John made a face and walked back towards the opening. “No, I haven’t been eaten yet. I think this is our best bet of finding a way out of here. These tunnels seem pretty long, I say we chance it.”

                          He heard muffled conversation overhead before he heard Ronon call down. “We’re sending the woman down first.” John put his gun by his side and held his arms up to ease her slight drop as Ronon lowered her into the tunnel. John reached for her waist and held her tight as her feet hit the ground. Their eyes met and locked, his hands still tight on her waist. “Um, I believe I am fine now,” Teyla spoke softly, still looking in his eyes. John let go of her quickly, realizing he was still holding on. His cheeks were red. “Oh, sorry,” he mumbled, looking away pretending to adjust his gun. “Ok, I’m sending the other woman down now,” he heard Ronon call. “Oh, very funny Conan,” he heard Rodney respond. “What did you call me?” “Nothing, nothing. I’m coming down. NOW please!”

                          John smiled at the franticness in his voice and reached up to give him a hand as well. When they were all in the tunnel, they began to venture towards a small light at the end of the tunnel to their rear. They found a small room with a large panel lodged in the wall. Rodney approached it, intrigued, and pressed a large red button in the very center. A ghostly looking hologram appeared in the form of an older woman with long silvery hair, wearing a white robe and smiling.

                          The four of them stood fixed, gazing at the vision. She began to speak. “Hello and welcome to The Trials. As of this moment, your quest will begin. You must navigate these tunnels facing insurmountable odds, relying only on each other and yourselves. You will find your way using the skills you each possess. The rewards will prove wondrous, while the dangers will prove fatal. You will find what you seek if you are true to yourself. Goodbye and good luck.” With that, she gave a half bow and the hologram disappeared. They stood there in silence. John spoke first. “What the----“

                          Part 3 -

                          “Oh c’mon now….pal. Everything’s gonna be fine. Our giant friend here is gonna be a good boy and play nice, isn’t that right big guy?” John nodded confidently at Ronon. Ronon looked ferociously at them for a few moments and then hesitantly put his gun in his holster, giving John a dirty look. “There, now. That wasn’t so bad was it?” Rodney relaxed and came out from behind Colonel Sheppards coverage.

                          John continued. “Ok, now first things first. We need to figure a way out of here and since I don’t see any doors or anything, I’m guessing that’s going to be a little difficult.” The others began to search the room for a discernible way out and found nothing. “I only think its fair you should all know I’m severely claustrophobic and I’m prone to have anxiety attacks when stuck in small spaces,” Rodney spoke wiping sweat from his brow. “Oh Lord,” he said, putting a hand to his chest. “I think I’m having one right now!” Teyla approached him and intuitively placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “You will be fine. We are all here with you.” John and Ronon watched them from across the room and both noticed what a calming effect she seemed to have.

                          They continued their search for a way out. Ronon approached the pedestal covered in white powder in the center of the room. “What’s this?” he uttered deeply. Touching one of the strange markings on its rim, the pedestal moved suddenly, causing Ronon to step back quickly and draw his gun again. “Easy, easy big fella…Don’t go shooting anything just yet,” John spoke hastily. A large gaping hole in the ground displayed a tunnel that was only barely visible. All four of them peered into the hole together. “Well, I guess someone’s gotta go down there and see what’s what.” John muttered. Rodney guffawed. “What?! You can’t be serious! You don’t really expect me-“ John interrupted. “Oh, relax twitchy. I’ll go.”

                          He retrieved his gun from the corner and approached the hole. His eyes swiftly met Teyla's. Teyla looked at him in admiration of his bravery. Ronon held out his arm prepared to lower John into the abyss. John reluctantly took it and said, “Now if I get eaten down there-“ Ronon spoke. “We’ll be sure and cover up the hole.” John grimaced and began his descent.

                          Part 2 -

                          Ronon and Teyla instinctively raised their guns immediately causing Colonel Sheppard to do the same and the three of them pointed their guns at each other respectively. Rodney stood there wide eyed simply gaping at them. Ronon’s eyes held a fiery glow while Teyla’s seemed less malicious and more confused than anything. John began speaking. “All right, why don’t we all just calm down here and figure this thing out, nice and friendly like. You,” he said briefly waving his gun towards Rodney. “Let’s start with you. Start talking. Who the hell are you and what’s going on here?” Rodney stammered for a moment, his eyes fixed on Ronon’s menacing expression. “Hey buddy, I’d start talking before anybody gets any ideas,” John told Rodney, his eyes never leaving Ronons.

                          Rodney finally spoke. “I-I have no idea who any of you people are or how I got here! Wherever here is! Can you just all put down the guns so we discuss this like rational, civilized people?!” he asked semi-hysterically. Ronon gave a quick snort and replied, “Not on your life.” His gun never strayed from the middle of Colonel Sheppard and Teyla’s heads. Colonel Sheppard spoke hastily again. “Ok, maybe you were the wrong person to ask. Um, how about you Miss?” His eyes left Ronons for a moment to look over at Teyla. He did a double take when their eyes met. Something familiar about them, he thought. He quickly returned his gaze to Ronon, fearing any moment now, a gentle slip of the finger and someone would get seriously hurt or worse.

                          Teyla looked at each of them. “I have never seen any of you before in my life. I think it is obvious that whatever has happened here has happened to all of us. I cannot remember my own name and I find that fact very unsettling.” She looked at the clothes they all wore. “I find it interesting that three of us share some form of uniform, though.” All of them looked at themselves and the others clothing. “Hey! Hey! Maybe were on some sort of a team!” Rodney said excitedly. John scoffed. “What, like the A-Team?” Rodney looked at him and laughed at the joke and then shook his head. “No, I guess not.” He looked nervously at Ronon and snapped his fingers and pointed."Um, hello, hey! Why isn’t he wearing a uniform? Why would three of us have a uniform and only one of us doesn’t? Maybe we were chasing him! Maybe he’s a bad guy!” Ronon shifted his eyes and his gun towards Rodney. “And what if I am?” he grunted. Rodney winced and edged his way over behind Colonel Sheppard. “That would be fine then. You can be whoever you want.... sir,” he replied quietly speaking over the Colonel’s shoulder.

                          “Allright,” Colonel Sheppard spoke. “Enough of this, I’m putting my gun down and I hope you both do the same.” Ronon leaned forward with gun as if to say, no way, and John made a face. “Just until, we can figure this thing out,” he spoke pointedly, as he continued placing his weapon on the floor and kicking it away into a corner. Rodney’s voice was high when he spoke. “Oh what the heck did you do that for? Now were dead for sure!” He turned a few moments later in disbelief as Teyla bent over and also lowered her weapon to the floor. Ronon swept his gun pointing it at her as she did this. John’s eyes searched Teyla’s to say a silent ‘thank you’ and she gave a quick smile in return. Rodney turned around and groaned, “Oh, great idea Casanova, now were all dead.”

                          Part 1 -

                          Col. Sheppard, Teyla, Ronon, and Rodney had stepped through the gate only an hour earlier. They found the cave almost immediately after Rodney had detected an energy reading. The cave was ordinary at first glance but after further examination, Colonel Sheppard had discovered a simulated wall that reacted when he approached it. “Must be the good ole’ Ancient gene,” John muttered. “Hey guys, come check this out.” The others walked over, staring at the gaping hole where a wall just stood.

                          John scanned for life signs as Rodney scanned for any anomalies. “The energy reading I detected on the surface is definitely coming from in there,” Rodney said. “Then what are we waiting for?” Ronon replied as he brushed past Rodney, his gun held out straight in front of him. The other followed suit and entered into the dark hidden chamber. After what seemed like a long hallway of total darkness, at the end was a room filled with an eerie blue light and only a large white pedestal in the center. They approached it carefully. “This writing is definitely Ancient,” Rodney remarked at the markings written on the pedestal.

                          Colonel Sheppard, Teyla, and Ronon peered over into the center, where a large hole lay. Rodney spoke quickly, “Something isn’t right here. Whatever you do people, don’t’ touch —“ He was interrupted by Ronon tracing one of the markings with his finger when a loud rumbling noise sounded from inside the pedestal. Rodney glared in disbelief at Ronon. “Oops.” Ronon said. “Ronon! Who knows what catastrophic event you might have just initiated by having the same ability of restraint as a TWO YEAR OLD!!” Rodney shrieked at him. The pedestal began moving in a slow, methodical circular motion and they all took a few steps back. The rumbling felt beneath them and grew louder with each moment. “I do not think we should remain,” Teyla spoke quickly.

                          The whole room seemed to be quaking now and they slowly backed up towards the hallway they had entered through, except the doorway wasn’t there any longer. “Um, wheres the door?” Colonel Sheppard asked as they stood in disbelief staring at the wall. “Did I ever mention I am VERY claustrophobic??? Can’t you be all Ancienty again and open it?!” Rodney was near hysterics. Colonel Sheppard waved his hands in front of the wall many times before turning to Rodney and replying, “I don’t think this is working.”

                          Before their panicking got worse, the rumbling stopped and there was a complete silence. A few moments passed before Ronon smiled and said, “See McKay? Nothing to worry about.” Rodney grimaced and before he could reply, a loud whooshing noise came from the hole in the pedestal and a surge of white powder burst from the center of it, quickly filling the room and causing all of them to cough and choke. They tried to conceal the powder from entering their mouths with their arms, but to no avail. The air was so dense with the powder, they could not even see each other anymore.

                          Minutes had passed before the air began to clear and when it did the four of them stood blinking furiously and coughing, each of them covered head to toe in white powder. Colonel Sheppard looked around the room carefully, eyeing the pedestal first and then raising his eyes to see the others. He stared at them for a couple of seconds, cocked his head to the side strangely and made a face. “Um…I don’t mean to be rude or anything but who the hell are you people and where the hell am I?”
                          I guess you are punchy. LOL!!!
                          The other woman and conan. Priceless. I laugh so hard.


                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            Part 4-

                            John reached the ground and used his gun’s flashlight to search the immediate area. He paced up and down the tunnel, finding nothing of interest but also nothing illustrating danger. “Have you been eaten yet?” he heard Rodney call down. John made a face and walked back towards the opening. “No, I haven’t been eaten yet. I think this is our best bet of finding a way out of here. These tunnels seem pretty long, I say we chance it.”

                            He heard muffled conversation overhead before he heard Ronon call down. “We’re sending the woman down first.” John put his gun by his side and held his arms up to ease her slight drop as Ronon lowered her into the tunnel. John reached for her waist and held her tight as her feet hit the ground. Their eyes met and locked, his hands still tight on her waist. “Um, I believe I am fine now,” Teyla spoke softly, still looking in his eyes. John let go of her quickly, realizing he was still holding on. His cheeks were red. “Oh, sorry,” he mumbled, looking away pretending to adjust his gun. “Ok, I’m sending the other woman down now,” he heard Ronon call. “Oh, very funny Conan,” he heard Rodney respond. “What did you call me?” “Nothing, nothing. I’m coming down. NOW please!”

                            John smiled at the franticness in his voice and reached up to give him a hand as well. When they were all in the tunnel, they began to venture towards a small light at the end of the tunnel to their rear. They found a small room with a large panel lodged in the wall. Rodney approached it, intrigued, and pressed a large red button in the very center. A ghostly looking hologram appeared in the form of an older woman with long silvery hair, wearing a white robe and smiling.

                            The four of them stood fixed, gazing at the vision. She began to speak. “Hello and welcome to The Trials. As of this moment, your quest will begin. You must navigate these tunnels facing insurmountable odds, relying only on each other and yourselves. You will find your way using the skills you each possess. The rewards will prove wondrous, while the dangers will prove fatal. You will find what you seek if you are true to yourself. Goodbye and good luck.” With that, she gave a half bow and the hologram disappeared. They stood there in silence. John spoke first. “What the----“

                            Part 3 -

                            “Oh c’mon now….pal. Everything’s gonna be fine. Our giant friend here is gonna be a good boy and play nice, isn’t that right big guy?” John nodded confidently at Ronon. Ronon looked ferociously at them for a few moments and then hesitantly put his gun in his holster, giving John a dirty look. “There, now. That wasn’t so bad was it?” Rodney relaxed and came out from behind Colonel Sheppards coverage.

                            John continued. “Ok, now first things first. We need to figure a way out of here and since I don’t see any doors or anything, I’m guessing that’s going to be a little difficult.” The others began to search the room for a discernible way out and found nothing. “I only think its fair you should all know I’m severely claustrophobic and I’m prone to have anxiety attacks when stuck in small spaces,” Rodney spoke wiping sweat from his brow. “Oh Lord,” he said, putting a hand to his chest. “I think I’m having one right now!” Teyla approached him and intuitively placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “You will be fine. We are all here with you.” John and Ronon watched them from across the room and both noticed what a calming effect she seemed to have.

                            They continued their search for a way out. Ronon approached the pedestal covered in white powder in the center of the room. “What’s this?” he uttered deeply. Touching one of the strange markings on its rim, the pedestal moved suddenly, causing Ronon to step back quickly and draw his gun again. “Easy, easy big fella…Don’t go shooting anything just yet,” John spoke hastily. A large gaping hole in the ground displayed a tunnel that was only barely visible. All four of them peered into the hole together. “Well, I guess someone’s gotta go down there and see what’s what.” John muttered. Rodney guffawed. “What?! You can’t be serious! You don’t really expect me-“ John interrupted. “Oh, relax twitchy. I’ll go.”

                            He retrieved his gun from the corner and approached the hole. His eyes swiftly met Teyla's. Teyla looked at him in admiration of his bravery. Ronon held out his arm prepared to lower John into the abyss. John reluctantly took it and said, “Now if I get eaten down there-“ Ronon spoke. “We’ll be sure and cover up the hole.” John grimaced and began his descent.

                            Part 2 -

                            Ronon and Teyla instinctively raised their guns immediately causing Colonel Sheppard to do the same and the three of them pointed their guns at each other respectively. Rodney stood there wide eyed simply gaping at them. Ronon’s eyes held a fiery glow while Teyla’s seemed less malicious and more confused than anything. John began speaking. “All right, why don’t we all just calm down here and figure this thing out, nice and friendly like. You,” he said briefly waving his gun towards Rodney. “Let’s start with you. Start talking. Who the hell are you and what’s going on here?” Rodney stammered for a moment, his eyes fixed on Ronon’s menacing expression. “Hey buddy, I’d start talking before anybody gets any ideas,” John told Rodney, his eyes never leaving Ronons.

                            Rodney finally spoke. “I-I have no idea who any of you people are or how I got here! Wherever here is! Can you just all put down the guns so we discuss this like rational, civilized people?!” he asked semi-hysterically. Ronon gave a quick snort and replied, “Not on your life.” His gun never strayed from the middle of Colonel Sheppard and Teyla’s heads. Colonel Sheppard spoke hastily again. “Ok, maybe you were the wrong person to ask. Um, how about you Miss?” His eyes left Ronons for a moment to look over at Teyla. He did a double take when their eyes met. Something familiar about them, he thought. He quickly returned his gaze to Ronon, fearing any moment now, a gentle slip of the finger and someone would get seriously hurt or worse.

                            Teyla looked at each of them. “I have never seen any of you before in my life. I think it is obvious that whatever has happened here has happened to all of us. I cannot remember my own name and I find that fact very unsettling.” She looked at the clothes they all wore. “I find it interesting that three of us share some form of uniform, though.” All of them looked at themselves and the others clothing. “Hey! Hey! Maybe were on some sort of a team!” Rodney said excitedly. John scoffed. “What, like the A-Team?” Rodney looked at him and laughed at the joke and then shook his head. “No, I guess not.” He looked nervously at Ronon and snapped his fingers and pointed."Um, hello, hey! Why isn’t he wearing a uniform? Why would three of us have a uniform and only one of us doesn’t? Maybe we were chasing him! Maybe he’s a bad guy!” Ronon shifted his eyes and his gun towards Rodney. “And what if I am?” he grunted. Rodney winced and edged his way over behind Colonel Sheppard. “That would be fine then. You can be whoever you want.... sir,” he replied quietly speaking over the Colonel’s shoulder.

                            “Allright,” Colonel Sheppard spoke. “Enough of this, I’m putting my gun down and I hope you both do the same.” Ronon leaned forward with gun as if to say, no way, and John made a face. “Just until, we can figure this thing out,” he spoke pointedly, as he continued placing his weapon on the floor and kicking it away into a corner. Rodney’s voice was high when he spoke. “Oh what the heck did you do that for? Now were dead for sure!” He turned a few moments later in disbelief as Teyla bent over and also lowered her weapon to the floor. Ronon swept his gun pointing it at her as she did this. John’s eyes searched Teyla’s to say a silent ‘thank you’ and she gave a quick smile in return. Rodney turned around and groaned, “Oh, great idea Casanova, now were all dead.”

                            Part 1 -

                            Col. Sheppard, Teyla, Ronon, and Rodney had stepped through the gate only an hour earlier. They found the cave almost immediately after Rodney had detected an energy reading. The cave was ordinary at first glance but after further examination, Colonel Sheppard had discovered a simulated wall that reacted when he approached it. “Must be the good ole’ Ancient gene,” John muttered. “Hey guys, come check this out.” The others walked over, staring at the gaping hole where a wall just stood.

                            John scanned for life signs as Rodney scanned for any anomalies. “The energy reading I detected on the surface is definitely coming from in there,” Rodney said. “Then what are we waiting for?” Ronon replied as he brushed past Rodney, his gun held out straight in front of him. The other followed suit and entered into the dark hidden chamber. After what seemed like a long hallway of total darkness, at the end was a room filled with an eerie blue light and only a large white pedestal in the center. They approached it carefully. “This writing is definitely Ancient,” Rodney remarked at the markings written on the pedestal.

                            Colonel Sheppard, Teyla, and Ronon peered over into the center, where a large hole lay. Rodney spoke quickly, “Something isn’t right here. Whatever you do people, don’t’ touch —“ He was interrupted by Ronon tracing one of the markings with his finger when a loud rumbling noise sounded from inside the pedestal. Rodney glared in disbelief at Ronon. “Oops.” Ronon said. “Ronon! Who knows what catastrophic event you might have just initiated by having the same ability of restraint as a TWO YEAR OLD!!” Rodney shrieked at him. The pedestal began moving in a slow, methodical circular motion and they all took a few steps back. The rumbling felt beneath them and grew louder with each moment. “I do not think we should remain,” Teyla spoke quickly.

                            The whole room seemed to be quaking now and they slowly backed up towards the hallway they had entered through, except the doorway wasn’t there any longer. “Um, wheres the door?” Colonel Sheppard asked as they stood in disbelief staring at the wall. “Did I ever mention I am VERY claustrophobic??? Can’t you be all Ancienty again and open it?!” Rodney was near hysterics. Colonel Sheppard waved his hands in front of the wall many times before turning to Rodney and replying, “I don’t think this is working.”

                            Before their panicking got worse, the rumbling stopped and there was a complete silence. A few moments passed before Ronon smiled and said, “See McKay? Nothing to worry about.” Rodney grimaced and before he could reply, a loud whooshing noise came from the hole in the pedestal and a surge of white powder burst from the center of it, quickly filling the room and causing all of them to cough and choke. They tried to conceal the powder from entering their mouths with their arms, but to no avail. The air was so dense with the powder, they could not even see each other anymore.

                            Minutes had passed before the air began to clear and when it did the four of them stood blinking furiously and coughing, each of them covered head to toe in white powder. Colonel Sheppard looked around the room carefully, eyeing the pedestal first and then raising his eyes to see the others. He stared at them for a couple of seconds, cocked his head to the side strangely and made a face. “Um…I don’t mean to be rude or anything but who the hell are you people and where the hell am I?”
                            LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT! I can not
                            wait until the next excerpt!!!!
                            sig by Sci!

                            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              I guess you are punchy. LOL!!!
                              The other woman and conan. Priceless. I laugh so hard.
                              LOL See? I told you!


                                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                                LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT! I can not
                                wait until the next excerpt!!!!

