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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
    The kiss is a great example! If you look strictly at the action, then yes, they are the same. John kissed Teyla. John kissed Elizabeth. But when looked at the context, they are completely different. In the context, John kissed Teyla because his inibitions were lowered. In context, an alien kissed an alien and it was not even John and Elizabeth kissing. Not exactly comparable, LOL! And then of course, there are all the things you mentioned! The build-up, with the sexual tension with the sparring vs working on a mission. The setting, a private, very physical moment vs a group moment, trying to uncover a new mystery and having absolutely nothing to do with sexuality or tension. The aftermath, a new awareness of each other, an acknowlegment that he is "John" when they are off the clock, the deliberate build-up of tension and exhaling of pent up breath. Awkward, embarrassment with new awareness vs shrinking down and trying to hide embarrassment, not making eye contact, and brushing it off like it never happened because technically, it never did. It plain wasn't them. Humiliation tension instead of sexual tension. I could go on and on.

    Well, I'll jump on this. John never kissed Weir. John never initiated and never responded (alien or human) so it definitely doesn't count. There was nothing romantic there, John was a zombie...and he fit the role well, since Thalen was Phoebus' enemy, so he'd never respond to her actions.

    It's similar to Teer, he never really initiated it, but he responded to it. You can see the difference between John/Teer and the John-Thalen/Weir-Phoebus kiss. Similar actions but John's reactions were ultimately very different. Now compare that to John/Chaya who John did initiate the kiss much like he did with Teyla. John was with Teyla under the influence but we know what his instincts wanted. He wanted Teyla and I guess he gets highly aroused when they try to kick each other's asses. Plus there could have been that long term frustration coming out, what's interesting is Teyla's response. And if you pay attention---Teyla responds in kind.

    Now as for Chaya, she used him; much like the Phoenix uses Jean Grey, he provided something she missed. Sex, was all I was thinking. He wanted some companionship and she's hot. So she responds, albeit tentatively at first, but John did it.

    All in all, John wanted to kiss two women, Chaya and Teyla. He did not want to kiss Weir-Phoebus or Teer. With Teer he responded since she was the only female around who he really spoke to, and further more he figured he'd be alone since he'd been there 6 months to a year or something with no one. So it was a logical result. With Weir, it was a no way, and he didn't respond as John or Thalen.
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      Originally posted by mestes View Post
      Looking at the new icon (John kissing Teyla), if Teyla did not want to be kissed, she could have easily pushed John away, but she didn't! The girl was totaly blowned away!! LOL
      Agreed, Teyla could have used a well placed knee once he started kissing her, or slapped John afterward. Of course she did neither.

      Thanks to the wonderous YouTube i just watched the entire scene over [about 3 times], Teyla was certainly taken aback but by the fact that John had actually done it, that they had actually kissed after all that time. It was a release of so much built up obvious passion and emotion, it was draining for a moment, for both of them.

      A good point that somebody made earlier, that John was still in the early stages of the effects, ruling out to a large degree any claims that it wasn't his true desire.

      It was as if they opened a door for that one instant but then closed it, although it's been gradually opening again in S3.

      Or is that what watching it 3 or 4 times in a row does to your perspective.

      I must say that we do have quite a, well what exactly do you call a group of artists, anyways. What a collection of J/T da Vinci's there are on this thread. Amazing sigs, banners, avatars, in the blood, kudos to you.

      Thinking about the challenges, and the 1,000 page thingy although if posting continues at this rate, it'll be reached by Tuesday, possibly sooner.
      Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 14 December 2006, 05:30 PM.


        Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post
        Agreed, Teyla could have used a well placed knee once he started kissing her, or slapped John afterward. Of course she did neither.

        Thanks to the wonderous YouTube i just watched the entire scene over [about 3 times], Teyla was certainly taken aback but by the fact that John had actually done it, that they had actually kissed. It was a release of so much built up obvious passion and emotion, it was draining for a moment, for both of them.

        It was as if they opened a door for that one instant but then closed it, although it's been gradually opening again in S3.

        Or is that what watching it 3 or 4 times in a row does to yoru perspective, hm.

        I must say that we do have quite a, well what exactly do you call a group of artists, anyways. What a collection of J/T da Vinci's there are on this thread. Amazing sigs, banners, avatars, in the blood, kudos to you.

        Thinking about the challenges, and the 1,000 page thingy although if posting continues at this rate, it'll be reached by Tuesday, possibly sooner.
        Well put VB and Nick! I love how you both worded that! I completely agree and see it that way as well.

        Hmm, what page are we on now? Tuesday may be a pretty good guess! LOL!
        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Well a 100 more posts and we'll have 20,000 posts. So that's cool too! So depending on which get's here first, or if we get to both at the same time, that would either mean, one week party or a two week party one for each!

          As for the JT kiss, old news now, I figured they have a thing and that's the end of that. Although there is a lack of Teyla this season---I do see the total emotional development between the two.

          I mean hopefully we'll get a confirmation of a romantic bond like the McWeir's---there is no way that Weir didn't say, 'I love you' in my book and I completely support the couple. If they happen they'd be totally angst-less unless of course Weir has Kolya nightmares and Mckay sees Weir as a wraith (something completely mean came to mind...shoot I'll say it---If he sees Weir in a face mask as they're going to bed!! <---Angst worthy!! ).

          But to get back on point, I do like how Sateda, Phantoms, The Return 1/some of II, showed the emotional connection between the two. They're relationship is totally pure.

          What I would like to know, is if Teyla ever told John, about what happened in Trinity. I get the feeling she did, and if she didn't---how does she work that out with the amount John has confided in her?! All in all, it's the emotional bond between the two as see as the most shippery. The action is good, cause I'll squee, but the emotion canonizes a ship for me. And I feel of course after the other eps this season, there is only one way to go and hopefully I hear some kind of 'love' word out of one of their mouths.

          On another note, I can't find a bloody tragic rendition of 'Little Drummer Boy'--very Shep like Christmas song!
          Click statement above to read article.


            Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
            Okay,.......... not supposed to be here.......I'll make it quick......but, is it me......... or does it look like Teyla puckered up for the kiss?

            Oh my, she certainly did.

            Last time I check, puckered lips symbolized ready and willing acceptance for whats to come and from the looks of Teyla’s lips they were preeeety eager…teeheehee.

            Annnnnnd her eyes are closed too…who closes their eyes and leaves them closed if he or she really doesn’t’ want to be kissed.


              Good point, I forgot about her closing her eyes. John kept his eyes open during the kiss with Weir in "The Long Goodbye". Great point there...

              That is a huge difference between want and like...'What the hell is going on?' hahaha...
              Click statement above to read article.


                hey i cant believe we are nearly at 1000 posts hey camy didnt u say something about a party when we got to 1000 posts
                Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                  Lots of discussion going on and I have to agree about the J/T kissing scene. Sparks were flying when John kissed Teyla but when alien Weir kissed John there was zero reaction from him. He just stood like a zombie poor boy.

                  As to seeing shippy moments between McWeir - I feel that there were lots of moments that could have been interpreted as shippy or friendship.
                  So many shout shippy when there was really nothing shippy at all but with the McWeir moments in TOR had definite shippy potential.

                  Weir saying "we love you", could be taken as I love you. Its not such a huge stretch. There was a lot of emotion behind her words and Rodney genuinally seemed delighted that she had said that. So for anyone shipping these two its a shippy possibilty but could also just be friendship. I agree that similar actions by different characters could mean something totally different. Showing afffection and caring does not have to be shippy and that why I still firmly believe that there was no shippiness between Ronan and Teyla in the infirmary scene in Echoes. Ronan as we have seen is a demonstrative guy - he has hugged practically everyone now and shows his feelings. So why do the same people shout that his actions were shippy in Echoes with Teyla, but when Weir held Rodneys hand then it was of course just sister/brother vibe.

                  If John was to take Teylas hand in a similar situation then that wouldn't necessarily mean it had to be shippy. But if John took Teyla's hand and held a conversation with her and she responded in kind then that would definitely up the ante. It would also depend on what was said and their body language and how Teya responded to him. Sometimes a touch can just be a touch of comfort and sometimes it means a lot more and I believe IF JOHN was ever to get demonstrative with Teyla again it would mean a lot more than just a mere touch.


                    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                    Well Blue was right...he sure was eager *lol* and boy the intense look he gives her right before the kiss... *can nothing more then love his eyes*
                    I love your new sig Nina.


                      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                      Lots of discussion going on and I have to agree about the J/T kissing scene. Sparks were flying when John kissed Teyla but when alien Weir kissed John there was zero reaction from him. He just stood like a zombie poor boy.

                      As to seeing shippy moments between McWeir - I feel that there were lots of moments that could have been interpreted as shippy or friendship.
                      So many shout shippy when there was really nothing shippy at all but with the McWeir moments in TOR had definite shippy potential.

                      Weir saying "we love you", could be taken as I love you. Its not such a huge stretch. There was a lot of emotion behind her words and Rodney genuinally seemed delighted that she had said that. So for anyone shipping these two its a shippy possibilty but could also just be friendship. I agree that similar actions by different characters could mean something totally different. Showing afffection and caring does not have to be shippy and that why I still firmly believe that there was no shippiness between Ronan and Teyla in the infirmary scene in Echoes. Ronan as we have seen is a demonstrative guy - he has hugged practically everyone now and shows his feelings. So why do the same people shout that his actions were shippy in Echoes with Teyla, but when Weir held Rodneys hand then it was of course just sister/brother vibe.

                      If John was to take Teylas hand in a similar situation then that wouldn't necessarily mean it had to be shippy. But if John took Teyla's hand and held a conversation with her and she responded in kind then that would definitely up the ante. It would also depend on what was said and their body language and how Teya responded to him. Sometimes a touch can just be a touch of comfort and sometimes it means a lot more and I believe IF JOHN was ever to get demonstrative with Teyla again it would mean a lot more than just a mere touch.
                      I agree that this could be huge...I mean if Weir said
                      I love you to Rodney, where does that leave John? I like you?

                      But, in all fairness...yes...she said it very nicely and the entire episode she had some great expressions that I have never noticed before from her with anyone else not even John..I mean Rodney left her speechless when he gave her the disc with his writing, her expression was priceless...

                      but this is not the McWeir thread....LOL

                      I saw TOR again....and did you guys noticed that when Rodney responded to Weir's comment of We love you and he said, you love me...All of you....Teyla looked at John and John looked at Teyla right when he was saying we love you like a friend loves a friend or something like that...I just thought it was cute that when he said "we" and "love you" he was looking at Teyla....

                      Okay, so I"m stretching a bit...but that is what happened....LOL

                      Now, I can't give you specifics...but trust me when I write have to shout with me to Steph...

                      SHE HAS TO FINISH THAT XMAS VIDEO!

                      come on everyone....gather around and chant with that LoveConquers can hear us...

                      Also, we are sooooo going to have a party....Now, I won't be around for the holidays....Trippy I"m going !

                      I"m leaving the the party might have to go on without me...but I figure we are going to have this 1,000 page before the end of this week for sure....I'm betting before the end of the,

                      How about we start this prompt...

                      On the first day of Xmas John gave to Teyla.....


                        Hey, Black you have the shippy moments of Season 1 and 2 handy that you can repost them again....?

                        Or anyone?


                          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                          The kiss is a great example! If you look strictly at the action, then yes, they are the same. John kissed Teyla. John kissed Elizabeth. But when looked at the context, they are completely different. In the context, John kissed Teyla because his inibitions were lowered. In context, an alien kissed an alien and it was not even John and Elizabeth kissing. Not exactly comparable, LOL! And then of course, there are all the things you mentioned! The build-up, with the sexual tension with the sparring vs working on a mission. The setting, a private, very physical moment vs a group moment, trying to uncover a new mystery and having absolutely nothing to do with sexuality or tension. The aftermath, a new awareness of each other, an acknowlegment that he is "John" when they are off the clock, the deliberate build-up of tension and exhaling of pent up breath. Awkward, embarrassment with new awareness vs shrinking down and trying to hide embarrassment, not making eye contact, and brushing it off like it never happened because technically, it never did. It plain wasn't them. Humiliation tension instead of sexual tension. I could go on and on.
                          Excellent points, LC. I noticed too that when asked by "alien" Weir to host the consciousness of Thalan, John didn't look all that excited. The shuffle he made up to the lifepod, just before he takes the beam, was hilarious and not indicative of someone in a hurry to play alien "partner" in a "good-bye my love" scenario.

                          At the end of Conversion, as part of the commentary, Joe Flanigan talks about the apology scene with Teyla. He said something like he wanted to say he was sorry in a "yeah right" sarcastic sort of way.

                          Oh yeah, and I enjoyed the on-screen, "Interesting" comment made by his character right after the kiss.

                          But for me, the whole thing sinks or swims by whether or not Teyla liked it. And after numerous, numerous (right, Camy?) viewings, I have come to the conclusion JF was wrong: it wasn't "stop some more." There was no "stop" in it!

                          Edit: Oh, um, LC, have you finished the video???


                            Originally posted by expendable_crewman View Post
                            Excellent points, LC. I noticed too that when asked by "alien" Weir to host the consciousness of Thalan, John didn't look all that excited. The shuffle he made up to the lifepod, just before he takes the beam, was hilarious and not indicative of someone in a hurry to play alien "partner" in a "good-bye my love" scenario.

                            At the end of Conversion, as part of the commentary, Joe Flanigan talks about the apology scene with Teyla. He said something like he wanted to say he was sorry in a "yeah right" sarcastic sort of way.

                            Oh yeah, and I enjoyed the on-screen, "Interesting" comment made by his character right after the kiss.

                            But for me, the whole thing sinks or swims by whether or not Teyla liked it. And after numerous, numerous (right, Camy?) viewings, I have come to the conclusion JF was wrong: it wasn't "stop some more." There was no "stop" in it!

                            Edit: Oh, um, LC, have you finished the video???

                            Nope, on that you're wrong, there was a stop. If you notice she pushed him away towards the end. The scene seemed to be cut into three parts. One with shock, but she was slow to react. A second of reacting, positively and returning the kiss--she grabs his shirt. And finally one with her pushing him away in realization and ending it--she brings her hands up against to push away. Finally when kiss was over, shock, realization, and wonder. But she did say stop--sort of.
                            Click statement above to read article.


                              Originally posted by vaberella View Post
                              Nope, on that you're wrong, there was a stop. If you notice she pushed him away towards the end. The scene seemed to be cut into three parts. One with shock, but she was slow to react. A second of reacting, positively and returning the kiss--she grabs his shirt. And finally one with her pushing him away in realization and ending it--she brings her hands up against to push away. Finally when kiss was over, shock, realization, and wonder. But she did say stop--sort of.

                              I have just had another look at the kissing icon and I didn't see her push John away. Her hands were up next to her face and HE abruptly stopped the kiss - almost as abruptly as he started it. She actually looked a bit shocked that it was over.


                                I have to agree with you Blue..I don't see Teyla pushing John away at all..on the contrary, he pushed her away but only after her hands went up as in to stop.

                                She signaled for him to stop and he responded by clutching his hands on her arms and pushing back.

                                He broke the kiss just like he started the kiss. So, I think there is some truth behind EC comments....but Teyla did do the whole hands up thing as in telling John to stop. From what I see, it's almost as if both of their inhibitions were lowered and they both reacted as soon as they realized what they were doing....

                                and voila!
                                I found this little gem...

