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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post
    That is how i saw it the first time around all those weeks ago...*adjust shippy glasses*...

    ummm....ok....i don't read much else, have hardly even read this thread these days, so i have no clue what the whole .." female claim this proves that John can't be Teyla's crush" thing is about, though it sounds like nonsense either way....cause that definitely wasn't the point I was getting at.
    Oh sorry Witchy, I didn't mean to imply that's what you were saying!!!! It was a side rant about a few comments in the episode thread, not here and most certainly not by you! So sorry about that!!!! A few were trying to argue that this scene in Sunday proves Teyla's crush wasn't John.
    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


      Hey WB!!! i havent heard from you in ages!!! hope life is good!!!
      -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

      Thanks Camy!!


        Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
        Oh sorry Witchy, I didn't mean to imply that's what you were saying!!!! It was a side rant about a few comments in the episode thread, not here and most certainly not by you! So sorry about that!!!! A few were trying to argue that this scene in Sunday proves Teyla's crush wasn't John.
        Another reason to avoid the episode threads like the plague.

        I won't say anything else before i too start to rant...but I think this specific scene was really just showing them in a day to day situation without rules/regs....


        Hey spirit!...haven't seen you around is going pretty good......

        R.I.P Wraithlord

        Awesome sig by SciFan


          Just wanted to say how much i love the breakdown on the whole Sunday episode on who Teyla may have been referring too!!!. Seriously guy's, LC, EC, Blue, Yappichick and sorry if i missed anybody but WOW!. You guy's had me saying things like " I didn't notice that!" to " That's true!" "Good observation" "How did i miss that!" and so on LOL!!!!. A lot of you found some great connections and correlations between scene's and characters, very awesome. Some ideas i already new from the first time i saw it but you guy's definitely pointed out stuff i didn't even notice, so just wanted to say Thanks for some awesome breakdown of the episode. It was very interesting to read!.

          Also wanted to say Welcome Ruby_Caspar!!! Nice to have another J/T shipper join the group!

          Sig by Camy


            Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
            Well, I suppose it's possible, but that's not how I saw it.

            I think it played out as it they intended it too. John trying to drag Teyla and Ronon into something they quite clearly didn't want to do. Even when you love someone, it doesn't mean you want to be involved in all their boring hobbies.

            And as a side note, if I see one more female claim this proves that John can't be Teyla's crush because she doesn't want to spend every single waking moment with him, I think I shall scream. And this backwards statement from fellow women. *headdesk* So I'll say it one time. Having feelings for someone does not mean you abandon your life, your interests, nor your personality. (A little unhealthy sounding to anyone else?!) Healthy relationships DO also maintain their own interests, their own friends, their own time. Give me a break. If any female honestly believes that statement they try to pass off as an excuse, then I've got some wonderful oceanfront property to sell them. I'll even include the dirt for free...

            Anyway, back on track, sorry!!!!
            For me, that scene reads simply as humorous. It was set up to show that John has talked about golf to them before, had established this golfing time with them ahead of time. Teyla is conveniently keeping herself occupied and away from her normal haunts, hence John drags Ronon all over the city looking for her. ("There you are...I've been looking everywhere for you...What did you forget?") Simultaneously, Ronon is fiercely waving to Teyla in the background to RUN. Neither quite clearly want to play golf. Oh wait, I guess this means Ronon can't be in love with John either. Teyla finagles her way out of it, John knowing full well what she is doing, but not so kindly letting Ronon do the same. Teyla gives Ronon a victory/sympathy pat on her way out. I absolutely love this scene. It's clean and simple and very funny. I don't see the need to try to read anything more into it. Her "nervousness" was trying to come up with an excuse.

            Anyway, that's my opinion at least!
            I'll have to agree w/you Steph.
            That's how *I* saw it. And, really it was meant to be a *simple* scene, I don't think any subtext was meant other than to see the humor of Teyla trying to back out of something she clearing sees as *boring* to her. Sorta like an invite from your significant other to sit and watch WW Raw - yuck! Doesn't mean you don't care, just that you don't like WW Raw. On the same note, I don't think your guy would have any problem trying to get out of watching Days of Our Lives on Soap Net. Doesn't mean he doesn't love ya, he just does love DOL - LOL!

            I think you get my drift
            Last edited by jtjaforever; 03 June 2007, 12:29 AM.


              Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
              New little Teyla spoiler from JM's blog tonight:

              Anonymous #4 writes: “So we finally get to see Teyla and Ronon on Earth?”

              Answer: Ronon, yes. Teyla, no. Changes were made after the first draft.

              Bummer, I was looking forward to that.

              (Spoiler space for small S4 spec):

              I wonder if that is why she was missing from that last little Miller's Crossing spoiler. I don't know if there was more than one ep they were supposed to be going to earth or not though. I suppose it will be one of those eps where she's not shown at all, has a small B plot, or is seen only in the very beginning, saying goodbye with some reason as to why she's staying behind that may or may not be pregnancy related. Well, at least we know she'll get plenty of screen time in other eps! But I was really looking forward to seeing her reaction to Earth, that's too bad!
              On JM's comment:
              That was my thought could it be related to her pregnancy??
              Last edited by jtjaforever; 03 June 2007, 12:26 AM.


                Great convo everyone...

                JM's comment about Teyla
                not being on Earth is very disappointing... I was really looking forward to her reaction.. for real this time.


                  Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                  Hi everyone!

                  I figured I'd finally stop lurking and join in - though my activation email wasn't working so it took me ages to register!

                  I really do love this thread - it's great to see some discussion about my fave couple. All my friends are still working their slow steady way through Series 2 and 3, and the only one that has seen them all is a Shweir shipper - EEEW!!!

                  Just wondering about the Luxury of Touch challenge - is there a time limit, and where do we post it? Is ok?

                  Thanks, Sheyla forever,

                  Ruby x
                  Hey ruby, love your stories. I think I rec'd two of your stories for the Luxury of Touch - Interesting and Braid the Raven Hair - wasn't that you?? I thought it summed up some of the fic points Camy was looking for in her progessive touch ficlet challenge.

                  However, she *hinted* that I should really be writing my own . Okay, I'll try to seduce the bunny w/a carrot or chocolate whichever works .
                  But, that doesn't mean you can't continue your thread w/the stories .

                  So with that said:WELCOME AND WE'RE GLAD YOU'RE HERE!


                    yay another jt shipper welcome to the thread ruby
                    Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                      what no teyla going to earth i was also looking forward to seeing her going to earth and intreacting with people on earth it would have been interesting
                      Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                        I'm been busy again.... John and Teyla..



                          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                          My thoughts on Sunday and the possible love interest...

                          I just don't see the Teyla/Carson thing at all... when have we ever seen Teyla and Carson even spend any time together. Teyla spends all her time with John and Ronan... if she was pinning away for Beckett why would she not be spending her time with him.. I don't think Carson would have any problem about telling Teyla that he likes her... it's not like the situation with John where Teyla is on his team. If Teyla liked Carson and he liked her ... what would stop them getting together. Teyla's concern for Carson was no more than anyones elses.... Rodney was crying and Ronan looked liked he had a tear in his eye.. so all I saw from Teyla was her being upset at the loss of a close friend.
                          As to Dr Hewston offering to drop hints.. it doesn't mean that she was going to speak to John/Carson herself... it could have been to someone who knew John ... ie the scientest playing golf with John... now wouldnt that be a lot easier ... John plays golf with this guy so he is relaxed and off the clock ... easier to start a convo about relationships.. as we saw in the case of him and Ronan.

                          Carson is the last person I would chose and I really cannot see tpb coming up with the revelation that Teyla is carrying Carsons baby... for that to be the case she and Carson would have had to be very serious if they were actually ... doing the deed.. and if that was the case then I think Teyla would have been FAR more upset that saying she feels a great sadness.

                          I don't think we had the convo between John and Ronan for no reason... Ronan tells John that he always thought that he and Teyla would ... "you know"... so why would the writers bother with something as blatent as this and also show John second later loosing his cool when he sees how injured Teyla is.

                          I think the tpb are building up John and Teyla's relationship and have been over the last 3 seasons and especially in season three and are not going to suddenly go in a completely different direction..
                          Just thought I'd throw in my thoughts on this subject -

                          The only time that Teyla and Carson spend a whole lot of time together is during Critical Mass, and one thing the writers were actually careful to do was to show Cadman with Carson in that episode, reminding us all that he's with her. Of course, in Return Part One we find out that they've broken up, but still! I don't think they were ever more than friends.

                          And even if Teyla did have feelings for him, there's no way he could have been the father, as if he was then why would Teyla be talking about them not being together yet? Nope, definitely not Carson!

                          Now, about the father...

                          I have to say when I first read the spoiler my initial thought (after the fangirly squealing) was that the father was probably Michael. As much as I would LOVE it to be John I just don't see that happening. If we look at the trend of Stargate pregnancies we see that they were all (well, both) caused by the enemy. With Shau're it was Apophis and with Vala it was the Ori. Perhaps Teyla's mystery man is Daniel - that would explain why she gets impregnated by an enemy, seeing as that's just what happens to his girlfriends...

                          I re-watched Vengeance yesterday and thought about it. She is unconscious for a while in his lab. And he does spend a lot of time soliloquising before breaking out the Iratus bug. He also doesn't sound particularly annoyed when he hears gunfire and says to Teyla that they were coming for her. Also, I think the scene between Weir and Teyla at the end is quite telling - Elizabeth says that Michael got the name of the planet from the Atlantis database, and so he must have known that sooner or later Team Sheppard would come to see what was going on, giving him the oppurtunity to put his dastardly plan into effect. He was also shown to be a dab hand at biology.

                          In Michael, the writers made a big deal about the relationship between him and Teyla - she showed him his quarters, she sparred with him, he kidnapped her at the end etc... So I think this is a route the writers are likely to take. Don't get me wrong - I don't want them to, it makes me shudder, but unfortunately...

                          If it is the case, I foresee a great conversation between John and Ronon, and a fantastic pummeling of Michael from both the boys!

                          On a sidenote - what's this I hear about the possibility of Rodney and Katie having a baby? I completely missed that spoiler! Will someone be able to fill me in?

                          Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                            Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                            Just thought I'd throw in my thoughts on this subject -

                            The only time that Teyla and Carson spend a whole lot of time together is during Critical Mass, and one thing the writers were actually careful to do was to show Cadman with Carson in that episode, reminding us all that he's with her. Of course, in Return Part One we find out that they've broken up, but still! I don't think they were ever more than friends.

                            And even if Teyla did have feelings for him, there's no way he could have been the father, as if he was then why would Teyla be talking about them not being together yet? Nope, definitely not Carson!

                            Now, about the father...

                            I have to say when I first read the spoiler my initial thought (after the fangirly squealing) was that the father was probably Michael. As much as I would LOVE it to be John I just don't see that happening. If we look at the trend of Stargate pregnancies we see that they were all (well, both) caused by the enemy. With Shau're it was Apophis and with Vala it was the Ori. Perhaps Teyla's mystery man is Daniel - that would explain why she gets impregnated by an enemy, seeing as that's just what happens to his girlfriends...

                            I re-watched Vengeance yesterday and thought about it. She is unconscious for a while in his lab. And he does spend a lot of time soliloquising before breaking out the Iratus bug. He also doesn't sound particularly annoyed when he hears gunfire and says to Teyla that they were coming for her. Also, I think the scene between Weir and Teyla at the end is quite telling - Elizabeth says that Michael got the name of the planet from the Atlantis database, and so he must have known that sooner or later Team Sheppard would come to see what was going on, giving him the oppurtunity to put his dastardly plan into effect. He was also shown to be a dab hand at biology.

                            In Michael, the writers made a big deal about the relationship between him and Teyla - she showed him his quarters, she sparred with him, he kidnapped her at the end etc... So I think this is a route the writers are likely to take. Don't get me wrong - I don't want them to, it makes me shudder, but unfortunately...

                            If it is the case, I foresee a great conversation between John and Ronon, and a fantastic pummeling of Michael from both the boys!

                            On a sidenote - what's this I hear about the possibility of Rodney and Katie having a baby? I completely missed that spoiler! Will someone be able to fill me in?

                            I have also been mulling over the possibility of it being Michaels and again I have come up with a negative on that.. I really don't think anything happened in Vengeance - if it did why would Michael try and kill Teyla.. because that is exactly what the bug would have done if John and Ronan hadn't intervened... also if Teyla did discover she was pregnant after she got back to Atlantis ... why would she keep this information to herself.. she is repulsed by the Wraith.. would she really want to carry a wraith hybrid. I also think that the tpb have done 2 alien baby storylines now on SGA, so going that route again a third time would be kinda boring. Finally Michael is only appearing in the latter half of season four.. so I think if it was his little tyke, then he would somehow make an appearance in the first half of the season.

                            I am still of the opinion that John will have something to do with it ... thus Teyla's statement about things being complicated when the Seer tells her he knows she is with child... Doppelganger John seems the most likely scenario to me... and would explain why she is keeping this info to herself. Rachel has said that the person she talked about in Sunday will be revealed in season 4 - and I think this person is the father.... that also rules out any Athosians as Teyla said that his ways are different to her people's. .. so I am reasonbly optimistic that this will be more on the lines of a "normal" baby story.

                            But knowing how the ptb like to give us WTF moments I am not adverse to the fact that they may just do something so out of the blue that it leaves me gobsmacked .. and not in a good way.. but I am hoping this wont't be the case...


                              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                              I have also been mulling over the possibility of it being Michaels and again I have come up with a negative on that.. I really don't think anything happened in Vengeance - if it did why would Michael try and kill Teyla.. because that is exactly what the bug would have done if John and Ronan hadn't intervened... also if Teyla did discover she was pregnant after she got back to Atlantis ... why would she keep this information to herself.. she is repulsed by the Wraith.. would she really want to carry a wraith hybrid. I also think that the tpb have done 2 alien baby storylines now on SGA, so going that route again a third time would be kinda boring. Finally Michael is only appearing in the latter half of season four.. so I think if it was his little tyke, then he would somehow make an appearance in the first half of the season.

                              I am still of the opinion that John will have something to do with it ... thus Teyla's statement about things being complicated when the Seer tells her he knows she is with child... Doppelganger John seems the most likely scenario to me... and would explain why she is keeping this info to herself. Rachel has said that the person she talked about in Sunday will be revealed in season 4 - and I think this person is the father.... that also rules out any Athosians as Teyla said that his ways are different to her people's. .. so I am reasonbly optimistic that this will be more on the lines of a "normal" baby story.

                              But knowing how the ptb like to give us WTF moments I am not adverse to the fact that they may just do something so out of the blue that it leaves me gobsmacked .. and not in a good way.. but I am hoping this wont't be the case...
                              True, except we have to remember

                              The pregnancy storyline was not intended when any of the S3 eps were written. The pregnancy storyline was intended for Rodney/Katie and according to JM, was rewritten from Rodney and to Teyla instead, due to necessity. While nothing official has been stated, we assume he means because Rachel, the actress, was pregnant and thus it had to be written into her character's storyline instead.

                              So any "clues" in season three as to who the father is, whether it be Sunday or Vengeance or anything else, were not intended to be there. As EC said yesterday, anything they may possibly draw on from past seasons would be recon, meaning added after the fact. I've done this myself with fanfic where I wrote one story with no intention of taking it any further, but then going back after it's been finished to pull out an element, find a way to explain the change, and turn it into a sequel.

                              So while it's definitely possible the father could be connected to any events in season three, such as Michael, we have to remember they would then have to find a way to make it fit what they already established. So in Blue's examples, the reasons she lists as for why Michael is not very possible are exactly the kind of reasons they would have to explain and overcome if they chose to go such a route. So we have to remember, we can't analyze the intention of season three events because none of them were intended to be tied into a pregnancy storyline in the first place. The only way to analyze them is to try to guess how they could be explained if they were going to be used as reason for the pregnancy.

                              So all these reasons against Michael are true yes, but simply because they were never intended to be foreshadow of a pregnancy. The bigger question is whether or not they could come up with a plausible explanation to change them after the fact.

                              With all that said, I have to say, I have absolutely no idea who the father will be! It's possible it could be Michael if they decide to use the events of Vengeance and are able to come up with an explanation for the obvious inconsistencies that would present. Or it's possible it could have nothing to do with season three and they rewrote scenes in season four instead (which we know they were doing....we just don't know what they were rewriting) to create an explanation. That would be a whole lot easier to do then trying to come up with an explanation from storylines that have already aired in season three, IMO.
                              But as we have no idea, anything is possible. So it's possible it's Michael, or the Doppleganger John (that's who I'm hoping for too, Blue!), although I would be a bit surprised if they went that dark. But ohhh, imagine the angst! And they did say it would be darker this season. Or it could be from a new enemy we haven't even met yet or a surrogate or a new man or one of many different theories bounding about. AHHH! I really hate waiting!
                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                                I have also been mulling over the possibility of it being Michaels and again I have come up with a negative on that.. I really don't think anything happened in Vengeance - if it did why would Michael try and kill Teyla.. because that is exactly what the bug would have done if John and Ronan hadn't intervened... also if Teyla did discover she was pregnant after she got back to Atlantis ... why would she keep this information to herself.. she is repulsed by the Wraith.. would she really want to carry a wraith hybrid. I also think that the tpb have done 2 alien baby storylines now on SGA, so going that route again a third time would be kinda boring. Finally Michael is only appearing in the latter half of season four.. so I think if it was his little tyke, then he would somehow make an appearance in the first half of the season.

                                I am still of the opinion that John will have something to do with it ... thus Teyla's statement about things being complicated when the Seer tells her he knows she is with child... Doppelganger John seems the most likely scenario to me... and would explain why she is keeping this info to herself. Rachel has said that the person she talked about in Sunday will be revealed in season 4 - and I think this person is the father.... that also rules out any Athosians as Teyla said that his ways are different to her people's. .. so I am reasonbly optimistic that this will be more on the lines of a "normal" baby story.

                                But knowing how the ptb like to give us WTF moments I am not adverse to the fact that they may just do something so out of the blue that it leaves me gobsmacked .. and not in a good way.. but I am hoping this wont't be the case...
                                Hmmm... it is a good point about the fact Michael set the bug on her - why would he do that?

                                I really, really hope you're right about it being a normal baby, because a part Wraith baby would really screw Teyla up. And would be horrible.

                                I'm really excited about series four in general, but Doppelganger looks brilliant! Also Quarantine as well - JM said that it would 'test relationships' when people are trapped together. I'm hoping (obviously) that John and Teyla will be trapped together, which will be especially great if things have got really strained about them because of the pregnancy... *insert fangirly happiness here*

                                And Tabula Rasa... memory loss eps are always fun, and stargate have proved they can do it well - Beneath the Surface is one of my fave SG1 eps.

                                Anyway, here's hoping!!

                                Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig

