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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I LOVE JT!!!
    sig by Sci!

    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


      Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
      Great wallie, Blue. Keep those creative juices flowing!

      Now about Sunday:

      20 to 1 says TPTB will imply that Teyla was talking about Carson. Now, put down those pitchforks! Remember I love the JT love. But this is why I think so...

      1. Dr. Houston going up to Sheppard dropping him hints...kind of unlikely. For example, it would be unbelievable (to me) if we saw a scene where a junior officer go up to him and say "Hey, Teyla/Dr. Weir/Sam Carter/whomever has the hots for you" But...if you were to change that to Carson, it would more plausible. Dr. Houston (or any other jr. officer) is in the infirmary and hints to Carson "Hey, have you been noticing that Teyla/Dr. Weir has been hanging around here moe often?" Carson is much more likely to accept "normal" people talking to him from my POV. Sheppard seems much more likely to only trust the members on his team.

      2. Teyla's comment about feeling a great sadness. Twice. Usually if the writers feel the need to repeat something, it means something will be brought up later on.

      3. From an emotional POV, it's much more heart tugging if a viewer finds out later on in season 4 that Teyla's love interest was sadly Carson. Ohhhh the angst...

      4. I don't think the writers have the interest to maintain two main characters in a loving relationship, period.

      Now, if they go that route then at least I can say that you won't have to worry about the horrible "love triangle" scenario that so many shows feel the need to have. Don't worry, I'm sure that we will have lots of USTy scenes between our favorite duo, but I wouldn't be surprised if TPTB took the other route. that my pessimism showing up again??

      I think I need to go write a fic full of Da Love.
      I'll take those odds and double them.


      Don't worry, no pitchforks, LOL. But bear with me while I completely disagree with you.

      One of the very first things you'll learn about in writing or any basic Lit course is the use of parallels. As we've discussed before, the writers set up a very clear parallel with having Teyla and Dr. Hewston talking about relationships at the exact same time as John and Ronon. Keep in mind, these are the same writers who have stated it is their intention to have sexual tension between John and Teyla, as supported by over three years of interviews of said writers, producers, and even actors. With that said, we also know they keep it subtle on purpose, saying things without ever actually coming out and saying them with words. We see them use this method time after time in both SG1 and SGA. And, again here, with the simple use of parallels. Parallels are meant to show a connection without actually coming out and saying it.

      Now with that said:

      1. Dr Hewston did not say she would drop a hint to the crush. She said she could have someone drop a hint to the crush. All this tells us is that she knows someone who knows John. She works for Rodney. Rodney knows a lot of people. John knows a lot of people. I would assume Dr. Hewston knows a lot of people. So what? Ultimately, this tells us nothing except to support the conclusion that Dr. Hewston knows someone who knows John. Which means...nothing.

      2. Teyla was mourning the incompressible loss of a friend, as were they all. Rodney cried and spoke of regret. John fought back tears and didn't want to face it. Elizabeth fought to keep her voice strong. They were all mourning. It doesn't mean they were all in love with Carson. Teyla started to say a sentence, had to stop to compose herself when overcome with grief, and continued on. There was no emphasis there beyond the pain of loss. There is no logical reason for her moment to be any different than any of the others. In fact, if you want to argue that it was repeated twice for love emphasis, then the award would go to Rodney, not Teyla, for his not one, but two private grieving scenes. I would argue the emphasis was merely on the grief.

      3-4. Here, you're mixing in the pregnancy storyline. Remember, Sunday was written and filmed long before they knew the pregnancy storyline existed. And to conclude that the writers would go back and pull out that moment as an explanation for the pregnancy now is not logical. There are a lot of good angst storylines. It doesn't mean they will all be used. To say there is more connection between Teyla's grieving moment and her pregnancy than the clear and obvious parallel these same writers created is not logical. It is more logical to assume these writers would go with their own established storylines for an explanation. As mentioned above, the writers have been very clear they intend sexual tension between John and Teyla and have given us hundreds of subtle examples of this. How this can even compare to the handful of on-screen scenes Teyla has had with Carson and when her off-screen time is spent with John and Ronon, is again, not logical and not established. There is no reason to believe they would venture from their own history.

      With that said, I do not expect John to be the father. I of course like to hope so, but would be shocked if it actually happened. I believe there will be some twist to it. The purpose of my mentioning J/T here in relation to T/C, is merely to show the weakness of such a connection. Not when there are stronger and more obvious ones. It is some fans trying to make this connection, not the writers. And fortunately for us, it is the writers and not the fans creating the story!
      As stated, I personally do not believe they will use events from Sunday as part of the pregnancy line and I think it's presumptuous to connect them. I do however believe it is logical that her feelings for John, as shown in Sunday, and as established over three years, will continue into season four and will have some impact on the pregnancy story.

      So not pessimistic, but practical and logical.
      Last edited by LoveConquers; 02 June 2007, 03:49 PM.
      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
        Thought I should post it in here too....incase there are anyone here that reads SGA books....

        Next Stargate Atlantis book is named "Casualties of War" by Elizabeth Christensen and is set to be released in September,,,not that they have ever been released on time...

        Could be intresting,,, we shall see.... there is a very little description at Amazon..
        Lt. Col. John Sheppard submits his resignation following a mission in which two of his team members were lost, while Elizabeth Weir negotiates with two warring tribes who have traces of the Ancient ATA gene.

        Hrmm okay now I'm reading on Amazon of book 8 on Atlantis which should be set for November,,, but hey who knows about these release dates...

        It's called "Blood Ties" and is by Sonny Whitelaw and Elizabeth Cristensen

        A small discription there as well...
        The Atlantis team return from the Pegasus Galaxy to investigate a Wraith sighting on Earth. Teaming up with members of SG-1, they soon discover that the Wraith aren't the only monsters stalking human prey.

        On Amazon's page about those books there is a small note from the writer...seems like book 7 is going to be a little more character study on Sheppard... exploring the repercussions of some of their choices...things that don't really come to light in the show... so hopefully it sounds like book 7 might focus a bit more on Sheppard...
        Oh, thanks so much for this info!!!! It's about time one of the books goes beyond the mere "episode" type storyline and delve deeper into the characters. That was the whole purpose of the books in the first place, to give us more than we can get on screen!

        BP--AWESOME thoughts!!! Thanks!!!

        Blue--that is one gorgeous wallie! Wahoo! Love that title too. Very nice!

        Welcome to the thread, Ruby!!!!!!!!
        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post
          hey gang!....just a flyby post.

          I had a thought while watching Sunday....not sure if it's just me or if it's a possibility:

          So the scene where Teyla meet John and Ronon, it starts with Teyla seeing someone, and she looks a bit shy and skittish, now I guess when I first saw it I thought it was about the golfing thing, but watching it last night I realized that she looked a bit nervous at seeing John, but only after Ronon showed up behind him and she realized he held the golf club did she talk about the golfing lessons.

          So I'm thinking maybe she didn't just make the excuse to do paperwork to get out of the lessons, but because she's attracted to John and is a bit shy, this leads to the conversation with her character fits right in with what they were talking about.....

          So have i totally gone mental?

          Well, I suppose it's possible, but that's not how I saw it.

          I think it played out as it they intended it too. John trying to drag Teyla and Ronon into something they quite clearly didn't want to do. Even when you love someone, it doesn't mean you want to be involved in all their boring hobbies.

          And as a side note, if I see one more female claim this proves that John can't be Teyla's crush because she doesn't want to spend every single waking moment with him, I think I shall scream. And this backwards statement from fellow women. *headdesk* So I'll say it one time. Having feelings for someone does not mean you abandon your life, your interests, nor your personality. (A little unhealthy sounding to anyone else?!) Healthy relationships DO also maintain their own interests, their own friends, their own time. Give me a break. If any female honestly believes that statement they try to pass off as an excuse, then I've got some wonderful oceanfront property to sell them. I'll even include the dirt for free...

          Anyway, back on track, sorry!!!!
          For me, that scene reads simply as humorous. It was set up to show that John has talked about golf to them before, had established this golfing time with them ahead of time. Teyla is conveniently keeping herself occupied and away from her normal haunts, hence John drags Ronon all over the city looking for her. ("There you are...I've been looking everywhere for you...What did you forget?") Simultaneously, Ronon is fiercely waving to Teyla in the background to RUN. Neither quite clearly want to play golf. Oh wait, I guess this means Ronon can't be in love with John either. Teyla finagles her way out of it, John knowing full well what she is doing, but not so kindly letting Ronon do the same. Teyla gives Ronon a victory/sympathy pat on her way out. I absolutely love this scene. It's clean and simple and very funny. I don't see the need to try to read anything more into it. Her "nervousness" was trying to come up with an excuse.

          Anyway, that's my opinion at least!
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
            Just so you know, I wasn't saying I think Carson is the Daddy. I don't. Personally, it could be General O'Neill's for all I know. The only reason I don't think it's John is because of JM who said two main characters won't be parents at the same time. (Or something to that effect.)

            Also, I'm not saying John doesn't have feelings for Teyla or the other way around. I know they do. I'm just saying that in a show rarely do they go the direct route in the road of love.
            I don't think it's rare. They've been on this road of love all along. The "rarity" is how far it will be taken. Most likely, not all the way. (Sorry Camy, blasphemy, I know! LOL!) So anyway, YC, I think we're almost on the same page, just seeing a few things differently. But that's okay! That's why we're all here.
            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


              Thanks for the welcome messages! I really need to sleep now though, but I'll be joining in tomorrow for sure!

              I will just say that I absolutely love Sunday as an episode, and the interaction between John and Ronon is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

              Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                Well, I suppose it's possible, but that's not how I saw it.


                And as a side note, if I see one more female claim this proves that John can't be Teyla's crush because she doesn't want to spend every single waking moment with him, I think I shall scream. And this backwards statement from fellow women. *headdesk* So I'll say it one time. Having feelings for someone does not mean you abandon your life, your interests, nor your personality. (A little unhealthy sounding to anyone else?!) Healthy relationships DO also maintain their own interests, their own friends, their own time. Give me a break. If any female honestly believes that statement they try to pass off as an excuse, then I've got some wonderful oceanfront property to sell them. I'll even include the dirt for free...

                Anyway, that's my opinion at least!
                I totally agree with this point. Would it show John cared for Teyla any less if he didn't want to go meditate with her? No. Just different interests.
                Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                  Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                  I don't think it's rare. They've been on this road of love all along. The "rarity" is how far it will be taken. Most likely, not all the way. (Sorry Camy, blasphemy, I know! LOL!) So anyway, YC, I think we're almost on the same page, just seeing a few things differently. But that's okay! That's why we're all here.
                  Ok, that's what I meant to say. I don't think white picket fences and daisies are in their immediate future. And again...I would *love* for the JT love to grow and florish. I just have been burned by other ships in other fandoms so I'm a bit...cautious in my hopes, which is why I love fanfic. Power of the people Baby!
                  Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                    Thought I should post it in here too....incase there are anyone here that reads SGA books....

                    Next Stargate Atlantis book is named "Casualties of War" by Elizabeth Christensen and is set to be released in September,,,not that they have ever been released on time...

                    Could be intresting,,, we shall see.... there is a very little description at Amazon..
                    Lt. Col. John Sheppard submits his resignation following a mission in which two of his team members were lost, while Elizabeth Weir negotiates with two warring tribes who have traces of the Ancient ATA gene.

                    Hrmm okay now I'm reading on Amazon of book 8 on Atlantis which should be set for November,,, but hey who knows about these release dates...

                    It's called "Blood Ties" and is by Sonny Whitelaw and Elizabeth Cristensen

                    A small discription there as well...
                    The Atlantis team return from the Pegasus Galaxy to investigate a Wraith sighting on Earth. Teaming up with members of SG-1, they soon discover that the Wraith aren't the only monsters stalking human prey.

                    On Amazon's page about those books there is a small note from the writer...seems like book 7 is going to be a little more character study on Sheppard... exploring the repercussions of some of their choices...things that don't really come to light in the show... so hopefully it sounds like book 7 might focus a bit more on Sheppard...

                    Can't wait to add these books to my collection. I have my own little TV novel section in my bookcase.

                    Ruby, welcome to the thread! Sit back and enjoy the JT love!
                    Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                      I'll take those odds and double them.


                      Don't worry, no pitchforks, LOL. But bear with me while I completely disagree with you.

                      One of the very first things you'll learn about in writing or any basic Lit course is the use of parallels. As we've discussed before, the writers set up a very clear parallel with having Teyla and Dr. Hewston talking about relationships at the exact same time as John and Ronon. Keep in mind, these are the same writers who have stated it is their intention to have sexual tension between John and Teyla, as supported by over three years of interviews of said writers, producers, and even actors. With that said, we also know they keep it subtle on purpose, saying things without ever actually coming out and saying them with words. We see them use this method time after time in both SG1 and SGA. And, again here, with the simple use of parallels. Parallels are meant to show a connection without actually coming out and saying it.

                      Now with that said:

                      1. Dr Hewston did not say she would drop a hint to the crush. She said she could have someone drop a hint to the crush. All this tells us is that she knows someone who knows John. She works for Rodney. Rodney knows a lot of people. John knows a lot of people. I would assume Dr. Hewston knows a lot of people. So what? Ultimately, this tells us nothing except to support the conclusion that Dr. Hewston knows someone who knows John. Which means...nothing.

                      2. Teyla was mourning the incompressible loss of a friend, as were they all. Rodney cried and spoke of regret. John fought back tears and didn't want to face it. Elizabeth fought to keep her voice strong. They were all mourning. It doesn't mean they were all in love with Carson. Teyla started to say a sentence, had to stop to compose herself when overcome with grief, and continued on. There was no emphasis there beyond the pain of loss. There is no logical reason for her moment to be any different than any of the others. In fact, if you want to argue that it was repeated twice for love emphasis, then the award would go to Rodney, not Teyla, for his not one, but two private grieving scenes. I would argue the emphasis was merely on the grief.

                      3-4. Here, you're mixing in the pregnancy storyline. Remember, Sunday was written and filmed long before they knew the pregnancy storyline existed. And to conclude that the writers would go back and pull out that moment as an explanation for the pregnancy now is not logical. There are a lot of good angst storylines. It doesn't mean they will all be used. To say there is more connection between Teyla's grieving moment and her pregnancy than the clear and obvious parallel these same writers created is not logical. It is more logical to assume these writers would go with their own established storylines for an explanation. As mentioned above, the writers have been very clear they intend sexual tension between John and Teyla and have given us hundreds of subtle examples of this. How this can even compare to the handful of on-screen scenes Teyla has had with Carson and when her off-screen time is spent with John and Ronon, is again, not logical and not established. There is no reason to believe they would venture from their own history.

                      With that said, I do not expect John to be the father. I of course like to hope so, but would be shocked if it actually happened. I believe there will be some twist to it. The purpose of my mentioning J/T here in relation to T/C, is merely to show the weakness of such a connection. Not when there are stronger and more obvious ones. It is some fans trying to make this connection, not the writers. And fortunately for us, it is the writers and not the fans creating the story!
                      As stated, I personally do not believe they will use events from Sunday as part of the pregnancy line and I think it's presumptuous to connect them. I do however believe it is logical that her feelings for John, as shown in Sunday, and as established over three years, will continue into season four and will have some impact on the pregnancy story.

                      So not pessimistic, but practical and logical.
                      I have been giving this, um, too much thought, lol, and have a headache. But I have to say I get where you're coming from. Looking at Sunday ...
                      ... from a writing standpoint, the line goes straight to John. You're not supposed to waste scenes or dialogue in a tight story. Even when you are trying to keep a story unresolved, the plot (even the B or C plots) has to move in some way.

                      Doesn't mean I'm right. It just means that if Teyla's scene (first scene of the ep) is supposed to have significance, then clues to its significance ought to be in the ep.

                      Carson isn't seen looking for Teyla at all.

                      Here was an ep written to be about the people. If Teyla was crushing Carson, there would be, IMO, a set-up scene to give the audience an extra punch when she lost him. Pre-blast, he runs into everyone else, even Weir.

                      Rodney talks about his romantic life, but he's sharing it with his someone.

                      The list is getting short now. Could it be Ronon? Okay, sure, but in the story Ronon says something like, "I always thought you and Teyla" and for the story to be angling for Ronon, John would have to assert the negative, clearing that path. That, again, is from a writer's standpoint.

                      Ronon doesn't get a green light, and we have Ronon saying he isn't ready to be with someone. John doesn't give Ronon a green light, nor does he confess his love, attraction, whatever. The fact that John waffles (this is me, groaning ....) is addressed in the scene post-blast with John demanding of Carson, "Is she going to be okay?" Carson just got a chance to look at Teyla, so how would Carson know that? But John asks again, this time with emphasis, giving the moment a sense of urgency. Also, with the first act of the ep about Teyla and her interest in someone, how could the writers have put her in danger of death and not let this someone (her interest) interact with her in some way? The corridor is the last time we see her before her surgery. Of the guys (Ronon, Carson, John) who are with Teyla as she's drawn through that corridor on a stretcher, how many nearly lose it? How can we not notice that? We're supposed to notice.

                      I agree, too, the preganancy storyline and Sunday are not related. I thought (and still think) the pregnancy storyline was or will be retconned into early season 4, which both freaks me out and makes me grin.

                      In JM's poem, the pregnancy line was for McKay, with Katie Brown as the mom. Don't sue me, but I can't link you to the exact date, but it was in JM's blog.

                      Can the writers do a sweet, ordinary pregnancy, or at least one that doesn't have to do with science labs, implants, and crystal entities? Apparently, yes.

                      Will they now?

                      Haven't a clue. But they were going to make two humans parents in some way and then make McKay cope with his impending fatherhood.

                      JM said he didn't want two main characters dealing with parenthood at the same time.

                      Sorry, but for some reason, that doesn't make me think I should rule out John. Teyla is regular cast, and for me she's a main character, but if you were to point me at a TV show other than Stargate Atlantis and ask me if the regular cast member that gets third or fourth billing in the credits is playing a main character, I'd say no. In other words, I don't know how JM classifies his cast, except I know Rodney is a main character and I know John is a main character. If he'd said "regular cast" I'd feel better about it. He said "main character."

                      No matter what, and I have just my gut, I think the story line was retconned, meaning several early season 4 eps were written before they decided to deal with the pregnancy storyline. JM mentioned in his blog going back to re-write scenes, changing this, then changing that, and it was at the time he was spreading the good word about Teyla. With retroactive continuity, you could have a season 3 event impacting season 4 and never know it watching season 3, because it wasn't written in season 3 to get noticed.

                      It means ...

                      ... even Michael could have something to do with it, although he's not supposed to make an appearance in the front half of season 4. In the end of season 3, he had access to Teyla and he had a lab handy.

                      I'm not saying it's likely, because that would mean we're going to be told the Iratus critter was a distraction and Michael knew John and Ronon were nearby.

                      That's the part about retcons I hate.

                      NinaM, thanks for the updates on the novels. They sound like they might be worth picking up.
                      Last edited by expendable_crewman; 02 June 2007, 06:15 PM.


                        Originally posted by expendable_crewman View Post
                        I have been giving this, um, too much thought, lol, and have a headache. But I have to say I get where you're coming from. Looking at Sunday ...
                        ... from a writing standpoint, the line goes straight to John. You're not supposed to waste scenes or dialogue in a tight story. Even when you are trying to keep a story unresolved, the plot (even the B or C plots) has to move in some way.

                        Doesn't mean I'm right. It just means that if Teyla's scene (first scene of the ep) is supposed to have significance, then clues to its significance ought to be in the ep.

                        Carson isn't seen looking for Teyla at all.

                        Here was an ep written to be about the people. If Teyla was crushing Carson, there would be, IMO, a set-up scene to give the audience an extra punch when she lost him. Pre-blast, he runs into everyone else, even Weir.

                        Rodney talks about his romantic life, but he's sharing it with his someone.

                        The list is getting short now. Could it be Ronon? Okay, sure, but in the story Ronon says something like, "I always thought you and Teyla" and for the story to be angling for Ronon, John would have to assert the negative, clearing that path. That, again, is from a writer's standpoint.

                        Ronon doesn't get a green light, and we have Ronon saying he isn't ready to be with someone. John doesn't give Ronon a green light, nor does he confess his love, attraction, whatever. The fact that John waffles (this is me, groaning ....) is addressed in the scene post-blast with John demanding of Carson, "Is she going to be okay?" Carson just got a chance to look at Teyla, so how would Carson know that? But John asks again, this time with emphasis, giving the moment a sense of urgency. Also, with the first act of the ep about Teyla and her interest in someone, how could the writers have put her in danger of death and not let this someone (her interest) interact with her in some way? It's the last time we see her before her surgery. Of the guys (Ronon, Carson, John) who are with Teyla as she's drawn through that corridor on a stretcher, how many nearly lose it? We're supposed to infer something.

                        I agree, too, the preganancy storyline and Sunday are not related. I thought (and still think) the pregnancy storyline was or will be retconned into early season 4, which both freaks me out and makes me grin.

                        In JM's poem, the pregnancy line was for McKay, with Katie Brown as the mom. Don't sue me, but I can't link you to the exact date, but it was in JM's blog.

                        Can the writers do a sweet, ordinary pregnancy, or at least one that doesn't have to do with science labs, implants, and crystal entities? Apparently, yes.

                        Will they now?

                        Haven't a clue. But they were going to make two humans parents in some way and then make McKay cope with his impending fatherhood.

                        JM said he didn't want two main characters dealing with parenthood at the same time.

                        Sorry, but for some reason, that doesn't make me think I should rule out John. Teyla is regular cast, and for me she's a main character, but if you were to point me at a TV show other than Stargate Atlantis and ask me if the regular cast member that gets third or fourth billing in the credits is playing a main character, I'd say no. In other words, I don't know how JM classifies his cast, except I know Rodney is a main character and I know John is a main character. If he'd said "regular cast" I'd feel better about it. He said "main character."

                        No matter what, and I have just my gut, I think the story line was retconned, meaning several early season 4 eps were written before they decided to deal with the pregnancy storyline. JM mentioned in his blog going back to re-write scenes, changing this, then changing that, and it was at the time he was spreading the good word about Teyla. With retroactive continuity, you could have a season 3 event impacting season 4 and never know it watching season 3, because it wasn't written in season 3 to get noticed.

                        It means ...

                        ... even Michael could have something to do with it, although he's not supposed to make an appearance in the front half of season 4, because he was in the end of season 3, he had access to Teyla, and he had a lab handy.

                        I'm not saying it's likely, because that would mean we're going to be told the Iratus critter was a distraction and Michael knew John and Ronon were nearby.

                        That's the part about retcons I hate.
                        Yes, exactly! As always, you say things so much better than me! Virtual greens yet again. I think too many times, fans look at it from the fan point of view and not from the audience point of view, which is carefully shaped from the writer's point of view. And lest I be accused of being a "mindless zombie" again, I am not saying we can't all have our own ideas about things. What I am saying, is that when it comes to speculation or interpretation, it's usually the most accurate to look at it from the viewpoint of those that created it in the first place. Some may see green skies even though the writer tells us the sky is blue. There's nothing wrong with seeing green skies, writing fanfic and creating vids about green skies and squeeing over green sky moments. But it doesn't change the fact that the writers intended for the sky to be blue all along. The difference is in knowing what was intended and knowing and understanding you see it a different way and in knowing that not everyone interprets the sky as green as you do. Some actually interpret as blue, just as the writers intended all along. And others yet interpret it as purple or red or just plain gray. And that's the beauty and creativity of fandom. But if you want to try to understand something strictly from how it was intended to be, then sometimes you need to put on a different cap.

                        And I'm wandering yet again from the topic! Sorry about that. Anyway, you are exactly correct about your comments on JM's poem. I like how you summarized how it may or may not relate certain S3 events to S4. And I agree with your interpretation of it all.
                        Last edited by LoveConquers; 02 June 2007, 06:33 PM.
                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                          ...which is why I love fanfic. Power of the people Baby!
                          Oh yes! And we are so lucky to have so many great fanfic writers here! It is AWESOME!
                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            New little Teyla spoiler from JM's blog tonight:

                            Anonymous #4 writes: “So we finally get to see Teyla and Ronon on Earth?”

                            Answer: Ronon, yes. Teyla, no. Changes were made after the first draft.

                            Bummer, I was looking forward to that.

                            (Spoiler space for small S4 spec):

                            I wonder if that is why she was missing from that last little Miller's Crossing spoiler. I don't know if there was more than one ep they were supposed to be going to earth or not though. I suppose it will be one of those eps where she's not shown at all, has a small B plot, or is seen only in the very beginning, saying goodbye with some reason as to why she's staying behind that may or may not be pregnancy related. Well, at least we know she'll get plenty of screen time in other eps! But I was really looking forward to seeing her reaction to Earth, that's too bad!
                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!



                              That's not fair i want to see teyla's real experience on earth!!! not Fair one bit!!! why would ronon be going but not teyla??

                              thanks LC for the info anyway
                              -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                              Thanks Camy!!


                                Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                                Well, I suppose it's possible, but that's not how I saw it.

                                I think it played out as it they intended it too. John trying to drag Teyla and Ronon into something they quite clearly didn't want to do. Even when you love someone, it doesn't mean you want to be involved in all their boring hobbies.

                                And as a side note, if I see one more female claim this proves that John can't be Teyla's crush because she doesn't want to spend every single waking moment with him, I think I shall scream. And this backwards statement from fellow women. *headdesk* So I'll say it one time. Having feelings for someone does not mean you abandon your life, your interests, nor your personality. (A little unhealthy sounding to anyone else?!) Healthy relationships DO also maintain their own interests, their own friends, their own time. Give me a break. If any female honestly believes that statement they try to pass off as an excuse, then I've got some wonderful oceanfront property to sell them. I'll even include the dirt for free...

                                Anyway, back on track, sorry!!!!
                                For me, that scene reads simply as humorous. It was set up to show that John has talked about golf to them before, had established this golfing time with them ahead of time. Teyla is conveniently keeping herself occupied and away from her normal haunts, hence John drags Ronon all over the city looking for her. ("There you are...I've been looking everywhere for you...What did you forget?") Simultaneously, Ronon is fiercely waving to Teyla in the background to RUN. Neither quite clearly want to play golf. Oh wait, I guess this means Ronon can't be in love with John either. Teyla finagles her way out of it, John knowing full well what she is doing, but not so kindly letting Ronon do the same. Teyla gives Ronon a victory/sympathy pat on her way out. I absolutely love this scene. It's clean and simple and very funny. I don't see the need to try to read anything more into it. Her "nervousness" was trying to come up with an excuse.

                                Anyway, that's my opinion at least!
                                That is how i saw it the first time around all those weeks ago...*adjust shippy glasses*...

                                ummm....ok....i don't read much else, have hardly even read this thread these days, so i have no clue what the whole .." female claim this proves that John can't be Teyla's crush" thing is about, though it sounds like nonsense either way....cause that definitely wasn't the point I was getting at.

                                R.I.P Wraithlord

                                Awesome sig by SciFan

