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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post

    I'd do as she says Mayra, if we don't feed her need for JT, she'll either kill you, or eat you, or both, and not necessarilyin that order. Something to do with absorbing knowledge.

    Didn't you ever wonder what happened to that newbie called JTLover? Was here one day posting vids, then all of a sudden....GONE!

    @ Camy

    JTLover has we hope, not fallen prey to some form of TV based cannibalism, just hasn't been around much recently.

    LOL! Thanks for the heads up Nick!. I just told Camy that i actually have a vid in mind so i may do one sooner than i thought i would. Don't know how long it will take me but i'm going to try and not take too long working on it. I'm not very confident that i could pull off a good J/T vid but i'll sure try.

    Ah! a fellow J/T shipper went missing/MIA!...Darn Cannibals! they get you everytime

    Sig by Camy


      Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
      Thanks for the congrats, and Congrats to Mayra on 300 posts

      The first chapter of the fic is done and sent to Ritter to Beta, hopefully he won't forget he has it this time, or I'll have to get someone else to do it.

      Can't wait for tonight to see 'Sunday'.
      Congrats on reaching 300 posts Padme!

      For me it was actually my 100 post but heck, i'll take 300 anytime LOL!. Maybe if i close my eye's and pray hard enough it would magically change to 300.....nope didn't work . Thanks again!

      Sig by Camy


        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        Hey guys, I'm off again. I'm camping. It's for my oldest sons club group. I'll see you guys Sunday. Wish me luck, camping in a tent isn't my thing. Camper maybe.
        Have a great time scifan ... I hope you have good weather..

        Originally posted by Mayra View Post
        Congrats on reaching 300 posts Padme!

        For me it was actually my 100 post but heck, i'll take 300 anytime LOL!. Maybe if i close my eye's and pray hard enough it would magically change to 300.....nope didn't work . Thanks again!
        Belated congrats on 100 posts Mayra...

        I agree with a lot of you on Common Ground... best moments were John and the Wraith and a lot of wasted opportunities for the team ... and very disappointed in Weir actions or lack of actions.. sigh. Grace Under Pressure had too much Rodney... I love Rodney but not a whole ep of rambling Rodney and Carter was terrible in this ep. IMO.. I really don't like these eps that just focus on one character. I find them utterely boring. GUP and TWR are 2eps that I will never watch again.

        I hope season four is going to be a bit more balanced and I would like to see team based eps with maybe more focus on one character and not have any one character dominate any episode. I'm looking forward to Teyla's arc but I want all the characters to feature as well.


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          Hey guys, I'm off again. I'm camping. It's for my oldest sons club group. I'll see you guys Sunday. Wish me luck, camping in a tent isn't my thing. Camper maybe.
          NO, you're going to miss Sunday......


            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            NO, you're going to miss Sunday......
            Thank goodness for DVRs or spending 1.99 and getting it on iTunes.

            Sci, hope you have fun camping. You sound like me...the closest I come to roughin' it is spending the night in a nice hotel room.
            Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


              Originally posted by Mayra View Post
              Camy i actually heard a song that i think will make a pretty good J/T vid....well a couple of songs. So i guess a vid from me will come sooner than i thought!. I don't know when i'll have it done but first things first, start thinking of the shots to use on the song. Wish me luck!.

              LOL! Petey looks like a very fun loving dog so i'm sure your girls and Petey will get along just fine!. I had a dog once and Petey reminds me of her a lot because she was also very loving and HYPER!!! LOL!.

              Oh, so it's Dee i should thank for the great laugh i got! LOL! too funny .

              Thanks for explaining again about your thoughts on Teyla in Sunday. I hand't gone through all the posts yet but i found it, so thanks.

              Oh wow, really? i could see CG more than once but i must admit, the parts that show the team on Atlantis, i could do without...except for Ronon. I think it was EC who mentioned how they really didn't focus on Teyla as much during the scene's where the wraith fed on John and that dissapointed me or she didn't show as much of the reaction i was hoping for. So yeah, i agree, it seems a lot of people liked the episode more so because of the John/Wraith scenes because that's why i'd watch it again.

              Grace Underpressure is an episode that i really don't care to see often as well. I love Rodney but i've always worried about the "too much" Rodney/Sam interaction which i must admitt, i'm still a little worried about for season 4 but getting better . So yeah, not my favorite but i think David did do an amazing job in that episode. Oh don't get me started on TRW! will never see that episode again!, sorry, just way to boring for me and it could have been better. Believe me, i tried and hope for Weir's character to get better in the beginning but for me, there were just to many down's than there were up's with her character and TRW was a big let down. Add Sanctuary to my list as well, just didn't like that episode. So yeah, there are some i wouldn't really care to see again as well.

              I can't wait for season 4 mainly because they are going to feature Teyla more and she is way overdue for that.
              Can't wait!

              Actually....without rambling too much. I can forgive Teyla....*sighs* Yes, I know...she's my favorite but just hear me out. She wasn't the focus of this episode. John was. EC brought an excellent point. It never even occurred to me..How can John give the team permission to let it be and yet at the same time he was constantly expecting them to walk in the door and rescue him at anytime? Did I get that right or did I miss something? The other thing that I think it's interesting, and again, I"ve only seen this episode maybe once or twice, but if I remember correctly, didn't John go straight to Rodney and Carson demanding why took them so long but he never looked at Teyla and Ronon. I think John knew that these two would do what the leaders of Atlantis instructed them to do. I also think that sometimes Ronon and Teyla expect these guys to somehow have more abilities or I don't know.

              I didn't expect Teyla to burst out like Ronon. She's not like that. And I didn't expect her to loose it like Rodney. She's not like that either. And I saw her uncomfortable, but following Weir's lead as she's always done. She's done it for Michael and Allies so why not for John as well. I think in the back of her mind, she let everything fall in the hands of where she thought John would have the best chances. The camera never focused on Teyla but her face and her reactions were there. So, I guess as much as I wanted her to be in the spotlight and kick some butt to defend John, I think in all reality, Teyla did what we expect her to do under these circumstances. I think if she had any inclination or any idea of something more that she could do that would help John, she would have done it. But in this case, I think she felt that relying on the team was the best option for her to help save John. I mean what else could she have possibly done? Which is why this was dissapointing for Weir. As a leader she did what was right, but moraly and ethically, she should have done more for John.

              The team's hands were tied because she tied them for them. And that's how I feel about it. She came out as one that wasn't easily swayed by Koyla and to me this should have been where she should have completely done the opposite and done everything to save John.

              So, overall I just don't like that episode at all. Again, only scenes I like was John and the Wraith, but even those scenes don't seem to be consistent.


                Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post

                Did you ever doubt it?

                The bit where Teyla says "John!" so brightly and smiles only at him is near the dn of Pt 1. Like you i love the scene, have shoehorned it to challenges around here more than once, that's why i know.

                In the whole epi discussion that ahs been going on hereabouts they have been bringing up The Ark, Sunday, Common Ground e.t.c. Understandably.

                But what did you think of Phantoms? That is up there for me along with the above.

                Then there are thseo two very memorable convos between John and Teyla in Sateda and Irresponsible.

                So yes we can only hope that these things continue in S4 and hopefully something more.

                Though S4 and JT are going to be affected in no small way by
                Teyla's pregnency, interesting if somewhat anxious times ahead.

                Slightly OT, volcanoes and natural disaster fascinate you? How about in a historical context? Like Vesuvius and Pompeii?

                Might be launching a site related to that in the not too distant future you see. Shameless plug, apologies.

                I liked Phantoms and loved how each of the team except Tayla began to live in their delusions. I had to watch it twice to try and spot exactly when Beckett and Rodney started slipping into their delusions.

                When Teyla got shot, John was concerned and trying to fight the delusions, denying them to her. When he slipped into his fantasy I loved how Teyla continued to try and break through to him, eventually using his delusions to save them.

                Grace Under Pressure
                While I'm an S/J and J/T shipper I still enjoy watching eps about the rest of the team. This was another good ep for me as I always enjoyed watching the banter between Sam and Rodney. Another plus for me was that it was a throw back to the SG-1 ep, Grace. Not one I'd watch again and again *coughs* Home *coughs* but I won't flip the channel if its on.

                As for fics, are there challenges posted here often? I've got a few fics on the go right now, all SG-1 ones, and once some of them have been completed/posted I would like to try an SGA J/T one. Unfortunatly I've got no ideas so far and challenges seem to feed the muse.

                @Nick. OT
                Yes, historical disasters really interest me. Took Geography/Chemistry/Archeology in Uni, wanted to end up doing either seismology, vulcanology or something to do with environmental change. Unfortunatly I couldn't afford to finish so instead I read, watch and photograph. Would love to hear more about the site.


                  hey loved sunday its probably my favorite episode to date, can't wait for season 4 and look forward to see the spoilers when they come out.


                    Sunday, Cpt. Ritter's Report

                    I was not spoiled for this episode other than knowing Beckett would die, I had not seen the picture, I had avoid the transcripts, everything. All I knew was the premise for the episode, given early on, anyway, onto spoilers....

                    The open bit.... well... how cute, Teyla has a crush on someone, I think I know who, and it so describes us males, and probably Sheppard in particular, IMO. I loved how she was discussing this with the random scientist, all the way up until the explosion hit her.

                    Sheppard and Ronon.... hmmm... funny stuff here... followed by... well, enough said. "I always thought you and Teyla..." Notice how Sheppard did not say no to that, or even outright deny it, he has a massive crush on her, that's how I would squirm about it were I in Sheppard's shoes.

                    Then we jump to Rodney and Katie... which is completely OT so I'll make it quick... I'm shipping a whole new couple now, they're so cute.

                    Fitting Beckett in here, shame nobody wanted to go fishing with him, but his bit helping out the girl the infirmary, so touching as was his role in saving Jameson's life.

                    Sheppard and Teyla in infirmary, very touching, nice scene to illustrate friendship. Followed by the bit with Rodney and Carson at the end, also OT, but touching none the less.

                    That's it, my spoiler ridden review of Sunday. Awesome episode! I know see two ships in Atlantis.
                    Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                      Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post
                      Speaking of things i haven't seen, one of your vids Steph so kindly put up on her site for you, um.....the one with the Garth Brooks song, a big thank you from me, like it a lot. Watched it a few times now.

                      You must've posted it before but somehow i missed it.
                      Glad you like it and finally got to see it! It is actually the very first vid I ever did.

                      It may take a while before I am able to post the Sunday shippy report. RL is keeping me busy at the moment, but I do have a few things to say about the conversation Teyla had with Dr. Hewston. I have heard lots said about this scene from fellow JT shippers, other shipper groups, and anti-shippers. So here is my two cents.

                      Teyla: I could never just say that to him!
                      Hewston: Why not? You like him, don't you?
                      Teyla (sternly): That is not the point.
                      Hewston: Uh, I think that is exactly the point, actually.
                      Teyla: The ways of my people are... different. I would never...
                      Hewston: Eh, he's not gonna make the first move.
                      Teyla (assuredly): Ah, we shall see.
                      Hewston: Look, you know him better than I do.
                      Teyla: I would hope so.
                      Hewston (knowingly): But I wouldn't be surprised if he was oblivious to the whole situation.
                      Teyla: It bares no further discussion.
                      Hewston: All right. I'm just sayin' if you want me to have somebody drop some hints...
                      Teyla then changes the subject.

                      This conversation was left open for interpretation, but there are a few clues if a person looks hard enough. The most obvious clue is when Teyla mentions that the ways of her people are different. Therefore he is most definitely not an Athosian. The other clues are subtle. The first lines of dialogue clearly show this woman giving Teyla advice on what to do. Judging by the clothes the woman is wearing she is from Earth. This is confirmed when she is later shown as a scientist under Rodney's command. So a person can logically conclude that this man is from Earth as well.

                      While not impossible it would be difficult for this woman to be giving advice on Ronon. His civilization has been destroyed and the people who survived have scattered. So getting information on his culture would be difficult. Ronon is not an easily approachable man nor is he open and easy to talk to. It is also suggested that he is close to no one but Teyla and John. Shown by John's question. John: You ever hang out with anyone else besides me and Teyla? While Ronon focuses on John's question about him seeing anyone in no way does he refute John's initial question. Therefore it would be difficult for Dr. Hewston to get the information from Ronon himself, especially without arousing his suspicion. Those very reasons would also make it difficult for Dr. Hewston to get just anyone to drop those hints for Teyla as she offers to do. So why not just say I will get John to drop some hints? Another thing is that Dr. Hewston said the man in question won't make the first move. Ronon is not the type of guy to sit back and wait for others to make the first move. Nor is he the type of guy who would ever give a person that sort of impression. So while not completely impossible it is highly unlikely that the guy is Ronon.

                      It is also unlikely to be Rodney. Teyla may know Rodney better then Dr. Hewston, but she does work for him. She would be able to give more advice then she did and be able to find out if he is aware of Teyla's feelings with a few well placed questions.

                      It depends on how you take the statement that Teyla knows this guy better than Dr. Hewston as to who is left it can possibly be. Taken as is it can mean some guy we have yet to meet, Carson, or John. This can be taken as a hint that it is one of our main cast which leaves Carson and John. It can be taken one step further and mean those that Teyla is shown to have a personal relationship with outside of the professional which leaves John. So it all depends on how you take that statement.

                      I know some people like to say it isn't John because of the statement, "Eh, he's not gonna make the first move." Again this depends on how the person in question takes the statement that Teyla knows this guy better than Dr. Hewston. This same reasoning can be applied to Carson. Another point of interest is what Teyla says in response, "Ah, we shall see." Let's first take a look at the men in question.

                      John is a flirt. There is no denying that! When it comes to relationships though he tends to be passive. He seems hesitant to enter into a relationship. Though not completely against it. It is usually the woman who has to make the first move to get John to move past flirting. The only time I remember John taking the initiative is when he made the move to kiss Chaya first. Even then though Chaya was the one who pursued him first. The only reason she came to Atlantis was for John, and the reason the two of them were in that situation that lead to the kiss was because of her. She mentioned to John she wanted to see the best view of the city at night. I think the reason for this was given to us latter in the ep when Ronon asks when is he going to get married. John: Haha, I already done that. Not very good at it. Why would he be eager to enter in a relationship when his last one, judging by what he said, ended badly? Also, judging by what he said, he seems to blame himself for it going wrong. So he has some issues to deal with before he feels secure enough to fully commit himself to another relationship.

                      When you first meet Carson it isn't hard to tell he isn't very brave. Though he does come through when it counts. Sometimes people associate certain traits with other traits like shyness. If a person bothers to get to know Carson though they quickly find out he isn't shy. Quite the opposite he is a people person. When it came to Perna Carson most definitely didn't wait for her to make the first move. When John was going to introduce the two Carson interrupted, did it himself, and instantly put on the charm. When it came to Laura Cadman he was shocked when she kissed him, I would be to if I were in a similar situation, but he was in no way embarrassed. He took it as his due and showed her, once she was back in her own body, he reciprocated her feelings.

                      If you take the statement Teyla knows the man better than Dr. Hewston to mean that Dr. Hewston barely knows the guy in question then she can't be talking about John. Because John is an outrageous flirt and thus would seem to be the type to make the first move. So she could be talking about Carson. Since Carson can seem to be timid when you don't know him.

                      Teyla's response, "Ah, we shall see." Would then mean, being a friend of Carson, she knows he isn't shy. If he feels the same all she has to do is wait and he will eventually make the first move.

                      If you take the statement to mean just what it says then Teyla knowing the man better doesn't mean Dr. Hewston barely knows the man in question. More likely since Dr. Hewston feels comfortable enough to give advice on how to approach him, to say that the he won't make the first move, and knows where to go to get someone to drop a few hints to him about Teyla's feelings she knows the guy to a certain extent. So she very well can be talking about John. A person doesn't have to be John's "best friend" to realize that, while he is a flirt, he is passive when it comes to relationships. The same when it comes to realizing Carson isn't shy.

                      Teyla's respose, "Ah, we shall see." Would then mean she knows John can be lead, encouraged, and/or prodded into making the first move. Especially with the right incentive. So she probably has a plan. Or she knows he feels the same and believes he is close to making the first move on his own. Is it just me or did he come close to confessing his feelings in The Ark?

                      That is if she isn't talking about someone we have yet to meet.

                      Okay, forget the two cents and take the whole dollar.... or a few dollars. It did get rather lengthy didn't it?


                        Originally posted by Camy View Post
                        Which is why this was dissapointing for Weir. As a leader she did what was right, but moraly and ethically, she should have done more for John.

                        The team's hands were tied because she tied them for them. And that's how I feel about it. She came out as one that wasn't easily swayed by Koyla and to me this should have been where she should have completely done the opposite and done everything to save John.
                        Exactly.... she should have done everything in her power to save John... and she did nothing IMO... I don't even see what she did was morally ethical. We have seen Weir make harsh decisions before to save Atlantis.. as in Critical Mass and Progeny but yet she won't do anything to save John ... she is suddenly struck by some moral code.. and how can she call Koyla and his men terrorists!! like the team havn't gone and done exactly what they want to get what they need... what about Coup D'Etat. She should have made some deal with Koyla to buy some time for John.. but again nothing... and since when does Weir take orders from John. She can overrule him so the ball was completely in her court as to how she handled the situation.

                        I would have liked to have seen some aftermath or reprecussions to Weir's decision... why did everyone go along with her... it would have been good to have seen some conflict from Ronan or Teyla.... someone express some type of emotion as to what was happening to John.. but we really didnt get a whole lot and considering John has been prepared to give his life up for any of them, their attemps to "save" him were very disappointing.

                        This could have been a much more exciting episode if Weir actually gone against Johns wishes (though when John shouted out his orders he didnt know that it was Laden Koyla wanted - he may have had no problem handing over Laden) and had been prepared to hand over Laden - just to get close enough to find John and then have the team materialise in a cloaked jumper and rescue John... and it would have been even more exciting to find that John had already escaped..


                          excellent shippy report BP
                          Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                            Great report BP of how you saw the scene with Teyla in Sunday...intresting...
                            Then if you see the scene between John and Ronon,,,bear in mind that when Ronon states that to John about Teyla...he neither says no or even deny anything... given me a slight sight that he was most likely caught of guard by it... but that's just me
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Originally posted by Black Panther View Post
                              Glad you like it and finally got to see it! It is actually the very first vid I ever did.

                              It may take a while before I am able to post the Sunday shippy report. RL is keeping me busy at the moment, but I do have a few things to say about the conversation Teyla had with Dr. Hewston. I have heard lots said about this scene from fellow JT shippers, other shipper groups, and anti-shippers. So here is my two cents.

                              Teyla: I could never just say that to him!
                              Hewston: Why not? You like him, don't you?
                              Teyla (sternly): That is not the point.
                              Hewston: Uh, I think that is exactly the point, actually.
                              Teyla: The ways of my people are... different. I would never...
                              Hewston: Eh, he's not gonna make the first move.
                              Teyla (assuredly): Ah, we shall see.
                              Hewston: Look, you know him better than I do.
                              Teyla: I would hope so.
                              Hewston (knowingly): But I wouldn't be surprised if he was oblivious to the whole situation.
                              Teyla: It bares no further discussion.
                              Hewston: All right. I'm just sayin' if you want me to have somebody drop some hints...
                              Teyla then changes the subject.

                              This conversation was left open for interpretation, but there are a few clues if a person looks hard enough. The most obvious clue is when Teyla mentions that the ways of her people are different. Therefore he is most definitely not an Athosian. The other clues are subtle. The first lines of dialogue clearly show this woman giving Teyla advice on what to do. Judging by the clothes the woman is wearing she is from Earth. This is confirmed when she is later shown as a scientist under Rodney's command. So a person can logically conclude that this man is from Earth as well.

                              While not impossible it would be difficult for this woman to be giving advice on Ronon. His civilization has been destroyed and the people who survived have scattered. So getting information on his culture would be difficult. Ronon is not an easily approachable man nor is he open and easy to talk to. It is also suggested that he is close to no one but Teyla and John. Shown by John's question. John: You ever hang out with anyone else besides me and Teyla? While Ronon focuses on John's question about him seeing anyone in no way does he refute John's initial question. Therefore it would be difficult for Dr. Hewston to get the information from Ronon himself, especially without arousing his suspicion. Those very reasons would also make it difficult for Dr. Hewston to get just anyone to drop those hints for Teyla as she offers to do. So why not just say I will get John to drop some hints? Another thing is that Dr. Hewston said the man in question won't make the first move. Ronon is not the type of guy to sit back and wait for others to make the first move. Nor is he the type of guy who would ever give a person that sort of impression. So while not completely impossible it is highly unlikely that the guy is Ronon.

                              It is also unlikely to be Rodney. Teyla may know Rodney better then Dr. Hewston, but she does work for him. She would be able to give more advice then she did and be able to find out if he is aware of Teyla's feelings with a few well placed questions.

                              It depends on how you take the statement that Teyla knows this guy better than Dr. Hewston as to who is left it can possibly be. Taken as is it can mean some guy we have yet to meet, Carson, or John. This can be taken as a hint that it is one of our main cast which leaves Carson and John. It can be taken one step further and mean those that Teyla is shown to have a personal relationship with outside of the professional which leaves John. So it all depends on how you take that statement.

                              I know some people like to say it isn't John because of the statement, "Eh, he's not gonna make the first move." Again this depends on how the person in question takes the statement that Teyla knows this guy better than Dr. Hewston. This same reasoning can be applied to Carson. Another point of interest is what Teyla says in response, "Ah, we shall see." Let's first take a look at the men in question.

                              John is a flirt. There is no denying that! When it comes to relationships though he tends to be passive. He seems hesitant to enter into a relationship. Though not completely against it. It is usually the woman who has to make the first move to get John to move past flirting. The only time I remember John taking the initiative is when he made the move to kiss Chaya first. Even then though Chaya was the one who pursued him first. The only reason she came to Atlantis was for John, and the reason the two of them were in that situation that lead to the kiss was because of her. She mentioned to John she wanted to see the best view of the city at night. I think the reason for this was given to us latter in the ep when Ronon asks when is he going to get married. John: Haha, I already done that. Not very good at it. Why would he be eager to enter in a relationship when his last one, judging by what he said, ended badly? Also, judging by what he said, he seems to blame himself for it going wrong. So he has some issues to deal with before he feels secure enough to fully commit himself to another relationship.

                              When you first meet Carson it isn't hard to tell he isn't very brave. Though he does come through when it counts. Sometimes people associate certain traits with other traits like shyness. If a person bothers to get to know Carson though they quickly find out he isn't shy. Quite the opposite he is a people person. When it came to Perna Carson most definitely didn't wait for her to make the first move. When John was going to introduce the two Carson interrupted, did it himself, and instantly put on the charm. When it came to Laura Cadman he was shocked when she kissed him, I would be to if I were in a similar situation, but he was in no way embarrassed. He took it as his due and showed her, once she was back in her own body, he reciprocated her feelings.

                              If you take the statement Teyla knows the man better than Dr. Hewston to mean that Dr. Hewston barely knows the guy in question then she can't be talking about John. Because John is an outrageous flirt and thus would seem to be the type to make the first move. So she could be talking about Carson. Since Carson can seem to be timid when you don't know him.

                              Teyla's response, "Ah, we shall see." Would then mean, being a friend of Carson, she knows he isn't shy. If he feels the same all she has to do is wait and he will eventually make the first move.

                              If you take the statement to mean just what it says then Teyla knowing the man better doesn't mean Dr. Hewston barely knows the man in question. More likely since Dr. Hewston feels comfortable enough to give advice on how to approach him, to say that the he won't make the first move, and knows where to go to get someone to drop a few hints to him about Teyla's feelings she knows the guy to a certain extent. So she very well can be talking about John. A person doesn't have to be John's "best friend" to realize that, while he is a flirt, he is passive when it comes to relationships. The same when it comes to realizing Carson isn't shy.

                              Teyla's respose, "Ah, we shall see." Would then mean she knows John can be lead, encouraged, and/or prodded into making the first move. Especially with the right incentive. So she probably has a plan. Or she knows he feels the same and believes he is close to making the first move on his own. Is it just me or did he come close to confessing his feelings in The Ark?

                              That is if she isn't talking about someone we have yet to meet.

                              Okay, forget the two cents and take the whole dollar.... or a few dollars. It did get rather lengthy didn't it?

                              Excellent summary BP... well I think everything points to John As you say it's not an Athosian... Carson I don't think so I have really seen no romantic or intimate moments between them. I can't see it being "someone" we havn't met yet because according to John, Teyla spends all her time with him or Ronan. Now if she secretly has the hots for someone else ... where does she know this person from... how can she know him well if she doesn't spend anytime with him.

                              I think it was also very telling that John and Ronan were talking about relationships at the exact same time... and for Ronan to actually come out and say to John.. I always thought you and Teyla would ... you know... HE KNOWS... Ronan has always known. John just needs to be smacked over the head to give him a wake up call ... though he did get one moments later when he saw Teyla injured... is this a man who doesn't have any feelings for anyone on Atlantis??. John for the first time actuallly lost his cool.... and it was because of TEYLA!!. He thought he was going to lose her and his true feelings popped out for just a moment.

                              According to Rachel we will find out in season four who she was referring to in Sunday.... this will be very interesting because I think it's going to be linked to her pregnancy story and Teyla's comment of complicated doesn't seem to fit with having a Wraith Hybrid... that I would say is a little more than complicated.. and why would Teyla keep something like that to herself. It will be very interesting to see how it's all going to unfold.


                                Just a reminder to everyone to go and support for Teyla in the best looking female game... in the Fun and Games section.

                                Have forgotten how to do the link ... and I think Nina showed me.

                                Teyla is doing well ... only needs a few more points to reach 50..

