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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Mayra View Post
    Yup, i agree again, there relationship has been growing in the last 3 season. I love that Teyla is the only one that John confides in totally. He doesn't feel he has to crack a joke to lighten up the mood as much as he does with the others. i love that Teyla can get him to open up. I also loved like you mentioned, Teyla put her trust in him unconditionally and follows him knowing that she can trust him with her life and her people's life. In the 3rd season we saw how much they are willing to sacrifice for each other and just like you said, i expect/hope the writers continue this and at least advance there relationship another step next season.

    As you say Teyla is the only person John has EVER opened up to and I think we will see it a lot more in the future. She is his friend and his confidant and I think they both want something more but neither seem sure how to make the next step, or if it is the right thing to do. John has always been himself around Teyla - no light banter and cracking jokes as he does with Weir and the others. They only get to see whats on the surface but Teyla manages to get John to open up and reveal the real John Sheppard. The guy behind the cool flyboy image. This is what I love about them - there are no pretenses between them.

    I believe that the feelings they have for one another run deep and both have guarded their emotions and kept them in check probably most of their lives, so it's not easy opening up and letting "feelings" out. But it has started to occur and I think we will see more of it in the future. They would do anything for each other, and when one of them is in danger this is when they are at their most vunerable. Will John's mask slip completely the next time Teyla gets hurt, or will it be Teyla who reveals something to John, if she finds herself in the position of nearly loosing him again -


      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
      As you say Teyla is the only person John has EVER opened up to and I think we will see it a lot more in the future. She is his friend and his confidant and I think they both want something more but neither seem sure how to make the next step, or if it is the right thing to do. John has always been himself around Teyla - no light banter and cracking jokes as he does with Weir and the others. They only get to see whats on the surface but Teyla manages to get John to open up and reveal the real John Sheppard. The guy behind the cool flyboy image. This is what I love about them - there are no pretenses between them.

      I believe that the feelings they have for one another run deep and both have guarded their emotions and kept them in check probably most of their lives, so it's not easy opening up and letting "feelings" out. But it has started to occur and I think we will see more of it in the future. They would do anything for each other, and when one of them is in danger this is when they are at their most vunerable. Will John's mask slip completely the next time Teyla gets hurt, or will it be Teyla who reveals something to John, if she finds herself in the position of nearly loosing him again -

      Intresting and good points...

      I mean look at the epi Sunday...
      See his reaction when Teyla is hurt and he sees her... it's like he can't believe what he is seeing,,her laying there hurt and bleeding alot... he asks one time first..even there you can hear it in his voice...and when he doesn't get a straight answer he raises the voice in a demanding fashion,,yet he doesn't get a reply...when she is wheeled away he stands there not believeing what is happening ,,watching her dissapear from his sight,,,and we have's in his eyes you can tell... you see fear, you see panic, disbelief,, he can't even wrap his mind about having maybe to face loosing her...
      Joe is incredible with that... he really doesn't have to say anything ,,you can see it in his eyes... the look on his face in The Ark when he realizes what has happened..and the whole body language on him when he makes his mind to try and save her even if it means his own life...

      Take again Sunday... the pain on his face when he meets Teyla in the infirmary,,he doesn't hide away from her,,,he lets her see him being down, he could have said nothing, but confesses that it hasn't hit him yet and he is not looking forward to it when it happens... then when he walks up to the see his eyes move down a little bit when he looks at his team beside him so I do think he held Teyla's eyes ...offering eachother strenght in a very trying time... and the way also she followed him with her eyes ,,like making sure he is okay...

      There are time after time in season 3...that he clearly shows his concern. how much it upsets him to either see her hurt or when something is happening to her... he couldn't keep his eyes of her in Submersion,, as in making sure she is okay... He raced up the stairs in First Strike to make sure she and his team was okay... in Vengeance the same when he realized she was gone from the room...never said anything but once again it's in his eyes... he speaks with his eyes...

      I'm sure I can even list several more in season 3... for me I can clearly see to who his feelings are the strongest... and it's for Teyla...just take what he did before leaving in The Return 1... not really a John thing but for Teyla he did it...showed emotion in public, took the first step... and the look on his face when he came back... eyes hardly even leaving her face...
      No that's a man in love and deeply in love...just haven't admitted it to her of himself really yet...even I have to admit Ronon could very well have planted something in his mind with his out of the blue qustion to John...

      so we'll see... I do think it will be shown in season 4..the strong bond that just gets stronger... and who knows one of those days it just might be taken a step further...
      Sigs by Scifan


        Originally posted by Mayra View Post
        Oh i didn't know that, thanks for letting me know. Wow 10,000 posts!!! yeah, i don't think i'll ever reach that but its sure a great motivator to post more than lurk! LOL!. I'll go check the icons out and see which one i like. Bad directions??? never, you described each step perfectly! it went very smooth. As soon as i posted, i realized it so no big deal, thanks again for your help!
        You can have your own icon when you reach 2000 posts.


          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
          You can have your own icon when you reach 2000 posts.

          Oops, I was way off! LOL! Thanks Blue!
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            Your welcome LC..

            To me, John and Teyla always seemed destined to be together, from the first moment they set eyes on each other - so my wallie for today is




              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
              Your welcome LC..

              To me, John and Teyla always seemed destined to be together, from the first moment they set eyes on each other - so my wallie for today is


              Great wallie....yes it sure is destiny for them...
              Sigs by Scifan



                Welcome to ALL THE NEWBIES and the ONES who aren't here all the time....

                Please come by more often!

                This is a fly by post....I"m so busy at the moment...but you guys know this is one of my favorite places to be...besides, blame Dee for keeping me busy! LOL

                Okay...hopefully tomorrow I"ll get a chance to see the vids posted here..WOOOHOO!

                Mayra.....I"m glad you liked the sig...I do it for fun......

                Stephie...jeepers, I forgot that I was a turtle! LOL


       requested some pics...give me till tomorrow...I'll get them for you or someone here please get my girl those caps...

       are sooo right about that connection being there before the cave....I mean look back and in every scene....from the minute that John stepped into that cave...turned and saw her...what was the first thing he did....take off his cap and attempt to fix his hair...I"m sorry, when has he done that again? and for what other female has he done that...

                He took that first step forward when Teyla was unwilling to even give them a try....but she looked at him when he first walked in the tent...*sighs* who wouldn't?

                I like to write that John "came to life" when he saw Teyla..he found purpose and he took charge when she came to view...until that point, he didn't say much to Sumner but after, he found a reason to fight, to stay and it was all brought about from Teyla....

                yes, I know..Camy's off again....but that's my story and I"m sticking to it!

                Hmmm...what else...

                Dee...yes, I"m going to kill you....but I"m going to do one better...give me till tomorrow..and you guys say that there hasn't been anything "romantic" between John and Teyla..jeepers, what show have you guys been watching?
                Not Atlantis...

                Again, from the very first episode, that cave scene...that was NOT romantic?

                Okay..define romance for me someone!

                What about that head touching in Rising....

                And the sexual tension in HOT ZONE!

                and *sighs* That KISS in Conversion...okay, not romantic..yes...I know...but it was SOMETHING, more than just friends....

                and what about TLG...that, he cares for you more than you know...THAT WAS NOT ROMANTIC?

                Oy, and season 3...I"m with Stephi...was it Stephie that wrote this....please forgive me if I made a mistake....yes, I"m sure it was Stephie....John and Teyla have been there all along....and season 3 although sort of a reset button to display their relationship again...clearly showed that the writers are going with these two...and I agree with their heated moments, you not only see how they feel about each other...I'd go a step see just how much they trust each other and how much they rely on each other to be able to express themselves like that to each other.....

                very coupleish of them! LOL

                okay...gotta go....


                  Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                  Your welcome LC..

                  To me, John and Teyla always seemed destined to be together, from the first moment they set eyes on each other - so my wallie for today is


                  Love the wallie bluealien great work


                    Originally posted by hutchi4 View Post
                    Love the wallie bluealien great work
                    Thanks hutchi.


                      lovin the wallie blue its awesome!!
                      Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                        Originally posted by Camy View Post

                        Welcome to ALL THE NEWBIES and the ONES who aren't here all the time....

                        Please come by more often!

                        This is a fly by post....I"m so busy at the moment...but you guys know this is one of my favorite places to be...besides, blame Dee for keeping me busy! LOL

                        Okay...hopefully tomorrow I"ll get a chance to see the vids posted here..WOOOHOO!

                        Mayra.....I"m glad you liked the sig...I do it for fun......

                        Stephie...jeepers, I forgot that I was a turtle! LOL


               requested some pics...give me till tomorrow...I'll get them for you or someone here please get my girl those caps...

               are sooo right about that connection being there before the cave....I mean look back and in every scene....from the minute that John stepped into that cave...turned and saw her...what was the first thing he did....take off his cap and attempt to fix his hair...I"m sorry, when has he done that again? and for what other female has he done that...

                        He took that first step forward when Teyla was unwilling to even give them a try....but she looked at him when he first walked in the tent...*sighs* who wouldn't?

                        I like to write that John "came to life" when he saw Teyla..he found purpose and he took charge when she came to view...until that point, he didn't say much to Sumner but after, he found a reason to fight, to stay and it was all brought about from Teyla....
                        yes, I know..Camy's off again....but that's my story and I"m sticking to it!

                        Hmmm...what else...

                        Dee...yes, I"m going to kill you....but I"m going to do one better...give me till tomorrow..and you guys say that there hasn't been anything "romantic" between John and Teyla..jeepers, what show have you guys been watching?
                        Not Atlantis...

                        Again, from the very first episode, that cave scene...that was NOT romantic?

                        Okay..define romance for me someone!

                        What about that head touching in Rising....

                        And the sexual tension in HOT ZONE!

                        and *sighs* That KISS in Conversion...okay, not romantic..yes...I know...but it was SOMETHING, more than just friends....

                        and what about TLG...that, he cares for you more than you know...THAT WAS NOT ROMANTIC?

                        Oy, and season 3...I"m with Stephi...was it Stephie that wrote this....please forgive me if I made a mistake....yes, I"m sure it was Stephie....John and Teyla have been there all along....and season 3 although sort of a reset button to display their relationship again...clearly showed that the writers are going with these two...and I agree with their heated moments, you not only see how they feel about each other...I'd go a step see just how much they trust each other and how much they rely on each other to be able to express themselves like that to each other.....

                        very coupleish of them! LOL

                        okay...gotta go....

                        Came to life eh…well I have to agree. When Teyla first came into sight for him all of a sudden, out of no where, a light started radiating from his eyes. It was if he had been asleep all his life and had finally awakened upon seeing her.

                        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                        Your welcome LC..

                        To me, John and Teyla always seemed destined to be together, from the first moment they set eyes on each other - so my wallie for today is



                        It's an absolute beauty blue.
                        And I'm in agreement with you--they're destiny; they were portrayed as such from the very beginning.

                        Whenever, Where ever, Whatever, I'll risk life and limb when it comes to you.
                        Pretty Sig by Annie Shep.


                          As requested by Black Panther.....

                          Popcorn scene!

                          Large caps...under spoiler....Hide and Seek Caps all taken from


                          Inspired by Black Panther's quote...not my best, but it will do...and I had a hard time deciding which cap but this one, I loved because their expressions are so all of them really, but I liked this one the best! If youl look at their eyes and their mouths, it's almost identical...I'm always amazed at how Joe and Rachel do this without them even knowing it, I"m sure!

                          Hope you all newbies like it!



                            Camy - Great the popcorn scene... and a great pic for our newbies..
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Great caps Camy - love those scenes...


                                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                                As requested by Black Panther.....

                                Popcorn scene!

                                Large caps...under spoiler....Hide and Seek Caps all taken from


                                Inspired by Black Panther's quote...not my best, but it will do...and I had a hard time deciding which cap but this one, I loved because their expressions are so all of them really, but I liked this one the best! If youl look at their eyes and their mouths, it's almost identical...I'm always amazed at how Joe and Rachel do this without them even knowing it, I"m sure!

                                Hope you all newbies like it!

                                Love these caps - some of my fav for S1. And the wallie is wonderful

                                New sig huh?? Liking that too

