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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Welcome Echo !!

    I love your comments and really hope to see you delurk more often. Nice to see new J/T supporters and to hear what attracted them to J/T.


    Nice to see you pop in again -

    What attracted me to John and Teyla.....

    Well I have never shipped for anyone before so it certaintly wasnt something I was actively looking for. I have to get to know the characters first and see if they draw me in - I instantly liked John and Teylas characters. I guess the very first time they met in the tent there was something there between them almost immediately. The cave scene kinda stood out for me - it was just so natural and beautiful - like it was the most natural thing in the world for this kinda adorkable military guy to put a necklace around the neck of a women he had just met - and she didnt object - or try to put it on herself - she seemed almost spellbound for a moment.

    That moment passed and we were back to the action so no thoughts of - OMG those those two make a lovely couple - nope didnt even go there at that time. Enjoyed the rest of season one without thinking too much about any shippy moments at all. I did get the distinct feeling that John was attracted to Teyla and she cared deeply about him too. Johns faith and trust in Teyla stood out for me - again why did he put so much faith in her - when he basically knew very little about her. Once again I put it down to this amazing connection they had - almost like they knew and trusted each other - and no explanation was necessary. I never saw anything like this at all between John and ELizabeth - I saw them as collegues who innitially had
    very different viewpoints, but came to trust each other more with time and developed a nice friendship - but again sorry - never saw anything romantic between them at all - and when I joined this board towards the end of eason two, I was really surprised to see that some saw them in a romantic way.

    John and Teyla's relationship was just a slow building up of friendship and getting to know each other more - but it was more than just friendship to me - there was always something else there beneath the surface - a sexual tension if you like, and it was evident in leaps and bounds when they sparred. This to me was two people who were definitely attracted to each other, but holding back and this is why I believe that when John kissed Teyla in Conversion - his holding back abilities had been effected. There was just too much passion in that kiss to disprove that he had indeed feelings for Teyla. Why was it Teyla he kissed - why not Elizabeth when he was in the room with her - if he harboured feelings for her. To me those feelings were always there, just surpressed and the retro virus let them loose.

    Season three though shows just how much they both mean to each other and that they are actually getting to know each other on a deeper level. Teyla is the only one who has ever gotten through to John - she has caused him to drop those emotional barries and reveal more of himself - not anyone else on Atlantis has been able to do that. I dont see him going there with Elizabeth because he has never had that connection with her - she is his boss and friend, and sure they banter like all good friends do, but that is where it has always ended.

    With Teyla he has taken it further - he has opened himself up more to her and we see the real John Sheppard and what lies beneath the mask. Again he is comfortable enough with Teyla to let her see this side of him - and she seems to know him better than anyone else. She reaches out to him, not just about work related issues but about how John really feels. They both care for each other more than just on a professioanl level. John IMO has always gone the extra mile for Teyla - he will put his life at risk for any one of them - but that is his job - but with Teyla it is more personal and that is always how I have seen John and Teyla. They have connected on a more personal level from the very first moment they met, and there is so much more going on between them than meets the eye -
    Ronan is now even aware that there is something between them. But I dont need Ronan to point out what I have seen all along.
    To me they have such a beautiful chemisty and they are always at ease with one another.

    So I guess I have always seen something different between John and Teyla that I have never seen between anyone else. There are lots of lovely friendships on the show but J/T are the only couple for me that share something more and I am really enjoying seeing their connection play out on screen.

    I hope my ramblings have explained why I see John and Teyla - but have a look at LC's and Nina's videos - I think the videos explain it much better.


      Just a few small things for me...

      firstly, kudos on the in depth posts guys! J/T's = smart!

      finally saw 'Sunday' and after I bawled my eyes out for Carson I remembered that people were talking about how Teyla didn't get to go to Earth (I'm not saying it was here... I can't remember where) BUT I thought about it and perhaps Teyla did go, we just didn't see it. After all Weir didn't go through the gate with the coffin but I'd bet she went to Carson's funeral, same goes with Teyla.

      About the 'what made you become a J/T fan?' thing. I can't remember who said it, and I'm too lazy to scroll up I'm in a rush, but whoever said they watched season 1 before coming online etc.. that's the same for me. I didn't know anything about there being 'other ships' I always jsut knew that it was John and Teyla

      Oh, one last giggle thing. I watch SGA and SG-1 with my 15 year old cousin. Now my 11 year old cousin wanted in on it and so he watched my seasons 1&2 DVD's etc, with my uncle. So the 11 year old came upto me the other day and stated that John and Teyla were in love. Then last night we were all watching 'Sateda' and my uncle turned to me and said "Have they gotton together yet?" in the scene on the deddy

      awesome sig by Camy!
      Sheppard/Teyla LiveJournal


        Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
        Oh Nina, this is absolutelyl GORGEOUS!! Now that is a vid! Puts my ugly slideshow to shame, LOL! But seriously, I think this one is my favorite one of yours so far. The editing was really good and the music so haunting. I love that song! And the clips just matched so well...created such a longing mood. Wonderful!!!!

        Thank you so much!
        *lol* Steph,,,what do you mean put your ugly slidshow to shame,,,girl I watched that video and I love it...the slow sweet song put together with lovely moments between our favorite couple... it just goes to show just how all these moments adds up to a wonderful, beautiful pairing that has grown over 3 thanks for sharing....

        Now...thank you so much for the feedback for my video... I love that song too by Enya and thought it could work with J/T... since the music is a calm one I tried making the clips a little slower at most times and chose clips that showed moments between them without all the action...didn't feel that would work *lol*

        Thank you so much again...
        Sigs by Scifan


          Originally posted by NubianQueen View Post
          Nina, I would like to state that it was a lovely J/T video. I especially loved the ending. Watching Teyla on the stretcher wounded and then it cuts to John's worried expression, struck a cord in me. I love Enya and the song fit beautifully. Thank you for sharing.

          Thank you so much for you feedback NQ.... ah yes the stretcher scene...cut it like that so I felt it would work better like she was looking up seeing him standing there,,even though in the show it's actually not him she is seeing but cutting work can make wonders I guess...

          Thanks again...
          Sigs by Scifan


            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
            Once again Nina wonderful job - like I've said to LC watching these beautiful videos just sum up why I love our beautiful duo so much. No one for me comes close to the amazing connection they have with each other. I love Enya and the song was just perfect - haunting and beautiful. The pace of the video and the music really acentuated the intensity between John and Teyla. The connection between them is so strong that each time they look at each other, its like they are looking into each other's souls. God, I'm sounding really mushy now.

            But great job again and thanks so much for sharing your wonderful talent with us.
            Thank you so much blue... yeah I did have to try and make the pace of the clips work with such a slow and calm would never work for me with action clips in it..*lol*

            No no not sounding mushy,,, I feel like that too... the intense looks they have between eachother,,,it's as you say they look into eachothers souls... the connection they have is so strong and I'm glad it can be seen in the videos...

            I'm having already another idea for a J/T video,,,all I have to do now is find the time to make it...

            Thanks again...
            Sigs by Scifan


              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
              Okay I'm going to bed soon since once again it's almost 4.30 in the morning...darn these videos *lol* Anyway....

              Welcome to Echo...hope you will continue to enjoy it here...

              And then the reason for this post...
              I made my second J/T's finally I'm putting up links to it...

              Once again thank you so much for all that gave me feedback for my first J/T video I posted last week...I hope you will enjoy this one as well...
              I have another idea for another one,,just have to find the time I guess
              So here we go...


              John & Teyla #2 (May It Be)

              Let you FB on STFever, but wanted to let you know again, what a great job you did w/this vid. I loved the music, so fitting.

              Thanks for sharing,


                Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                Hey guys!

                I just finished a new video for one of Anna's challenges in the STF J/T Birthday Bash Party! I didn't have time to make a "real" video, so made this simple one instead. It's some of my favorite J/T moments in chronological and episodic order. It's long and a bit boring, but perhaps you can keep yourself entertained by playing the "Name that Episode" game, LOL! Each episode is separated by a black fade transition and again are all in order of how they aired.

                This is my answer to Anna's challenge word, "Forever." Sorry it's so late, Anna!!! I've been working as fast as I can all last night after work and all day today. It's a simple one, but still took me 12 hours to make. But compared to my usual 30-40 hours for a vid, not bad! I'm just pathetically slow. *headdesk* LOL!

                It's called "Love Is" to the song "Love" by Kenny Loggins and can be found here:


                As always you underestimate you talent Steph - LOL. Your vid was a wonderful montage of great JT moments, who can have too much of that . Hopefully, the next few eps and S4 will add to our gallery of memories.

                Thanks for sharing,


                  Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
                  Let you FB on STFever, but wanted to let you know again, what a great job you did w/this vid. I loved the music, so fitting.

                  Thanks for sharing,
                  Thank you so much Cyn.... I'm glad that you enjoyed it....

                  I was rather pleased with the result this time..however the other one has grown on me since the first time *lol*

                  Thanks again..
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by DANIquinn View Post
                    Hey guys! Just popping in to share my new John/Teyla vid with those who would enjoy it the most. Hope you like it. ^_^

                    Hi Dani
                    Loved the vid and the song had such a feel of longing to it alot like that of our pair. Thanks for sharing. And by the way - love your sig.



                      Woohoo. Three vids to download.
                      Originally posted by BlowersGate
                      PS : If you don't mind me asking, I'd like to know what made you guys J/T shippers in the first place, how you sensed the chemistry between these two! ( because I'm watching season 1 and 2 again, and I'd like to get the different interpretations, because being open about some things is the best way to avoid getting carried away - for no rational reason -.
                      Letters From Pegasus, first pass.

                      Then as I began to view the season one DVD, which might have been the second time for most of the eps, the third time for a few favs like 38 Minutes and The Eye.

                      Scenes like the cave scene in Rising made me sit up and go, "Hey!" This was before I got online or very, very shortly after I did. I thought it was nice as one of the undercurrents of the series and I thought "praise to the writers" for sneaking it in there. As I got more involved online, I read insider comments that the undercurrent was intended. Still very much invested in seeing the writers finish what was started.

                      Different topic:
                      As for my thoughts about people who announce they'll leave if they don't get their storyline, or if a fav character leaves, that's just being human, IMO.

                      Viewers abandon TV shows every day. That's why ratings go down and go up. Also my opinion. Last season, I followed shows that had some promise. This season, I dropped more than a few because they became cliche, or backtracked, or are now over-the-top.

                      Atlantis, like any other show, is entertainment and we viewers all know what we want and what we like. After watching the way this forum has been reacting since August, I'm beginning to believe the only difference between saying you're leaving before you stop watching the show or just leaving (quietly) is whether or not you think someone in hearing-- or typing --distance is going to care.

                      Me, I'll probably never type "I'm outta here if" in an online forum for any show.

                      Some email friends know what will, for me, ruin this experience as entertainment and what will make me move on, but I'm not into the wailing publicly beforehand.

                      Others like to share more than I do with likeminded members of the forum and more power to them.

                      A big bug. Good lord. Are they serious? AND Michael, too. What a treat. But a big bug? I am so psyched to see how a real ep thinks a big Iratus bug looks. Plus, I like the dark eps. It's dark, has Michael, a big bug ... but, alas, no Carson. Almost perfect.

                      Looking forward to the new ep. Not so much to First Strike, but mainly because it's the last first-run ep for a long while.

                      Withdrawal is no fun.


                        NINA i watched your vids and they are both beautiful. The music was moving too. making your next one yet


                          Originally posted by obsessed1 View Post
                          NINA i watched your vids and they are both beautiful. The music was moving too. making your next one yet
                          Thank you so much for the feedback O1....
                          Glad you liked them both... thought that since everything that is going on I'll send you the links so you didn't have to go looking for them or thinking what did I miss... *lol*

                          Next one...hrmm demanding much *lol* well I have an idea for the third J/T video...but I just have to find the time when I'm off work... but I'll get to it don't worry...

                          Thanks again... and good luck in London for the next two coming weeks...
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            NINA and LOVECONQUERS i watched both of your vids and theyre both excellent!! well done!!

                            cant wait for more J/T videos to come!!



                              Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                              NINA and LOVECONQUERS i watched both of your vids and theyre both excellent!! well done!!

                              cant wait for more J/T videos to come!!
                              Thank you so much Roo.... I'm glad that you enjoyed it...

                              Like I told O1... I'm having an idea of what I want to do with my third J/T video... it will be delivered at some point just have to find the time to make it I guess *lol*

                              Thanks again..
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Thx to all who answered my question, now I've got a better idea of how you guys got into J/T. I even watched a couple of vids, you guys are very talented. It's amazing how people put so much energy into something like a ship ( I know what I'm talking about, 5 years ago I would have never thought I'd make a vid ! ). As for my own opinion on J/T, I'm just gonna say that I think they are soul mates in a way ( hey ! I can't give up on my sparky just yet lol ^^ ). I think deep down for me it'll always be S/W but I like the J/T shippers a lot and I can totally live with J and T together. So, we just need to remember that all of this is about having fun, I think shipping as a bonus can be a salvation sometimes ! So keep up the good work guys and have fun as always ^^ Remember : Teylatown or Teylaland vs Elizabethtown ^^ I you didn't get what I just meant; I was talking about the episode The Game.


