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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by gatinha View Post
    It's Been Awhile Since My Last Post... The Wallpapers, The Calendar, The Vids, The Pics...i Think You Guys Are So Great...
    I Love To Watch J/t Vids ...they Captured Really Sweet Moment Between John And Teyla...lovely
    Great to see you here again...

    Yeah I have to agree with you on that...there are some truly great talent here ,,,, and I love it too
    Sigs by Scifan


      Originally posted by Camy View Post
      Ah thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

      And what do i think? HA

      What do you think i think? I am of the opinion that they are absolutely fantastic. That the marchandise people have hired completely the wrong designer or artist for their official calendar. And that Camy is a treasure. I think that about sums it up.

      I like them all, but particularly April, May, June, August, September, November and December.

      Oh and cheers for the Fic Rec too, don't know when i'm going to fit that in today, 26 hour days'd be helpful at the minute.

      As regards the convo on what Joe wants for J/T and how the ptb are going about progressing the relationship. Well i don't think i have an Ice Hotel's chance in hell of putting it as well as you have done or Nina, and too it'd sound like a rehash. I'll say this however.

      Though i might find some things the writers hvae done rather annoying, and i might not have always been so forthright in this beleif, but i do now think that how the pace and manner and how they are developing John and Teyla's relationshipm to be near perfect if it continues on its current course.

      They could have given in to impatience and been more impulsive long ago, but then the subtle progression of what John and Teyla have in their friendship into something even stronger, would've been lost. Thinking back over Season 3, Irresponsible, Sateda, Phantoms, The Return, The Ark, Sunday, all these and more. Would we sacrifice these moments and the depth of feeling involved, what it meant for J/T, how they view each other and what they share and what they now have? I think not.

      I've been watching Stargate since SG-1's pilot aired here in the UK, oh years ago now, and their friendship let alone where it may lead in the future, it is utterly unique. And some may not agree with me here and i intend no offence in what i say, but not just unique but also the strongest.

      The respective characters have remained true to themselves and as heen said, this might not have been so otherwise. If it isn't done right, is it truly worth it?

      I do remember it being said that Joe tries to influence the writers and with some success, that is why there is particular enthusiasm for S4. With both him and Rachel having sucha close input, we can only be confident that it is being approached in a way that they agree with and i think us in turn also.
      Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 21 March 2007, 10:01 AM.


        Wow, Camy, those calendars are beautiful!



          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
          I'm really looking forward to season 4....

          I do think that Joe has a problem with the suger sweet kind of love...but other then that doesn't seem to have a problem with it...not from what I could gather from his talk at the Expo or his latest interview...he liked the struggle , the friction, being in love but not showing it full out... and at some point it feels like John has that with Teyla... feelings but not showing it full blown out in the open...well we'll see I guess what the future will bring...BUT I have enjoyed their wonderful scenes together in season 3...and hope for many more in season 4...

          And I hope to meet Joe again someday too...would love to meet Rachel too...
          I'm booked for who know..he might be there....and maybe Rachel...but we'll see...
          Joe seems like he is interested in a relalionship with some substance and that is great to hear. Season three handled this wonderfully and I loved the slow and subtle build up we got between John and Teyla. Their relationship is coming along at a very nice pace. Its clear to see how much they really care about each other and how concerned they get when the other is hurt or in danger.

          I'm looking forward to seeing this continue in season four and will be very happy to see them becoming even closer. I think its obvious how much they care for one another but it will take a while before either of them admit any feelings. It will be interesting to see what is involved in Teyla's arc and how John will be involved. She is really his closest friend and confidant as well. He has never opened up to anyone the way he has to Teyla. They seem to always lean on each other.

          The tpb definitely are acknowleding John and Teyla and Ronan's statement to John in Sunday was a huge sign that they are still very much of track with John and Teyla. After listening to Joe's commentary on Rising last night he sounded quite excited talking about his potential romantic interest between Sheppard and Teyla.

          So I believe that John and Teyla have been the intended love interest on the show from the start and season three make it crystal clear to me that they are very much on track in that regard so it will be interesting to see how far they take it in season four (though we may have a little glitch due to Shep and Carter having their little fling )


            I agree...season 3 has been wonderful...for me it so much more realistic when they move the relationship slowly forward...showing them attracted to eachother, trusting eachother, standing up for eachtoher, flirting, and then move slowly over to an even stronger bond between them...

            I haven't seen John open up to anyone else the way he has with Teyla...I feel he can be himself around her,,,he doesn't have to hide behind his cool flyboy facade.. and he has in season 3 let himself open his heart to her,, letting her know how he feels and she has also been the one firsthand to see his past demons... he doesn't hide from her... they have been there for eachother ever since the beginning...

            Ronon is around them all the time..and seems to spend a lot of time with they as been noted... so he if anyone gets to see just how close John and Teyla is... and it's also so telling he knows ... since look at what he did in The Return 1 when J/T said goodbye...
            Then take Sunday...the talk between Ronon and Sheppard... and then look at him in First Strike when he sees John squirm and not knowing what to say to Teyla... so yes the guy sees what is going on and knows it well that he is atleast calling John on it *lol*

            Truly looking forward to see season 4 and what is in store for our favorite couple...
            Sigs by Scifan


              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
              I agree...season 3 has been wonderful...for me it so much more realistic when they move the relationship slowly forward...showing them attracted to eachother, trusting eachother, standing up for eachtoher, flirting, and then move slowly over to an even stronger bond between them...

              I haven't seen John open up to anyone else the way he has with Teyla...I feel he can be himself around her,,,he doesn't have to hide behind his cool flyboy facade.. and he has in season 3 let himself open his heart to her,, letting her know how he feels and she has also been the one firsthand to see his past demons... he doesn't hide from her... they have been there for eachother ever since the beginning...

              Ronon is around them all the time..and seems to spend a lot of time with they as been noted... so he if anyone gets to see just how close John and Teyla is... and it's also so telling he knows ... since look at what he did in The Return 1 when J/T said goodbye...
              Then take Sunday...the talk between Ronon and Sheppard... and then look at him in First Strike when he sees John squirm and not knowing what to say to Teyla... so yes the guy sees what is going on and knows it well that he is atleast calling John on it *lol*

              Truly looking forward to see season 4 and what is in store for our favorite couple...

              I think season four is going to bring us lots of great John and Teyla moments so to celebrate our beautiful couple ...

              A J/T walllie.


              First Strike John Wallie..



                Blue - Great wallie on John...and love the J/T one...great color and texture...their simply so beautiful together...
                Sigs by Scifan


                  Originally posted by Doxymom View Post
                  Wow, Camy, those calendars are beautiful!

                  Thanks hon! How's Jack?

                  Nick...Thank You! I spent more time on that calendar than the JT, take that for what it's worth....but certainly JT is very special....

                  Donna...Wendy...I come bearing gifts....I hope you like at least one of them...I don't know...I think I should take a break...they all look the same to me! LOL

                  Blue...those last two wallies are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.....

                  And I love the convo...I think you all know how I feel about it...and Nick...I love how you word it...and I was trying to write just that....if Teyla and John were together by now...we wouldn't have the moments that we have now....and that is more important...I guess for me, it's I don't want it to be on the last episode of the show that I finally get to see them happily ever after...I hate that cliche! I want to see them really struggle together..but at some point acknowledging their feelings.......I think it can be done subtly, but it can be done...I don't like how they did Sam and Carter..they started something really good but in the end, it got tiring for me and unrealistic....No one waits for someone that doesn't make sense to me...but I could be wrong....the waiting and the tension can only last for so long before one or the other moves on...I think DM put it very nicely one time..considering the lives that John and Teyla live in Atlantis, it's only natural that at some point they want more...and if they finally do it at the end of the show...well, for me, it won't be the same...but I think I'm just going to have to accept it....LOL

                  All snaggable...I was trying to come up with some phrases, funny ones, but I really stink at this!



                    Hi All, been lurking for awhile now. One of the things I am hoping is that a J/T relationship will give some insights into Athosion culture and also Teyla's personal history, eg John asking about Teyla's family, John doing something he thinks is sweet but it turns out to be offensive or means something different in Teyla's culture.


                      Originally posted by shrap View Post
                      Hi All, been lurking for awhile now. One of the things I am hoping is that a J/T relationship will give some insights into Athosion culture and also Teyla's personal history, eg John asking about Teyla's family, John doing something he thinks is sweet but it turns out to be offensive or means something different in Teyla's culture.

                      WELCOME SHRAP!!
                      I'm sure you will enjoy the banter here. Lots of fun, talented people and like you I'm hoping we see more about Teyla's history and culture w/S4. And yes it would be great to see John pull a mixup...would make for some good JT fun

                      Welcome again,


                        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                        I think season four is going to bring us lots of great John and Teyla moments so to celebrate our beautiful couple ...

                        A J/T walllie.


                        First Strike John Wallie..

                        Wonderful wallies, Blue


                          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                          I think season four is going to bring us lots of great John and Teyla moments so to celebrate our beautiful couple ...

                          A J/T walllie.


                          First Strike John Wallie..

                          love the wallies blue they are wonderful same with your banners camy wonderful work


                            Originally posted by shrap View Post
                            Hi All, been lurking for awhile now. One of the things I am hoping is that a J/T relationship will give some insights into Athosion culture and also Teyla's personal history, eg John asking about Teyla's family, John doing something he thinks is sweet but it turns out to be offensive or means something different in Teyla's culture.
                            Welcome shrap

                            Hope yuou delurk more often..

                            I would love to see something like that too. John tries to do something really nice for Teyla and it turns out to be something that is considered rude or offensive in her culture. That could be really interesting. Poor John would then have to try and make ammends.
                            It would be great to see more of the Athosian culture and Teyla's ways - maybe the arc she is getting in season four may shed more light on her culture.


                              Originally posted by Camy View Post
                              Thanks hon! How's Jack?

                              Nick...Thank You! I spent more time on that calendar than the JT, take that for what it's worth....but certainly JT is very special....

                              Donna...Wendy...I come bearing gifts....I hope you like at least one of them...I don't know...I think I should take a break...they all look the same to me! LOL

                              Blue...those last two wallies are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.....

                              And I love the convo...I think you all know how I feel about it...and Nick...I love how you word it...and I was trying to write just that....if Teyla and John were together by now...we wouldn't have the moments that we have now....and that is more important...I guess for me, it's I don't want it to be on the last episode of the show that I finally get to see them happily ever after...I hate that cliche! I want to see them really struggle together..but at some point acknowledging their feelings.......I think it can be done subtly, but it can be done...I don't like how they did Sam and Carter..they started something really good but in the end, it got tiring for me and unrealistic....No one waits for someone that doesn't make sense to me...but I could be wrong....the waiting and the tension can only last for so long before one or the other moves on...I think DM put it very nicely one time..considering the lives that John and Teyla live in Atlantis, it's only natural that at some point they want more...and if they finally do it at the end of the show...well, for me, it won't be the same...but I think I'm just going to have to accept it....LOL

                              All snaggable...I was trying to come up with some phrases, funny ones, but I really stink at this!

                              These are all beautiful Camy


                                hey shrap welcome to the thread hope you stick around as this is a really great thread
                                Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana

