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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
    Just noticed that we have passed the 300,000 hits on our thread.

    Using my 500th post to say WOOHOO as well!!! LOL! Very cool!! You're so good about noticing stuff like that Blue! I'm not that observant I guess, LOL!

    Go J/T!!!
    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


      Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post
      ok before i skip out for the day....

      Just saw this on GW...

      Atlantis writer explores "Sunday"

      So a few important things I thought was interesting

      1.Some of their relationships will be a revelation, and some will just be as expected.= So we get Katie Brown back and from a comment by Mckay it sounds as though they going out still. Also, revelation, Teyla's big secret love. This is letting me be a little more optimistic that it's John.

      2.It'll also, I think, be a big 'ship' episode. So what are we looking at here, the optimist in me is saying that it'll be the Teyla comment, then again the pessimist in me is saying that it's either the team relationships, or Weir's relationship with the scientist. up her[Weir] relationship with Teyla= woohoo...about time!....don't know how disappointed i'll be yet if it doesn't work out exactly like i'd like.

      I'm sorry, but I can't help but get excited about this episode.

      I take big 'ship' episode to mean primary, as in main, as in John/Elizabeth or John/Teyla. SO if Elizabeth is on a date with a scientist, J/T it is! I'm hoping this will be the episode where John realizes his feelings for Teyla. Of course, it's rumored that only the audience will know, but I just want them to acknowledge a particular ship. After that, I could care less if it took them 50....urr..5.... okay, a couple of years to get together. As long as I see some flirting, a kiss here and there, and an occasional hint of jealousy - I'm a happy girl.


        Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
        Oh I know, I don't dare expect too much either! Especially with all the latest comments indicating we'll continue to see more tension rather than any sort of fulfillment. But either way, I'm excited to see this scene in Sunday!

        Just the fact that they are having Teyla admit FEELINGS is a huge step!!! Even if they don't tell us who it is, LOL! We'll all know who the mysterious "him" is! But oh yes, it will be definitely interesting to see what the fan reaction as to who this "someone" is! I suppose most will either think John or Ronon. Not to hard to figure out how that opinion will be split up.
        I agree Steph, in fact the article mentioned that S3 was showing a softer side of the Athosian leader. We have seen this so far in S3 and I think we continue to see more.

        I too have never understood the S/W ship. I love the S/W moments, but I have never seen them as sexual. Not once. It was established immediately in episode one that Elizabeth had a boyfriend. In fact, the original plan was to have Simon be her husband. I even thought he was her husband for all of season one until I came online during season two. What would that say about her character if we are to believe she leaves him and immediately starts flirting with the first handsome guy she encounters on her mission? That is not her way at all. She was devasted when Simon broke up with her. And I love this loyalty in her. I don't believe for one moment he strayed from her thoughts during season one. And we saw she still thought of him even in season three. And since Simon, she has been fighting the idea that it is inappropriate for her to develop feelings for anyone given her position. This is why I think Sunday will be such a huge character revelation moment for her. But about John? No, sorry. John and Teyla have been meant since the start, as established in Rising and as continued throughout the last three years.

        Again, I agree with Steph. The death of Simon was what supposely sent Liz over the edge in TRW. This is 3 years down the road. If Simon wasn't still someone she cared for dearly why would the nanites pull on her fears of losing him?

        As the author of this latest article said, "Another relationship which seems to be progressing is that of Teyla and John Sheppard. The will they/won't they couple have shared many an intimate moment since their first meeting" and "...her character, who has often hinted at having strong feelings for the heroic Sheppard.." TPTB, the actors, and even the authors of Stargate Magazine have often acknowledged the deliberate tension between John and Teyla. The big unknown at this point is how far will they go. That is what has me nervous more than anything else. I really hope we will someday see that fulfillment, even if it is in the final episode!

        I too got from that article that the writer of it
        was very pro JT. It was also my impression that although Racheal was hoping for a love interest possibly outside the main character frame that it would only be short term in other to give the fans some insight into Teyla as a *woman* not just the leader. I also think, as was already mentioned, that this would also be a way to bring John to the realization that maybe he should push the relationship forward(I've done it in my fics).
        As for Sunday I have high hopes for it and the Ark, but we will see what we will see.



          Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
          I'm sorry, but I can't help but get excited about this episode.

          I take big 'ship' episode to mean primary, as in main, as in John/Elizabeth or John/Teyla. SO if Elizabeth is on a date with a scientist, J/T it is! I'm hoping this will be the episode where John realizes his feelings for Teyla. Of course, it's rumored that only the audience will know, but I just want them to acknowledge a particular ship. After that, I could care less if it took them 50....urr..5.... okay, a couple of years to get together. As long as I see some flirting, a kiss here and there, and an occasional hint of jealousy - I'm a happy girl.

          For various reasons I have been Stargate free for over a month but what a nice thing to come back the article about 'Sunday' Witchy...thanks for the link!

          I love devine's thinking...My thoughts were mirroring the exact thing when I read the article...

          Hmmm...I'm getting back into shipper mode!

          Hope everyone had a great holiday and is getting ready for New Years!


            Hey gang, I hate to change horses here in the middle of the stream, but I never made any comments concerning the Game.


            First - It will not be one of my fav eps but not one the worst either(The Tower has that honor).
            Second - When the leaders of the respective villages are pull together for a talk I noted going back thru caps on the gallery thread that Teyla is at the head of the table - the way Weir would be. I felt through out this that she would be the calm amongst the storm of chaos created by Shep/McKay. Which leads to ...
            Third - I think because of Teyla's cool, level-headness it made sense for John to take Teyla with him. I think he knew and it was evident in a scene when the commander of his village asked him or said that he would have made the same decision as himself. I think John knew he couldn't handle the situation w/out bias and he needed Teyla there as always to keep him straight. But that just MO.



              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
              Just noticed that we have passed the 300,000 hits on our thread.

              WOOOHOOOO !!!

              THANKS BA,


                can anyone who was around the forum during Conversion tell me how the kiss was received by on-line fans? I'd heard about it long before I saw it. Conversion was an ep that I missed first run and had to see on DVD. If it was causing contraversy as recently as a few weeks ago, was it lively around here last year? I heard Joe say people don't know what they want and thought about it much later, when I was trying to make sense of the Irresponsible reaction. If the PTB don't understand the Irresponsible reaction, is it possible they don't know why on-line fans are conflicted about the Conversion kiss, and that the conflict has way more to do with the way the kiss was filmed than the fact that "it happened"? I wasn't around then, so I'm looking forward to any and all comments!
                Here's a link to that famous kiss. You decide.




                  ooohhh...i get to see the kiss first hand tomorrow!!! My season 2 boxset has come into the store, yay!!

                  300,000!!! WOOHOOO
                  -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                  Thanks Camy!!


                    Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                    Using my 500th post to say WOOHOO as well!!! LOL! Very cool!! You're so good about noticing stuff like that Blue! I'm not that observant I guess, LOL!

                    Go J/T!!!

                    Congratulations on 500 posts LC.


                      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                      Ohh, now that sounds HOT! I would've killed for a scene like that between John and Teyla in season one!!!

                      I've never seen Torchwood, but maybe I'll have to check it out! You've intrigued me now, LOL!
                      <Doxy looks around for PTB and whispers...> youtube. I believe it's the very end of part 4 and first couple of minutes of part 5. I may also be able to find a fan vid of the whole scene unbroken.



                        Sunday definitely sounds like an interesting episode..

                        it sounds like it is a character ep and we will get to see an emotional side to all of the characters and hopefully a little bit more on what makes them tick, and how much they mean to one another. It has lots of possibilities and is the perfect opportunity to take us a little step further in John and Teylas relationship. I would love to see John make some acknowledgement to Teyla that he has feelings for her. If nothing else happens between them for quite some time as least we know that he does care for her (I know we know he does but it would be great to see it come from the horses mouth. I have seen John/Teyla from the very first moment they met and the incredible connection was there between them from the start. The ptb have always acknowledged the sexual tension between J/T and it looks like they are continuing on the path they always intended. Its wonderful to see that the Stargate Magazine is also pointing out that the J/T relationship has been growing. I am with evreryone else about never seeing anything between S/W. There is zero sexual chemistry between them - they are great friends and i enjoy the banter but you only have to look at John's body language to see that he has no interest at all romantically in Weir. When he carried her to the infirmary - did he even stop by her bed and tenderly hold her hand if he was so upset that she had fainted - no he headed straight over to Teyla and the look on his face when he realised how ill she was just summed up to me which woman he was worried about.


                          This is kinda OT, but I was looking at the Rachel/Teyla WOW Thread and there's this picture of Joe looking at Rachel, but she's looking at something else. It's just too cute. *gushes over Joe* Aren't they so cute together?!?


                          Okay, girly gush out of the way......back to topic.


                            Hey everyone...I hope everyone had a merry Christmas....I am know really looking forward to sunday... i can't keep stop jumping in my sit w/ it excitment!!!


                              Originally posted by jtjaforever

                              Here's a link to that famous kiss. You decide.


                              Lol, I've seen the kiss a gazillion times.

                              I started out thinking of the kiss one way, but I had immediate access to the DVD commentary and did a quick reversal based on the comments. I'm in the "it was hot" club now, but I wasn't always. For me (not saying it's true of everyone), but for me, it was more of my personal filter in the way than the way it was filmed.

                              I was wondering if the PTB "fans want unresolved tension" over "resolution" comment was a result of some activity in online fandom around the time of Conversion's airing.

                              I saw that a Stargate writer came on board during Irresponsible's earthquake. Not that I think TPTB pay all that much attention to online fandom, but I do see how the displaced oxygen around Irresponsible got their attention.

                              I was wondering if Conversion caused the same tremor but apparently it didn't. Which is good.

                              A apologize if this is long.

                              About Sunday and the rest of season 3 ...
                              I'm thinking there's no way I'm going to be able to relax until this ep airs. Why does it feel like Stargate insiders are all hinting big changes are ahead? I've ignored so much in the interest of holding it together, but it's starting to feel like season 3's final eps will make some important ripples.

                              I agree about S/W. It never occurred to me.

                              I've always taken the character of Weir very seriously. No uniform but she's got Hammond's job, she's the Atlantis version of Landry and Hammond. Only no one ever gives Hammond or Landry the back of their hand, like Sumner gave Weir in Rising. With that said, for her to go for Sheppard (who reports to her) would be like General Hammond falling for a subordinate officer in SGC. I never saw it. Nothing in Stargate makes me remotely concerned the writers would numb half her brain in this fashion. Even if she dreamed about Sheppard every night, and according to the present direction of the show she does not, she didn't wake up after her eighteenth birthday and get handed the job as base commander of Atlantis. She's written as a pro with a career in command. Yes, she's a civilian, but she gives Sheppard orders, she got him on the expedition (Rising) and she could have helped him off the expedition (Intruder). She got him his present rank (Intruder) and she writes his fitness reports. End of story. Can't happen in RL. Isn't happening in Stargate, IMO, without a major, major direction change and some mighty odd stuff, none of which we have yet seen ... and all of which cancels what's gone before.

                              For me, what's gone before is this. Disclaimer: this is absolutely my opinion. The connection between John and Teyla in Rising, the episode that introduced John, Teyla, and Weir to Atlantis, was there for a reason. At the same time, we're given Teyla's credentials as a leader in her own right, a civilian who chooses alliance (friendship) with the Earthers. She becomes part of John's team at his invitation. However, he can't eject her from Atlantis or end the Earth / Athosian alliance. Only Weir, SGC, and the IOA can do that. Thus, there are no dependency issues. I see John and Teyla more as equals than not, even though she follows his orders (most of the time) in the field. Through the writing, she gets a unique strength that makes her, IMO, heroic. John and Teyla's combined presence in a scene can make for unpredictable viewing, such as LFP, Conversion, and Irresponsible ...
                              and Teyla's determined resistance in Irresponsible to John's course of action.
                              There's zero fallout in the show about Teyla having a difference of opinion with Sheppard because there's no feeling through the writing that she has to do everything he says.

                              I did come to see this platform (for JT) as intended by the writers. For SW to have a chance, some tweaking in the characters' dynamics (job descriptions, for one) would have been necessary at the beginning. Makes no sense otherwise.

                              Without doing my usual ep & scene list, this'll be my story and I'm stickin'to it!


                                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                                Congratulations on 500 posts LC.
                                Thanks Blue!!!!! Here's to many more!

                                Thanks Anna!!!!! How's baby doing by the way? Everyone getting over all the sickness floating around? I've been sick for the past two months myself...not fun! (Sinus infection, strep, sinus infection again, now some kind of chest cold..Argh!) I just want to be able to breathe again! I hope your family is getting better!

                                We were talking in STF today and a reminder came up about another Rachel interview that I had completely forgotten about!!! I even have it saved on my computer, but still forgot about it, LOL! It's an audio interview that Rachel did for Digital Spy. It's only 50 seconds long, but in one part, she comments, "There's an angle that's being touched on right about love interests that been toyed at for the last few seasons..." I posted this here at the time it came out, but then promptly forgot about it!
                                So this, in combination with all the other recent news, gets me really excited for Sunday and these other eps coming up (Ark, Submersion)!!!! AH!!! Can't wait!

                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

