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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Gigajules
    Something that's been bugging me with regard to that whole confessing of feelings bit...

    Just because he says something about his feelings for Teyla and she doesn't hear it doesn't mean that she's unconscious. Maybe she's just not there. He could be talking to himself. Or talking to someone else. He could be carving J + T in a tree for all we know. (There's an image.) I'm not saying it won't happen that way, but concentrating on one possibility is bound to leave folks disappointed. And isn't it more fun to think about endless ones, anyhow?
    See this was point in my earlier post about spoilers. We don't know how anything we've read about will come to fruition on screen. I like reading the spoilers, but try not to visualize or theorize how it'll happen in the espisode.
    Sig by Camy


      Originally posted by majortrip
      See this was point in my earlier post about spoilers. We don't know how anything we've read about will come to fruition on screen. I like reading the spoilers, but try not to visualize or theorize how it'll happen in the espisode.
      See now..I'd wish you'd written this before I wrote mine above...LOL....I LOVE to visualize EVERYTHING! LOL

      I mean...I"m still watching you dance the macarena with your...whatcha ma call it know back in our hay days! LOL

      but seriously...I don't want to get my hopes too high...I agree that TPTB aren't playing with us..these two are to well defined as far as whom their are attracted to and clearly the potential and possibility of something more is so there...AH!

      one can dream right?


        Gigajules, I agree. The possibilities are endless.

        Personally, I lean toward
        his confession may come during the two part ep in which our people are forced out of Atlantis and back to Earth. Both John and Teyla wouldn't know it wasn't forever and both have abandonment issues. It would be the perfect catalyst for them to realize what they're losing and what they really want out of life.

        I'm not saying they'd go "OMG, I'm so in loovvve!" But they may realize how much they'll miss the other and wish they'd done things a bit differently when they had the chance.

        And since they *get* the chance, eventually, that may be what the hints of "more JT" mean. And it would be a perfect opportunity for a "by myself" confession.

        Just my opinion. I'm sure there'll be other opportunities in the season for a confession that isn't heard by anyone else.



          Huh? DM..which episodes are those...? I don't think I remember hearing that one! is that in the two parter cliffie in mid season...?

          OH, I can't wait!


            Trippy, as a writer I can't help but visualize all the possibilities! LOL. They jump up and slap me in the face or nip my heels like a hoard of rabid plotbunnies.

            I swear, nearly every spoiler I read gives me two to five AU plotbunnies--at least.





              You didn't hear about that one? I thought I read it here or maybe it was on the SG1/SGA spoiler lists.

              They said there was a cliffhanger like that, two parts, in which you start to think they have to go home to Earth and that's it. Game over. I don't remember the name of the eps. Supposed to be a big fight.



                Camy, read the episode guide here on GW for The Return. It doesn't say exactly what all I'd heard elsewhere, but it's close. And I think it doesn't negate the plot possibility I came up with. I know chances are I'm not right, but it would make a cool JT AU story.



                  OH, thanks DM...
                  certainly the possibility of the Earthlings leaving Atlantis can bring so many hidden feelings in John and Teyla since they would be the ones most affected by the separation
                  OH, jeepers..I am really getting anxy now!


                    Originally posted by Doxymom
                    Trippy, as a writer I can't help but visualize all the possibilities! LOL. They jump up and slap me in the face or nip my heels like a hoard of rabid plotbunnies.

                    I swear, nearly every spoiler I read gives me two to five AU plotbunnies--at least.


                    I'm not talking about generating plot bunnies. I'm talking about taking a spoiler and getting attached to it, in the hopes that what you visualize will be what's actually in the episode. I've seen that happen here in this fandom. I'm talking about reading a spoiler, loving what you've read, and being disappointed that whole scene lasted a minute instead of five, or wasn't as prolific as anyone had hoped.

                    Basically, I mean blurring the line between what might happen and what's actually on screen.

                    This happened at least a couple of times last season, in different areas of this fandom. (Epiphany and TLG to be specific.)

                    As far as reading a spoiler and coming up with writing prompts or bunnies, please continue. LOts of good fic comes from that. I just hate to think any fans would read a spoiler, get excited over it, and then be ticked off because it didn't play out on screen like it did before the episode aired.

                    I, for one, am pleased with all the spoilers for S3 so far, but I will squee (loudly) when I see them.
                    Last edited by majortrip; 11 July 2006, 12:00 PM.
                    Sig by Camy


                      Originally posted by Doxymom
                      Camy, read the episode guide here on GW for The Return. It doesn't say exactly what all I'd heard elsewhere, but it's close. And I think it doesn't negate the plot possibility I came up with. I know chances are I'm not right, but it would make a cool JT AU story.

                      Well, at the con in London, Rachel mentioned one of the last scenes she filmed involved a 'confession' of some sorts, and they're filmed up to "The Return, Part 1" so...this is my theory, too.

                      I really cannot state how excited about this season I am, for many reasons. If the episode is half as good as the spoilers are for "Common Ground" you won't be able to shut me up.

                      Two more days, people!
                      Sig by Camy



                        So who missed now speak up I know you did...

                        Anyway, on to DM's post...

                        Originally posted by Doxymom
                        And now for something completely different.

                        Think of the characters of John and Teyla. What if they were only characters in a book, not on tv where you could fall for the actors' faces.

                        Would you still think they belong together?

                        Would you still like both characters or prefer both charactres if everything that's happened in the show happened in the book, but the book was only 1/3 over so there was a lot more time for things to happen?
                        I'd probably, maybe have issues with Sheppard, if and only if he'd got it on with all the girl he'd met so far. Since you get so much more from a book than you do from the show, I'd say that countered by his own personal thoughts you may read in the book i'd say i'd still like him. As for Teyla she's still be may favorite...wouldn't like a kick @$$ heroine...

                        [quote]Would John still be the hero? Why or why not? Would Teyla still be the heroine? (In "romance" terms the hero and heroine are the two parts of the love story.) [quote]

                        I think they'd still be it. They're written so well that way, that even in 'rising' the novelization if it'd been a one shot book from the first moments they meet, through the cave scene and the end it could have been just them as the love story. The characters just gravitate to each other.

                        What about John would still attract or repulse you if he were only a written character? What about Teyla would still attract or repulse you if she were only a written character? Would they still seem like they should be together?
                        Definitely, I'd still find the characters doubt about it...And they'd still seem like they should be together, they're the same in some ways, but are different enough to actually be able to work. and not be boring.

                        What types of things would you want to happen to force them to admit their feelings? What types of things would you want to learn about them?
                        I'm all for a grand show of affection....Somehow their lives are threatening, they have that eye opening experience and then after all is said and done, and everything is okay again, they admit their feelings.One of those your life is flashing before your eyes and you just know it all....

                        I'd definitely like to know more about what made them who they are...their past essentially.<----I want that in the show too....

                        Feel free to springboard off this and talk about any aspects of Teyla's or John's personalities, pasts, emotions, hopes, dreams, fears, or possible futures. And, of course, how they intertwine and when they diverge. It's all a dance after all.


                        R.I.P Wraithlord

                        Awesome sig by SciFan


                          Trippy wrote...
                          I just hate to think any fans would read a spoiler, get excited over it, and then be ticked off because it didn't play out on screen like it did before the episode aired.
                          Phew...Thank GOD I don't do this!

                          and she continued with this....
                          I really cannot state how excited about this season I am, for many reasons. If the episode is half as good as the spoilers are for "Common Ground" you won't be able to shut me up.
                          WHAT? Where the heck have I been? What spoilers for Common Ground...have you been keeping things from me, huh?
                          Now, I'm really ticked off!

                          off to read common ground spoilers....................................
                          and some strange girl called Witchy wrote...
                          I'MMMMMMMMMM BAAAAAAAACCCCCCKKKKKK....

                          So who missed now speak up I know you did...
                          *scratches her head* hmm...Witchy?....can't seem to recall you hon...let me see are you the one that went to New York for the weekend...? LOL
                          OF COARSE I MISSED YOU! afterall am I not your cyber mommy!
                          Tell me all

                          Dm..I read the spoilers in GW for Return 1 and are either written in a language similar to english and I misunderstood or didn't understand..or I'm just not reading it correctly..but I didn't see anything that relates to them going back to Earth...


                            Originally posted by Camy
                            WHAT? Where the heck have I been? What spoilers for Common Ground...have you been keeping things from me, huh?
                            Now, I'm really ticked off!

                            off to read common ground spoilers....................................
                            and some strange girl called Witchy wrote...
                            I thought I told you about that stuff. Hmmm...I'll e-mail you exactly what I'm talking about later. *is whumpy fangirl*

                            And YAY! Witchy's home! Just in time for the insanity.
                            Sig by Camy


                              OH, crap...I've ticked her off!


                              Um...I"m getting new spoilers from one that was there at the latest con with soon as I confirm anything..I'll post it here....but in any case...SEASON3 here I come!


                                Ticked who off, Camy? Moi?

                                I'm not going to whump you. I like whump in the show. 'Common Ground' is potentially whumpy. But I digress.

                                Indeed, season 3 here we come!
                                Sig by Camy

