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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by melpomene
    Ah, very cool. In that case welcome to the family And no problem about the explaining. I'm a bit of a die-hard SG-1 fan. I've seen every ep in seasons one through seven at least three times. And eight at least twice...

    So, my little comrades, compatriots and cohorts, I have something for you I hope you'll like. My, *pauses to count on fingers* fourth Shep/Teyla vid and by some accounts my best yet, 'Hero' is finally here. I would like to give many thanks to VB for entrusting me with her song and making me actually finish it (even if she did nag too much during the last month ) Here's the link. File size is large to preserve quality, if you need a smaller file because of dial-up or anything just PM me and I'll make it happen
    Darn it...I waited so bloody long for this video. YOU ALL HAVE TO SEE IT!! It's a masterpiece. The 4 months was totally worth it. I LOVE YOU MEL!!
    This JT at it's best and she has such a great melding of S1 and S2, it's just really impressive. Now all I have to wait is my second commission from CR--get on it. My first from Witchy or is it AG (always getting you two confused) ---she's sleeping on it. And of course LC---take your time cause that's gonna be a hard vid for a hard song. Thank you all for doing this and dealing so well with my pestering. You guys make some of the best JT videos I've seen and I love them all. Merci!
    Click statement above to read article.


      melpomene your vids are wonderful ! That's so damn good !
      Thank you for sharing it

      And I have to congrat bluealien and Vaberella for the wise speech on shipper's war. I also believe that everyone can ship any couple they like or even not at all. I truly think that Teyla and John are the best pairing, from the begining, in raising, I saw a spark between them. And their connexion has grown strong, that's very interesting. But again, that's my only opinion. Although I don't see Elisabeth with John, I don't mind if others have not the same feeling.

      But anyway, I think T&J are cute together. And their frienship is deep and strong. I love friendship between Atlantis characters more than pairings or love interests but I love the idea or T&J.
      Last edited by Nath; 30 May 2006, 07:16 PM.


        Mel- Awesome Vid!! I really love it! Great work! VB really does have everyone wrapped around her little finger in here doesn't she hehe just kidding


          Jeepers..I'm gone for five hours and you guys do three pages! AWESOME!

          Okay..I don't normally do this..but I have to reply to just remember three things about me people..especially you newbies....(uhum, veteran Camy is here!)

          When I disagree, I do it with the utmost of respects..and it's only to share my points of view..and compare it with yours....sometimes, I see others pov and change or correct my own, sometimes I don't...this isn't about convincing anyone to a personal view, it's rather deep thought discussions, which I love btw, and it just sparks the differences between us and how much we see or don't see things..

          Another thing you must know about me is that I DO HAVE THOSE EXTRA SUPER shippy J/T that has a lot to do with my opinion as well..

          finally, I'd like to think that although I do have those shippy glasses...I can take them off once in awhile and see things from a different perspective and sometimes I agree and sometimes I don't! and this is one in which I took off my shippy glasses and I don't quite see some of the things that you guys see...or better yet, I see things differently...NOTHING WRONG with this....It's just my point of view that I'm sharing with you guys..there is no right or wrong! *psssst...I'm right, you guys are wrong*

 now that I've stated my disclaimer...*hugs VB*

          The thing is, though, she has flinched. She did in Conversion. A lot. Personally I think it was Ronon he meant. That guy just looooves shooting Sheppard. I really dig the fact that at the end of TLG it looked like she was going to do it, though. That's a very interesting thing to know about her character.
          You are right, she has..but she's the only one that flinches but never looses sight of what has to be done...If you go back to TLG....remember the scene where John finds Ronon..How easily did he fool Ronon? He knew he would...and what happened when he tried to do the same with Teyla..she was dead ON! she knew...and what about in the last scene when she asks him is that really you, he says, I'm not even going to tell you cause you're not going to believe me!" This is what I was referring to....she is the only one in my opinion that he knew wouldn't be fooled as easily....when he finally got Weir to shoot Ronon, Pheobus stated, at least you're out of the way, to me that sounded like he knew that Ronon would be an easy target to trick....but not Teyla and when Phoebus saw that Teyla had captured John, she even stated, I"m not surprised that you are the one that caught him...It just tells me that out of the entire Atlantis team...Teyla is the one that they can rely on to be the most objective and reasonable..and to me, she is the only one in Atlantis that does this the best! So, yeah, I agree she does flinch! but not as much and even when she does, it's very secluded and private and to the point where she almost blocks herself from even experiencing such feelings.....which is probably what has made her so strong considering everything that she's been through as John stated in the Gift.....

          I think it was purely a decision to send Teyla to protect Beckett, since as you mentioned, he's no fighter (and sending someone alone would be nuts, anyway). And while Teyla is perfectly capable, it was wise of him to take the Marine with him to assault the Genii. I know I would.
          When Ford was around, he was certainly his right doubt about it..but the fact that Teyla was so persistent and clearly determined to fight with him, just tells me that he knew why Teyla wanted to be by his side and fight along side him...and considering all that was at risk, Weir's life and Rodney's life, you would think that he would use as many armed persons as he possibly could and especially fully knowing that Teyla can more than take care of why didn't he take her..why didn't he let even Beckett come along..he is supposed to be trained in the basics of military....? right? so, to me that was where my shippy glasses kicked in and just thought that well, there's more here than just protecting Beckett...after all they were not in immediate danger like Weir and Rodney why not use them both? especially when Teyla was so willing? So, that's where I see this point...John saw that these people were not your average enemies that they had encounter up till now besides the Wraith...Koyla was determined to get what he wanted at any cost...he already had Weir and Rodney, John couldn't afford to let Teyla and Beckett be captured even if it wasn't just for Teyla, I think he was protecting both of them and in the end, a special place for Teyla...*yeah, this shippy glasses are damn good*

          Maybe he likes women who can set him on his ass. She doesn't let his BS slip by her, either, which is one of the things I love about her.
          See, I don't get this...and I'll write more about this in another comment...but John is full of BS? I never saw that! to me, John is the least in Atlantis that is full of BS..I see it in Rodney a lot and others in Atlantis, but not in John or Teyla..these two are true to their feeling for each other, but most importantly and what sets them apart from others is that they care and put others before themselves and even sacrafice themselves for what BS are you talking about? The only crap that John has is that lately he's beginning to see that he's a charmer with the ladies and he's so full of himself with this...but again, he only shows that side of himself with Weir, as in The Tower scene in the end, when he tells her I could have had the girl and king...but I turned it down..that is so much BS! but again, it's probably true that they offered him that! so, it really isn't BS either....*I hope I know what you mean by "BS"*

          Sanssong wrote..
          Oh, I've always thought he's turned on by that. It's just something about the way he looks at her when they're sparing that is so steamy/sexy it jumps off the screen at you. He's always been the one who initiates with Teyla- all the other bimbos have come onto him, including Chaya and I guess he's enough of a guy not to pass up a freebee, but when it comes to what he prefers, it seems to be Athosians who can take care of themselves and him too.

          And I also love the fact that she's the only one who calls him on his BS.
          I think most men find women who can kick ass very attractive and seductive! Uhum...hubby loves his Alias chick! Although he clearly insists that he sees it only for the great acting and drama! YUP, bunch of BS!
          and I think that's one of the many reasons why he loves me so much! I kick his ass every night! *I'm not insinuating anything dirty here* I"m strong headed and very opinionated and he can't fly me with his BS either! So, it attracts him even more..and he even tells...sorry, OT

          But, I don't agree with this last statement...again, what BS does John do? I mean if anything Teyla has the upmost respect for him..but I do think that since LFP, her view of John has changed...I think she used to see him as something more than just JOhn...remember in Suspicion, when Halling tells her, they are not the Ancients Teyla no matter how much you want them to be"....or something like that! so, I think there was a moment there where in Teyla's eyes, John could do no wrong! but that soon changed...or maybe I"m exxagerating a bit, but I do think that she had him up in a very high esteem!
          But in LFP we hear her say, the infamous line, What do else do you want from me? and she replies, Too much I fear....

          So, adding to this, I think that Teyla is persuaded by John's view..but I think she follows his reasoning only when she agrees with him and not following him for her feeling for him...for example, you guys forgot his puppy dog eyes in Suspicion? Didn't he used that with her..and don't you think that this had an effect on her...? I think so, but in the end, I think what really convinced her was that number one, she really had no choice, Weir was going to do her investigation whether Teyla liked it or not! and number two, like she said to Halling, it will only prove their innocence! and how about Allies...Michael..didn't we have this conversation awhile back...about John's look for Teyla and only for Teyla...? He does do this with her and I think she finds it cute and attractive and humourous in John..she laughs at his crack remarks all the time..she even smiled at his flirts with the blonde in Inferno and then he smiles at her...and she smiles back! she gets a kick sometimes out of his little innuendos....and I think she does like it...Remember HOT ZONE! that flirting scene while they are sparring...that look they give back and forth to each other..Oh, boy were they flirting! and she didn't seemed to find his BS a problem then...? I mean, does Teyla believe that perhaps John spars with her strickly because he really wants to learn how to spar...? how many times has John actually used any of those skills that Teyla has taught him in battle...? in Condemned he tried and he couldn't even break the stick!

          So, I think Teyla does call him on his BS but I think she is aware of it and doesn't mind it as much as you guys think! she may be a bit on the serious side, but she's still a woman and one that certainly appreciates a man that is obviously smitten over her! and I don't think she minds it as much!

          I also see John and Teyla as equals. John doesn't turn on the charm to get his own way which I think he does a lot with Elizabeth. Teyla is immune to Johns puppy dog look and I think John likes this. He has probably had his fair share of woman swooning at him and he enjoys the fact it doesn't work on Teyla.
          Again, I disagree with equals you guys mean, what? in combat?
          Yes, John does know that Teyla can defend herself..but I also know that John clearly informs Teyla whenever he needs to make a final decision and he sticks to it...regardless...many times Teyla has voiced her opinion and he sticks to his and vice versa..he knows his place in Atlantis and it cannot be as equal to Teyla's...if this is what you are referring far as combat...I don't think so either..that Teyla can manage herself, yes..but who is always there rescuing her..he is! and not that he sees her in a demeaning way or any less than him..I don't think so either, but I do think that when it comes to ranking and responsibilities, John is very aware of what he needs to do and how he needs to do it..and not even Teyla can convince him on that! He does listen to her, and on many occassion he should have, but didn't....but again, he is strong headed himself and he doesn't let others influence him in his position and what needs to be done..if he thought of Teyla as an equal to him, then I don't think that he'd be as attracted to her either....I think he sees her as a woman that is more than capable of holding her own...I think he respects her and has an extremely high admiration for her physical, spiritual and mental capabilities of holding on for so long with so much suffering..I think he has an extremely high esteem of her capabilities and her opinions..he always asks her for her opinion and even when he doesn't follow her opinion, he still respects and questions his actions as in the infamous Allies confrontation.....clearly, Teyla didn't convince them of her opinion but she trusted them...even though they didn't convince see to me this says more than if he had convinced her....HE didn't convinced her that this was the best way to defeat the Wraith..she was completely against it and still firmly believes that this is not the way, yet she went along with it anyways...why? I don't think it was just becuase of John, but I do think he had a lot to do with it..she even said to him, I chose to put my trust in you! very powerful statement....



            Originally posted by Nath
            melpomene your vids are wonderful ! That's so damn good !
            Thank you for sharing it

            And I have to congrat bluealien and Vaberella for the wise speech on shipper's war. I also believe that everyone can ship any couple they like or even not at all. I truly think that Teyla and John are the best pairing, from the begining, in raising, I saw a spark between them. And their connexion has grown strong, that's very interesting. But again, that's my only opinion. Although I don't see Elisabeth with John, I don't mind if others have not the same feeling.

            But anyway, I think T&J are cute together. And their frienship is deep and strong. I love friendship between Atlantis characters more than pairings or love interests but I love the idea or T&J.
            Hey Nath...welcome to the board....NEWBIE EVERYONE!!! I hope you have fun and it's great your joining in on the conversations. We're in the middle of a party and things are going on fast, in between the fun of wallpapers, videos, sigs, and icons...there is tons of deep to superficial conversation...obviously you've fallen during the time of the sharks so the topic is heavy and disagreements galore. Oh and we welcome disagreements...helps the mind to flourish and opens the door to enligtenment.
            Hallowed is VB!

            Welcome and have fun!

            Originally posted by 4prettierships
            Mel- Awesome Vid!! I really love it! Great work! VB really does have everyone wrapped around her little finger in here doesn't she hehe just kidding
            Hey babe. I'm just good at pleading.
            Last edited by vaberella; 30 May 2006, 07:33 PM.
            Click statement above to read article.


              Originally posted by vaberella
              Hey babe. I'm just good at pleading.

              Nothing wrong with that!! Thanks for the shipper of the month crown by the way!! Very pretty!! I feel so honored!!


                Originally posted by vaberella
                Hey Nath...welcome to the board....NEWBIE EVERYONE!!! I hope you have fun and it's great your joining in on the conversations. We're in the middle of a party and things are going on fast, in between the fun of wallpapers, videos, sigs, and icons...there is tons of deep to superficial conversation...obviously you've fallen during the time of the sharks so the topic is heavy and disagreements galore. Oh and we welcome disagreements...helps the mind to flourish and opens the door to enligtenment.
                Hallowed is VB!

                Welcome and have fun!
                Thank you. I don't often come on the forum cause I like to be spoiler free and here in France, season 2 is not finished yet (epiphany until now). That's a pity but I have to be patient.


                  Originally posted by Nath
                  Thank you. I don't often come on the forum cause I like to be spoiler free and here in France, season 2 is not finished yet (epiphany until now). That's a pity but I have be patient.

                  And I thought we had it hard here in the US being behind Canada!! I wouldn't survive in France!!! That's for sure!! Welcome to the thread Nath! Season 2 stuff is mostly in Spoiler tags anyways here because it hasn't aired in syndication, so there won't be TOO many spoilers if you stay here!!


                    Originally posted by 4prettierships

                    And I thought we had it hard here in the US being behind Canada!! I wouldn't survive in France!!! That's for sure!! Welcome to the thread Nath! Season 2 stuff is mostly in Spoiler tags anyways here because it hasn't aired in syndication, so there won't be TOO many spoilers if you stay here!!
                    Yeah I'll try to keep up but you guys go fast on the posts ! lol.
                    And don't worry, if there's some hints or spoilers wandering on this thread... I'll take them gratefully


                      So, Teyla calls John on his BS....yes, she sees right through him..but I do think he has a special charm just for Teyla and not only does it work on her, but she also likes it! and what girl woudn't? which one of you doesn't like that a guy charms you once in awhile...? I mean, I might be misinterpreting what you guys mean by John's BS, but I just don't get it! and don't see it...
                      He's a heroe for goodness sake! OUR HERO! and Teyla's hero as well..and she likes it!

                      pretty wrote.
                      I don't necessarily think that John likes the fact that he doesn't affect Teyla in the same ways he might affect other females. I think this frustrates him to an extent and also makes him curious. I think he wants to get inside her head and understand her more and learn why she acts the way she does around him. I think this is one of the reasons that John steps so lightly around Teyla because he knows she is different than other females and he doesn't exactly know how to act around her so he tends to watch her so he can learn what exactly is going on inside her head, what makes her tick. This is another reason their relationship is unique. Being from completely different galaxies there is a lot to learn from each other. Customs, beliefs, ways of living, everything needs to be learned! There really isn't any time to sit down and have a heartfelt conversation about it because there is a little enemy called the wraith... so they need to watch each other and learn from each others tendencies. They are beginning to understand each other and know what to expect from each other in different situations. As VB said earlier, this ship is definately not DEAD!! It is anything but! There is still so much to learn about each other, the ship has hardly even begun!
                      Hmmm...this is interesting....I agree that John is getting to know Teyla...actually I think they both know each other pretty well..but certainly there's more....I don't see his frustratio though....I think it's more the fact that he doesn't know how Teyla feels about him and I think he doesn't want to risk hurting what they have now..I also think that he's thinking ahead and sees that this whole thing with the Wraith is just something that he's not ready for...I mean think about all the other woman that he's been around with...I don't think that John is as heartless that he's just using these girls for a one night stand....I think that right now, John isn't ready for anything serious...and he just doesn't want to play around with Teyla...with the others, like Sanssong wrote, they throw themselves at hey, he's a man with needs..but there is no commitment and he likes it that way! hence he has refused Teer's proposal to ascend with them, and with the girl from The Tower and even with Chaya..he's not looking to settle down just yet! and when he does, I have a feeling he wants it to be with Teyla....

                      Sanssong wrote..
                      Gotta disagree with you here.... John is the kind of man who gets bored easily and a woman who jumps when he says jump doesn't seem to interest him. Teyla interests him because she doesn't do that- although at the same time, her respect for him is obvious and men are drawn to women who respect them for who they are and the decisions they make. Though I do agree that part of her charm for him is that she is somewhat of a mystery. Guys LOVE that- John is no exception.

                      I don't think John walks on eggshells around Teyla, in fact, I'd go so far as to say that she is the only one he's truly himself with. He's certianly not with Weir- with her, he's mister 'BS charmer' because it flatters her ego and it gets him what he wants when he wants it. Teyla sees through that nonsense and I think John is probably glad she does, cause he doesn't have to work or try to manipulate her- he can just be himself.

                      Love the new banner btw! It's lovely!
                      See this I agree with..John isn't intimidated by Teyla at all and vice versa...they are both very opinionated and headstrong...and they've had their heated moments...LFP, Allies, Michael..and they've disagree on many occassions..but it's how they've dealt with it and communicated it with each other that opens so many possibilities for these two and clearly shows the respect and admiration they both have for one also shows how much they know each other, care and trust for each other...

                      Teyla is not one to jump at his are soooo right, but she's smart enough to know when to state her opinions and when to back off....she is also always there for him regardless..and that John knows.....he is there for her as well...

                      bluealien wrote...
                      Very interesting points Vaberella

                      I try and not take the shipping aspect too seriously - I'm probably not a very dedicated shipper. I have no problem with people liking all sorts of pairings but far too often it gets a bit out of hand when some shippers will lash out at other pairings because they see them as a threat to their own ship.

                      Shipping is really in the eye of the beholder but sometimes the most simplist of gestures is turned into something romantic and probably all shipper groups are guilty of this. Again there is nothing wrong with this as we all perceive looks and gestures in a different light.

                      I like to discuss why I believe my pairing are suited to each other or why I see a romantic spark between them. But I see no reason to call other ships "wrong", or a "dead ship" or lash out at them as being delusional.

                      I agree with all your analyis about Converision and this is the episode that you could say converted me to to a John/Teyla shipper. I see it exactly as you do. John's inhibitions were lowered by the retrovius drug and he acted out on something that he had always wanted to do. Why kiss Teyla - why not just attack her or act triumphant that he had beaten her - if he had no feelings for her why kiss her. And equally why did Teyla not kick his butt - she was initially shocked but she had plenty of time to react and push him off her, but she didn't. So again for me this was definite evidence that John was attracted to Teyla and the fact that he apologised to her confirms the fact that he was upset that his actions had damaged their friendship.

                      But as you say he tried to stangle Weir - why?. His frustration with her at times possibly coming to a head. If he had romantic feelings for Elizabeth wouldn't she have been on the top of his list to apologise to - he almost killed her!!.

                      In TLG John once again tells Teyla that he cares about her more than she knows - this in no way was directed to Weir. This is really trying to manipulate something to fit in with your own ship to the extreme. Saying that Weir/Sheppard have romantic feelings for each other based on the fact that they stand close together, or care about each others well being is not enough for me. I just don't see anything romantic at all between them. To me they have a friendship that I share with many of my colleagues and friends but it is in no way romantic, but if some see their behaviour as having feelings for each other then that is fine - but you cannot seriouly say that they are the only ship and the best etc and that Shep/Teyla is a dead ship because there is just as much (and in MY opinion MORE) evidence to support John and Teyla as being the ship that is very much alive, but each to their own.

                      I will definetly green you for this...EXCELLENT POST! Couldn't have said it better myself even if I tried...*jeepers...another smart one in our thread*

                      There's no reason to think he didn't apologize to her. Or to all of those guys he beat the crap out of, for that matter. Maybe, like Rodney, he saved the last apology for the person whose trust means the most to him.
                      EXCELLENT POINT! IF we state here that John is so respectful and such gentlemen you have to assume that he did indeed go and apologize to everyone..but like Sanssong, wrote later in another post...the writers felt that this was important to show the growth and progress of their relationship from both sides..Teyla forgiving him and he apologizing...and yet, keeping it very much alive!

                      Sanssong..I guess the important thing to me here was what the writers felt was the most important scene to show us the veiwers - and it said quite a bit that they thought his apology to Teyla was more important to the story than his apology to Weir.
                      The good thing about being in a leadership position is that not always you have to bow down to your kind of let it sly once in awhile otherwise, you'd be apologizing every hour of every heated situations things can get out of hand quite often..but John and Weir understand each other..and Weir knows clearly that wasn't him..but I have no doubt that he did apologize to her...but again, the important one was with Teyla.


                        loveconquers wrote...
                        Camy, I somehow missed this one as well. I think this is my favorite one yet! It is just breath-taking and the words are beautiful. Well done!
                        Thank you!

                        What happened with Teyla stood out from all the other odd behavior, so it seemed right to me that that's what they actually put onscreen. (Plus it was sweet as hell, so that works, too.) It was all aggressive in one way or the other, but he got angry with and beat the crap out of other people. Teyla, not so much.
                        I don't know..I don't see his actions with Teyla as aggressive..I certainly don't see how people can even use the word "rape" so lightly either in this scene..beyond my comprehension...I've never been through such an experience, but I know people who have and that was not anything like any type of "rape".....*I'm not referring to your statement Jules*

                        But I do see John as taking an opportunity to do something that clearly he's had in his kiss Teyla...and his inhibitions were down and he took the opportunity....not being quite himself...someone posted like he was acting like a drunk man.....doing things he wanted to do but never dared to when his thoughts are within reason....he wasn't thinking at this time but acting purely on instincts...If Teyla had seen this as anything aggressive or offensive to her, she would have done something before, during and/or after...she certainly saw that he wasn't been himself when he pinned her against the wall, and she saw his reactions and even saw his seductive "look" when he said to her, " you can call me John" she even did her famous eyebrow look..she knew something was not right, and she could sense where it was going..Common people, it isn't like Teyla is dumb about this!

                        and when he put his sticks down and grabbed her, there was a slight moment of silence and my goodness don't tell me she didn't see that coming! she puckered her lips for pete's sake! she kissed him back! and if she was so appalled by it, why wasn't her reaction one of disgust or angered afterwards...nope, she was confused, and she was surprised...but she wasn't "raped" and he wasn't been aggressive to her....I see it as a guy stealing a kiss from a girl he likes.....

                        Joe explained perfectly...stop/more look! love it!

                        In addition, who better than John to realize afterwards that he either "raped" or was very aggressive with Teyla...he sure didn't see it as that serious! When he approached her to apologize, you seem him almost flustered and embarrassed...not feeling guilty or even remorseful for what he did....he was bashful and cute about the whole thing...

                        I guess I should apologize...he stated...that doesn't sound to me like he was going for an apology from a guy that did something extremely awful and yes, it can be argued, that maybe he didn't feel that way but she didn't and that's who matters...yes, but even Teyla took it as a stating first if he was referring to all the guards that he took down....she didn't feel it as that way either....Just my opinion...

                        LoveConquers wrote..
                        Gigajules, I think I have to agree with you here. To be clear, I am a J/T shipper through and through, but I think I too must look at them with more darkly-tinted glasses. I've seen what, to me, can only be called "stretching" on both sides of the ship. Please don't get me wrong, I love to look for any and all possible moments between them, but sometimes a glance is just a glance.
                        yes, we do stretch things here..some of us anyways, VB tends to wean us back to reality! I hate it when she does that, too! Been evil twins an all!
                        but, I have to say, that John's glances for Teyla are ones that I wouldn't mind getting from him or any other cute guy! It's a different glance all together..and I"ve yet to see him glancing like that in Ronon's direction, Rodney's direction and even Weir's direction! Has to mean something!

                        I don't think we're disagreeing here Jules. Their scene IS what stood out- that's the way it was written and it only followed that it was important to assure the viewer that everything was okay- and more than okay between them. The writers were saying- 'this is the important relationship' and I agree it was the sweetest scene! :-)
                        I am disagreeing with you guys in some things..and I hope you don't see this as I'm trying to disagree in a bad way! just seeing things a bit different than you guys..but I do see all of your points and I agree with 98% of them! if not more!

                        Hope no one sees this as me attacking or trying to sound better than you guys.....I'm just voicing my opinions and loving the discussions!

                        MELITA..I"VE MISSED you..the vid is going to have to wait till tomorrow...hubby is calling me..and it's late here..never thought I'd take so long to write this much!

                        Pretty, I LOVE your new sig..

                        Sanssong, LOVING yours as well..

                        Bella, you are AWESOME..I will see it tomorrow!

                        Welcome Nath....don't get spooked by my words..I rarely have anything coherent to write! this is a once in a blue moon type of thing for me! I basically just write a lot of jibberish!

                        Okay...tomorrow, whatever episode comes after The EYe...I'm so tired right now..!

                        Night all! keep up the good work...I was going to give F a try..but this took all my time!


                        Great work me!




                            The Defiant One has no shippy moments..besides Teyla worrying about John..and yeah, there was that scene where John is looking up, I think he was thinking of Teyla...LOL

                            And John looks so HOT in that episode!

                            Anyways, maybe tomorrow we can do some catchups!

                            I've got to post some pics for the Eye...I want to find that pic where Teyla tells John that she wants to fight alongside him!


                            I also want to give a wallpaper a shot and continue with my ABC's .....

                            John and Teyla...


                              Oh, guys....Nytel finished TNTCAO....You must go and read it...she thanked me for helping! AH!

                              I love this fic..please leave her a review....

                              oh, I think I"m going to cry! It's over! I love this fic!


                                Originally posted by Gigajules
                                And sometimes a glance is "keep an eye on that guy and don't let him shoot me in the ass when I'm not looking".

                                LOL! I almost spit my coke at my computer screen. Well said.
                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

