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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by bella
    Artwork for Underground, didn't turn out as I wanted but it's passable.


    I've never thought j/t was a dead ship. It's alive and kicking all over the place.
    Ooo! I love the way you played with the colors here bella! Great work! I'm going to snerch the wall for my desktop! As for our ship? Oh, yeah.... no worries there! OTP and not going anywhere anytime soon!


      Bella..this is beautiful...Now, I haven't been to the OT thread with the tips for Photoshop..but you must tell me how you do did you get the background to be one color and John and Teyla stand out with the real colors...? PM me...

      I'm going to have to check out those other sites for the transcripts once I get home...but if anyone else can do that for me, I'd appreciate it...

      Remember that this is the last week for the first half....and then next week we'll have a special week..(more details coming soon) and then the following week we will conclude with Season 1 and begin Season 2..this way we can take a break from Wallpapers and stuff...

      Oh, this is so much fun!

      One thing that I am going to request and you can start posting it as of now,..if there is a certain pic or pics that you would like our lovely photoshop artists to work with, post the pics and I will be compiling a file on this, and then post it for people to pick and choose and then post the final work...sounds fun, huh?

      so, get out your caps and see if you can find some sort of manip that you would like to see the people here attempt and let the fun begin!

      who the HECK thought that this ship was dead!? Um...yeah...dream on!


        Originally posted by vaberella
        No no no...this wasn't a rant. A rant really has no voice, just a words jumbled together. This is far more than a rant, there's a final book closing on the difference between what happened on Conversion---because I can debate the final points of what is 'death'. Again getting choked with no apology is a butchered ship, than getting kissed with an apology.

        I thought people would get that by now..but again I think it further proves we're definitely far from delusional...and TLG just solidified our spot. J/T is the ruling ship. It also wasn't to deny that Shep/Weir have no relationship---since everyone on this thread has said and continuously states that their good friends, and as leader of Atlantis people support and respect her---and John is one of those people.

        What I wanted to state was that there is nothing....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ROMANTIC!!! While with J/T it's something else entirely.

        It would be funny to me though if Shep ends up hooking up with someone like Novak though---actually that would be cool. But at the moment we are OTS or OTP!!

        OH so true VB!! And I meant rant in a good way! A VERY GOOD WAY!

        Don't forget 'The Eye' Sanssong... even though I know thats later.
        Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


          No, no...the Eye is today...

          Hey, is Annie coming over today to post pics...?

          I think I have some here too....

          Did Warrior share his pics with you Annie...? COOL!


            Originally posted by Camy
            There aren't any transcripts in GW for The Eye
            For future reference: TWIZ TV has transcripts of all the episodes so far.

            clearly he didn't want Teyla in harm's way, my opinion, that he sent her to go in the Jumper with Beckett....
            Actually one of the things that I like so much is the fact that Sheppard doesn't do that sort of thing. He doesn't treat her like "the girl" or someone who needs to be protected. (If there's anyone he treats differently, it's McKay. Because unlike the rest of the team, Rodney isn't martially oriented.)


              Ok I just made this banner with some pics from Gateworld. I unfortunetly wasn't able to get rid of the thing at thebottom. And hopefully this one is bigger.

              Last edited by Padme18; 30 May 2006, 11:11 AM.
              Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                Originally posted by Camy
                I forgot that I add the Letter in the again, here is the letter G...
                Somehow I missed this the other day! But I just had to tell you, it's really beautiful! Good work!


                  Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter

                  Don't forget 'The Eye' Sanssong... even though I know thats later.
                  You know... I tend to think of those as one unit.... probably cause it was a two parter. So yeah.... I think our ship was well represented (as was W/R!)


                    Originally posted by Gigajules
                    Actually one of the things that I like so much is the fact that Sheppard doesn't do that sort of thing. He doesn't treat her like "the girl" or someone who needs to be protected. (If there's anyone he treats differently, it's McKay. Because unlike the rest of the team, Rodney isn't martially oriented.)
                    You're right Jules, he doens't treat her like 'the girl' which is nice, but you know he's enough of a guy that he probably felt better knowing that Teyla wasn't there during that whole thing with Koyla. She'd kick his butt if he told her that though!


                      Originally posted by Padme18
                      Ok I just made this banner with some pics from Gateworld. I unfortunetly wasn't able to get rid of the thing at thebottom. And hopefully this one is bigger.


                      Frack! It shrunk again. In the program it was huge. I guess when I uploaded it to photobucket it shrunk like the last one.

                      It says: "One look at you is all I need to know you love me."
                      Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                        Originally posted by Gigajules
                        For future reference: TWIZ TV has transcripts of all the episodes so far.

                        Actually one of the things that I like so much is the fact that Sheppard doesn't do that sort of thing. He doesn't treat her like "the girl" or someone who needs to be protected. (If there's anyone he treats differently, it's McKay. Because unlike the rest of the team, Rodney isn't martially oriented.)
                        Well, I have to agree and disagree..I think that certainly one of the best things that John has for Teyla is that he is very aware of her skills and she's a girl that needs no protection...however, he can't help but keep an eye on her...

                        Remember, I think it was AG that stated when these collectible cards came out in the TV Guide Magazine that in Teyla's card it mention as Sheppard being her ally, why because he keeps one and sometimes two eyes on her or something like that!

                        If you look carefully in some pics also, he does keep an eye on the Tower there is this wonderful pic of John pointing his gun out but his head turned ever so slightly to watch Teyla and make sure she's alright...also in Condemned when they catch them, he is always there looking out and backing her up and not Ronon or even Rodney he has at his side....and always glancing a quick look just to make sure where she is at...

                        But you are right! He doesn't over do it..he trusts completely in her abilities and trust her that she is the best in backing him up...again, this is why I strongly believe that in TLG when he mentions to Phoebus who he is concerned about, I really believe he is referring to Teyla..He knows she won't flinch! She acts and not reacts...

                        but at the same time, I also believe that his inner instinct to protect and being the leader of the Military in Atlantis, he has to look out for everyone and Teyla is no exception...I'll see if I can find that transcript so that you can see what I mean when he tells her and Beckett to head over to the jumper instead of staying with him and Ford and fight!

                        I can't help but think that the protective John took over and realize that number one Beckett is no fighter and he'd figure Teyla would be the best to cover for him and two,

                        with Teyla and Beckett safe, and covering their backs with the Puddle Jumper, he can do a better job...

                        Again, just my opinion and interpretation of it...but I do agree with you, I don't want John to treat Teyla as the helpless girl..and frankly that is probably one of the many attributes that attracts him to Teyla..she is a no nonsense woman!


                          I agree completely Camy!! As we are all probably aware I think that John and Teyla's relationship is nothing but unique. John realized early on in Atlantis that Teyla did not need anyone to watch over her and that she was strong enough to take care of herself. However, it seems that John is still there lurking in the shadows behind her making sure she isn't getting herself into too much trouble. A good example of this is in "Siege" when Teyla hit Bates and magically Sheppard showed up in the nick of time to make sure they didn't kill each other. John is always there and watching out for Teyla, although it is always very subtle, he is there. I think this is key to our ship because it shows a level of trust and understanding between them. John realized that Teyla does not need him to protect her, and Teyla realizes that John can hardly keep himself from needing to protect her. They've come to this understanding and it works for them.

                          Uh- Hopefully that made sense!! If it didn't, sorry!


                            Originally posted by Camy
                            But you are right! He doesn't over do it..he trusts completely in her abilities and trust her that she is the best in backing him up...again, this is why I strongly believe that in TLG when he mentions to Phoebus who he is concerned about, I really believe he is referring to Teyla..He knows she won't flinch! She acts and not reacts...
                            This is exactly right Camy. Which is what makes Teyla such a great charcter and a great leader. She is very seldom swayed by her first emotional response. It's also why she is such a perfect match for John. John is a great guy, but he is at times too reactionary. Teyla balances that in a way no other character on Atlantis does- she's cool to his hot. He needs her to keep him from going that one step too far. And she needs him to losen up and experience more from life.

                            Originally posted by Camy
                            I mean when he tells her and Beckett to head over to the jumper instead of staying with him and Ford and fight!

                            I can't help but think that the protective John took over and realize that number one Beckett is no fighter and he'd figure Teyla would be the best to cover for him and two, with Teyla and Beckett safe, and covering their backs with the Puddle Jumper, he can do a better job...
                            I tend to agree with this.


                              Some of the pics are highlighted because they are sooo big....
                              This is the type of look that I mean Gig...



                              This pic has nothing to do with protective John, besides the fact that he is so happy to see her and to be back in Atlantis with her, that he almost forgets who he is and cautiously looks to Weir so that she doesn't see his flirting with Teyla...but he certainly wants her to see HIM! AH!

                              This was one of the scenes that I was referring to...

                              This scene from Condemned I love as well...if you hear John, he is arguing with Ronon on how to get them out of there...but as he is mentioning us..he turns his head and tilts over to Teyla....which in my view, he is almost telling Ronon, let's get Teyla out of here and to safety...almost as if he didn't want to single her out....and so he did so with his head so that Ronon can get the message...but of coarse, without having Teyla realize it...just like Sanssong says....she'd kick his ASS!

                              Finally, I saw this one last night for the marathon....
                              OOOPS...too big...

                              I love how he just gets right in front of I do think that Sheppard has a special protective side of himself just for Teyla...he just doesn't want to show it too much, and I don't even think he's aware of just how much he does it..but he's certainly aware that Teyla is not one to like that! but I think she knows it...remember the scene after he finds Ronon and Teyla sparring and they have that little conversation after Ronon leaves, you can't help but chuckle at his concern for her and she gives him this look, like she just realized just how much he watches over her and worries about her! hehehehehe

                              That was the best scene that showed he reacted by just seeing someone Sparring with Teyla.....he can knock her down during sparring, but not anyone else!

                              Just some fun pics...I know there are others but here's the ones I could compile now....but Gig..I do see and agree with your point!
                              Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 30 May 2006, 11:09 AM.


                                Originally posted by Camy
                                If you look carefully in some pics also, he does keep an eye on the Tower there is this wonderful pic of John pointing his gun out but his head turned ever so slightly to watch Teyla and make sure she's alright
                                Well, I think Ronon is behind him at that point and Rodney's not there, so...if they have to do something besides threaten, he needs to know who is where and whether or not they're on the same page with him. I'm not saying he doesn't watch her, because he does. I've just got a more darkly tinted variety of shippy glasses that doesn't let as much in, apparently.

                                again, this is why I strongly believe that in TLG when he mentions to Phoebus who he is concerned about, I really believe he is referring to Teyla..He knows she won't flinch! She acts and not reacts...
                                The thing is, though, she has flinched. She did in Conversion. A lot. Personally I think it was Ronon he meant. That guy just looooves shooting Sheppard. I really dig the fact that at the end of TLG it looked like she was going to do it, though. That's a very interesting thing to know about her character.

                                with Teyla and Beckett safe, and covering their backs with the Puddle Jumper, he can do a better job...
                                I think it was purely a decision to send Teyla to protect Beckett, since as you mentioned, he's no fighter (and sending someone alone would be nuts, anyway). And while Teyla is perfectly capable, it was wise of him to take the Marine with him to assault the Genii. I know I would.

                                Again, just my opinion and interpretation of it...but I do agree with you, I don't want John to treat Teyla as the helpless girl...and frankly that is probably one of the many attributes that attracts him to Teyla..she is a no nonsense woman!
                                Maybe he likes women who can set him on his ass. She doesn't let his BS slip by her, either, which is one of the things I love about her.

