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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by bluealien
    Very interesting points Vaberella

    I try and not take the shipping aspect too seriously - I'm probably not a very dedicated shipper. I have no problem with people liking all sorts of pairings but far too often it gets a bit out of hand when some shippers will lash out at other pairings because they see them as a threat to their own ship.

    Shipping is really in the eye of the beholder but sometimes the most simplist of gestures is turned into something romantic and probably all shipper groups are guilty of this. Again there is nothing wrong with this as we all perceive looks and gestures in a different light.

    I like to discuss why I believe my pairing are suited to each other or why I see a romantic spark between them. But I see no reason to call other ships "wrong", or a "dead ship" or lash out at them as being delusional.

    I agree with all your analyis about Converision and this is the episode that you could say converted me to to a John/Teyla shipper. I see it exactly as you do. John's inhibitions were lowered by the retrovius drug and he acted out on something that he had always wanted to do. Why kiss Teyla - why not just attack her or act triumphant that he had beaten her - if he had no feelings for her why kiss her. And equally why did Teyla not kick his butt - she was initially shocked but she had plenty of time to react and push him off her, but she didn't. So again for me this was definite evidence that John was attracted to Teyla and the fact that he apologised to her confirms the fact that he was upset that his actions had damaged their friendship.

    But as you say he tried to stangle Weir - why?. His frustration with her at times possibly coming to a head. If he had romantic feelings for Elizabeth wouldn't she have been on the top of his list to apologise to - he almost killed her!!.

    In TLG John once again tells Teyla that he cares about her more than she knows - this in no way was directed to Weir. This is really trying to manipulate something to fit in with your own ship to the extreme. Sying that Weir/Sheppard have romantic feelings for each other based on the fact that they stand close together, or care about each others well being is not enough for me. I just don't see anything romantic at all between them. To me they have a friendship that I share with many of my colleagues and friends but it is in no way romantic, but if some see their behaviour as having feelings for each other then that is fine - but you cannot seriouly say that they are the only ship and the best etc and that Shep/Teyla is a dead ship because there is just as much (and in MY opinion MORE) evidence to support John and Teyla as being the ship that is very much alive, but each to their own.
    Have you been reading my mind?

    This is how I feel word for word.


      I think I may have stepped some toes inadvertly in another thread.
      Hey can I asked question of you J/T shippers?

      Was the name Sheyla something J/T shippers picked was it given to anyone was expressed a liking for Teyla & John?
      Just for the record, I'm a Teyla/John shipper.


        Originally posted by bluealien
        If he had romantic feelings for Elizabeth wouldn't she have been on the top of his list to apologise to - he almost killed her!!.
        There's no reason to think he didn't apologize to her. Or to all of those guys he beat the crap out of, for that matter. Maybe, like Rodney, he saved the last apology for the person whose trust means the most to him.


          Originally posted by Angel007
          AHHHHH! TOO MANY POSTS! It took me an hour to read all of the new ones. Now, to reply. I have only one question about ALL of the new posts. I forgot who said it, so bare with me.

          WHO in the WORLD (Atlantis or Earth) said that Thalen's "He cares for you more than you know" was directed to Weir?

          That's just dumb. I have many reasons why it was NOT.

          1: He was looking at Teyla when he said it.

          2: Why in the world would he say that to Weir? It was Teyla he was trying to keep from killing him!

          3: He doesn't care for Weir! *Laughs* Just had to add that!

          Anyway, my thoughts, and jumbled ones at that. Gotta go now!
          Just wanted to chime in here. I'm a S/W shipper, but lurk on your thread just to see your views on certain episodes, etc, and wanted to say that I have not seen anyone claim he was talking to Weir in TLG when he said that, in fact, the only thing I heard about that comment was that Thalen was trying to keep Teyla from killing him which you seem to agree with as well. (Although I don't agree with #3 ) I Hope that clears that up.

          By the way, I enjoy all of the artwork in your thread! Some of you are very talented!
          Say No To Kirking: Join STAKS


            Originally posted by Gigajules
            There's no reason to think he didn't apologize to her. Or to all of those guys he beat the crap out of, for that matter. Maybe, like Rodney, he saved the last apology for the person whose trust means the most to him.
            I guess the important thing to me here was what the writers felt was the most important scene to show us the veiwers - and it said quite a bit that they thought his apology to Teyla was more important to the story than his apology to Weir.


              Originally posted by atlantisrocks
              Just wanted to chime in here. I'm a S/W shipper, but lurk on your thread just to see your views on certain episodes, etc, and wanted to say that I have not seen anyone claim he was talking to Weir in TLG ...

              Beg to differ, but I know of quite a few who said just exactly that.


                Originally posted by 4prettierships
                I'm quite pleased to share with you all what I think is one of my better creations.. I really like the way this turned out, and while Teyla is not acutally IN it, the words tell the story well enough.. without further explanation.... An "Eye" WP!
                This is beautiful! Yet another WP to add to my little collection. Thank you so much for sharing!
                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                  Originally posted by vaberella
                  What I'm worried about when I heard about
                  is Woolsey and Weir turning into a terrifying shipper group of major popularity. Not that it's a bad thing, but he's there to do a serious job, not have a girlfriend.
                  That could be interesting when you mention it of
                  Woolsey being used as a brand new J/Tdevice, to get our way. I'm keeping an open mind about that because I didn't like Bates being there and then leaving. Is it true Woolsey is there for 10 will make for interesting tv and definitely create the balance of power I wanted.
                  As for Woolsey verbally decking it out with John, I don't think that's gonna happen, because as it's been said before. If John has a relationship with Teyla it would really be unimportant because all they'd have to do is change her team. Laws of earth again don't apply to her in anway shape or form and they woudln't be on earth when they get together. But it would be interesting for that to be brought up and John to also mention that in defense of his relationship---how advance---with Teyla.

                  Forgive me for my newbie ignorance, but who is this guy again? I can't place his name for some reason. Thanks!
                  Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                    Originally posted by bella
                    Ok, There is another transcript website, can't remember the exact url but it's something like: and another run by someone called Callie which I can't even remember the url but I know there are links in the episode threads, definitely the 2nd half of S2. I hate my brain, I'm good at remembering obscure things but rubbish at remembering details.

                    Artwork for Underground, didn't turn out as I wanted but it's passable.


                    I've never thought j/t was a dead ship. It's alive and kicking all over the place.

                    Bella, you do such beautiful work, this is gorgeous! I was just experimenting with a similar idea for a vid, where I'm trying to keep the person in the foreground in color and the rest of the background in b/w. Unfortunately, you can't do it in MM, but I have found a way to do a split screen that gives the idea at least. But not nearly as beautiful or amazing as this! Thank you for sharing!

                    Last edited by LoveConquers; 30 May 2006, 04:17 PM.
                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      Originally posted by Padme18
                      Ok I just made this banner with some pics from Gateworld. I unfortunetly wasn't able to get rid of the thing at thebottom. And hopefully this one is bigger.

                      Another amazing piece of art! Loved your little saying, very nice! Thank you!

                      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                        Originally posted by sanssong
                        Somehow I missed this the other day! But I just had to tell you, it's really beautiful! Good work!
                        Camy, I somehow missed this one as well. I think this is my favorite one yet! It is just breath-taking and the words are beautiful. Well done!

                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          Originally posted by sanssong
                          I guess the important thing to me here was what the writers felt was the most important scene to show us the veiwers - and it said quite a bit that they thought his apology to Teyla was more important to the story than his apology to Weir.
                          What happened with Teyla stood out from all the other odd behavior, so it seemed right to me that that's what they actually put onscreen. (Plus it was sweet as hell, so that works, too.) It was all aggressive in one way or the other, but he got angry with and beat the crap out of other people. Teyla, not so much.


                            Originally posted by bluealien
                            I also see John and Teyla as equals. John doesn't turn on the charm to get his own way which I think he does a lot with Elizabeth. Teyla is immune to Johns puppy dog look and I think John likes this. He has probably had his fair share of woman swooning at him and he enjoys the fact it doesn't work on Teyla.

                            I think that this is what attracts him to her. Her strenght and the fact that she sticks to her opinions is very appealing to John. She doesn't take any BS from John but she trusts and cares enough about him to listen to what he has to say. John in turn is very honest with Teyla and genuinally cares about her opinion and also her opinion of him.

                            There is a wonderfull honesty and respect for each other between them.

                            Well said! I couldn't agree more. John is a natural charmer, but yet other than their initial meeting in The Rising and maybe in the balcony scene in Suspicion, John has not used this method on Teyla while he does still on other women, including Elizabeth. It does not mean he doesn't have respect and deep friendship with Elizabeth, as I believe he does, but for me, it is significant that Teyla is the only one he does not have to woo for his opinion.
                            She sees right through him and understands him, and he learned very quickly that she does. It is like a mutual unspoken agreement between them that I absolutely love. They speak the truth.

                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                              Originally posted by Gigajules
                              I'm not saying he doesn't watch her, because he does. I've just got a more darkly tinted variety of shippy glasses that doesn't let as much in, apparently.
                              Gigajules, I think I have to agree with you here. To be clear, I am a J/T shipper through and through, but I think I too must look at them with more darkly-tinted glasses. I've seen what, to me, can only be called "stretching" on both sides of the ship. Please don't get me wrong, I love to look for any and all possible moments between them, but sometimes a glance is just a glance.

                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                Originally posted by vaberella
                                Hey guys....Just wanted to repost article I sort of wrote analyzing the "Death of a 'Ship'" HOpefully it will be seen on the SGA-Newsletter for Live Journal.

                                Death of Ship

                                Of course you can post your thoughts.

                                You make some excellent points, VB, thanks for sharing! I wasn't even aware that the viability of the ship was in question, lol. Anyway, well said!

                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

