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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by AthosianGirl
    *Runs over for a big hug*

    Now go back and study...

    I would like to help you but I'm like this when it comes to anything science related...

    All I can do is say 'Good Luck!'

    And be a cheering section:

    Go Annie! Go Annie! Pass your test! You can do IT!!!!
    *squeeeeeeeeeze*....thanks hon...ok i'm off to my lovely physics...


      Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
      Heehee, hiya Witchy! Yeah, school's...going. We'll leave it at that.

      Love those moments -- geez, I think you stole mine! That bit in "Allies" especially was great. It was nice to see the issue of trust brought up between them once again. In my mind, this is what really sets these two apart in their relationship compared to others on the base. It seems that while the rest of them had to work to get to know and establish an unconditional trust with each other, Shep and Teyla seemed to build this right off the bat. Trust is key with them, and I like that we got an explicit mention of it in the last episode.
      *Camy pushes everyone out of her way to reach over to her online daughter and give her a BIG Mama Hug!* you been? did you take your vitamins today..? did you brush your teeth, cleaned your ears, and put on clean clothes this morning?
      Did you make your bed, and did you change the sheets (every Thrusday mommy does this)...did you eat all your veggies and did you drink lots of milk for your healthy bones? don't forget to say your prayers tonight....especially for me! do two extras for me, had a tough day today and no decaf today either, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! for this awesome challenging question...Hmmmm.....let's see
      This season certain lacked the scenes that we had just about in every episode of season 1...but it made up for the plots and the conversations, the looks and the moments that were priceless in my view and very telling as far as where the writers are considering for this couple....

      I personally liked ALL OF THEM! since we didn;t have that many...but there are some that are just too cute not to mention...
      for example, the one we've been talking about the last couple of days, from Intruder...
      that is such a small scene....I mean Teyla didn't come out in the entire episode till that very last moment...and yet, I read in the episode thread from so many posters how significant and what a fabulous idea it was to leave Teyla in charge, or at least we can assume she played a huge role in leading Atlantis while they were gone...and I can't help but go back and mention how in this small scene we see so much...I mean Sheppard the entire episode was miserable....even in the scene with Weir he was gloating about himself and this was when they were heading back to I can only assume that he missed Atlantis so much...and since Weir, Rodney and even Beckett were there with me..who else would he be so excited to see but Teyla....and that is exactly what he showed....running up the stairs, looking around like a young men in love waiting excitedly for his girl..was the clear expression that I saw in him....and then the whole looking at Teyla and clearly she missed him...and well, I don't want to repeat everything we've said here..but I just love that little entire scene shows that John loves Atlantis and that he is certainly made the Pegasus Galaxy his home, and with Teyla for sure is the one that he wants to settle with...
      Okay, I have more...but I will be back...


        Originally posted by Camy

        I need help here...I have a site that I love and it needs's the Atlantislovers have to enter only by those of you interested let SP or I know about it...but we need to get that site going...any suggestions....besides posting fics?
        Oh, it's all about John and Teyla of coarse...SP is a moderator or administrator there....she's one of the big kahunas!hehehehehe

        also, we need some ideas for this thread...Witchy are we still doing the episodes?
        Ooooh babe I think I'm a member of that! I don't think I've ever posted though. Bad, bad Melita


          Originally posted by Camy
          *Camy pushes everyone out of her way to reach over to her online daughter and give her a BIG Mama Hug!*
          *is hurt*

          All Camy ever does when I post here is pass out.

          I need some time to catch up, but I just wanted to drop in and say hi.

          It's a bird, it's a plane...nope, just Camy flying over everyone to tackle SP.
          Sig by Camy


            Originally posted by melpomene
            Ooooh babe I think I'm a member of that! I don't think I've ever posted though. Bad, bad Melita
            Well, my bad, too, since I've let it go.

            Yay for Camy as cheerleader!

            T: You will do something creative at Trippy's place?
            J: Yes, just do that again!
            Sig by Camy


              *huggles Camy back* Of course I did all that stuff, mommy! And I did my homework and fed my fishie and everything.

              *waves to Trippy* Soooo good to see you, Tripsters! Hope school went well for you last night, even though you had to drag yourself to class...hope it was worth it.

              "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

              HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                I'd have to go with the trust scene from Allies as the most shippy in Season 2, really really shippy in my mind.

                Really GL12, I haven't heard hide nor hair of VB in days.

                I can do physics Annie, really, I'm in AP, but you may be way ahead of me. Whatever, Shep and Teyla tell you to study!

                Gonna be gone tomorrow and Saturday everyone, so keep the ship alive while I'm gone.
                Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                  TRIPPY...*Camy is making herself not pass out*

                  HI hon...I've missed you!

                  You know I always cheer for anything that is in support of John and it gives me the opportunity to swing my Macarena skirt around...hehehehe
                  SP....good girl!
                  Melita..yeah, we should post more in that site and any other site that needs and supports John and Teyla...I was also thinking that it's been a long time since I've visited Warriors site....Rachel forum and his Rachel Website...we need to go there as well..
                  Trippy, I love that Pic with John and Teyla sparring...we need more sparring scenes for season 3...YIPEE
                  Oh, I have not finished my postings on my favorites scenes of Season 3...I just can't pick one...I don't know how you guys do that...HELP! Camy can't decide....she loves them Alll....I could ramble and ramble and analyze all of them....WOW!

                  Ritter..VB is alive...she is just very busy...she email me three times today...I asked her for something..and she delivered..but I know she is extremely busy....


                    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SP!

                    Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                      Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                      I'd have to go with the trust scene from Allies as the most shippy in Season 2, really really shippy in my mind.

                      I would have to agree! I really think that it showed the deep caring and feelings that are needed for a true relationships to grow!! The ultimate trust Teyla has for John in a situation like that shows a lot of hope for our ship!


                        just a little picfic!! Ahh it feels good to not have homework


                        ...John, I hear people liked our interaction in "Allies"...

                        ...Really? I don't quite understand why ...

                        ...Well, I did say that I trusted you, doesn't that mean anything?...

                        ...I just don't get it Teyla...

                        ...She's saying she loves you! Ugh, the scientist has to figure everything out...

                        John: Oh, that's what she meant?
                        Teyla: Nevermind John, you just don't get it!

                        So, It's kind of dumb, but it was fun to make

                        By the way, like my new sig?


                          Cute picfic, Pretty! And the new sig is very nice!

                          Well, I'm outta here. It's after 1 in the morning here, and I'll be in a brass quintet rehearsal twelve hours from now – playing my latest arrangement (John Phillip Sousa's Nobles of the Mystic Shrine)! *is very excited* So I need to get some sleep.


                          Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                            Yeah like Camy said VB is busy, I spoke to her last night and she was studying for mid-terms. After mid-terms we will hopefully get her back

                            I like your new sig Pretty It's lovely.


                              Happy 19th Birthday SnoggingPicard (sorry still not on first name basis with some fans on here - my bad)


                                Awwww, picfic!!! Why are boys so clueless? Good for Rodney, and great job, Annie!

                                Thanks guys! Hugs to you all! Mommy sent me a box of junk food...wish I could share it with you because it's just not safe to have it sitting in my room. The Peeps and Milanos keep looking at me funny...

                                "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                                HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???

