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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Annie Sheppard

    ....but when John said this three words...she said it too...

    ...I LOVE YOU TOO, JOHN...

    ...and that was the haviest moment in his life...


    Chapter 6 the jumper...

    ...Teyla?!?!... the gate room...

    ...John...John i'm here...John??...
    ...and in this moment the bombe exploded...the connection had been broken and Johns jumper disappered...

    ...everyone was shocking...

    Last edited by Annie Sheppard; 13 March 2006, 02:47 PM.


      Had to come back for that!!
      Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


        hi Ritter

        how are you?? feeling better??

        ... you think Annie's little story will help him a little...
        ... i hope so...


          Originally posted by Annie Sheppard


          Chapter 6

 the jumper...


 the gate room...

          ...John...John i'm here...John??...
          ...and in this moment the bombe exploded...the connection had been broken and Johns jumper disappered...

          ...everyone was shocking...



          Chapter 7

          ...but then out of the blue...came the 'Orion'...and they beamed John on the ship...

          ...on the 'Orion'...

 angry John...*now i'll teach you!!*...
          ...the 'Orion' as a great ancient ship defeated the wraith hive ships...

          ...on Atlantis no one was aware what happened above them until John said...

          ...Atlantis, i hope you have a big garage to park this baby...

          ...on Atlantis...

          ...Teyla was owerhelmed by her feelings of happiness...and she didn't need to hide it...


          ok ok i know the way they defeated the wraith is a little simple but i didn't want to complicate it cos i'm doing this so long...there will be just one more i've got such a funny idea...i think that will be a great the beginning...
          Last edited by Annie Sheppard; 13 March 2006, 02:49 PM.


            Originally posted by WitchBlade007
            They have that connection, that dynamic that is ever changing, From 'Rising' to 'Allies', Sheppard and Teyla have gone from simple flirting, to a true, trusting, compassionate, supportive pair. That has potential for a loving relationship.
            you're sooooo right...*sigh*..

            Oh love the pics you posted for these Annie, I'm snagging them for a sig, or wallpaper k?.... Thanx...
            thanks can take what you want they're not mine, everything from the net...


              Originally posted by CeeKay
              Oh, Caz, that poem was beautiful!

              Oh, so it was your fault, Rodney... *smacks McKay upside the head*
              i hope it made a small smile on your face(?)...

              Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
              Annie, I love the "Lost Boys" caps! May I snurch a few?
              of course CeeKay....
              Last edited by Annie Sheppard; 12 March 2006, 07:04 AM.


                Caz - wonderful poems...


                  Originally posted by Annie Sheppard
                  hello guys
                  ...what are you thinking John??...

                  Hey Annie.. is thinking he just wants to dump the kids and have her stop worrying about them; they can get a babysitter to watch them..and they can go off and have a private meal in a tree house somewhere..hahahah
                  Click statement above to read article.


                    Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                    I'm a McSheppy supporter and we need a lot more AU-AU fics...those sort of hope to 'gosh darnit not' fics . For Shep and I'm all about a three some..sort of. Shoot maybe I'll write one for Zalenka/Ronon/Carson....but right now my muse is feeding off of the whole Shep first with McKay and then bad break up...maybe someone sleeping with someone else..and then Shep goes with Teyla and they have this great worldwind romance...but he's having a battle with his sexuality. ...

                    It's gonna be great!

                    By the way, how's that fic coming along. I want to read Chappie 2!

                    Click statement above to read article.


                      Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                      Lovely Caz!

                      I'm still jumping up and down about that scene in allies...
                      Though I would've preferred Teyla to have been in the 302 with Shep, why was she just hanging out on Atlantis?!?!?!?!?!?!? Seriously, WHY???

                      You know this is a great comment for debate..and I tried to play devil's advocate on how this turned out..but I couldn't figure it out either. That's a bloody fantastic discussion point.
                      I mean we could say something lame like we did with 'Grace Under Pressure' about her having to see her people...cause remember they had to relocate and she probably went to look them over. But then it made me still think she's part of his team why wasn't she there. I can see her not going on the ship with Ronon/McKay..but it does seem odd not the Daedy...interesting.

                      This is as good as mentioned that Sheppy was flirting with the Wraith Queen...weird!

                      Click statement above to read article.


                        Loving the story's great ready and super funny....Sheppy is always getting out of a bind. So when Teyla said she loved him that was out loud where everyone can hear? Just wondering..and where do I go to read part 1-6?

                        Click statement above to read article.


                          Originally posted by vaberella
                          Loving the story's great ready and super funny....Sheppy is always getting out of a bind.
                          So when Teyla said she loved him that was out loud where everyone can hear? Just wondering
                          ..and where do I go to read part 1-6?

                          VB...just be patient hon...i'll do the end today later......everything will be later...i have to do now a few things...ok??

                          yes, of course everybody could hear it...

                          i will post all parts together in urls at the end....


                            That's know these pic-fics always throw me off. I love them but at the same time I find them difficult to follow, I think it's the pictures..I get distracted quite easily to Shep's hair.

                            Another reason why the show messes me up..I've been known to miss entire lines because of his hair bugging me. I end up having to watch the ep twice that night and rewatch it during the week to get a handle on what was done. Shame....

                            I'll be waiting for the ep AS...take your time...

                            Now Camy...where are you? I know your on/off the board but where..we have some heated J/T discussion going on and your MIA, not to mention the great point brought up by CR... I got to agree he made me wonder..since I just didn't pay much attention.

                            Long Live Shep/Teyla.

                            Last edited by vaberella; 12 March 2006, 09:44 AM.
                            Click statement above to read article.


                              vb WROTE...
                              Now Camy...where are you? I know your on/off the board but where..we have some heated J/T discussion going on and your MIA, not to mention the great point brought up by CR... I got to agree he made me wonder..since I just didn't pay much attention.
                              I'm here hon...I don't know if I will be much for discussion..I have a huge headache..bad Friday day and it's still lurking..but anyways, I was on and then I had PM messages and then I had to read the six or so pages that you guys wrote and I'm still not quite, I don't want to repeat too much of what you guys if I do, please forgive me...On another note, jeepers..I'm going to have to start taking notes whenver I'm off this long cause now I don't remember who said please, if I mis quote someone, again forgive me....

                              Okay, so Allies....I have to say this though, and a bit of topic...I LOVED's been a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time since I loved an episode from SG-1...I'd say since Jack left, I haven't been too much into it..but this episode ROCKED!
                              Okay, sorry abou that..but I don't visit any of the SG-1 threads and I just had to write that!

                              Okay, Allies...Overall, it was really good..I think there's only one thing I have to say about the entire episode...DUMB MOVE! OOOPS, sorry....Two words...

                              I think since Michael things started going downhill for them...kind of like a ripple effect...but another thing that I think we can discuss while we see the episodes again, is how we can now go back and tie things together and make many connections about the characters themselves and about some of their actions, discussions, arguments, etc...cause this episode certainly brought some clarity to some things...I think anyways....

                              On another side note...I did enjoy the entire John and McKay interaction..sometimes I think it's a bit too much, but for this episode is was great..but I have to say, aside from our J/T moments and Teyla moments...I loved the moments between Ronon and was great and so needed.....Ronon and McKay seemed to be more distant from each other and this episode clearly showed, and one of you mentioned this already, that Ronon does care about the people in Atlantis...even McKay!....Interesting enough how the Wraith
                              picked up on the vibe of calling McKay Ronon's superior...I thought he was doing it to annoyed Ronon..the Wraith have so many human characteristics and this is just one great example...something that perhaps I had not noticed it before...usually the Wraith have been pretty non-comical or even robotic and we see that there are other more define human traits that we didn't know were there before, and I think this is why Teyla was able to feel compassion for Michael to some extent..
                              .see I'm rambling now....again, I just think this episode brought a lot of background clarification on some important questions, if anything I have even more questions now!

                              Okay, John and Teyla...
                              this may not be as significant but I picked up on my first viewing of the episode and for me that is big...I am not a detailed I think it's worth mentioning and I don't think anyone has presented it yet...when John was in the meeting room the first time sitting next to Teyla,
                              1. He is very anxious...he knows that their actions with Michael is now showing the consequences...and you can tell cause he is very fidgety and he is curling up his fingers in a fist like form while moving his fingers open and shut...and then the camera shifts to Teyla and she starts doing the same thing! I just think it's cute that they are even doing the same body movements and expressing very similar gestures and moves....unknowingly...

                              2.. He is staring at her a lot...and he is very concerned for her..and when he runs after just confirms that he is extremely worried about her...this was very comforting for me...since we've seen that Teyla has shown so many signs of having well, practically a break down in the last several episodes...and to see here and in Michael that he is very aware of her stress, just shows that he knows her so well and that he cares deeply for her enough to chase her and to assure her that not only is he watching her and aware of her struggle with the entire issue, but that it is important for him to know that she is okay with this...

                              3. Now, this whole phrase of his...I just want you to be okay with this...I think this is very telling...he isn't just saying to her that she wants to be in agreement with their actions toward the Wraith, but in my view, he is telling her that she wants her to be okay with his actions, with his part in all of this...he doesn't want her to feel any hate, or remorse, or rejection towards him...he is in fact the one heading all of this...and she knows it...He knows that Weir is also a big part of this, but he is not asking her for Weir, he is asking her about him and her...In other words, he doesn't want the recent events to jeopardize their relationship...whatever that may be in anyone's eyes...this is what I think is really his deeper meaning with his statement...and I think Teyla knew this before he even told her this and thus her statement...I chose to put my trust in you!...John knew this..eventhough he said "we convinced you" he knows and if he didn't know he knows, that the only reason why she went along with the entire retrovirus experiment was because she trusted John...she trusted his judgements...she trusted in his, interesting enough and this is where I was saying that we can go back and refer things to other episodes...In CM..when Carson comfronted Teyla with the events occurring she said, I am aware and I trust that...blah, blah, blah..can't remember her exact words..but I remember that she mention "trust" and we said here that it was Sheppard she was referrring to...HELLO! were we right or not?
                              and were we not right in assuming that he is the one that goes after her and tells her everything that is's almost as if he needs to confide with her before he makes any moves..hmmm...that is much like what my husband does with me before he makes any decisions...hehehehehehe

                              So, again, I think that, like someone else he wrote, John doesn't have to or need to go and ask Ronon or Teyla about what their feelings are of what is happening, yet he does...and it's safe to say that Weir and the others in Atlantis do see them as an integral part and do confide in them and in their opinions to some a perfect example when they looked for a response in Ronon as to whether they should do this or not....but you have to think that John does this type of thing with Teyla in's as if he is consulting things with her and he cares enough about her opinion just as she cares about his...

                              Overall, this was a very telling episode and I think for the first time we see how John and Teyla have finally admitted as close to any other scene in any other episode, how much they care, respect and worry about each other...Teyla clearly told John, I trust you completely and wholeheartdely...even to the point of going against everything that she believes in...and this is what the shippy part comes into play...Clearly she told him, I didn't do it because I agreed with it...I did it and went along with it, because I trust you completely and put my life on the line for you...for us! A couple does this all the time, even when things are against what they believe, they compromise and sacrafice their own feelings in order to please and make the one they love happy...and to show them that they are willing to listen and follow their lead! Teyla is accepting John as a leader and relying on his judgements to decide their fate...People if that isn't a sign of someone that loves the other person, I don't know what, again...whether they go with this or not is another story..

                              CRAP...I HAVE LOT MORE TO WRITE BUT MY FINGERS HURT!

                              Long Live Shep/Teyla.



                                I just read what I wrote..and I am not sure if I am making any sense...I am sure VB...or Ritter will tell me if I am coherent or not!

                                But, here are my final thoughts..for now anyways, headache still here bothering me...

                                I see this as the first time of both of them confessing that they do have very strong feelings for each's not a declaration of undying love but it is certainly a beginning of what can and might happen...John is looking for Teyla's approval and acceptance..he is asking her and telling her that he wants them to be okay...he wants her to be okay with, why would this bother him, concern him, worry him if it wasn't because he holds Teyla more dearly to his heart than he's okay for him to want her to be okay with this, but the difference being is the fact that number one..of all the things happening at that time and all of the things that he has to do, he goes after her and chases her to make sure his point is made clearly to her and to hear her response...if this was just a question of him being concerned for her opinion, then it was certainly something that could have waited for him to say to her later on after things were said and done...afterall, he doesn't owe her any explanations, but the fact of the matter is, it is so important for him to let her know that this had to be okay with her...that he cannot wait to make sure that this is okay with her..and that she is okay..that they are reminds me again...of their conversation in Conversion...after the is so important for him to have Teyla feel comfortable with him..their relationship is important to him...and he cares about what she thinks and how she feels about him......not only that, but think about this, he knows that this is a new Alliance is very dangerous....they are about to bring in the Wraith into Atlantis...anything could happen, so it's almost as if he wants things straightened withher before anything else..he is placing her more important at that moment, than even the things that he has to do...if anything goes wrong, at least he knows that Teyla and him are okay with one another... ...with each my view, that is an expression of someone who clearly has more than just friendship in their mind and cares more for the person than led on to believe...he couldn't have possibly declare his undying love cause they are not at this point, yet...but certainly this is an act of love..a love that is so important to him that he puts everything on hold...even in the time when he needs to be concentrating on the events occurring in, I am not saying that he is not doing his job and that it is interferring with his duties, it is not..clearly he proved throughout the rest of the episode that he is so in control of the situations, but if you also notice, for the rest of the episode, he seemed more at ease with the decision, and more ready to face the consequences, because Teyla is fine with it! Okay, so I had to throw that in there.... but seriously, does that make any sense?

                                Teyla's admission...for me is so very telling..more than she has ever said...again...she is such a soulfoul woman...she is so strong willed and assured of her actions and never questions when she needs to state her opinion, and yet for Sheppard she put all of her trust in him.....and clearly the way she said it, she was talking about Sheppard...she put her life, her beliefs, her own doubts and fears aside for Sheppard......she not only trusted him but acted upon and followed everything that he told her to do...clearly the reason why Sheppard kept such a close eye on her in Michael and we can safely even assume why when he wasn't around, Ronon was close by to her...all I can assume part of John's way of watching out for her...

                                Again, this is how I see it..and once my headache is gone, I can probably conjured up some more things....

                                Now, the whole,
                                grandkids thing...again...I see this as a connection to everything else that he has said....John wants a family and sees marriage and kids in the, again, the whole kirking thing..must be a passing thing..because someone who is planning for a family and kids wouldn't want to cheat on his wife...and I don't see Sheppard as the, if he really wanted to continue with and was fond of the kirking for longer, he wouldn't be thinking of a future, kirking right now, then is YES, a weakness..but I still think he is projecting his feelings for Teyla and second, the times of the kirking have all been because of either the women come to him or that he is after all, like Trippy and others have stated, single and doesn't need to feel any shame or guilt...

                                If we go back to Chilhood's End, he refers to the kid that was going to give in to the sacrifice, that he does want a family and children in the future..If I am not mistaken when he goes to the barricades in Underground, isn't he the one that asks McKay about the radiation and Mckay says something about if you want to have kids..or something to that effect...and then he mentions it again...but I can't remember when..but now in this episode he mentions you have to think about the context and the way he says it..he was referring to when the Queen said, it wasn't going to affect them in their lifetime, when they would run of out Wraith humans to feed and then would have to rely on feeding with humans I belive he is the one that brings it up in the first place...which tells me...that number I've stated before and others here as well...John is not planning on going back to Earth even after all this is over..he has found a home in the Pegasus Galaxy...and he plans on remaining, this is interesting because although he doesn't say it's with can't help but wonder who would he be so sure of that would stay in the Pegasus if people think it's can he be sure that Weir will be willing to stay in the Pegasus Galaxy? clearly she has gone back and forth to Earth and has family and connections there...and why would he be so sure that she would stay in this galaxy...? he doesn't..and so, he couldn't have been thinking that Weir is the grandmother of his, others say, Chaya...we don't know what the Ancients are capable of and as far as my knowledge he isn't communicating with Chaya at all since Sanctuary...they;ve made reference to the kids in Childhood's end which show that they go back there to check up on them, but you never hear of Chaya's planet been visited by him or anyone it can't be there are only two other options, John is thinking of Teyla who for sure is remaining on the Pegasus Galaxy or he is counting on marrying some alien girl.....cause even if he is thinking of an Earthling in Atlantis, who's to say that she would agree to remain in Atlantis..? again, when he obviously doesn't have anyone in, I think it's pretty close to say that he was thinking of Teyla...
                                now, on the other hand, Weir's reaction...if lshe was thinking this was a reference to her..don't you think her reaction would have been more, like a woman in love whose just been revealed that the man she loves is thinking of their future together...I mean at the least, her expression could have been something in the nature of "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" he does loves me..or something like a smirk on her face, or a sparkle in her eyes...something....ANYTHING..but instead we see a shock expression on her face...not so much for what he said, but also for when and who he said to....
                                Again, going back to references in other episodes, in Coup'DEtat..when Teyla and Ronon get back to speak with Weir and they are in her office with the pictures, when Teyla tells Weir that she should call of the people off planet to come back to Atlantis...right before Weir tells Teyla where John is and what he is doing, you see that Weir hesitates and gives Teyla this look of , she isn't going to like this...and lo and behold, you see Teyla's expression of worry and concern.....I didn't mention this before, cause I'm like this is just my shippy side, but going back to this scene with John admitting his grandkids...I can't help but think that Weir is certainly making a connection of here is John now making a declaration that he is planning on making the Pegasus Galaxy his permanent home...and not just to stay here until they defeat the, I think her look of shock is just her recognizing or confirming that John is thinking more of Atlantis than the others..that he has goals and plans that in Atlantis and Pegasus Galaxy that others like her may have not even thought of before...and that he clearly has a goal in mind, to defeat and remover the thread of the Wraith because he wants to form a family and of coarse in my view, that family includes Teyla as his wife! YIPPEE!

                                Okay, guys I'm sorry that I am rambling...I don't even know if this makes any sense and I am probably repeating what you guys have already written...I'm certain that you guys can summarize this in two sentences...just remember I'm a chatter....

                                Annie...excellent picfic...I've always said that Sanctuary, although full of non-J/T moments...also has some of the most scenes with them together the most in one entire episode...if you really think about it besides letter for Pegasus and suspcion...Sanctuary has some of the best moments of these two been so close together...and some of the best sights for them to...hehehehe..I've always said it's kind of an entire irony for the episode..maybe Sheppard trying to get Teyla to notice him...or something....

                                Okay, I"VE EDITED sound more sensless.... Now, I do have more to write...
                                Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 12 March 2006, 12:18 PM.

