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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Yeah yeah..I know...ugh....I don't know how clear I made it. And I feel a bit insensitive when I said what I said...but your right..she is entitled to it..especially as you put it the bond they have. That bond is really getting stronger and more pronounced as the show continues on.
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      Welcome I love Daniel! Glad you decided to join us!

      AG, Cpt. Ritter, and SP thanks for the kind words! Royal Shippy Recorder.... I like the sound of that! Hope I don't disappoint. TLG is coming up! I can't wait! I relish the challenge.

      SP great question! I have to say I agree this is something she is going to have to face. She spends half of her time on Atlantis or off-world. That can't be easy to do as a leader. She is, as you pointed out, changing. While her people understand why she is doing this they will have a problem with this arrangement sooner or later. Either because of her time spent or the differences they notice occurring within her. It has already caused a few problems already. Suspicion comes to mind. They had a problem with how much she trusted the Atlantis team. When Teyla said, "Where would you go?" Halling responded, "Do you not mean to say, "Where would we go?""


        Here's a present for you all on this Saturday afternoon. Chapter 2 of Forgotten Past.

        Chapter 3 is already in Beta stage and it brought me to tears.

        Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
        Well... I don't know........ it doesn't really bug me personally. I mean, I think no matter how strong a person is, when they have as strong a bond with someone as Teyla has with Sheppard (and it is hard to deny they have a bond even if you do not look at it romantically), it would be understandable to have such heart wrenching emotions when they are in a state of peril. Or at least, thats my interpretation of it.
        I second this.

        Originally posted by vaberella
        Lately though it's very common thing to see. I mean it's a fabulous thing shipper wise, it's amazing thing for character development.

        But I do have to wonder....How does she feel? Does she see this as a weakness? Does she see him becoming so important? I mean not on your estimation but yourself in her point of view. That's what I'm questioning...
        I'm not sure how to respond to that. I guess to be completely honest we don't have alot of info in regard to Teyla's internal feelings, but we're getting more. On that score I'd say I don't think she considers it a weakness, I think she's extremely grateful to have such a friend.

        As me in her perspective, I wouldn't see it as a weakness. As they said late at night during BSG.

        "Now you've got something to live for, not just die for." -Helo.

        In that line Helo was referencing to Starbuck's clinging on to the fact that Anders was alive (A boy friend from earlier in the season)

        I think that in Teyla's position, I'd want someone I could trust, someone who I knew would listen no matter what happened. Someone who wouldn't blame me if I had to kill them to save the rest of the world. I think that's the role John plays in Teyla's life. This is all very abstract for me... ask the same question but from Shep's perspective and it might make more sense, crossing the gender line is confusing.
        Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


          Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
          Here's a present for you all on this Saturday afternoon. Chapter 2 of Forgotten Past.

          Chapter 3 is already in Beta stage and it brought me to tears.
          Thanks for the treat. I can't wait to read Chaper 3.
          Sig by Luciana


            Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
            I'm not sure how to respond to that. I guess to be completely honest we don't have alot of info in regard to Teyla's internal feelings, but we're getting more. On that score I'd say I don't think she considers it a weakness, I think she's extremely grateful to have such a friend.

            As me in her perspective, I wouldn't see it as a weakness. As they said late at night during BSG.

            "Now you've got something to live for, not just die for." -Helo.

            In that line Helo was referencing to Starbuck's clinging on to the fact that Anders was alive (A boy friend from earlier in the season)

            I think that in Teyla's position, I'd want someone I could trust, someone who I knew would listen no matter what happened. Someone who wouldn't blame me if I had to kill them to save the rest of the world. I think that's the role John plays in Teyla's life. This is all very abstract for me... ask the same question but from Shep's perspective and it might make more sense, crossing the gender line is confusing.
            Yeah I saw that in BSG....decided to give it a look after viewing your profile. It sure is..I'm still trying to make my way back..^_^ Hahaha!! But yeah I see what your saying.
            Click statement above to read article.


              Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
              Here's a present for you all on this Saturday afternoon. Chapter 2 of Forgotten Past.


              Chapter 3 is already in Beta stage and it brought me to tears.
              Awww! That's so cute! This was great, and I can't wait to read what you have next for us.

              I'm not sure how to respond to that. I guess to be completely honest we don't have alot of info in regard to Teyla's internal feelings, but we're getting more. On that score I'd say I don't think she considers it a weakness, I think she's extremely grateful to have such a friend.
              I think that before Teyla came to Atlantis she was SO engrained in her leadership position that showing signs of emotion was almost considered a sort of weakness. Actually, Charin practically confirmed this in "Critical Mass" when she told Teyla that she had to be strong for the rest of her people. Being put in this position would have to be very, very tough. I feel that she has gotten to be a master at bottling up her emotions and creating this impermeable facade in order to project strength to the Athosians and those that she has to deal with as a negotiator and diplomat. On that count, I think her time with the expedition has almost given her "permission" to show more emotion and feeling, and recently we have gotten many more small glimpses into her feelings than in the beginning. There are more instances where her humor, happiness, sadness, worry, and anger slip through her mask now than when we first met her, and I don't think this is accidental.

              As me in her perspective, I wouldn't see it as a weakness. As they said late at night during BSG.

              "Now you've got something to live for, not just die for." -Helo.

              In that line Helo was referencing to Starbuck's clinging on to the fact that Anders was alive (A boy friend from earlier in the season)
              Squee!! Slightly OT, but I love this quote, and for those of you who saw this episode, did any of you think that this little scene between Kara and Helo was at all reminiscent of sparring?

              I think that in Teyla's position, I'd want someone I could trust, someone who I knew would listen no matter what happened. Someone who wouldn't blame me if I had to kill them to save the rest of the world. I think that's the role John plays in Teyla's life. This is all very abstract for me... ask the same question but from Shep's perspective and it might make more sense, crossing the gender line is confusing.
              And this is exactly where I think that Shep's part comes into Teyla's change. I think that him more than anyone else on the expedition has helped her learn that sometimes losing control, being afraid, having fun, etc. is okay, even for someone with responsibility to others. Shep manages to be just as much of a leader as she is to their respective peoples but isn't afraid to let his emotions ride close to the surface and play a part in his decision-making process. This is so different from the way that she manages her duties, that I think Teyla has learned a lot from him in this respect.

              In many ways I feel that Shep has helped to guide her along these changes by being such a close friend. She clearly respects and cares for him a great deal, and places a great deal of trust in him both personally and as a team leader. Like Ritter touched on, I think that for both of them it is very comforting to have at least one person that they can count on regardless of the situation, understand tactical strategy, be each others' backups on missions, know and accept loss and failure, etc. In addition, I feel that they have come to depend on each others' friendship, and both of them seem to have the ability to "read" the others' moods and feelings.

              Has this connection become a weakness for Teyla? I think that it's more a source of strength for her than anything. Shep has become the one person in her life (especially now that Charin is gone) that she has learned she can count on no matter what the circumstances. Halling has questioned where her loyalties lie, and she is now separated from the Athosians. Everyone on the base has doubted her at some point and some have openly questioned her loyalties. The ONLY exception to this is Sheppard, and he has proven his friendship and trust in her time and time again. Trust and loyalty is clearly valued to Teyla, and I think that the strength of their connection reflects this.

              "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

              HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                Originally posted by vaberella
                Yeah yeah..I know...ugh....I don't know how clear I made it. And I feel a bit insensitive when I said what I said...but your right..she is entitled to it..especially as you put it the bond they have. That bond is really getting stronger and more pronounced as the show continues on.

                No you weren't insensitive Your entitled to your opinion, I was just stating mine.

                But your is a little cliched to show him being in peril causing all this worrying from her. Season 3 should do an episode reversing it, HER in peril, and him being worried, (I think we got robbed of that in Micheal...), not too many times mind you....because it would make Teyla look like a damsel in distress.
                Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


                  I come bearing gifts, of two Sheppard/Teyla Icons:

                  If you would like to see more of my stuff, go here, but be warned there are a few spoilers for Michael and a small one for Allies.

                  And that's my two cents...
                  My LiveJournal
                  ^_^ ~ DANIquinn ~ ^_^


                    Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                    Awww! That's so cute! This was great, and I can't wait to read what you have next for us.

                    I think that before Teyla came to Atlantis she was SO engrained in her leadership position that showing signs of emotion was almost considered a sort of weakness. Actually, Charin practically confirmed this in "Critical Mass" when she told Teyla that she had to be strong for the rest of her people. Being put in this position would have to be very, very tough. I feel that she has gotten to be a master at bottling up her emotions and creating this impermeable facade in order to project strength to the Athosians and those that she has to deal with as a negotiator and diplomat. On that count, I think her time with the expedition has almost given her "permission" to show more emotion and feeling, and recently we have gotten many more small glimpses into her feelings than in the beginning. There are more instances where her humor, happiness, sadness, worry, and anger slip through her mask now than when we first met her, and I don't think this is accidental.

                    And this is exactly where I think that Shep's part comes into Teyla's change. I think that him more than anyone else on the expedition has helped her learn that sometimes losing control, being afraid, having fun, etc. is okay, even for someone with responsibility to others. Shep manages to be just as much of a leader as she is to their respective peoples but isn't afraid to let his emotions ride close to the surface and play a part in his decision-making process. This is so different from the way that she manages her duties, that I think Teyla has learned a lot from him in this respect.

                    In many ways I feel that Shep has helped to guide her along these changes by being such a close friend. She clearly respects and cares for him a great deal, and places a great deal of trust in him both personally and as a team leader. Like Ritter touched on, I think that for both of them it is very comforting to have at least one person that they can count on regardless of the situation, understand tactical strategy, be each others' backups on missions, know and accept loss and failure, etc. In addition, I feel that they have come to depend on each others' friendship, and both of them seem to have the ability to "read" the others' moods and feelings.

                    Has this connection become a weakness for Teyla? I think that it's more a source of strength for her than anything. Shep has become the one person in her life (especially now that Charin is gone) that she has learned she can count on no matter what the circumstances. Halling has questioned where her loyalties lie, and she is now separated from the Athosians. Everyone on the base has doubted her at some point and some have openly questioned her loyalties. The ONLY exception to this is Sheppard, and he has proven his friendship and trust in her time and time again. Trust and loyalty is clearly valued to Teyla, and I think that the strength of their connection reflects this.

                    Could not have said it better myself SP!!!
                    Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


                      Hi Daniquinn...oooh!! another newbie...I love the icons..can't use them till I hit 2000 though..darn it. but their so super cute. I'll use them in my other forums!! I'm partial to Dreaming...but then I love the textured loneliness of 'I love you John'....very sweet.
                      Click statement above to read article.


                        Just a thought came to many of you guys ever seen 28 Days Later...

                        I keep on seeing Teyla like Selena and John like Jim---the two main characters. I keep thinking of in 28 Days later she killed that guy who was like her friend, Mark was his name, she hacked that guy into pieces. It brings me back to 'TLG'----hahahah!!! Too funny!! And the zombies are Wraiths....I guess the little girl was McKay. ^_^
                        Click statement above to read article.


                          WOW! Some really great I've only read this page...never mind what you guys have written in the other 7 or so pages that I haven't read..but I really like the discussion going on in this page..and if you don't mind, I will put my two cents in...

                          Is John Teyla's weakness...IMO, YES! I wrote this before..they are each other's weakness....Time and time has been proven...Is it a bad thing....Well, those of you who have been in love or are in love, can agree with me, that YES! Love can be a bad thing...but it can also be a good thing...

                          Okay, let's reminesce..and if someone has written this already, please forgive me for I've only read this page here.....
                          In the first season, we clearly see John's reflection and how Teyla became his weakness from day one in Rising...we have already clearly stated how he would have gone after her even if Sumner and the others had not been captured by the Wraith...saving life and risking his own is part of him being a hero....for Teyla he does it naturally and instinctively...something that he doesn't question or even hinder...Now, I have not seen the other episodes who seem to be key for this topic but from the little that I have read, clearly John dind't just convince Teyla, but Teyla also convince him..because if Teyla wouldn't have budge on his terms....what do you think he would have done...? I think he would have gone back to Weir and argue against the entire idea...but because he didn't want to go there, he clearly had to convince Teyla of his way so things would be easier for him...for I know he would have had a difficult time dealing with Weir and even questioning his participation in the whole thing...that is why it was so important for him to have Teyla at his side on this..IMO..of course...
                          Other example, goodness we have dissected this to pieces, the man not only conceded to stay because of her, but he risked Atlantis because he put her first...and thus going back to my point...he holds very highly Teyla's opinion..thus, for me, she is his weakness....her decision influence his decision...her thinking changes him and his thoughts and actions reflect very much her ways....
                          Now, Teyla had not shown this side so inavertenly, until this second season, for me she really began showing this sensitive side towards Sheppard, after she has shown concern for him...38 minutes and others clearly demonstrate her concerns for him..but not until Conversion have I seen a real change in her mannerism and her way of expressing her concerns for him..Lately, I've seen her massage the back of her neck...a sign of stress...lots of it..I noticed it in The Tower, she was rubbing the back of her neck and the other thing is that after Sheppard is taken and he finally contacts them, you sense in her voice her concern for him..clearly she is suffering a lot lately...
                          I have a feeling that this is done on purpose...I see her doing this in other pics from future episodes and I wonder if this is done purposefully to show some sort of breakdown for Teyla...she has an enormous amount of responsibility and certainly since she has been in Atlantis she has done things that I am certain she had never done while just being the leader of her people....Before it was clear cut for her what she had to do..survive! Now, she she has other choices, now she has other options, now she can really feel love, hate, deception, betrayal and things which probably she wasn't used to confronting so often on a day to day basis because her people were never consider a threat to any other race in the Pegasus Galaxy..the only threat they probably had were the Wraith...and there was no barganing chip with those things are different and this is clearly tearing her apart because she does have to decide on many things that she never had to think about before...if Teyla is realizing that her feelings for Sheppard are more than just admiration and friendship, then I can't blame her for rubbing the back of her neck..She is not just falling for anybody, she is falling for something that is unattainable in her eyes, and competely impossible and probably even against everything that she believes in..that alone is stressful..and add to that the fact that he is constantly getting himself into trouble and risking his life for everyone else, OH Yeah, I'd be stressed as well...
                          Now, he is her weakness...I think so! So many times....she risked her life for him in Rising when she pushed him aside and had the beam whisked her up...she did so even before that when she welcomed complete strangers into her tent, when clearly her ways were not to trade with strangers...and yet she caved in with Sheppard trading absolutely nothing to her but some stupid ideas which she had no clue about...the biggest thing for her, again IMO was when she left her people go in Suspicion and conceded to them being treated in that manner all because she put all of her trust in them...Now, did she do it for Sheppard? in directly, YES! She knew how wrong and unfair it was for them to treat her people like that..she could have easily said to John after the whole ordeal was over, your people don't trust me! you are the only one that trust me and yet, he still had to allow her to be treated in such a manner...So, for me that was the first clear indication, that John is her weakness....before it was her people...she knew what she had to do for she is doing things not just for her people, but for the people of Earth who SP so beautifully put, represent John...

                          Does this overall make them weak and ineffective...Well, I think that it will change who they are...I think it has already changed John...he has found a home, he has found people who he loves, he has found security and stability, he has found a purpose! so, if this makes him weak, then bring it on!
                          For Teyla, I think the road will be much more difficult to accept...I think she is caught in a battle that not even she realizes yet...and I think that all of these things that are happening to her will eventually have to explode one way or another..and the only thing that will make her come to terms with it is for her to admit to herself and to John her true feelings...which I don't think she is aware of...I think John is less affected by all of this, because I think he has come to terms with how he feels about her..and I think he knows what he is capable of doing for her and he has no doubts or questions about it...but she does, if she hesitated in TLG is because she has doubts..she hesitated...he hasn't hesitated in his decision for her and this makes it easier for him to deal with the realization, that he also thinks that she is just out of his league and that it can never work....that he would prefer to have her as his team mate than his lover because of all the implications and difficulties that they would face..not to mention the fact that I don't think he is aware that she probably feels the same about him...

                          So, I don't know if I've added anything better than what has already been written, I just wanted to state my point of view, which is pretty much what everyone else has written here...

                          Teyla and John are each other's weakness, but what makes them unique is that the fact that they haven't given into each other, is only because their feelings for each other has only made them stronger, and better at what they are doing, because now more than ever they have something more than just people that they don't know very well to fight they are fighting to save and protect each other...

                          I love in The Tower, how Rodney told John that if he turned on the system in Atlantis it would cause more tremors which could probably cave in them and kill them and you see that John doesn't hesitate or blink in saying, that is a risk that we are going to have to take...and all because Teyla and Ronon had to be saved......LOVED IT!

                          So, yeah VB..I see your point...but I don't see it as a weakness for Teyla, although I do think that it will have some side effects on her character but I hope that in the end it will only come out as her revealing her true feelings for John and hopefully if we are lucky, she will reveal it to him...and vice versa...WHIPEEE


                            Oh dear's my no hablo ingles line! ^_^
                            Click statement above to read article.


                              Originally posted by vaberella
                              Oh dear's my no hablo ingles line! ^_^


                                Sorry about this guys, meant to post this early today but never got around to it. Chapter Three of Wake Me Up, freshly posted at

