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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Alaskhah
    Oh, I don't know... I think if I were her, I would probably enjoy biting his hand...
    So would I.... mmmmm, Shep's hand..... I bet it's tasty.....


      I mean, seriously, could these two look any more perfect together.....


        Oh, pretty pictures! The writers had better not screw up "Conversion"! I am on edge until next Friday -- the kiss had better be awesome, and I will be soooo mad if they write off his actions as "Oh, he was sick and didn't know what he was doing, so none of it counts for anything and we're going to pretend it didn't happen." Not cool, guys, not cool. I'm all for a nice, lovely talking/bonding scene at the end of the episode. If it's not there, I'm gonna write it myself!

        "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

        HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


          Originally posted by Oenone

          Isn't this an awesome Con pic... looks liek Joe is enjoying himself.... don't know if I can say the same thing for Rachel......

          Oh....Thank you, thank you, thank you...We desperatly needed some pictures of these two in here...I just don't know how to do it...I will leave it to the experts....Just keep on posting them....I love it...
          I agree, Joe looks like he is having fun...He almost looks like Shep with his flirting attitude....Rachel doesn't look like she is not enjoying it, she just looks surprised...Look at how she is holding on to his hand close to her....Who says there is no chemistry there....There is plenty....It just that they haven't given them too many opportunities on-screen....

          Keep those pictures coming....


            Originally posted by Oenone

            I mean, seriously, could these two look any more perfect together.....

            This is my favorite picture of them together.....AHHHHHHH
            They make the best couple ever...and since he is married in real life....they should definetly give them the chance on-screen...LOVE IT!
            Thanks....Just look at the way he is holding on to her!


              Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
              Oh, pretty pictures! The writers had better not screw up "Conversion"! I am on edge until next Friday -- the kiss had better be awesome, and I will be soooo mad if they write off his actions as "Oh, he was sick and didn't know what he was doing, so none of it counts for anything and we're going to pretend it didn't happen." Not cool, guys, not cool. I'm all for a nice, lovely talking/bonding scene at the end of the episode. If it's not there, I'm gonna write it myself!

              I am sure that we won't have any confessions or anything like that...although it would be nice if Sheppard and Teyla admit their feelings but choose to not pursue it because of their positions.... But, it is clear that they will not pair these two, yet, because Sheppard is flirting with other women in future episodes. I just hope that we see in both of them the spark...something that clearly shows us that they both do have feelings for each other whether they admit to one another or not....But, it just leaves the window open for future scenes....I think the writers are not ready to commit to anything because they are still waiting to see what the fans are saying....I don't know how much they listen to fans when making these kinds of decisions, but I am concerned because from what I have seen in this website and in others....Sheppard and Weir seemed to be the favorite.....So, I hope that this website goes CRAZY with posting after Conversion, so that maybe we can send a clear message that this is the couple that is meant to be.....It also doesn't help that Torri herself seems to be rooting for her own ship with Joe....


                Hey guys! First time poster here!!! Is anyone else going nuts with anticipation for "Conversion"???? Next Monday night can't came fast enough!!!

                I am sooo excited to see them kiss!! And excited to see what leads up to Teyla saying " Do not make me do this" and pointing her p-90 at shep.... and then what happens after......

                Is anyone else really annoyed at the writers this season? I mean last season there was SO much Sheyla stuff.... this season we have only gotten snippets of it, and it's starting to look like they have changed their minds and have decided to put Sheppard with Weir and Ronnon with Teyla.....I really hope they don't do that..........Oh well......

                I wasn't sure how to post this pic, but I hope it tides you all off till conversion airs.
                Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


                  I'm with you on that one. Up until this point, Sheppard and Teyla are the only characters that I can see who really share a relationship beyond what they're expected to have as colleagues. If you go only on canon evidence, it should all point to those two, and I'm hoping that "Conversion" helps solidify that at least a little bit.

                  Though I'm completely Sheyla, I will not oppose another ship if it comes along, if (and I emphasize, only if), the writers make it believable, realistic, and natural. I will be disappointed in a Shweir, but I think I could accept it if they do a good job of writing it and acting it. Right now, I am just not seeing the characters sharing any sort of bond or friendship that is anywhere close to what Sheppard and Teyla have.

                  If the staff is thinking of switching off the Sheyla stuff and pursuing another route, they need to think long and hard about how they're going to approach it. The bricks were set for those two to get together since the very first episode. Some of the greatest character moments in the series are between them, and some episodes (notably "Suspicion" and "The Gift") are buoyed and progressed mainly with their relationship. They have a really special connection, and whatever path the writers are going to go, that is going to have to be addressed. I mean, do you see Sheppard and Weir stick-fighting every other episode, or even doing something as mundane as crew evaluations together? No, and that is why I don't ship for these characters. There is simply not enough evidence to suggest that they see each other as anything other than trusted friends and respected colleagues. At this point, a relationship between them is just not plausible -- it would feel forced, contrived, and without a reasonable foundation.

                  I worry about how the writers would approach this -- I'm afraid that anything Shweir would turn into a Sam/Jack, a 'ship that I liked and supported for a long time. Unfortunately, what had the potential to be a great aspect of the story just sat there and stagnated. It never did anything new or different, and the characters seemed content to just let the issue hang there unresolved. Now, every time that sappy, 'shippy violin music comes on, I just roll my eyes. Teyla and Sheppard have the potential to really be an interesting couple that would get away from the feeling of the main SG-1 'ship. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that whatever the staff plans to do is handled better and with more realism than Sam/Jack. Only five days to "Conversion", and I'm praying it's good.

                  "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                  HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                    I agree with both of the previous posting...I can honestly say that I watch the show mainly because I ship for John and Teyla...sad to say but true...
                    I find it very interesting and I certainly see the chemistry....

                    SPOILERS>>>>>>YOU"VE BEEN WARNED>>>>>>>>>
                    This second season, I believe we have seen shippy Duet(when Sheppard stopped Ronon from choking he defended her and stood in between her and Ronon willing to fight over her)...Instinct (his reaction when he saw Teyla in trouble and how he ordered Ronon to stay with her and went after the Wraith girl by himself) Intruder (the last scene, the way he looks at Teyla, obviously flirting with her) and Condemned (they were always together;Teyla was always right behind him) far as Sheppard/Weir....I agree...I haven't seen anything, but I know that if I were shipping for these two I would probably interpret some scenes as a ship....but besides the "hug" scene...I didn't see it shippy... I haven't seen anything else....

                    I think it is obvious that the writers are still hesitant on this matter....clearly they were going for Teyla and John at the beginning, and I can say with all honesty that I think they still want it this way, otherwise why make a whole episode based on their possible relationship and why have a kissing scene... but because of the response of Sheppard/Weir, they are probably thinking about it....but as far as how they would make it work,,,,I doubt it....It would be very difficult and if anything I see it happening like the whole 7 of nine in Voyager with Chakotay....put in there at the end of the series....which really got me angry cause I liked those two together as well...

                    But, in any case, if you go to the Teyla thread, there is a link to her latest interview in the Starburst Magazine where she talks about Ronon and her character....She states that there is a bonding going on but that she doesn't know where the writers are taking their relationship...which clearly means that there is no definite on her and Sheppard either.....So, this is really annoying and frustrating because worse than Sam/Jack, we have so many possibilities of different pairings that it really drives me crazy....I think that they should just decide and make up their minds. With Sheppard and Teyla the story can be believable and the plots can be endless and not interfere with the main story of Atlantis or the other characters...I mean can you imagine if they have a baby....half Ancient gene, have Wraith gene, the baby could save them from the Wraith...oh, my mind just goes wild with the possibilites...too bad I am not a writer cause I there would definetly be more fanfiction on Teyla and John than Sheppard and Weir ....whereas if they would put Sheppard/Weir, it would certainly interfere and not have any kind of resoulution until the end of the series.....But then again, in SCI-FI anything is possible.

                    So, let's cross our fingers and keep rooting for the best couple in Sci-fi and let's hope that the writers know what they are doing.... Sheppard and Teyla... just meant to be. Again, JMO!

                    OH,,,and welcome newbie...come back more often....Hopefully we will fill this thread after Conversion airs....


                      Originally posted by Camy
                      I agree with both of the previous posting...I can honestly say that I watch the show mainly because I ship for John and Teyla...sad to say but true...
                      I find it very interesting and I certainly see the chemistry....

                      SPOILERS>>>>>>YOU"VE BEEN WARNED>>>>>>>>>
                      This second season, I believe we have seen shippy Duet(when Sheppard stopped Ronon from choking he defended her and stood in between her and Ronon willing to fight over her)...Instinct (his reaction when he saw Teyla in trouble and how he ordered Ronon to stay with her and went after the Wraith girl by himself) Intruder (the last scene, the way he looks at Teyla, obviously flirting with her) and Condemned (they were always together;Teyla was always right behind him) far as Sheppard/Weir....I agree...I haven't seen anything, but I know that if I were shipping for these two I would probably interpret some scenes as a ship....but besides the "hug" scene...I didn't see it shippy... I haven't seen anything else....

                      I think it is obvious that the writers are still hesitant on this matter....clearly they were going for Teyla and John at the beginning, and I can say with all honesty that I think they still want it this way, otherwise why make a whole episode based on their possible relationship and why have a kissing scene... but because of the response of Sheppard/Weir, they are probably thinking about it....but as far as how they would make it work,,,,I doubt it....It would be very difficult and if anything I see it happening like the whole 7 of nine in Voyager with Chakotay....put in there at the end of the series....which really got me angry cause I liked those two together as well...

                      But, in any case, if you go to the Teyla thread, there is a link to her latest interview in the Starburst Magazine where she talks about Ronon and her character....She states that there is a bonding going on but that she doesn't know where the writers are taking their relationship...which clearly means that there is no definite on her and Sheppard either.....So, this is really annoying and frustrating because worse than Sam/Jack, we have so many possibilities of different pairings that it really drives me crazy....I think that they should just decide and make up their minds. With Sheppard and Teyla the story can be believable and the plots can be endless and not interfere with the main story of Atlantis or the other characters...I mean can you imagine if they have a baby....half Ancient gene, have Wraith gene, the baby could save them from the Wraith...oh, my mind just goes wild with the possibilites...too bad I am not a writer cause I there would definetly be more fanfiction on Teyla and John than Sheppard and Weir ....whereas if they would put Sheppard/Weir, it would certainly interfere and not have any kind of resoulution until the end of the series.....But then again, in SCI-FI anything is possible.

                      So, let's cross our fingers and keep rooting for the best couple in Sci-fi and let's hope that the writers know what they are doing.... Sheppard and Teyla... just meant to be. Again, JMO!

                      OH,,,and welcome newbie...come back more often....Hopefully we will fill this thread after Conversion airs....
                      I completely and totally agree!! I was so disapointed at how they handled the Seven/Chakotay thing in Voyager, I hope they don't do that to Sheppard and Teyla... if Sheppard and Teyla ever gets off the ground.....


                        Hey, I'm back from my weekend trip, and here's my belated response! I'm going to put in the spoiler format for your writing, Camy. FYI, if you want to do any spoilers, just write [ spoiler ] text [/ spoiler ] . . . (Without the spaces in between the brackets.)

                        Originally posted by Camy
                        YOU ARE WARNED>>>>POSSIBLE SPOILER>>>>>>>

                        Well, I am glad that I am not the only one that doesn't care too much about this aggression/sexual tension thing....I think there is a time and a place for it and this show should not be about that....I agree with you about the whole Ronon/Teyla relationship...Too much aggression for my liking...I sure hope the writers don't continue going down this path....Hopefully if this scene gets pretty hot and heavy and aggressive, they can fix it with an apology or a nice bonding scene between John and Teyla...because if they don't, I will have to write something to them because it is just way out of line...especially when they are only targeting Teyla. Just because she is from a non-advance civilization doesn't mean that they should go back into treating the women like cavemen....
                        You know, it's really strange, but I never picked up on that before. They ARE targeting Teyla for this type of treatment, which is annoying, to say the least. I might join you in that angry letter to tptb. I could see a lot of people getting the wrong impression of her through these types of actions. But I'm fairly sure tptb will give us some type of closure to the episode regarding the
                        kiss. Some type of talk or conversation at the end of the episode between Teyla and Shep. I doubt tptb would do something like a kiss, and then forget about it and continue onto the next episode like nothing ever happened . . . Although, I've heard they have done that for S/J in SG-1! Uh-oh.

                        Oh, and um, gotta admit - all the talk about Joe/Rachel stuff a couple of posts back kinda has me freaked. He's a married man, for pete's sakes! I very much back away from this type of talk because, I'll admit, I'm a little touchy on this subject because I recently stumbled onto a tasteless fanfic that was based on Joe/Rachel (in RL) and not Shep/Teyla, and it seriously scarred me for life. Write as many fanfic as you want, but to imply that real life people are having an affair is just derespectful to all the actors involved. I use to ship M/S for the X files like a mad women (using the word 'obsession' in this context would not be out of line ), but I always knew the line between reality and fiction. Characters are fair game - the actors are not. I know most of you guys were just messing around, so this is not directed at you. This is directed towards those bewildered individuals that *actually* hope for something to happen between the RL actors involved in their favorite ship . . . Plus, could you imagine if Rachel were to stumble onto that type of talk about her and Joe?

                        Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                        I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                        Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                          Wow! I can see that I haven't been to this thread in awhile...well duh...that's because I haven't been...I have been too busy thunking

                          Anyway, I cannot wait too see what kinds of Sheyla moments that we have in the upcoming episode 'Conversion'. I mean Teyla certainly cannot turn her back towards Shep...I mean, the man
                          starts to look like a frog for crying out loud. She will need to be there for him at all times...taking care of him


                            Oh, and um, gotta admit - all the talk about Joe/Rachel stuff a couple of posts back kinda has me freaked. He's a married man, for pete's sakes! I very much back away from this type of talk because, I'll admit, I'm a little touchy on this subject because I recently stumbled onto a tasteless fanfic that was based on Joe/Rachel (in RL) and not Shep/Teyla, and it seriously scarred me for life. Write as many fanfic as you want, but to imply that real life people are having an affair is just derespectful to all the actors involved. I use to ship M/S for the X files like a mad women (using the word 'obsession' in this context would not be out of line ), but I always knew the line between reality and fiction. Characters are fair game - the actors are not. I know most of you guys were just messing around, so this is not directed at you. This is directed towards those bewildered individuals that *actually* hope for something to happen between the RL actors involved in their favorite ship . . . Plus, could you imagine if Rachel were to stumble onto that type of talk about her and Joe?

                            Totally agree with you on that.....I am married and I wouldn't wish on anyone something like that! I brought it up because I love the picture of them together...I have stumbled upon a number of threads that have stated that Torri ships for her character to be with, I just thought, hmmm.
                            Joe seems to be shipping for Teyla and Sheppard....and vice versa...
                            But, you are totally correct ....My shipping is only for the characters because of their persona on-screen and their differences in background and the dynamic of the characters...never do I ship or want anything beyond that....on the contrary, if anything should happen between them, that would just tear me apart and then I would have to really dislike Rachel and Joe ....I hate it everytime I hear that actor that are married fall for their on-screen me that is just absurd and just shows their not who they claim to be....But, this is ridiculous and let's not get into it....I ship for John and Teyla, only!

                            Spoiler below.....

                            [spoiler]I hope you are right that we do see some closure between John and Teyla...however, the idea of leaving it open is also intriguing because then it can show that feelings are there....Whereas if they have a closure, then it probably means that there won't be a John and Teyla and I don't think that the writers, even if this is not the ship they are going for, want to have a closure on this just yet...but again...just speculating...[spoiler]

                            As far as the spoiler tags...I am trying...but I hate to admit that I am not very good at it...I will keep trying...But, in any case, I will continue to just post...SPOILERS.....that should warn people....


                              I think it's very interesting that the actors themselves seem to be shipping for their characters one way or the other. As far as I know, Amanda Tapping and Richard Dean Anderson supported the writers' decisions with their 'ship, but they didn't go out campaigning for it, either. I've been reading old episode transcripts this weekend, and I think I 'm going to compile a list of Shweir shippy moments vs Sheyla shippiness. I'll try to be as impartial as possible, but I'm curious to see the difference.

                              "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                              HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                                Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                                I think it's very interesting that the actors themselves seem to be shipping for their characters one way or the other. As far as I know, Amanda Tapping and Richard Dean Anderson supported the writers' decisions with their 'ship, but they didn't go out campaigning for it, either. I've been reading old episode transcripts this weekend, and I think I 'm going to compile a list of Shweir shippy moments vs Sheyla shippiness. I'll try to be as impartial as possible, but I'm curious to see the difference.

                                Rachel and Joe both have said that they're characters do like each other and that there is definite spark there...Rachel has also said that Joe is cute...And Joe has also said very nice things about Rachel...but not to the level that I see either one shipping one for the other...I've also heard Rachel hint whether Ronon is going to be another possibility for Teyla. But, I have yet to hear about either of these characters go full throttle to ship for their characters....So, it just depends how you interpret their words... I think that as actors they would know which of their characters would most likely fit but the writers always get to have a last say and I would imagine that they would listen to the fans as well since they are the heart of the show's success. But, in any case, I just care to see John and Teyla...If I liked Sheppard and Weir, I would be shipping for them....but I am not. Sam/Jack, IMO, was just so obvious since there really wasn't any competition...And although I did not root for them like I am John and Teyla, I always liked those two and I hate how the entire thing played out throughout the years...Just not fair!
                                Anyways, OH, I need to get out of here...I don't even know what the heck I am saying....I am rambling too much.....

                                SnoggingPicard, I like your idea....please keep me posted...I think it would be very interesting...Personally, I believe there are more obvious John/Teyla moments than John/Elizabeth.....JMO But, this second season, there were some pretty obvious moments that Weir has some feelings for Shep, just not clear if it is a sexual attraction or just a platonic friendship....could be interpreted either way...Good luck!

                                Gotta go shopping....

