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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by vaberella
    Can I commission one, that includes my lap scene from Lost Boys?!
    Sure you can. Send me the graphics and any text you got in mind and I'll get it done sometime in the next couple days.

    (definitely) Sel.


      Originally posted by seldear

      Change the { } to square brackets.

      And whalla!
      Thanks so much, Sel!



        Here are a few older icons I did, in case people didn't see them.

        I may post more later. I don't have all of my graphics in one spot, well, except photobucket.



          Boo!!! Yes, here to tell you all that I haven't died or turned into a hermit. Just been AWOL for the last few weeks. Got through finals okay, am back at home, and am working quite a bit. I am trying to make more time to come here now, but internet is patchy, so we'll see what happens. I've missed you all thiiiiiiiis much!!!! *huggles thread soooo tightly*

          Anyways, wanted to give a shoutout to Seldear -- glad to see that you've stuck around the threads, and the graphics are really nice. A quick hi to everyone else -- gotta go already! -- and I'll talk to you soon.

          "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

          HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


            I have a request for people who keep pics on their HDs.

            I'm looking for a good clear shot from Hot Zone where Teyla has Shep on his knees and in a stave-lock. She tells him something to the effect of, "You have not been practising."

            Anyone have it or know where to find it?



              Ah yes, the essential part of any J/T collection.

              Picture resources:, Gifted a Teyla fansite with caps and scans, Unique bond j/t fansite with some more rarer pics, New Atlantis HQ pics. TheWarrior also has some great caps posted here and Annie is our picture queen.
              Last edited by bella; 14 May 2006, 04:38 AM.


                Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                Boo!!! Yes, here to tell you all that I haven't died or turned into a hermit. Just been AWOL for the last few weeks. Got through finals okay, am back at home, and am working quite a bit. I am trying to make more time to come here now, but internet is patchy, so we'll see what happens. I've missed you all thiiiiiiiis much!!!! *huggles thread soooo tightly*

                Anyways, wanted to give a shoutout to Seldear -- glad to see that you've stuck around the threads, and the graphics are really nice. A quick hi to everyone else -- gotta go already! -- and I'll talk to you soon.
                Only thiiiiiiiiis much?

                Glad your back SP... Sel, awesome sigs!!!!!

                Okay... friendship J/T moments. I adore them. Personally, the first step for any kind of romantic pairing is that awesome friendship! So friendship = ship for me... it's not supposed to be that simple is it? Oh well... AP Tests have fried the brain like KFC.
                Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                  Originally posted by Doxymom
                  Here are a few older icons I did, in case people didn't see them.

                  I may post more later. I don't have all of my graphics in one spot, well, except photobucket.

                  Oooh..Doxy, I be lovin' them!! Thanks for the hook up. I adore the first rows...they are amazing...I'm gonna need a new account to have moving icons! The black and whit J/T's have an intense look to them. I really like the work though, and i can't wait for more you have coming our way.

                  You know I've been staring at that kiss pic lately...and if you stare too long, you'd think there was a bit of tipping going on.....:eyeroll: I need to stop staring.

                  Long Live J/T!

                  By the way, am I the only one to use our smilie?! I love it!

                  Click statement above to read article.


                    Thanks, VB! Glad you like them. Yes, you're right about the tipping in the kiss pic. Cool optical illusion. :-)


                      Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                      Boo!!! Yes, here to tell you all that I haven't died or turned into a hermit.
                      Or worse turned into a non-shipper! The Horror! Hi SP glad school's out and hope to see you around more!

                      And your icons...I really like the green 'Wow' one so I had to snurch it!

                      Originally posted by vaberella
                      By the way, am I the only one to use our smilie?! I love it!
                      Ashamed to admit I lost my saved smilies! So I have now saved them again and they will be used in future posts...until then


                        *bursts into tears*

                        I can no longer function as the owner of the Sheyla Jukebox. My collection was ERASED.

                        This is what I get for not using photobucket...

                        oooh pretty icons.

                        I wander the path of life
                        lost, alone, confused, yet
                        you come to take my hand
                        and lead me through the stars.

                        ^ random musings of a sheyla shipper

                        I get the feeling Athosians would consider life a journey along a path...obstacles, companionship...

                        SMILIES - we should use them more


                          Originally posted by HyperCaz
                          *bursts into tears*

                          I can no longer function as the owner of the Sheyla Jukebox. My collection was ERASED.

                          This is what I get for not using photobucket...
                          Whoa, that blows! All of that hard work gone. I feel your pain, however, after a suitable period of mourning, you should think about making lemonade from this lemon and start rebuilding your Sheyla Jukebox to make it bigger and better than ever.
                          Sig by Luciana


                            Originally posted by maxbo
                            Whoa, that blows! All of that hard work gone. I feel your pain, however, after a suitable period of mourning, you should think about making lemonade from this lemon and start rebuilding your Sheyla Jukebox to make it bigger and better than ever.
                            Okay maybe I shouldn't be laughing, because you lost someting you've obviously worked so hard on, HC.
                            I will have to admit this; HC will kill me...what in the hell was the Sheyla Jukebox?
                            I realize that I may be insulting creative genius in the making, and the concept could just be so innovative that it's beyond my meager thought processes. Care to explain...?!

                            But all in all I agree with Maxbo, I loved the Sheyla Jukebox pics when they would drop I want more--although I don't get jukebox.

                            Here's some JT love since their upset too and don't want you to feel bad:
                            Click statement above to read article.


                              Originally posted by bella
                              Ah yes, the essential part of any J/T collection.

                              Picture resources:, Gifted a Teyla fansite with caps and scans, Unique bond j/t fansite with some more rarer pics, New Atlantis HQ pics. TheWarrior also has some great caps posted here and Annie is our picture queen.
                              Thanks for those, bella! Yes, those were the pics I was looking for.

                              Now if I can only recall what I wanted to do with it!

                              Oh, incidentally, Tielan did some caps of SGA: Conversion a while back and got the kiss in play-by-play. For those of you who don't like the 'squished together' faces, she found a shot that looks a little more staid.

                              Feel free to use and pass around!



                                Originally posted by seldear
                                Thanks for those, bella! Yes, those were the pics I was looking for.

                                Now if I can only recall what I wanted to do with it!

                                Oh, incidentally, Tielan did some caps of SGA: Conversion a while back and got the kiss in play-by-play. For those of you who don't like the 'squished together' faces, she found a shot that looks a little more staid.
                                Feel free to use and pass around!

                                Not to fall back on the kiss convo in 'Conversion'..but I do have to say something. It's when I see these pics by pics and after watching the scene several times (It's my sis' fave ep, just to see Weir getting choked. She's a sadist. Don't think it's because I had nothing better to do, it's pretty much on permanent rewind).

                                The kiss was weird to me, you all know how I was against the kiss a few months back and I was not impressed by the fact that she was kissed that way. But watching the ep....I think they cut it up 3 times. Why does she close her eyes? Most people keep their eyes open or look more unaffected? I say this because of John as Thalen in 'TLG'....he didn't move, and he looked like he kept his eyes open throw the whole thing; that seemed unwelcome---taken without his consent---talk about killing a ship (*tongue in cheek*).

                                Of course the attitude could be put up to reaction, but then if we're thinking Teyla and first initial reaction, I'd assume she'd lay him out flat. So it says to me she had to time to thinnk. First cut we see that she's pulled in and her hands are bunched in; second cut...It could just be me, but I thought she was liking it, because her hands open up towards his chest. I'm not like BP in all this, but that's pretty much what I saw. And then we have the third part, that was where it seemed weird...because then it's all hands off...and 'Oh My *insert deity*'. It made me wonder if the writers were going into one direction and then decided to phase it out, as it's movign to quickly---to something a bit more slow paced. Keep in mind I was against this scene as in any way shippery....but the way the scenes are cut, which you can clearly see, makes me wonder! Again, I see Teyla shocked, but I wondered for a moment if she gave in, and then decided that this wasn't John---since he was pretty much suspect to her when they were sparring....based on her choice of words: 'You are showing a considerable leap in ability.'<----Damnit I hate when I memorize the bloody lines!


                                Click statement above to read article.

