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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by 4prettierships
    Whoever was talking bout needing poems or song lyrics gave me an idea for a WP.. so here is my creation! It doesn't really have much going on in it, but I like the way it turned out! Simple!!
    The sunset look is good. How do you get the glowy 'edge' around the images of John and Teyla? I've managed to photoshop those pics of them so they're in the same shot, but am really bad when it comes to actually putting characters in overlap - it never looks quite right to me.



      Originally posted by seldear
      Can you get a good clear pic of that scene? If so, I can work with it. Send it along to me via PM and if you have a line for it, let me know.

      I'm always at a loss for text to put on a pic. My sense of humour doesn't seem to quite match with anyone else.

      I can help with both of those, too ? let me know if you need anything.

      Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


        LOL Ritter, that story was great! Scary what a little spare time can produce isn't it?! Funny is good in my opinion!

        Originally posted by bella
        Shippy: Rising and The Gift/Seige plot arc.
        Rising was the episode that jumped out at me and said "BECOME A SHIPPER!"
        Rising is one of the BEST shippy eps! Where it all began...
        Originally posted by bella
        and Gift/Seige because Bates is so a Sheyla shipper.
        Guess who hasn't seen S2 yet.
        Bates is definitely a Sheyla shipper, he just trys to hide it
        Hope you get to see S2 soon!

        Beautiful WP 4ps!
        Sig by Cazzblade




            Originally posted by Spectrum
            LOL Ritter, that story was great! Scary what a little spare time can produce isn't it?! Funny is good in my opinion!

            Rising is one of the BEST shippy eps! Where it all began...

            Bates is definitely a Sheyla shipper, he just trys to hide it
            Hope you get to see S2 soon!

            Beautiful WP 4ps!
            In the infamous words of Caz....Don't look at Bates, he's just a Sheyla device.

            Glad you got a kick out of the story Spec... tis just alittle insanity.
            Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


              Hi! I'm back! Was having problems with the computer. Wouldn't allow me to log on Gate World and a few other things, but now it is fixed!

              Love the WPs, vids, fics ect! Loved the discussions! You don't know how frustrating it was to not be able to participate.

              Hmmmm My favorite shippy ep...... For season one has to be Rising. For this season Conversion because of confirmation of John's attraction, Teyla's reactions, and most telling the end scene.

              My favorite team ep has to be all three Seiges.

              Hypercaz would you please repost your vid? I can't get the link to work for me.


                This is a bit off topic, but it does relate to Sheyla and I just have to say it.

                I was an avid Star trek Enterprise fan. Even more I was a devoted Trip/T’pol a.k.a TnT fan (characters of Enterprise) from the very beginning; unfortunately there wasn’t a very large following for that ship initially because many many viewers shipped for Captain Archer and T’pol. And how could they not, there was so much screen time between the two. Large amounts that did in-a-way imply the show was going in the direction of those two ending up together.

                Furthermore, the fan following for Archer and T’pol on various boards was so huge that if any one even so much as voiced another pairing for the two hell would break lose.
                Many of the devoted followers refused to see any chemistry between Trip and T’pol. In fact those who emphatically denounced TnT would always stress how the characters couldn’t stand each other and they’re hardly on screen together and when they do share screen time they’re always clashing…where’s the chemistry? But as time progressed the angst that Archer/T’pol followers viewed as zero sparkage between TnT started coming across as sizzling hot chemistry and it was due to better writing regarding their eventual union.
                They in the end proved to so many people that they had what it takes to be together. And as a result,that ship converted so many people in favor of them being together.

                Anyways, before I completely lose my train of thought, the reason why I’m bringing this forward is I see the same thing happening with Sheyla. The Sheyla angst that non-supporters insist on viewing as no chemistry and clashing while on screen together is just denial. They refuse to see anything other than their ship.

                Also I’m so tired of seeing Sheyla bashed in terms of there being no chemistry …where’s, the so called, chemistry Sheyla fans keep talking about…well it's there and tptb are fully aware of it.

                Though the following behind Sheyla may not be as big as the other ship I believe the head honchos haven’t given up on our Sheyla like so many profess and/or would like to believe.

                Sheyla is still up and going strong . Sorry to disappointment.

                Excuse the rant…just had to get it off my chest.


                  Welcome to the J/T fold, we're glad you're here. We too believe that J/T has and will continue to be the canon choice for TPTB on SGA.


                    Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                    So this will be a bit insane...

                    So, this is the tale of John Sheppard, and his quest to find the beautiful maiden...


                    Okay, so senseless and dumb... but good for a laugh.

                    You are just a tad crazy Rit, but that was pretty funny! Thanks for sharing. :-)


                      Originally posted by bella
                      ...and Gift/Seige because Bates is so a Sheyla shipper.
                      Oh! Truer words have never been spoken! He's seen right through John from the very begining hasn't he!


                        Originally posted by 4prettierships
                        Whoever was talking bout needing poems or song lyrics gave me an idea for a WP.. so here is my creation! It doesn't really have much going on in it, but I like the way it turned out! Simple!!


                        Edit: And it's going with my paradise theme
                        Loverly! I really liked this Pretty!


                          Originally posted by gatelover12
                          Yes, but for those of us who had already sensed what we interpreted as romantic feelings it confirmed there was also a more primal attraction there. For many the interaction at the end of the episode was extreamly flirty as well, and if they are comfortable enough to flirt, there is always the possibility of something more.
                          Yep, yep, yep! That's totally how I see it too. Excellent point.


                            Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                            Thank you Sanssong!!! That's what defines that episode for me! I really love how...
                            he decked every other marine with her, but just starred at her. WHY? In my mind, something in him was still John Sheppard enough to stop him from hurting her... thats why I wrote a little fic about that scene... got Tielen thinking about it too on one of the LJ communities.
                            Yes, it was very telling. He treated her differently than *everyone*. He never hurt her and at the very end before he went to collect the bug crap from the cave, it was her that had to get through to him what he needed to do.

                            Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                            I completely ignore the
                            to be honest. I admit maybe some primal aspect may have been speaking but... it's so loose that I don't throw my cards there... instead... I go for that later scene... and then end... there's lots of smiles and lots of dancing around the point... talk about guilty teenagers with massive crushes.
                            I wouldn't say I ignore the kiss- it just isn't as important as the sweetness at the end. What a difference in the ending for Conversion and TLG- I think that too speaks volumes as to where John's affections lie!


                              Can we stop bumping the thread, it doesn't need it! Please!

                              I'd rather it have meaningful conversations and be on page 4, than have one liners, spam and OT discussion and be on page one. Our thread isn't about being seen. We don't need it, because J/T is perfectly clear.

                              I look at our thread as far more than a thunk thread, where we not only just 'oooh and ahhhhh' over what we're seeing in the episodes and how they affect our fave romantic couple. And also if we have any rants or discussions worthy of talking about.

                              I really hate when we go OT or when our thread seems desparate to talk about something. So please refrain from the bumping...not a reprimand, just a mini rant on something that tends to annoy me...I say this in all politeness, Poltergeist.

                              This leads me to a topic of interest for me. Of course when it comes to J/T there is always a topic of interest isn't there. Now this is another side note of something I've noticed that John does ONLY around Teyla.

                              Has anyone else noticed that John has never ever raised his voice at Teyla? Don't get me wrong, he's been terse and in 'LFP' I saw him come close to letting it out; but he caught himself. I have never ever ever ever seen him yell at Teyla. He has yelled at Weir--quite loudly and rudely in fact, he's yelled at McKay, and he's yelled at Ronon and Ford (not by choice, that one). But he's never actually raised his voice at Teyla.

                              Any thoughts on that? We've established that he respects Teyla, but we also know he respects the names listed above, including Ronon. I always figured him and Ronon have a good relationship after seeing 'Conversion'--so tthat's something.

                              What is everyone's take on that? Cause I know ladies who are in relationships have yelled and have been yelled at....I'm wondering why that is..they get angry at one another. But he's never actually yelled at her, and she's never done that to him, but she did yell at Ronon. Give me some ideas..I don't have a take on it, yet. And you guys know me, I need to figure out these things.
                              Second topic of interest to me in regards to J/T is actually what Teyla may see and seek in John and vice versa.

                              Now I've already stated what I think may play a role in the way John interacts with our girl. One of them being the fact, as an older man who's been in the military, he just like me is overly impressed by the innocence and naivete expressed so clearly by Teyla and within her. The rawness in the goodness of man. It's things like that, that impress me. I have said it on many occasions that Teyla and her people, even though living amongst the Wraith and losing so many people....they are very well balanced.

                              I strongly believe that this may play a role in the way John looks at her, and of course the reason he speaks to her in a certain manner, and why he seems more attuned to her than him. We can relate to what Teyla lives by, because when we were younger and before we understood the meaning the sting of betrayal and animosity, two-faced stupidity, and back stabbing, mockery and all those things...we believed in our people. And I think John sees that, maybe even when thougth he was jaded by life, he wanted someting to belive in....i.e. military. Then even there, of course going against regs, we see that maybe a bit something died..and he seeks that out in Teyla.

                              In a way, he feeds off it, and makes sure to nurture that aspect of her personality, because he may want her to believe in him; or have that one thing that still believes. Unfortunately, I have to say a bit of that looked liek it may have been affected in 'Michael', we all saw her face when 'Michael' told it like it was. And again this extends to probably his statement in 'Allies'.

                              But it doesn't only stay there. I wonder about John's past relationships and how they went, especially with women. Because he handles himself fairly well with all the others, and yet we all have noticed he's a bit different with her. Something I've been wondering about, I'm trying to analyze a possible alternative explanation, besides the one of her just being another type of woman. I say this, because he clearly lumped her as easily charmable and fresh meat, so to speak, in Rising.
                              Now on to Teyla...I do spend a bit of time talking about John....why? He's bloody simple. He's a man, and he's from earth....I find them easy to read. Until their pmsing, like GateLover12--

                              Anyway, I have to chat about what Teyla feels for John. I feel there were two things coming from Teyla in regards to John. 1) He saved her life and the life of the majority of her people, even though unbeknownst to him--the cause. 2) She sees his aid, and her alliance with him and those of Atlantis as a means to an end.

                              It seems rather cold and calculated on Teyla's part. Where do I think this may have changed? Probably in 'Suspicion', and at the end of 'LFP'. I think it was specifically in 'LFP' she saw John as a man. I do feel, much like the Atlantis crew to her and her people--she also had her own pre-judgements. Probably a sort of awe and glee, at the fantastical weaponry and their ability to out smart the wraith, while many others normally perish.

                              I felt 'LFP' brought him back to being at her level. And then at the same time, I do feel she was upset with herself. She was in a way saddened by the pressure of the unattainable on his shoulder. She forgot that he bled blood, and I think it hurt her, that she seemed to omitt that aspect. This is explained by her line. I don't think she lost faith in John. Actually I felt it reaffirmed her reassurance in him...but also, she realized that he needed her; and putting that aside, she did look out for him if you notice. As he's leaving the ship, she's worried as to where he's going and why? She realised that he isn't invincible; something I strongly believe she forgot, it was wrong of her...but it's also understandable.

                              Now at the end of S1 it was clear that she came to care for him and came to understand him more, especially when we look at 'The Gift'. Which is another great ep. Again you see, I love eps where they have their arguments, it's a bit different than when their with others. Shep is normally downright loud, domineering and disrespectful with others....with her he made it a point to lower his tone, and same with her...although the exchange was scathing! I felt the understanding was definitely amazing, and I think she realized he probably did care for her, especially his hovering, which he didn't have to do. McKay sure didn't, and Ford was in and out. But John was always floating around.

                              In S2, after establishing and cementing herself in Atlantis, I think it's clear that we have basic interaction. Now I'm a little loss as to what TEyla may see in John. It's clear in S2, she's far more affectionate towards him in eps. Although they clearly flirted in S1, I'm just finding S2, Teyla to actually touch him voluntarily, well more often.

                              Again I'm gonna start with 'The Hive/Lost Boys',
                              I can't harp enough about the fact she had his head her on her lap. That shocked me. I cannot tell you. Poor Ronon is rolling around on the ground in agony, she looks at him and is like, 'Are you okay?' With John, his head was i her lap. I think he was even surprised; I say this because he didn't look like he wanted to get up either. And was it me, or did you all see the look she passed his way? There was no need, since she could have taken off her jacket, or he could have had his head on the stone....bench. Intersting I say!

                              Then the moments of worry. 'Conversion' comes to mind, if it's specifically about him. Then there was 'TLG'.

                              What does Teyla want from John now? Nothing! She wants absolutely nothing. Meaning she doesn't seek something deeper from him, as he seems to seek from her. I find he is more needy of her than she is of him in the emotional sense. I think she knows she can go to him. I think she knows she can depend on him, and she knows she can speak to him frankly. What ever John has lost, in what he has seen, he finds and wants to keep alive in Teyla and maybe inadvertently have a bit of that himself. Teyla...she just probably sees an equal....she's not lookig for the invincible hero as in S1, now she probably appreciates the man, and prefers the man---because the man is far more the hero/warrior for her than some imagined fantasy---who would always be unattainable.

                              What do you guys think? This is my input on Teyla on John..although I'm sure that will change in S3, but so far, that's what I've come up with. She's moved from the friend, the team mate, and the companion---also the impenetrable hero. To far more liking the man; the one with faults, weaknesses, and sarcastic commentary. She doesn't want anything from him now, than what he can give; unlike before.

                              And John---well he just wants to protect, nurture, and cherish the woman she is. And probably doesn't want anything to break that innocence that exudes from her.

                              A bit poetic....although I tried to refrain from that...

                              VB ----yeah I always have a lot to say!
                              Last edited by vaberella; 30 April 2006, 06:14 PM.
                              Click statement above to read article.


                                Sometimes this thread really gets on my nerves... it's like everyone picks every little detail apart until there's nothing else that could possibly be said.. I happen to disagree with that idea though!! I agree that sometimes it is good and it's needed to have a discussion about what is happening between John and Teyla but sometimes it would be nice if we could just accept what is happening instead if dissecting it til there's nothing left! I understand why we do it, and I know I am guilty of it too.
                                I hope I don't offend anyone by saying this, it's just my opinion, and people can disagree, that's fine!!

                                Edit: Upon re-reading I realize I sound really harsh.. don't worry, you are ALL great, it's not an attack on any one person, it's just in general!!!

