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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    you mean this VB??...


      or this?? no...i'm just kidding......


        How's this...
        From Home...

        Not a puppy dog look...but still a look just for Teyla...

        I'm going to see if I can find others...I"m loving this..and then I will reply to the comment...


          Originally posted by Annie Sheppard

          Sorry to add to the picspam, but if I might ask, which ep does that shot come from? I've seen several pics of the two of them walking through fields (and one with the four) but I don't recall the episode.

          I'm great at remembering what happens in an ep, but sucky when it comes to recalling the visuals.





              HI SELDEAR! nice to see you in here....

              You must display that awesome sig more often in here...

              This pic is from Sanctuary from Season 1....this scene is when they are heading towards CHAYA! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


                Finally your hitting it on the nail..those are the looks. See in that last one where he's under her

                That's what I'm talking about....please let me go and it matches the first post you had of 'Suspicions' and the ones in 'Home' so forgot that...see what I mean guys...Well I guess in S3, we'll have to look for 'the look'!

                Where's Black Panther?! That girl is on and off...on and off!

                Click statement above to read article.


                  QUOTE=vaberella]When we go off topic we really go off topic don't we?! Well let's see if I can veer it back on topic with a rant of mine, which developed through several consecutive nights of chatting with a good amount of members on this thread...some who are frequent and some who aren't.
                  I love it when you get in this brings out some great discussions....

                  Hmmm..where to begin. I'll begin with 'the look' as I label it. Now those who I spoke to might remember what I said about 'the look' for those who don't here's the low down. After rewatching S1 and the vids of S2 I have, I came to a conclusion. John's use of the 'puppy dog' look. Now some of you might know what I'm talking about, some don't. And it wasn't anything I paticularly paid attention to, until of course amongst various girl talks in real we had mentioned men and how they seem to use that look on women, which they probably learned from using on their mums. Is that sexist? Sure, girls use it too..but it's more of a pout. Boys tend to draw their brows together and give this pleading look, you get a few who add a pout, but they usually would have outgrown. Again this isn't to focus on the various areas of the look, it's just a generalized point which I've noticed.
                  I tried to look for some but I am tired...but I know exactly the look you are talking about...and I personally love it!

                  In the case of John we see this use in 'Suspicion' mainly, seen it used in 'The Gift' and most noticeably I've seen it used in, 'TLG' and 'Allies'---even moments of 'Intruder' and ONLY from what I gathered on Teyla. I will diverge from the look a bit, to bring up another point of contention I have and will really be the focal point of my rant.
                  That look he gives to Teyla when he is trying to convince her of something...if you notice the best places to see this look is in Suspcion, in the balcony scene...he is trying to ease a situation in which he hates to be in in the first place and completly disagrees with, but he knows that as the official and team leader it is his responsibility...he won't let anyone else do it, either! so, what I've notice is that he does several things...and if you look at each scene from each of the episodes mentioned, you will see what I the balcony scene in Suspicion he tries to first lay down the facts, then when that doesn't work he tries his military reasoning and commanding side, but quickly shifts to his pouting and puppy eyes....he does it also in LFP when Teyla is not allowing him to leave and he turns around and says I just want to see what that is...and then you see his face...I think I posted that pic...then in Allies, it's such a similar scene to Suspicion because again, he does the entire thing over again, first comes off as snappy and wise guy and then he does the whole, A good idea is still a good idea...and then finally does the puppy dog eyes, and the I guess I just want you to be fine with it too....

                  Where in blazes do people see that John disrespects and undermines Teyla? Not only that makes her feel like crap and treats her like a child?! Where has anyone seen that? I have in no way ever ever ever ever ever seen him do that. On the contrary, he's the ONLY one to actually WANT and LISTENS to her opinion out of those who come from Atlantis. I have not seen any concrete moments between Weir and Teyla, to give Weir any credit on that point. As for McKay, although I'm sure he cares in some way for Teyla--taking 'Suspicion' into account, I find that 'Epiphany' made me look at my main man in a negative light for his comment which was used for insulting purposes not complimentary; I do think he has a level of conceit which shows it's ugly head when it comes to how he feels in relation to those of the PG--translating to 'superiority of the primitive' .
                  When things like this come up, it's always good to state some, again...I have no time unfortunately to look up everything that I would like to look up but let's go to the Companion Book for Season 1...coming straight from Joe Flannigan himself...who better than the actors to know what they are feeling and portraying when playing the role...
                  In the Companion book for Season 1 the comments from Joe are very clear as to what role he was playing specifically in that episode...this was so a Sheppard was clearly a drama that Joe is very familiar with in his other roles...

                  "I really enjoyed shooting Suspicion, because I really liked the storyline. To me it was kind of a was a strong dramatic script."

                  Quoted from the author of the book..
                  "Suspicion saw Sheppard taking a stand in defense of Teyla against Sgt. Bates."

                  Joe continued, "He (Sheppard) needed to put his foot down less to establish himself as the clear military superior and more because he believed what was happening was wrong and that Teyla was in fact a great assest. Secondarily it would solidify his position as the military leader"

                  Therefore, Sheppard was the only one who realized from the very beginning Teyla's significance in Atlantis...and in this episode Joe confirms that the entire time he never doubted or questioned Teyla, but that in fact he defended her and was therefore showing how important she was to the team...his conversation to her in the balcony scene was just to find a way to convince her to follow along with the plan just until he could straighten everything else out...and I think he was doing the same in Allies...
                  He knew that she never liked the idea, he probably never liked it either, but he had to follow along with it because this was all about Weir and Beckett, he needed to have Teyla follow and lead with him on this much so that even after all was well and done he was still concerned for her and thus followed her and had the whole conversation in Allies....

                  In the Gift, I love how Rachel herself explains Colonel Sheppards that scene where she confronts him about giving away her trust to Heigthmeyer clearly John saw her frustration and her concerned...again, he used the same tactic...first stating the facts, then going to the military role that it is his responsibility and finally, his personal side, God forbid that anything happens to you, Teyla......he cares for her...he wants her to be on his side and he will do whatever he has to, to get her to see his way in order for him to be able to have her at his side...

                  Rachel stated in the Companion book referring to her actions....

                  "Even though she was getting beaten, she kept getting back on her feet and saying, "let's go, let's do it again", until finally Sheppard was unwilling to push it.."
                  John knows that Teyla is not one to give up and show her real emotions...
                  Rachel even stated this as well...

                  "Teyla wouldn't break down and cry, for instance...She would always show some kind of strength .."
                  And John realizes this and he again, does what need be in order to protect and take care of her...

                  so, those times when you see John and Teyla argue, or disagree or have a difference in opinion, are the times when you see that is when he respects her the most and that is when we see just how much he really cares for her and we see all of the different tactics that he uses in order to get her to see things from his point of view, because in the end all he wants is what is best for her...another great example is in The Lost Boys....when they are in the field trying to see if they can dial to Atlantis...Teyla is extremely upset, but John never looses his cool and again, calmly talks her out into going along with his plan..and again does the puppy dog look! in The Siege when he finds her with Bates, he takes care of Bates first and then he goes to her....and what does he say to her, He doesn't care what Bates think......he only cares about her...and even when they continue to suspect about her, he defends her with Weir and defends her when Ford is questioning her...clearly he never doubts her...and trusts her, I have no idea where others get that he underminds her or mistreats her or whatever it is that others are any strong relationships there will always be's how they handle it and how the compromise which make the relationship stronger or weaker...and clearly for John and Teyla in every situation they find a compromise...and Teyla and John's relationship has grown due to moments like these where they are tested and finally prove that what they have is unique and extremely powerful and they always do it with respect.....



                    As for Ronon, I have only seen Ronon look up to Teyla in some moments but not to the comparable amount of times to John and Teyla and mainly seeked her out in about 3 eps this season for her opinion and interest in her feelings. Yeah, I saw her and Ronon, as more brotherly--since it had no direct affect on TEAM actions and decisions--excluding the one moment in 'Instinct'
                    where he just wanted a reason to kill a wraith and fight
                    . Yes, he just seems like a little boy who gets excited to play REAL cops and robbers. It's too bad I like him as much as I do.
                    Ronon's agenda for Teyla is very different from John's...he does respect Teyla because right now he doesn't understand these people and the only one that closely resembles his way is Teyla so he needs her for direction and council...but once he is feeling his own, which he already is, I see Ronon heading off on his own direction and doing his own thing without Teyla....he doesn't seek Teyla's advice for many of the things..he is impulsive and aggressive and most of the time, Teyla catches him and stops him before he does something foolish! Completely different relationship than John and Teyla...John actually admires Teyla and finds her to be an asset to his team...and he doesn't do anything without consulting with her or seeking her opinion on things...even when he doesn't have to like in Allies....

                    Anyway, I slightly digressed. My whole point is..John has clearly on many occasions shown his concern for her state of mind, for her assurance, and also for her agreement and opinion. It has been, from what I've seen during times of argument, Teyla is far more prone to laying him flat out as she has with everyone else in the Atlantis Expedition. Of course, not as with such blatantly disrespect she's given to Ronon
                    (come on now, she was patronising and turned him into a disrespectful 4 year old. I don't blame her for it, he was out of line. But she really looked like she was not happy with him tagging along, as seen in 'Trinity')
                    Not in one instance have I seen John demean her opinion. Unless any frequent J/T fans here has seen something I haven't?
                    No, he hasn't...and because of him is why Teyla has probably put up with all the nonsense that she has had to go through in Atlantis..she even admit it to him in the Gift with that little argument, when she said, I have enough hard time dealing with your people not trusting me...clearly she senses and is aware that people don't trust her..and even at the end of season 1, Ford himself and Weir clearly demonstrated that they don't trust Teyla as John does! and Teyla must sense this..and she knows that John is the only one!

                    Then why does this seem to have taken such a popular opinion by those who are NOT fans of J/T. Maybe just that, because it helps in the belief that J/T is not even worth considering, when it's the ONLY natural consideration.
                    The way I see it that those that continue to argue against the fact that John and Teyla aren't a couple or they don't care for each other blah, blah, blah, simply one reason...they do see a ship there and they do see a connection there and therefore, when they find something that seems to turn the ties around, they are going to milk it and dissect it every which way they can so that in their minds they can block out the fact that John and Teyla do have a strong bond that is unlike any other in the show right at this time!

                    This is why this thread hardly ever discusses anything regarding the lack or the fact that there is or isn't any other ship besides Teyla and John....why because there is no other ship as strong, if any as John and Teyla...and when there is no basis or any inclination, then there is no need to either support or dispute a point...because there is none! but because there is a strong evidence to support John and Teyla, those against it, will find ways to distort a scene on their behalf....very clever and very much a clear sense of denial at its best!

                    So, my opinion....let them discuss it...first because it's their right and second because it just give us more credibility and supports our ship even more without them even realizing it....

                    Now this brings me back to my original rant on 'the look'. I've noticed in times of disagreement with Teyla he uses his 'puppy dog look' to get his way. Now I wonder why that is. When with all the other women, from Chaya, blonde from The Tower, even Weir, we get this hard nosed, 'I know what's right, and I'm gonna do it! With or without your consent!' Yet, with Teyla he spends more time pleading his case than anything else. The only time I can say he was adamant about something around her was in 'LFP'. But even then he later gave in. Does anyone else have an idea as to why he finds using his 'puppy dog expression' on Teyla is more effective than anything else? Because from, what I saw, she really isn't impressed by it or even interested.
                    I think I answered this question somewhere's so important for John to have Teyla at his side, not just literally but in every sense of the word...he said it beautifully in Allies, I just want you to be fine with it too...and he said this to her, right before he said, I'm fine with it by the way! so, for's almost as if he can't continue to do his job well without knowing that he has Teyla by his side physically, mentally and emotionally! just my opinion!

                    But it does show an interesting point in their relationship. Why is it her, he feels the need to sway? And yet not the other ladies...though some have grabbed his attention? How many of you ladies with boyfriends and husbands, have had 'the look' come your way? How many of you have given in? And have you noticed his use of it with or in the presence of other women? Or just you and his mum, probably have the benefit? I just want to get an idea if it's really something significant or if it's just a fluke continuous occurence, and if you guys find this might relate to J/T. I can't be the only one to have noticed that John has used this look!
                    This is a very important piece in our ship...the look has always been something that we have discussed here..not in detail like now, to my recollection, but we have certainly describe it as unique and as special and as powerful as any words that come out of his mouth..and it is powerful because Teyla caves in every time! and so does he! I mean think of it...when we discussed Michael and then we had it confirmed in Allies....can you just picture Teyla that puppy dog eyes to convince her to do against every fiber of her being!? I mean she said it to him...I chose to put my trust in you! What else could have convinced her if not that LOOK!?
                    and not only that but we have also discussed here that Sheppard has a distinuquished tone in his voice that is strictly for Teyla...he doesn't use it with anyone else but with her...and it goes right along with that look...AH...yes...Vb..hubby does give me those puppy dog eyes..and it's strictly for me! so it is with John...those looks are just for her! She is not an easy target and he knows it...and he will do just about anything to get his way with her...I wonder if he will show her that same look when he finally decides to declare his love for her! and then to see if she feels the same way he gives her those puppy dog eyes can she resist?

                    So, aren't the only one that sees this...and it's one of our most strongest point for this ship and it's just something that I completely adore from this ship...this is not something that you find in every pairing out there in any show....this is unique to Joe and unique to his character John..and like just can't help but chuckly a bit and give in to his whim!

                    Not my strongest argument, but I hope it helps VB...


                      Excellent, excellent post Camy! I tried to green you for it, but it wouldn't let me! Anyway I agree with you on everything. And I loved your perspective on Ronon and how he's leaned on Teyla to make his way in Atlantis. You were soooo right here- I'd never thought about it before but you hit it on the head. He is gaining his footing and is now and is not running to her for everything.


                        OH, Thanks hon...VB does bring some good topics that just get my juices flowing for this ship....I do have a weak spot for them..and I don't ship them for just their looks...I have a strong basis and that is why I'm so obsessed with them...I wouldn't fall for something just for's so much more than that for me for these two...

                        Where's VB? I want her to read it..she'll find something to get me on!


                          Originally posted by Camy
                          OH, Thanks hon...VB does bring some good topics that just get my juices flowing for this ship....I do have a weak spot for them..and I don't ship them for just their looks...I have a strong basis and that is why I'm so obsessed with them...I wouldn't fall for something just for's so much more than that for me for these two...

                          Where's VB? I want her to read it..she'll find something to get me on!
                          I personally get highly insulted when others claim that any of us ship J/T on the basis that they *look* good together. That's rot. I ship them becuase they totally sizzle on screen, they have a deep friendship bond and I can sooo see romantic undertones in every interaction they have with one another. The fact that they look very good together is only icing on the cake for me!

                          I think VB is studying. We didn't chat tonight because I was watching AI and she was studying - and I'm not sure what everyone else was doing. You should hang with us some when we do our chat sessions!


                   the beginning Teyla was bashed because she was supposed to be John's eye candy or for the viewers as well..and I never bought it from the beginning...even in Rising she was not portrayed as the sexy vixen for the, it does annoy me and just another point that for whatever reason others don't like her so they come up with some lame excuses...

                            Teyla's character has grown extraordinarily and being with John is just another wonderful aspect of her role in the show that makes her shine!
                            These two have such great chemistry that it just screams on screen even when they aren't supposed to be! that's why we are so darn good at coming up with missing tag scenes in the episodes cause we can almost see what is happening in the sidelines if they were to show everything we know could happen between them....Gosh, I need to go to sleep...

                            Yeah, but you guys chat really late...and I just can't do that! you need to chat earlier in the evenings or in the weekends for me to join! let's do something this sat night?


                              Originally posted by Camy
                              These two have such great chemistry that it just screams on screen even when they aren't supposed to be! that's why we are so darn good at coming up with missing tag scenes in the episodes cause we can almost see what is happening in the sidelines if they were to show everything we know could happen between them....Gosh, I need to go to sleep...

                              Yes, that definitely helps! They do have great chemistry. And it shows you what great actors JF and RL are- they are told to play all their scenes with undertones of romantic attraction- and you can see this from both of them. They just seem to *fit* together for me I guess.

                              Originally posted by Camy
                              Yeah, but you guys chat really late...and I just can't do that! you need to chat earlier in the evenings or in the weekends for me to join! let's do something this sat night?
                              Today we were chatting at about 6:00 my time (MT), I'm always open to that. As for Sat- sure, I could probably do that. PM me your MSN name so I can add you.


                                Will do hon..night for now! John and Teyla...WOW! I never knew that they are told to do their lines with some undertones..I just thought they were that good that they just did it on their own! hehehehehe!

                                Night...I will pm you...

