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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Sanssong, I'm working on that beta for your R/G, J/T chapter now. Hope to have it to you within the half hour.


      Originally posted by Doxymom
      Sanssong, I'm working on that beta for your R/G, J/T chapter now. Hope to have it to you within the half hour.
      That's good! I don't know if my e-mail is gonna work though! Why don't you upload the file to the files section of STF and I'll get it from there? PM me when you do. I HATE having no e-mail! Grrrr!!!!

      Sorry for the OT posts!


        Will do.


          Ohh Camy, great... Sanssong, I'm off to read and review...
          Join the Ori War Today.Join Now



              Camy...your picfic...hilarious... ...


                Originally posted by sanssong
                Just a quick drive by here folks to let you know I just posted a new chapter for Ties That Bind. You can find it here-

                See you all tomorrow! Sweet J/T dreams!
       chapter......thanks Sanssong...i love this's so funny...


                  Originally posted by outta-orbit
                  You see, “T” considered confiding in him an intimate act, and, of course, I’m not talking in the romantic sense; she being worried about what was happening with her felt the need to confide, what she considered uncomfortable information, in someone she felt safe with- Shepphard; and this speaks volumes because, first, it’s obvious that she doesn’t let just anybody in when she’s at her most vulnerable; and, second, she obviously thought that if her predicament would be revealed to the others they would view her as weak and/or crazy and being the proud warrior she is that just couldn’t happen, but with John she felt he wouldn’t look at her that way…hence, in placing her faith in him, she assumed that he, being a proud warrior himself, would of course relate and keep what they’d discuss between them; so, when he didn’t, she, now feeling exposed and even more self-conscious, was hurt and more than likely thought how could he, a person she holds in high regard, do such a thing; and poor defensive John, having no idea what Teyla’s coming to him in confidence meant, handled it professionally because that was his way of showing he cared about her; the last thing he expected was to get his head chewed off (chuckles).
                  That was a great Shep/Teyla moment. It definitely shows how much they care about each other. When Teyla was having her nightmare, the first person she turned to for comfort was Shep by going to his room. Yeah, it was a dream, but Shep was still the person she went to. And like you said, Teyla felt comfortable enough with Shep to confide in him and he was concerned enough to mention it to Hightmeyer. I think that says alot about the relationship they have, whether it be shippy or not. They have a great deal of trust between them, which makes me think back to Rising when Shep says something like "We'll just have to get to know each other then" to Teyla when they first met and also the way he saw her as a leader and didn't just "look through her". That foundation of trust between them began there in my mind. And like you said, Teyla doesn't just share with anyone. She keeps her emotions guarded and focuses on her task as leader, so confiding in Shep is a huge step!
                  Hope that all made sense! Sometimes I'm not sure if my thoughts sound as good when I get them all written out!
                  Now as for my favorite scene…it’s in TLG…the line said to “T” by the life force in John and Teyla’s taken aback yet skeptical reaction is what made me look more closely at these two and the refreshing energy they’re capable of sharing when on screen.
                  The "He cares about you more than you know." line. That's a great scene!

                  Camy! Chapter 14 i think it was, with Shep and the Wraith Queen was one of my favorite so far! Funny! And good luck with the dentist!

                  Sanssong-Loved the new chapter!!
                  Sig by Cazzblade


                    Thanks Ritter, and Annie...

                    Um..yeah...we need a challenge here....I'll think of something...
                    OH, WAIT! I've done some avatars is it, or icons....I can't for the life of me tell the difference...of J/ how about it? let's do like a show me yours and I"ll show you mine type of about we do it this coming Thursday! who's with me? I have set my own goal...certainly not by Thursday, but I want to do 50 of them....anyone?

                    Sanssong...I'm loving that fic and the R/G one, but I must confess...I love the J/T moments...please update soon...

                    Annie, hugs hon!
                    love your new sig...Lorne is a hottie!
                    I love that white cutout pic..that's a nice effect...

                    Um..what else....Ritter, Witchy, and everyone else thanks for the reviews...
                    I actually took my first nap like in ages today! I don't know...not quite myself just yet!
                    but, I am hoping to post the rest of the story today!

                    Where's AG? haven't seen her in awhile either....

                    DM..Oh, baby's sick is no fun! well, kiddies....I'm glad I got sick and not fun!

                    Okay, on Topic now...with all this new talk of character development what would you like to see come out for John and Teyla...?


                      'night guys
                      i'm off to bed...tomorrow back to school......but in the other hand... MY BIRTHDAY.........

                      ...John...oh no tomorrow is Annie's birthday...

                      ...Teyla...yep and she will behave the whole day like that......

                      ...John...that will be fun...


                        Originally posted by Camy
                        Thanks Ritter, and Annie...

                        Sanssong...I'm loving that fic and the R/G one, but I must confess...I love the J/T moments...please update soon...

                        Annie, hugs hon!
                        love your new sig...Lorne is a hottie!
                        I love that white cutout pic..that's a nice effect...
                        thanks Camy......


                          Annie, it's your b-day tomorrow? WOW! how old? if you don't mind me asking!

                          OH, gotta go think of something evil...UHUM *clears her throat* Something cute for ya!





                              aaaaaaaaw...thank you be it's 2.30 AM already so i'm 19 years old...


                                Small chapter...more like a filler for what is to come!
                                Previously....Chapter 15

                                Chapter 16

                                John saved the day! YEAH! and now the three of them headed back to take the puddle jumper and find Rodney!

                                Teyla had an idea! John wasn't going to like it!

                                Ronon and Teyla were on a mission! Find Rodney and head back home to Atlantis with Rodney, safely!

                                Next Chapter........Is this it for our couple? Will this destroy their relationship? Will John ever stop Kirking? Will the Wraith Queen come after her new love? Will Camy ever shut up?

                                Will post to put the boys in Bed.....Camyland is falling apart without Camy!

