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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    AG and Sanssong great banner and WP!

    AG, how do you nominate things for the Stargate Fan Awards? Seems like I've heard of it before, but never done it.

    S1 definitely was more shippy for Shep/Teyla. S2 was the season of kirking for Shep it seemed like with smaller J/T moments still there. Bates was good for J/T HyperCaz. I'm all for bringing him back too! He seemed to see the possibilities between J/T that no one else did...even though he didn't approve.

    EDIT: oops! I was re-reading and saw that I put SP instead of Sanssong for the WP. Sorry Sanssong! It really is great!
    Last edited by Spectrum; 31 March 2006, 08:50 PM.
    Sig by Cazzblade


      I made this earlier today but GW was down and I couldn't get on to post it!! Enjoy!


        Originally posted by sanssong
        What the heck is the deal with the board? It took me a half hour just to get in! Ah well... Anyway, I come bearing gifts. I think someone posted this pic a while back to make Wallpapers out of and I just loved it so I did! Here is is!
        Wow!! I love the WP! Amazing Wording to go with the picture!! Excellent job!


          Originally posted by Mr_Fantastic
          I know! It took me an hour just to get here! Great Pic by the way!

          I was watching my S1 DvD earlier today and noticed right away in Rising that the Sheppard/Teyla ship was going to happen, but it seemed that as the season progressed and into S2 that TPTB backed off the Shep/Teyla ship. Why do you think that is?

          I'll have to disagree about them backing away. As I've said in previous posts..I feel that the popularity of Alternative pairings is gives the writers an advantage to prolong the relationship development.

          In Season 1 it's in your face, in season 2, I feel it's not as in your face and blatant but they made extreme cares to redefine and define the Shep/Teyla ship. Again I call your attention to 'Lost Boys' and Teyla's actions. It's clear that they wanted to focus a bit more on Teyla's reactions and feelings about Shep.

          As I said, on the scifi board and a few other places I've haunted in season 1 it was clear by many people shippers or not that John has a thing for Teyla, as to whether it was a kirking dynamic who know?! But he clearly had feelings for her from 'Hide and Seek' to 'Suspicion', 'rising' and of course 'Letters from Pegasus'. Now in season 2, I'm seeing quite a few posts by people who feel that now Teyla is clearly having a thing for John. And again you see that clearly in 'Lost Boys', parts of 'conversion', 'Allies' depends on your take in 'Inferno'. It's a variety of things. But they get to work it in and tempting other ships with what they think they see. I mean Teyla's words in Allies was enough her actions in 'Lost Boys' was enough, the scene in 'The Long Goodbye' even proved a point as well as 'Conversion'.

          Again it's made to tantalise and taunt the fans. And again the alternate ships help them in providing that tension. I think it's a bloody cool idea. If JAG and X-Files can keep coming for so long, they can do it in SGA and I wouldn't mind....It's like watching a scary movie. You know your gonna be scared, but why watch it? Cause you like the thrill of being scared... So yeah I'll keep coming back for more since I like to sit on the precipice of the 'will they or won't they'....

          Click statement above to read article.



            I have to agree with you! I think that in season one it was like more "in your face" and now TPTB are being more selective with their involvement. I rather like it this way. It is kind of "flirty" between Sheppard and Teyla, rather than "red-hot romance" Anyways, as to why I like it this way, I think that it leaves it more open for other possibilities (show wise, not ship wise). As much as I would love Teyla and John to end up together, I think that now isn't the time to do so. After only the second season of the show, it isn't the time to be having a full blown relationship. There are many other things that are happening that it would interfere with. This is why I feel that the flirtacious mood between JT is a great one! If we can't have a real relationship, at least they give us some shippy moments!


              Originally posted by 4prettierships

              I have to agree with you! I think that in season one it was like more "in your face" and now TPTB are being more selective with their involvement. I rather like it this way. It is kind of "flirty" between Sheppard and Teyla, rather than "red-hot romance" Anyways, as to why I like it this way, I think that it leaves it more open for other possibilities (show wise, not ship wise). As much as I would love Teyla and John to end up together, I think that now isn't the time to do so. After only the second season of the show, it isn't the time to be having a full blown relationship. There are many other things that are happening that it would interfere with. This is why I feel that the flirtacious mood between JT is a great one! If we can't have a real relationship, at least they give us some shippy moments!

              I agree now is not the time...and as much as the writers would try not to make it a J/T show it would end up turning up that way if fans became rather vocal and they were primary pairing. I personally also prefer the developmet.

              And I like the idea of other people for both as they work their way towards one another just to help with making my fanfic juicer. I can't stand Mary Sues or Marty Stus; actually I bloody despise them, I'd rather do a crossover if I need more characters than including a fiction one. So the more people who come on and the more drama between these two great characters teh better i feel it would create in the flow of fanfics that we can read and enjoy. A richer depth and maybe create our on ships and worlds.

              It's very fun, I think and welcome. Again the kirkettes come in useful in fanfics.

              Click statement above to read article.


                My friends, I have recently come to see that Sheppard and Teyla have no chemistry whatsoever, and that Sheppard and Weir is Atlantis's one and only true pairing! (except for Ronon/Teyla! Squeeeee!)
                APRIL FOOLS!
                I hope you will join me, but I know this may be difficult. I will continue to post here as a Sparky/Spanky shipper and hope you will accept me for who I am. -Gatelover12.


                  Originally posted by gatelover12
                  My friends, I have recently come to see that Sheppard and Teyla have no chemistry whatsoever, and that Sheppard and Weir is Atlantis's one and only true pairing! (except for Ronon/Teyla! Squeeeee!)
                  APRIL FOOLS!
                  I hope you will join me, but I know this may be difficult. I will continue to post here as a Sparky/Spanky shipper and hope you will accept me for who I am. -Gatelover12.
                  I can't say I agree at all that they have no chemistry, and I have never been able to see Sheppard and Weir paired together! However, I accept your opinion and I wish you well with your newly found ship


                    *sits in corner and cackles to self*

                    RIGHT I have made another sig! woohoo! Based on two of my fav caps from Suspicion. yeaah! I toyed around with sooooo many words/phrases (inc. "personal feelings" by itself....) but here is the finished product:


                      Originally posted by gatelover12
                      My friends, I have recently come to see that Sheppard and Teyla have no chemistry whatsoever, and that Sheppard and Weir is Atlantis's one and only true pairing! (except for Ronon/Teyla! Squeeeee!)

                      I hope you will join me, but I know this may be difficult. I will continue to post here as a Sparky/Spanky shipper and hope you will accept me for who I am. -Gatelover12.
                      Oh yeah GL, have to agree. I've come over to the dark side of sparky/spanky, too.
                      Happy April Fools!! *wonders how many people will actually fall for this =P*

                      The Brane: Bringing the evil, freaking people out, taking their sanity since 2005


                        ^^^^I'm not alone....I guess I should also reveal my deepest darkest secret that I also have gone over to wonderful worlds of SPARKY AND SPANKY.... The depth of their possible feelings just overwhelmed me.

                        here's some smilies...from me to you fondest memories..


                        R.I.P Wraithlord

                        Awesome sig by SciFan


                          I propose we head into the Spanky thread en masse and let them know the good news!


                            *pats Gatelover on the head* Silly, silly boy.

                            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                              Hi lurker here,
                              I'm new to all of this(the internet,fandom, and ships). I've visited booth threads John/Elizabeth and John/Teyla, I've read fan fictions for both ships, and have come to the conclusion that I much prefer the sublte UST between John/Teyla to the orchestrated heavy handed push of John/Elizabeth. I see both ships when I watch SGA and it could have went either way on which ship appeals to me more, but like I said I prefer sublte to heavy handed. I think another thing to turn me off to the John/Elizabeth ship is the "mean girls" attitude of some of it shippers(I never been a follower or someone who joins the crowd). I hope I'm not offending anyone because believe me that is not my intention, but the reason I lurk is because I have no tolerance for mean and intolerant people who attack anyone or any group who don't see the world as they do. Now I shall put back on my cape of invisiblity and return to lurkdom.


                                Originally posted by Poltergeist
                                Hi lurker here,
                                I'm new to all of this(the internet,fandom, and ships). I've visited booth threads John/Elizabeth and John/Teyla, I've read fan fictions for both ships, and have come to the conclusion that I much prefer the sublte UST between John/Teyla to the orchestrated heavy handed push of John/Elizabeth. I see both ships when I watch SGA and it could have went either way on which ship appeals to me more, but like I said I prefer sublte to heavy handed. I think another thing to turn me off to the John/Elizabeth ship is the "mean girls" attitude of some of it shippers(I never been a follower or someone who joins the crowd). I hope I'm not offending anyone because believe me that is not my intention, but the reason I lurk is because I have no tolerance for mean and intolerant people who attack anyone or any group who don't see the world as they do. Now I shall put back on my cape of invisiblity and return to lurkdom.

                                Next to you and another lurker who shall remain nameless but starts with the letter m....and you know who you are.. You're always welcome. Please don't put that cape on....come and support us and post on some of the topics at least once in a while..I am a strong believer that new ideas and healthy perspectives are extremely important. And disagreements on topics are especially healthy on different topics all over the world and in our case of the Shep/Teyla connection. I'm at least glad you decided to post this and let us konw your a supporter but we'd also like to hear from you.

                                As for the attitude of other shipper groups, I'll refrain from commenting since you seem to be fully aware and the drama that will cause, especially since we have better things to worry about in real life not to mention it's more fun to argue opposing points here then having unnecessary drama follow us around. Anyway glad your here and I'm happy you posted.

                                Your gonna get the warmest welcome from everyone else I'm sure.

                                As for GL12: sorry I fell asleep on you and I'm unsure everyone got it or not, but why do I sense Camy might have a titty attack and look it's Angelique back.....

                                We're too comedic for our own good.

                                Poltergiest if you dont' mind, what's your hope in seeing an ep about Teyla/John for next season? Do you have a an episode idea?

                                Click statement above to read article.

