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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Great ideas AthosianGirl and Melpomene. I am seriously considering using both of them. hmmmmmm A cute popcorn type scene and a drunk Sheppard. Is there such a thing as too much shepmaggan? NOOOOOO

    Cpt. Ritter love the vid! It was well worth the wait.

    Originally posted by Lord Shiva
    By the way, I do not know if it has been discussed, but if it has not I am interested in finding out why people feel that Sheppard/Teyla will work and Sheppard/Weir will not.
    Same as NoDot. Not once did I ever think that there was a possibility of there being anything more between Shep and Weir. The only thing I saw between them was deep respect and a growing friendship. It wasn't until I returned to the forums at Gateworld that I saw just how many shippers there were for this pair. So I decided to look again to see if there was anything I missed. While I saw how certain individual scenes could be interpreted as possibly being shippy overall I just didn't see it. All those possible shippy scenes are too easily explained away by the circumstances.

    With Teyla and John I could see that there was something there at the very beginning. The way he was automatically at ease with her. They way she responded to his flirting and trusted him. Than that intimate scene in the cave. From there the relationship has just continued to grow.


      Cpt. Ritter -- your vid is fantastic! You'd better make more for us in the future, because you have a natural gift for it.

      Like NoDot, I didn't even know that Shep/Weir was such a popular pairing until I started visiting the forums. I had only ever seen a close friendship, professional respect, and mutual respect, so it surprised me that they were widely seen as the leading ship. I actually went back and watched all of the episodes again purposely looking for hints of this ship, and I just couldn't see where the Shep/Weir supporters were coming from. Shep/Teyla seemed so natural and easy -- I didn't have to search for evidence of the ship to keep coming up over and over. Even now, as much as I sometimes keep an eye out for developments between Sheppard and Weir, I can't see anything except for their friendship while Sheppard and Teyla continues to draw me in.

      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


        Hi guys, I just read the stuff about me a couple of pages back. Ah, I feel loved!! Favorite "Shweir," huh?

        You know, I usually *hate* that word - Shweir. Name combos to me are just plaing annoying, and I only use them if I want to totally joke around. Even then, there's a bad after-taste. What do you guys think? I know you say Shweir, Sheyla, McKay, and Shepmagan in jest, but for some reason, everytime I read a name combo - anyname combo - I just internally roll my eyes. There are two separate people, with individual personalities, and honestly, is writing their full name out, abbreviations, or initials that much more work? I find it infinitely more easier to write S/T or S/W rather than Sheyla/Shepmagan or Shweir.

        But perhaps I take things too seriously? :O

        Also, I just wanted to say that your recent convo about S/W, and whether you ever saw their interactions as shippy or not, is interesting. I could easily see why you guys went this way. (I'm just sharing my point of view, here. Which I hope is okay?)

        I believe that the PTB had S/T planned at very the beginning. I've always had a incrediably critical and accurate eye for ship - sometimes freakishly so - and I saw the S/T ship clearly at the beginning. I was well aware that S/W was just a friendship couple at the beginning of season one, and at that time, I was certainly interested in the S/W dynamic a lot, but I was NOT a shipper yet. Stuff like the cave scene and "Suspision" was, to me, a clear-hit-you-upside-the-head indication that the ptb were headed down the S/T road. I originally wantedto be an S/T fan, because I thought that if the PTB were going down in that direction, might as well hop on board and enjoy the ride! (I certainly didn't want to moan about a ship like many have at Sam/Jack.) So, if you would have talked to me about this sometime a year and half ago, you might have seen me attempting to get into the S/T frame of mind. We might have even had a shippy convo or two about it!

        Alas, though, you must be wondering why I'm a S/W person then? Why, if at the beginning all I saw were these shippy scenes between S/T and only friendship scenes between S/W, did I choose the "non-romantic" side to ship for? Suffice it to say, it was despite myself that I became an S/W shipper. I didn't want to, but it was like I had no control over myself. I'm not joking. When I became one, I thought I was signing myself up to endless years of torture because I figured the PTB were not going to be headed down the S/W road (I've since changed my opinion about this, and I cite the second half of season one, and thus far, all of season two as my reasons why). Sheppard and Weir interaction drew me like a moth to a flame. I didn't have to try to see the potential for S/W (in fact, I was in a battle NOT to see it), while S/T felt like I had to put too much effort into it to get excited about.

        Anyway, my point was, it's all about perception. You guys have only seen friendship between Sheppard/Weir - a totally justified point of view. I saw it that way, at the beginning. But you're missing one vital thing about us mysterious S/W shippers - the friendship and respect is exactly what attracted us to the ship in the first place.

        This is just my opinion, though. If I overstepped sometype of boundry with this post, please tell me. I'll keep my posts in here to "free siggies" and teasing then. No hurt feelings. I don't want to stir up trouble and inadvertainly start some type of ship war.

        Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
        I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
        Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


          Originally posted by Whistler84
          Anyway, my point was, it's all about perception. You guys have only seen friendship between Sheppard/Weir - a totally justified point of view. I saw it that way, at the beginning. But you're missing one vital thing about us mysterious S/W shippers - the friendship and respect is exactly what attracted us to the ship in the first place.

          This is just my opinion, though. If I overstepped sometype of boundry with this post, please tell me. I'll keep my posts in here to "free siggies" and teasing then. No hurt feelings. I don't want to stir up trouble and inadvertainly start some type of ship war.
          I am a System Lord, I enjoy a good fight (as long as My enemies are laid waste to). Ah, a moment, My host wishes to speak.


          I agree with my symbiote - I think people get too wrapped up in these ships... I am loving this forum but both myself and Om (as I like to affectionately call him) agree that often it feels like walking on eggshells - the mods are always watching and trying to make sure everything is politically correct and no one's feelings are hurt.

          Ah, the reason I felt I had to post that? I don't feel you are overstepping your boundaries, and as far as Om and me are concerned, you can flat out say "I don't like Sheppard/Teyla" as long as you gave an explanation (you did).

          Ah, Om wishes to speak again.


          Jaffa - KREE!


            Whistler84 Thanks for stopping by. I feel in no way have you overstepped any boundaries. I have a John/Elizabeth shipper for a sister. So I know why so many enjoy that ship. It is the same reason I enjoy their friendship. My problem is I don't see it going beyond that.

            I have come to the conclusion that the ship wars, which happened before I rejoined this forum, can be boiled down to a battle of ideology. Like which came first the chicken or the egg? In our case what should occur first the attraction or the friendship? Each have there own merits and problems. On one hand the one that starts with passion won't last without respect and common ground. <(i.e. friendship) On the other hand you can have all the respect and common ground (friendship) you want but without that spark that is just what you got friendship. So Whistler is right it is a matter of peceptions. I can go on but I will stop here. Thanks for tolerating my ramblings.


              Hey Whistler, I totally understand your point about name combo's. Most of them still drive me nutsy. (On the top of the list...TomKAt-Brangelina-Dashton...) I'm actually not a big fan of Sheyla, But for some reason Shepmagen, Shweir and McWeir don't bother me anymore. Maybe I'm just caught up in the fandom excitement but, here I am.

              As for your opinion on Shep/Teyla I actually get your point of view. I approached Atlantis fully expecting to be a Shep/Weir shipper. I'm a Sam/Jack fan and some of the people in the S/J thread were Shep/Weir's and I figured those girl's know a ship when they see it. But alas alack, despite my belief that my fellow S/J's could never be wrong... I became a Shep/Teyla. So we actually had a very similiar expierience only in reverse.


                Originally posted by Whistler84
                Hi guys, I just read the stuff about me a couple of pages back. Ah, I feel loved!! Favorite "Shweir," huh?

                You know, I usually *hate* that word - Shweir. Name combos to me are just plaing annoying, and I only use them if I want to totally joke around. Even then, there's a bad after-taste. What do you guys think? I know you say Shweir, Sheyla, McKay, and Shepmagan in jest, but for some reason, everytime I read a name combo - anyname combo - I just internally roll my eyes. There are two separate people, with individual personalities, and honestly, is writing their full name out, abbreviations, or initials that much more work? I find it infinitely more easier to write S/T or S/W rather than Sheyla/Shepmagan or Shweir.

                But perhaps I take things too seriously? :O

                Also, I just wanted to say that your recent convo about S/W, and whether you ever saw their interactions as shippy or not, is interesting. I could easily see why you guys went this way. (I'm just sharing my point of view, here. Which I hope is okay?)

                I believe that the PTB had S/T planned at very the beginning. I've always had a incrediably critical and accurate eye for ship - sometimes freakishly so - and I saw the S/T ship clearly at the beginning. I was well aware that S/W was just a friendship couple at the beginning of season one, and at that time, I was certainly interested in the S/W dynamic a lot, but I was NOT a shipper yet. Stuff like the cave scene and "Suspision" was, to me, a clear-hit-you-upside-the-head indication that the ptb were headed down the S/T road. I originally wantedto be an S/T fan, because I thought that if the PTB were going down in that direction, might as well hop on board and enjoy the ride! (I certainly didn't want to moan about a ship like many have at Sam/Jack.) So, if you would have talked to me about this sometime a year and half ago, you might have seen me attempting to get into the S/T frame of mind. We might have even had a shippy convo or two about it!

                Alas, though, you must be wondering why I'm a S/W person then? Why, if at the beginning all I saw were these shippy scenes between S/T and only friendship scenes between S/W, did I choose the "non-romantic" side to ship for? Suffice it to say, it was despite myself that I became an S/W shipper. I didn't want to, but it was like I had no control over myself. I'm not joking. When I became one, I thought I was signing myself up to endless years of torture because I figured the PTB were not going to be headed down the S/W road (I've since changed my opinion about this, and I cite the second half of season one, and thus far, all of season two as my reasons why). Sheppard and Weir interaction drew me like a moth to a flame. I didn't have to try to see the potential for S/W (in fact, I was in a battle NOT to see it), while S/T felt like I had to put too much effort into it to get excited about.

                Anyway, my point was, it's all about perception. You guys have only seen friendship between Sheppard/Weir - a totally justified point of view. I saw it that way, at the beginning. But you're missing one vital thing about us mysterious S/W shippers - the friendship and respect is exactly what attracted us to the ship in the first place.

                This is just my opinion, though. If I overstepped sometype of boundry with this post, please tell me. I'll keep my posts in here to "free siggies" and teasing then. No hurt feelings. I don't want to stir up trouble and inadvertainly start some type of ship war.

                No ship war is in the brewing and I can see what your talking about. You make a persuasive case and I'll admit, that the number of touching Shep/Teyla scenes has been drastically cut down, but we... (being hardcore shippers)... will always continue to see things in our own light. Just like you said.

                On overstepping your boundary, no you didn't. Your of Shep/Weir Shipper coming to try and explain your perspective on Shep/Teyla. There's nothing off topic about that, they're two sides of the arguement. (Though there are more) Glad you felt obligated to post.

                On my last note, glad you guys really liked my vid, honestly I wasn't sure how everyone would react. I'm definetly going to go for another one... hmmm.... now what song to use.
                Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                  Yay! Whistler's back! You have no idea how much you made my day when I saw that you posted in this thread. I really don't understand why one feels the need to stick to "your" ship for fear of getting their head bitten off. As long as someone makes a thoughtful, polite post, they should be able to go into whatever thread they want, and you always, always do that. Seriously, it's awesome that we're starting to get Shep/Weir folks posting in here, and I think that having inter-ship discussions is a really good idea. Instead of causing ship wars, I think that would help alleviate some of the ugliness that occasionally pops up on the forum. It'd be great to have some regular postings going between the threads, so I'm really glad that you came by Whistler. Please don't make this a once and done thing!

                  And on to your post: I know exactly where you're coming from. My sister is currently a major fence-sitter, and I can't help but see moments for all of the potential ships on the show. As much as the Shep/Teyla bits make me squee, I get a warm fuzzy feeling over the hug in "Siege III" and the teasing little grins Shep and Weir give each other in "Duet". Same thing with moments between Ronon and Teyla and McKay and Weir. There are definitely moments that I enjoy for all of the ships, and at times it is frustrating for me to try to determine where exactly TPTB are going with all of the hints I'm sure they're dropping us.

                  It is totally all about your perception. Not everyone sees the same thing in every scene. Not everyone wants to. This is why shipping is such a touchy subject -- there is no right answer until we get a confession a la "Divide and Conquer" from 4th season Sg-1. Even then, there will still be shippers for whatever side didn't "make it" to canon, so that'll certainly be an ugly day on the forum. Whistler, I hope you never feel like you have to explain your ship to us out of defense. Discussions and debates are great and they really help us understand where the other side is coming from, but having to defend oneself is not what these threads should be about. I think that you feel comfortable enough coming here without the fear of being attacked, but I wonder how many others feel that way as well. Getting dive-bombed when you step into the opposing ship thread is no fun, and it's really a shame that it happens to people who had good intentions. I really wish there was more nice communication between the ships, but maybe that's asking too much. I guess as long as you're willing to hang out with us, it might be enough.

                  And sure, keep up the sigs and teasing -- lord knows we love it! -- but Whistler, I know that I want to hear from you as well. Post as much as you want in here, even if it's to just start a discussion or an argument. We're always looking for stuff to talk about. Hope to see you around even more than we do already! Love ya!
                  Last edited by SnoggingPicard; 04 December 2005, 06:13 AM.

                  "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                  HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                    *sigh* You people just sit around, thinking of ways to get me off my butt and comment, don't you? j/k!

                    Ahem, as an official fence-sitter, I have to say that the uproar in the past had me puzzled, and a few posters in particular make me scratch my head in confusion. I mean, on SGA, nothing is canon, so if you see a ship, have fun and dream all you want. That's part of the fun of fandom.

                    I mean, on SG-1, Sam and Jack actually acknowledged they had feelings for one another, just not to each other, and nothing was ever consummated on-screen. On SGA, no one has done that- so I don't just can't really see it here. And, I know, some people will say you can tell by their expressions...*is rolling her eyes* Since we are only viewing from the comfort of our living rooms/dorm rooms, whatever, and do not write or act on the show, I submit that every little look is subject to interpretation without some follow-up action/dialogue. Not until I read something by a writer/actor or see on-screen resolution/action as to what some little thing like that actually meant will I say "I knew it!". I mean, look at John/Teyla's sparring. Some have said "That's just stupid!" or "That doesn't mean anything!", and lo and behold, the stunt coodinator says its a portrayal of the sexual tension between the two. OK, that's canon to me. Where they take it remains to be seen.

                    On the ship war thing...meh. Seems like a few hyper-sensitive fans got their feelings hurt, and now the perception is, thanks to these loud-mouth few, that there is a ship war. Different strokes for different folks- that is my motto. I agree that there is absolutely nothing wrong with saying "I don't like Teyla/I don't like Weir" - who really cares. Let it die, already. Enjoy your show. Bah!

                    Where was I? Oh, I remember. You will find me in whatever thread has humor, interesting discussion, humor, tolerance, and humor. You will probably find me in threads where it starts out that way, then devolves. I will not stay in those threads long. There is never any need to insult someone's intelligence, name-call, or be hateful. I will run back to the humorous threads.

                    I find it amusing that although I am not an official shipper, I can still find things to discuss things in the ship threads. That, my friends, is tolerance at work, from all parties.

                    Sig by Camy


                      Originally posted by majortrip
                      *sigh* You people just sit around, thinking of ways to get me off my butt and comment, don't you? j/k!
                      Aw, crap. You found us out...guys, we need to be more sneaky in the future. Not that there's a conspiracy to get Trippy to post or anything...::shifty eyes:: Um...right...

                      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                        Ok, enough about Sheppard/Weir, my Tau'ri... back to Sheppard/Teyla!!!


                          Originally posted by Lord Shiva
                          Ok, enough about Sheppard/Weir, my Tau'ri... back to Sheppard/Teyla!!!

                          Lord Shiva....I'm really liking you more and more with every posting..... Your very direct and kind of shipper.....

                          Whistler...Let's just get one thing straight here....I LOVE YOU! and there is nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing...that you can ever write that will get me upset or offend me...You are my bright and shining star...and I will say that wherever I go...So, with that said...What can I possibly add that my fellow compadres here have not already written? Just that we love are an intelligent, bright, compassionate, caring, funny, and mature person who knows how stand up respectfully, honestly and admirably for what is right, fair and, please, I am so glad that you are considering posting here....the only thing I that like Shiva here is trying to say, keep it John and Teyla as much as possible..and not so much comparing one or the you think that is reasonable? Everyone?

                          That being said, honestly.....Teyla and Weir need to be viewed as individual characters and not define by any male character...and Teyla and Weir need to develop a relationship in order for the viewers to see them as strong female leaders who can also have a strong, powerful and significant friendship regardless of who they are being paired with...As much as I want John/Teyla together, I want Teyla to be define as an individual leader/character without being tag on to any other male character.....and I am sure that all of the Weir fans would agree....So, I feel that a lot of this negative feelings towards one or the other would diminish, if the writers would develop a friendship between these two...or any kind of relationship which right now there is hardly any...I love Teyla, yet I know that her character needs a lot of development and I feel the same about Weir and all of the other characters for that matter.....GEEZ, I think I am loosing my point here...

                          Basically, like Whistler and many others have demonstrated, if you can see the good in both Weir and Teyla, then regardless of what ship you favor, you will find strength and weaknesses in both characters and you will also find that you can still enjoy both onscreen.

                          Therefore, why don't we consider a Teyla/Weir Friendship thread.....


                            Great SIG...SP...who made that one?


                              So i've been watching 'Conversion', the first time in the very end....
                              the scene when he goes to speak to Teyla. Is it me or at the point when John first appears, in the doorway, does he not have the weirdest smile/smirk think going on?

                              R.I.P Wraithlord

                              Awesome sig by SciFan


                                Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                                Hey guys, if you get a chance the link for my Shepmagen music vid is here.


                                It's only there for a few days or maybe 25 downloads so get it while it's hot. I won't be here tonight, but I'll try and stop by tomorrow. Hope you enjoy it.

                                And Witchblade, spiked Athosian tea... sounds like a prank Rodney or Zalenka would pull to get Shep to admit his feelings. "Pay up McKay!"
                                OH! I A M SPEECHLESS!

                                AWESOME! Our youngest is soooo talented....YIPEE!
                                and he dedicated it to us! WOW!

