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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    CK wroter
    To throw in my own two cents about the ship wars...

    To put it simply, I don't see what the problem is. First off, it's a TV show, for cryin' out loud! The people who feel the need to pick fights over it need to get a life. Secondly, as several people (myself included) have already mentioned, the interpretation is half the fun. If we all interpreted it the same way, this forum would get incredibly dull. Everybody has their own opinion and is entitled to it.

    I read bunches of John/Liz fics because the writers are talented and the stories are good. Most of the GWers I know outside of this thread are Sparky, Ronon/Teyla, slashers, non-shippers, or anti-ship. And you know what? I don't care. There can be peace, people!
    I have to reply to this..and I hope it wasn't my comment that brought this about..*most likely I did* but I agree...I hate to sound like an old record player...*jeepers do you young ones even know what a record player is*
    but this is my first and only experience with any of this stuff online and shipping for a pairing with such conviction and passion....yes, I see romance in everything, but I've never gone this far...*sickening, I know* but to experience and then read the things going on in these canon wars or whatever they are called, is not only sad and discouraging *although I'm still going strong* but very inmature and in my opinion, not worth it and in the end, it will only hurt the show....

    I would love to be able to chat with others who ship for other pairings..and I do have a couple of's fun and it can happen...I would love to share with others what they see shippy and then throw them some J/T confetti all over them and then have them throw some at me..and then grabbed them with Witchy's broom and take AG's ingenious shippy glasses and just let everything out and have fun! Jeepers...but, not everyone can do that..and actually, I haven't found anyone that I can really do that with...but in the end..we can get along and just chat with our respective others about something else...that would be sooo cool! and over in the Teyla thread and Wow thread..we've been able to accomplish some of that...and that makes me smile!

    Well all I have to say about shipper wars is this. I've been shiping for sci-fi parings for about 10 years or more now. I've never in my life seen people get angry over it till just recently. I pretty much keep to folks who like what I like, and was very much surprised that when I ventured out and declared a preference for John and Teyla I was roundly abused and scolded for liking them. I won't get into what other pairing these *lovely* people shipped for, but suffice it to say that I never went near any of them again on purpose.

    I don't understand the need to stir up trouble and I don't understand why people are publically attacked for supporting a couple in a TV show. In other fandoms I frequent, they are content to live and let live- I'm not sure why it's been different here, but it definitely is.
    Now, this brings up an interesting question is why? Why is this show causing so much commotion...? Why is there so much animosity towards the different shippersr...why?

    but over in the Tielan LJ..she brought up an interesting point...and I hope she doesn't mind that I bring about her idea here...but go on to her LJ and read what I'm talking about..

    but basically I got a couple of thoughts that sprung up from her posting...
    From what I understand, it seems that John/Teyla shippers are but a handful seems that the amount of supporters for this ship aren't as vocal or as involved in other stuff as strongly as other shippers...for example...the amount of fics for J/T are so much less than other ships, the amount of sites supporting J/T are so much less, the vids, wallpapers, sigs, icons, avatars, etc...of J/T are so much less than others and my question is WHY?
    Why is J/T so less popular and why even the ones that do support it stand in the background...? What makes one ship more popular than the other?
    My question to you guys, what made you fall for John and Teyla? was it something physically attractive, was it the chemistry, was it the scenes? what made you choose John/Teyla as the couple to ship for and why do you continue to support it? what would make you side to another ship? I know many of the other shippers for this thread have left and are shipping another pairing? why? what happened that made them change their minds?

    Now, I am not trying to start a shipper war here people..I am curious to see what made this ship in the first place and what keeps it going..and why is it that people that don't see this ship are so adamant and so strongly oppositional of not only the pairing but sometimes even of the characters and the actors themselves....Why is J/T so unpopular? and why are there not enough of us? and why aren't we as supportive and/or producing the type of stuff that the other ships seem to produce...? is there a reason?

    Now, I have my own thoughts on this..but I am curious to see what you guys think...I thought this might bring some good quality, please, just keep in mind, this is your opinion, and also there is no need to mention any other ship in specific except J/T...we are not comparing ships..that is not what I am asking..I just think it's interesting to see how people think and choose why they like something and not the other....


      So... I take it there was a massive ship war while I was gone?
      This poster has a Superiority Complex. Apologies in advance.


        Originally posted by sanssong
        Just a note to let everyone know that I'm sorry I've been gone so much lately! I've had company for the last week, inbetween trying to get some writing done. I'm also a homeschool mom as well, so often my time to play is limited. I've not forgotten about you! And I'll try to show my face more often. :-)

        If anyone is interested, I've posted the next chapter of Ties That Bind over at my website. Here's the link-

        The first chapter of a new Ronon/Gwen fic I'm writing should be back from the beta tonight and I'll have it posted soon too!

        Big hugs and kisses to everyone!
        OH, Sanssong...I am sooo loving this....Great work...Caldwell and Weir..I've always consider that ship....hmmmm...

        What happened to Teyla..? why can't she remembered? what did they do to her? and how come they haven't seen John yet? he knows the truth...maybe they erased his memory as well...great Job....update soon...pretty please..


          Originally posted by NoDot
          So... I take it there was a massive ship war while I was gone?
          NO, no, no...

          we are simply questioning and analysing why the reason for the ship wars..why can't we just get along and see this as what it is ....just a show!


            Originally posted by Camy
            NO, no, no...

            we are simply questioning and analysing why the reason for the ship wars..why can't we just get along and see this as what it is ....just a show!
            Good! I guess I can relax now.
            This poster has a Superiority Complex. Apologies in advance.


              Yup, you're safe, NoDot. Things have been pretty quiet around here -- I've mostly been catching up on all the con reports from the past weekend.

              And in answer to your question Camy, I really don't think I could even verbalize it. Sometimes ships just decide to pop out at me, and for some reason I really happened to like this pairing. There's nothing really definitive, but I suppose if I had to pick one thing it would be the level of trust and understanding that exists between them. I always like seeing it played out on the screen and am curious to see where it will be taken in the future. That being said, I don't always see the same thing in every ship that I support -- heck, I have a half-dozen for Atlantis alone! I just kind of float along and go with whatever I happen to like at the moment. *shrugs* That couldn't have been anymore vague if I had tried.

              "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

              HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                Originally posted by sanssong
                This is just a small OT plug for my newest Ronon/Gwen Madison story. It does have some J/T running throuh it so you all would enjoy that! It's called Cultural Understanding and can be found by following the link. :-)

                OH, Sanssong...I love this...
                I love the Teyla and John piece...HILARIOUS!

                Cultural differences...I wish we something like this with John and Teyla...we don't know enough about how the Athosians courtship and stuff like that..this would be really interesting...I guess if Teyla has a little side romance we will find out more..
                Great work...


                  Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                  Yup, you're safe, NoDot. Things have been pretty quiet around here -- I've mostly been catching up on all the con reports from the past weekend.

                  And in answer to your question Camy, I really don't think I could even verbalize it. Sometimes ships just decide to pop out at me, and for some reason I really happened to like this pairing. There's nothing really definitive, but I suppose if I had to pick one thing it would be the level of trust and understanding that exists between them. I always like seeing it played out on the screen and am curious to see where it will be taken in the future. That being said, I don't always see the same thing in every ship that I support -- heck, I have a half-dozen for Atlantis alone! I just kind of float along and go with whatever I happen to like at the moment. *shrugs* That couldn't have been anymore vague if I had tried.
                  No, to me, it makes sense...and frankly...that is what I see in them as well...It had nothing to do with the physical looks....If I remember correctly someone said that Teyla was supposed to be with John as the hot alien babe with the hot earth hero guy....well, I didn't see that at all...if anything in Rising and even in the later episodes..Teyla was not at her Rising, she was certainly not displaying her physique at all...and she sure as heck didn't look like a "hot alien babe" with that wig and that outfit...
                  So, that didn't do it for me..and I would imagine that not for others either...
                  Teyla is said to be the eye candy for Atlantis..but correct me if I'm wrong, but not until Hot Zone did we see her with the sexy sparring outfit...the previous episodes she was well mannered and not portrayed as this hot babe...I mean I think Rachel is pretty but I don't consider her a supermodel..and so this eye candy theory was always lame for me...I see her as a great character with great possibilities..and between John and Teyla, I see an instant connection that began from the very beginning and it continued to grow into more...the trust, the friendship, the bond, the loyalty to each other and the need for each other is special, unique and absolutely beautiful....I told Rachel and I meant it..that for me...this pairing is so unlike others...I mean in other shows, they usually hit them to the sack and bang..that's it...that is why I love this pairing......the feelings are there and whethere they go farther or doesn't deny the connection and they both have shown it..and so to see something so different in the screen from what is normally shown on TV is something really meaningful and special...for me anyways...everytime I see how Sheppard defends her, watches over her, leans on her, sits by her, watches her, follows her, protects her, reacts regarding her, it just makes my blood boil...and it's something he shares only with her...and just her...yes, he defends others, yes he cares for others, but with Teyla is more..and with Teyla it's different..and that is why for me in Conversion when he kissed her with such force and conviction, it only told me just how much he really wants her and how deep his feelings for her are hidden away and, yeah, I just keep falling for these two everytime....


                    Originally posted by Camy
                    My question to you guys, what made you fall for John and Teyla? was it something physically attractive, was it the chemistry, was it the scenes? what made you choose John/Teyla as the couple to ship for and why do you continue to support it?
                    Why do I 'ship John/Teyla? That's a good question.

                    I can tell you when I became a 'shipper – when I first saw "The Long Goodbye" –
                    specifically the scene with Teyla and John/Thalan locked in the corridor. When Thalan said to Teyla, "He cares for you more than you know," it had a ring of truth to it. I know he'd already proven himself an excellent liar, but it didn't sound like a lie. And when Thalan finally died, John seemed utterly devastated by the fact that Teyla had no reason to believe anything he said. That clinched it for me.

                    As for why... I guess it's because John is such an inveterate flirt with every woman except Teyla – has anyone else noticed that? With everyone else, including Elizabeth, he acts cute (when there's not an immediate crisis, of course) – smiling, teasing, going out of his way to be gentlemanly, etc. (Much like my ex, but without the... less charming... qualities I dumped him for.) With Teyla, on the other hand, he's much more serious – he's protective but respectful, eager to teach and willing to learn, he seems to take her opinion of him more to heart than anyone else's, he puts her welfare ahead of his no matter what (asking if she's OK while he has a bug attached to his neck, for example)... I hope you guys get what I'm trying to say, 'cuz it's just not coming out right. Anyway, does flirt with Teyla a little bit, but not as much as, say, Elizabeth. The flirting, I think, is just part of his natural charm, just a game, really. But nothing he does with Teyla comes across as a game.

                    What I'm trying to say is, the impression I get is that John sees Teyla as a potential soul mate, not a fling. There's something more there than mere physical attraction. That's why I 'ship them.

                    Originally posted by Camy
                    what would make you side to another ship?
                    Only if John and Teyla had some kind of major blowup that drove them apart forever, and then only if I saw what I was just talking about going on with someone other than Teyla, and not at all with Teyla, for at least one or two seasons.

                    Not gonna happen, I'm sure.

                    Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                      Hmmm... why'd I become a Shep/Teyla shipper? That's a very good question. It all started with a fic (no pun intended) "A Fate Worse Than Death."

                      Back then, I had no real shippy leanings, but I was an advid fan of pulling romance out've my hat in any action/adventure story. I thought about the show and immediately Shep/Teyla caught on. It was probably my second time through Rising that it bit me.

                      So I wrote it into "A Fate Worse Than Death" which then turned into multiple other fics. I think I was writing "Life and Pain" when SP (also known as ET) tuned me into Gateworld. From there, I was completely obsessed and I think the community is what matters for me.

                      Anyone can make shippy moments out of the episodes, hence why there are so many ships out there, and soooooo many vocal fans. But as far as I'm concerned, we have one heck of a community in here. Heck, we even welcome those from other ships if their nice in return. Example, Whistler, JS, Ebony Wolf, and I'm sure there's more.

                      Now I'd better get back to John and Teyla. When I first watched the show, I didn't really think about a ship, I was familiar with Sam/Jack from SG-1, but that was only because it was thrown in my face as canon. (Back then I didn't know the terms) But I noted the connection between these two and it came back when I rewatched Season 1 on my DVDs.

                      Suddenly, all these little moments became open for analysis, and what I saw, hell... it was fun. Since then I've written lots o' fanfic, because of the community. Without the community, alot of those wouldn't have been started. This is turning into a general ship post so I'll try to bounce back.

                      What is it about John and Teyla that I love? Well, I guess it's the chemistry. I'm talking physical, emotional, and mental. They respect and admire each other, they look good together (i.e. Cave Scene) We've had so many shippy moments it's insane. This season especially.

                      TLG, Michael, Epiphany, Tower, Conversion, etc...

                      These moments are all enhanced by all the great fanfic I've seen, and I've always found more because of everyone here. Simply put, I probably could've gone either way, but the turning point for me was "A Fate Worse Than Death" and that's my monologue.


                      Sanssong, think subtle hints... I can fill in the details on my own. You can have then speak without... well you know. Though I know it's a big part of your writing.


                      Side note, Camy, I read tielen's article on that, and I agree on some points, but I think she's too rough on us too. We are small, but we're growing, and there are far more than two or three good Shep/Teyla fanfic writers. We all make typos in our writing, I have mine Beta'd, but even my Beta's miss stuff. Lord knows if tielen has read half our stuff. I'm not distracted by typos, so long as I can figure it out.

                      I'm just glad that we have those amoung us giving fanfic a try. I know BP gave it a try (BP, you still working on that fic?) I know Camy's in the middle of an epic. SP, AG, myself, VB, Mel, Witchy, and anyone I forgot (I humbly apologize) are already aspiring writers. VB's help with Never Alone Again is really making it possible.

                      So don't be discourage just because we're smaller. We have our moments, we laugh, we cry, we squee together. Above all, we have a good time, so don't let anyone get you down. There is a fanfic writer in some of us, others there is a Sig artist, a WP artist, a proof pic person (sorry Annie, couldn't think of a better name), a recorder (BP, that's you!). In the end, we're growing, this thread used to be small, sometimes now it grows so much that it's hard to keep up.

                      Wow, I can't believe I just wrote all of that, maybe it'll be good for a school paper someday.
                      Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                        Originally posted by Camy
                        I have to reply to this..and I hope it wasn't my comment that brought this about..*most likely I did*
                        Call me slow on the uptake, but I think I just figured out what you meant by that. I wasn't ragging on anyone here – this has got to be the single most laid-back thread I post on! I was talking about the militant 'shippers, in other threads, who feel the constant need to pick on us just because of our 'ship preferences. Everyone here is more tolerant than that. (((hugs for all, especially Camy))) That post was meant as more of a generalized "just let us be" rant. I'm really sorry if I gave the wrong impression.

                        Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                          Originally posted by Camy
                          OH, Sanssong...I am sooo loving this....Great work...Caldwell and Weir..I've always consider that ship....hmmmm...

                          What happened to Teyla..? why can't she remembered? what did they do to her? and how come they haven't seen John yet? he knows the truth...maybe they erased his memory as well...great Job....update soon...pretty please..

                          Glad you're enjoying TTB! It's been fun to write. As for Teyla, they didn't do anything to her, she just got bonked on the head from behind and passed out. So there was nothing for her *to* know. And John's memory is very intact, it's just that no one believes his side of the story for the moment. I'll get into that in the next chapter. I don't want to give too much away now!


                            =CeeKay Sheppard]Why do I 'ship John/Teyla? That's a good question.
                            Oh, thank know who was fabulous at asking questions that would get me and others going, Whistler....

                            I can tell you when I became a 'shipper – when I first saw "The Long Goodbye" –
                            specifically the scene with Teyla and John/Thalan locked in the corridor. When Thalan said to Teyla, "He cares for you more than you know," it had a ring of truth to it. I know he'd already proven himself an excellent liar, but it didn't sound like a lie. And when Thalan finally died, John seemed utterly devastated by the fact that Teyla had no reason to believe anything he said. That clinched it for me.
                            WOW! You are a late bloomer! Well, maybe that is a wrong choice of words..but I can't believe that this was the scene that turned the ties for you?, I'm didn't get anything before that...? or this scene just simply screamed out to you?WOW...this is so interesting...thanks for sharing that! I love it...

                            As for why... I guess it's because John is such an inveterate flirt with every woman except Teyla – has anyone else noticed that? With everyone else, including Elizabeth, he acts cute (when there's not an immediate crisis, of course) – smiling, teasing, going out of his way to be gentlemanly, etc. (Much like my ex, but without the... less charming... qualities I dumped him for.) With Teyla, on the other hand, he's much more serious – he's protective but respectful, eager to teach and willing to learn, he seems to take her opinion of him more to heart than anyone else's, he puts her welfare ahead of his no matter what (asking if she's OK while he has a bug attached to his neck, for example)... I hope you guys get what I'm trying to say, 'cuz it's just not coming out right. Anyway, does flirt with Teyla a little bit, but not as much as, say, Elizabeth. The flirting, I think, is just part of his natural charm, just a game, really. But nothing he does with Teyla comes across as a game.
                            Now, this is extremely interesting..see I don't see John flirting with Elizabeth...I think he admires her, respects her...considers her an attractive woman, but I don't think I've ever seen him actually flirt with her, from my perspective..I'm not saying he doesn't...I"ve tried to see a scene that is shippy or even slightly demonstrating that he sees her as more than his superior and his friend...and I just can't think of one...the only scene that for me was like OH,WOW! was the siege when he screams in the radio when he finds out that he has Weir and that he might kill her..but then I thought, he knows that Rodney is there, not shippy at all...
                            See what I've seen so far, is that he cares for everyone in Atlantis and even those outside of Atlantis...he is after all the typical hero...he wanted to even bring that Bimbo from The Tower to, he is just concerned and utterly defensive of woman in general...but I've yet to see him flirt with her..yes, he smiles at her..but not like he flirts with Teyla...with Teyla he does it constantly and off duty...he spends time with her off duty doing something that he loves to do with her...that screams shippy to me..

                            What I'm trying to say is, the impression I get is that John sees Teyla as a potential soul mate, not a fling. There's something more there than mere physical attraction. That's why I 'ship them.
                            OH, I love the way you worded this...I see this as sooooo true as well..and it makes perfect sense..if anything else, he certainly doesn't want to hurt her or even jeopardize their friendship by risking anything else with her..she means to much to him and he is willing to even let go and ignore his feeling for her so as not to hinder or loose that bond that he has with her now...and when he said that piece in Allies about his grandkids..I could swear I saw Teyla in his eyes!

                            Only if John and Teyla had some kind of major blowup that drove them apart forever, and then only if I saw what I was just talking about going on with someone other than Teyla, and not at all with Teyla, for at least one or two seasons.

                            Not gonna happen, I'm sure.
                            See I agree with when Sam was with the cop guy..I was like, hmmmm...maybe she should be with this guy..after all Jack isn't going to do anything....but deep inside i always knew that even while she was with him, her mind and heart was still with Jack..and this is what I don't want to see in our show...

                            OH, Great it...thanks for sharing this..this is exactly what I was looking forward to...hehehehehhee


                              Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
                              Call me slow on the uptake, but I think I just figured out what you meant by that. I wasn't ragging on anyone here – this has got to be the single most laid-back thread I post on! I was talking about the militant 'shippers, in other threads, who feel the constant need to pick on us just because of our 'ship preferences. Everyone here is more tolerant than that. (((hugs for all, especially Camy))) That post was meant as more of a generalized "just let us be" rant. I'm really sorry if I gave the wrong impression.
                              NO, NO, NO...I understood what you meant...
                              I was actually commenting it as a compliment...such great discussion was started with good intentions and I was stating that if I had anything to do with that...hehehehehe

                              I didn't interpret your comment in any ranting way at me..if anyone should be ranting about ship wars is me..since my name seems to pop in places that I've never even visited...ehehehehehe

                              Sorry, CK..didn't mean for you to think that it was intended in your have to take my postings with a grain of salt...

                              I'm telling you it's all this decaf that I've been drinking lately....and oh, all the sugar that I had today...and then the Jinto cookies...OH, my goodness no wonder I'm on a roll....

                              Hugs right back to you, CK..

                              BAD CAMY BAD CAMY...confusing her!


                                *Stalks Camy*
                                "Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand!" Mark Twain (1835-1910)
                                "But you see, just because we've been dealt a certain hand doesn't mean we can't choose to rise above it. To conquer the boundaries of a destiny none of us wanted. To try and retain whatever essential humanity we can." ~Edward from Twilight
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