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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by 4prettierships
    quick newbie question... how long are we supposed to wait before we can talk about eps without using spoiler tags!?
    spoiler tags are required until the episode airs in us syndication. so it'll be a while
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver
      spoiler tags are required until the episode airs in us syndication. so it'll be a while
      wow thats a long time, but thanks, didn't want to break any rules!


        Pretty, I"m really not sure...but I will find out for you...

        I feel the same way...I love to see what people write without the highlights..but I am a hopeless spoiler....jeepers...doing this really did spoil many of the episodes for me...

        So, yeah, we are better to be safe than sorry...

        And to keep this on topic...What did you think of J/T overall for this second season...Did you feel the relationship was stregthen or weakened? Do you think there are signs of more potential for this relationship or less? Which season was more shippier? What was missing in Season2 that we had in Season 1, vice versa...? What would you have add, change, deleted, or improved in Season 2? Any particular episode favors our ship more than another? Why?


          Darn it Sky, you posted our 12000post...



          thanks Sky....for the info and for the 12000 POST.....


          Sky, you must come more often....but for good news...not bad ones...pretty please.....

          Now, to keep this on topic...

          I think Season 2 brought a new side to this relationship...I think in Season 1 there was more flirting and more looks and stares...this season there are separated more and we find Teyla with Ronon a lot more...but we also see her more with Rodney and Carson...but not as much with Weir which is very dissapointing...

          Overall, I wished we had more significant moments and less of the aliens intruding in between...I think that the to end the season with that scene that we had...was certainly a plus in our favor and for this ship...

          We all know things can go in many different directions, I mean really! but overall I think that the chances of our ship are still there; if anything it has certainly not gone dead....and for sure, unless they pair Teyla with someone else, we will continue to enjoy our little moments....

          I must say, I am happy....wish that there had been more interaction and more conflict between them, but hey....I can't ask for more from these guys...Again, I am still very confident and I think that the writers are certainly doing a better job at developing this relationship better than they did with Jack and Sam....(I bring these two because they are characters written by the same writers and these two are constantly being compared with Atlantis ship)....

          Okay...I will post my responses to my own questions tomorrow...night all!

          Night lurkers!


            Originally posted by Camy
            Pretty, I"m really not sure...but I will find out for you...

            I feel the same way...I love to see what people write without the highlights..but I am a hopeless spoiler....jeepers...doing this really did spoil many of the episodes for me...

            So, yeah, we are better to be safe than sorry...

            And to keep this on topic...What did you think of J/T overall for this second season...Did you feel the relationship was stregthen or weakened? Do you think there are signs of more potential for this relationship or less? Which season was more shippier? What was missing in Season2 that we had in Season 1, vice versa...? What would you have add, change, deleted, or improved in Season 2? Any particular episode favors our ship more than another? Why?
            I really need to rewatch all of the episodes so I can remember everything that happened, but from what I can remember, I feel that season two was more shippier! In season one Teyla and John were still getting to knwo each other, there wasn't much time left over to be shippy! However, in season two they finally were able to show how much they cared for each other. (As I said in my previous post about Allies.) I never really was a shipper during season one, so I probably didn't notice half of the things that you guys have, and then (as much as I hate to admit it ) I was a ronan/teyla shipper when he was first introduced as a charachter, and then the more I thought about it I realized they just didn't work. (If birds of a feather fly too close together they might just crash )

            And how did I come to this conclusion?

            Teyla and Ronan are friends, and nothing more. In no way

            I can't get my spoiler tags to work, so my example is in Instinct when
            Teyla is hurt and laying on the ground but Ronan is more worried about running after Shep to see if he is ok. He obviously doesn't feel anything for Teyla

            Pure friendship!! Nothing more...

            If I had to choose one episode that really favors Teyla/Shep I would have to say that it would be Allies.
            As I said before, the caring and trust that is shown between Teyla and Sheppard after their decision to accept the Wraith's "alliance" is hard to beat!

            well, that's all I can think of for now!!! :-p

            Hope this is discussion-ey


              Originally posted by Skydiver
              spoiler tags are required until the episode airs in us syndication. so it'll be a while

              For you!

              Originally posted by Camy
              Pretty, I"m really not sure...but I will find out for you...
              I feel the same way...I love to see what people write without the highlights..but I am a hopeless spoiler....jeepers...doing this really did spoil many of the episodes for me...
              So, yeah, we are better to be safe than sorry...
              And to keep this on topic...What did you think of J/T overall for this second season...
              Hmmm...overall? I think I liked this season..I personally was interested in both of their individual growth more than I was interested in the relationship as a whole.....but to focus on the relationship now..I do say I felt movement by both of them. And I think the less blatantly approach was better for me in season 2 than the in your face moments like in season 1. I liked season 1 don't get me wrong, but I felt that it made shep appear slightly lady hungry. I know we all find them shippery and what not, and I'm all by the idea of standing by your friend. And I realise for ships sake espcially the writers and the creators, love the pairing, that they wanted to show that in the beginning. But I thought it was a too in your face move. Hence the reason I preferred the second season...I like subtlety and it I felt it was a nice move on their part to tone it down a bit. And it makes me hungrier to see more moments when their shorter and in a way far between..but by BP's great posts and AS's great pics it makes you rethink that their being subtle though. I just liked season 2 overall for our shipperness and Allies was like the cherry on the cake and the icing on the sundae..or whatever!!

              Originally posted by Camy
              Did you feel the relationship was stregthen or weakened?
              No doubt about it, it was strengthend. I mean let's look at 'Lost Boys'
              we see Teyla holding John's head in her lap, she could have easily have put her jacket pillowed under his head. But his head was in her lap. Or remember her face when he got up? I mean next to Allies, I feel this was the shippiest episode ever...Teyla for the most part, we as shippers finally see her side. We get a bit of how she feels and I'm sorry but it's the first unforced physical contact I've seen between the two besides, 'LFP' when she touched his arm. It said so much and that look when he moved away, it was just so....gosh in a way heart broken. And I liked that she got some sort of comfort from comforting him and making sure he was alright.. Amazing ep.

              Allies just solidified the point. Come on now, they verbally said what they felt. I mean we knew, from season 1 how they felt and how they regarded one another on different points and especially by outside resistence. But to get that SAID by both, that's enough. I mean that's all I needed, shoot their almost as strong as steel now!

              Originally posted by Camy
              Do you think there are signs of more potential for this relationship or less?
              Now that was just a stupid question. Of course there's signs for potential, I thought BP showed that, powered and again solidified by AS, and of course pass discussions. There's plenty to expect and there are massive signs..'Lost Boys', 'Conversion', 'LFP', 'Inferno', and 'Allies' to name a few. If you haven't seen them people, get your butt in gear and check it out!! I don't know what more is needed to prove our point. Especially our shippiest moment, 'Allies'.

              Originally posted by Camy
              Which season was more shippier?
              Hmmm....I answered this in my above post. But I'm voting on season 2, as I've explained before. But I'm sure people might think Season 1, but Allies was so better than LFP, 1000x better!

              Originally posted by Camy
              What was missing in Season2 that we had in Season 1, vice versa...?
              Season 1, we were mising emotion from Teyla, but of course I explained the reasons and we all know she was under quite a bit of duress, so I respect that. I felt we also got too much of Shep's unfallapable support..It was great don't get me wrong..but I felt it gave the impression to other's..that John was into a love bunny or something. But in Season 2, what we got was full on declaration, verbal, not to mention we have tons of emotion for Shep....again in 'Lost Boys' and several others. What we missed though was that support normally from shep in season1, but we did see it in 'Michael' and we definitley knew what it meant in 'Allies' so I liked that..overall season 2 was a hit for me all around as a shipper season!

              Originally posted by Camy
              What would you have add, change, deleted, or improved in Season 2?
              Hmmmm..this is a great question. parts of 'Inferno' and 'Michael' and 'Allies'
              I just hate the way 'Inferno' was cut; it just gave the impression of being slightly rushed and they weren't sure what they were doing. I would have also liked 'Michael' and 'Allies' to distributed better and fixed up. I would have definitely added the scene of the mission in 'Michael' no doubt about that. I would have also wanted to find out more about Teyla's internal struggle after being taken possibly in 'Allies'---like a moment with Heightmeyer'. As for 'Trinity' it's great, but I wanted to see a part 2 and it should have been put there instead of 'Inferno' only because 'Inferno' could have waited as the ship, the Orion, hasn't been used and really isn't doing any purpose for me right now.
              I think that's about it so far..but if I have more, I'll let you know.

              Originally posted by Camy
              Any particular episode favors our ship more than another? Why?
     I find that and as I've to Allies, 'Lost Boys' was the ep.
              Again we're looking at the inner Teyla, and we're seeing a bit of Shep..and we're seeing the moment. It was just super shippery and I didn't need glasses for that. Teyla again holding his head, when her jacket would have sufficed. And the length of time Shep stood there. I mean I liked 'intrduder' and I think a few people loved that scene..but that was more flirtation. 'Lost Boys' was the first physical step I saw from Teyla of feeling something for Shep..and Allies was the first verbal. And like wise for John!

              VB...I may respond some more about the changes I would make...that's a fabulous question!!
              Last edited by vaberella; 14 March 2006, 10:25 PM.
              Click statement above to read article.


                Jeepers, VB.....I will respond tomorrow to your posting and to yours as well Pretty...Night..

                Twix..and all...John and Teyla....season 3...Bring it ON!


                  whats "twix" I don't get it


                    Originally posted by 4prettierships
                    whats "twix" I don't get it
                    Okay a brief I don't like the names Sheyla or Shepmagan, and felt we needed a new one..under consideration along with TWIX is:
                    1. Football names--which has been shot down by many
                    2. TWist- by mel
                    3. Hail Mary
                    4. TWIX
                    5. JT--which was in standing before allong with...
                    6. Sheyla
                    7. Shepmagan
                    8. TJIX-by Camy---I don't know if she was serious.
                    You can add a name on the list so we can vote on which one is preferred. I just promoted mine A- LOT!! So I could win!

                    Here's a link to links explaining TWIX:
                    TWIX Explanation

                    HTH (Hope That Helps)!
                    VB <----they seem to like it
                    Click statement above to read article.


                      Personally, I really, really liked this season, not only because of what it did for the relationship between John and Teyla but also for the two of them as individuals. I think we got to learn a lot about how the two of them interact in many different situations and each of them began to stand a little bit more on their own, particularly Teyla. Honestly, a good ship is nothing without good characters and a strong establishing base, so I'm glad they're taking it slow with all of the relationships on the show. These two definitely grew this season, and it'll be interesting to see where they take it next year.

                      I loved how in "Allies"
                      the issue of trust was again resurrected. These two have a relationship that is based on trust and the fact that they have always looked out for each other. Loved that this was brought up again; Teyla specifically says that she put her trust in HIM and that she had enough faith in HIM to belive that things would turn out alright. Likewise, he wanted to make sure that she could be happy with their decision; not everyone was supportive of their plan, but it was important to him to know that she had accepted it. The trust between them is important, and I really hope that this issue is brought up again.

                      It was critical when Bates was around, and I would love to see it thrown back in their faces. Up until this point Sheppard has never had to justify his decisions about Teyla to anyone because he has been the head of the military presence on Atlantis. It would be great to see another Woolsey-type investigation into the workings on the base (which I hear we might get) where he is forced to try to explain why he has been so trusting of Teyla. Honestly, I don't think that Sheppard could do it -- he has always been extremely protective and trusting of her. This has been there since day one...there may not be a reason that he can voice. It is a natural connection between them and one that others have viewed both suspiciously and with interest.

                      I like how this season we also got to see a lot of their working dynamic...though the team was segregated quite often in the later part of the season, we got to see how the pair operates in the field. Though they don't always agree, Teyla has pretty much fallen into the second-in-command position since Ford left. It's great to see that element of trust working again, and the two of them play off each other very well in the military sense. They work together well and can depend upon each other to watch each others' backs. I love the moment in "Michael" when he hands her the gun -- the split-second team work reveals a lot about how well they know each other. They function as one, and it's always great to see that on-screen.

                      Finally, I really feel that we got to see glimpses into what may be coming in the future with their relationship. It's been confirmed through interviews that their interaction in "Conversion" was due to underlying feelings being acted upon without restraint. He lost control for a moment and immediately went for Teyla; this wasn't an accident on the part of the writers, and the fact that we see him "apologizing" to Teyla at the end of the episode is also an important hint. This relationship is important to him, and having her comfortable and friendly with him is clearly important as well.

                      I honestly think that that kiss opened something for both of them. I don't think it's something that either of them are comfortable acknowledging or dealing with right now, but it is going to have to happen sometime in the future. This is again true in "The Long Goodbye" with Thalen's "confession" of Sheppard's feelings. The way that Teyla quickly left at the end of that confrontation told me that she needed to excuse herself from the situation; what had happened was personal, deeply so, and she needed to think it over alone. The fact that we have had two of these moments in a season tells me that this is going to come up again in the future. While we don't know for sure what in these scenes was true and what was fabricated or emphasized by outside forces, I think that at least some came directly from the characters. With time, I think we'll get to see a lot more.

                      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                        Originally posted by vaberella
                        Okay a brief I don't like the names Sheyla or Shepmagan, and felt we needed a new one..under consideration along with TWIX is:
                        1. Football names--which has been shot down by many
                        2. TWist- by mel
                        3. Hail Mary
                        4. TWIX
                        5. JT--which was in standing before allong with...
                        6. Sheyla
                        7. Shepmagan
                        8. TJIX-by Camy---I don't know if she was serious.
                        You can add a name on the list so we can vote on which one is preferred. I just promoted mine A- LOT!! So I could win!

                        Here's a link to links explaining TWIX:
                        TWIX Explanation

                        HTH (Hope That Helps)!
                        VB <----they seem to like it
                        Hmm...I like the modifications of Twix....because they are close to twix, but not twix. I just don't like twix because, it's basically just endorsing a brand name......and our ship is way above that. I mean if shp weir ppl get something cool like sparky, then we should have something better than a name that endorses a product.

                        I've probably just pissed some of you off....and I did not mean to, so sorry if I have. Also...I know it's kind of hypocritical of me to judge the new name ideas when I'm failing to come up with my again....sorry.
                        Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


                          Originally posted by 4prettierships
                          I really need to rewatch all of the episodes so I can remember everything that happened, but from what I can remember, I feel that season two was more shippier! In season one Teyla and John were still getting to knwo each other, there wasn't much time left over to be shippy! However, in season two they finally were able to show how much they cared for each other. (As I said in my previous post about Allies.) I never really was a shipper during season one, so I probably didn't notice half of the things that you guys have, and then (as much as I hate to admit it ) I was a ronan/teyla shipper when he was first introduced as a charachter, and then the more I thought about it I realized they just didn't work. (If birds of a feather fly too close together they might just crash )

                          And how did I come to this conclusion?

                          Teyla and Ronan are friends, and nothing more. In no way

                          You were a Teyla/Ronon shipper? That's great! I mean, one of my best buddies is a T/R shipper and I keep hoping she'll realize they're just friends.


                            Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
                            Hmm...I like the modifications of Twix....because they are close to twix, but not twix. I just don't like twix because, it's basically just endorsing a brand name......and our ship is way above that. I mean if shp weir ppl get something cool like sparky, then we should have something better than a name that endorses a product.

                            I've probably just pissed some of you off....and I did not mean to, so sorry if I have. Also...I know it's kind of hypocritical of me to judge the new name ideas when I'm failing to come up with my again....sorry.
                            Don't apologize. You make a good point. Twix probably won't stick but we're playing with it right now until we get something better. And we're always open to a new idea if you do think of one


                              Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                              Personally, I really, really liked this season, not only because of what it did for the relationship between John and Teyla but also for the two of them as individuals. I think we got to learn a lot about how the two of them interact in many different situations and each of them began to stand a little bit more on their own, particularly Teyla. Honestly, a good ship is nothing without good characters and a strong establishing base, so I'm glad they're taking it slow with all of the relationships on the show. These two definitely grew this season, and it'll be interesting to see where they take it next year.

                              I loved how in "Allies"
                              the issue of trust was again resurrected. These two have a relationship that is based on trust and the fact that they have always looked out for each other. Loved that this was brought up again; Teyla specifically says that she put her trust in HIM and that she had enough faith in HIM to belive that things would turn out alright. Likewise, he wanted to make sure that she could be happy with their decision; not everyone was supportive of their plan, but it was important to him to know that she had accepted it. The trust between them is important, and I really hope that this issue is brought up again.

                              It was critical when Bates was around, and I would love to see it thrown back in their faces. Up until this point Sheppard has never had to justify his decisions about Teyla to anyone because he has been the head of the military presence on Atlantis. It would be great to see another Woolsey-type investigation into the workings on the base (which I hear we might get) where he is forced to try to explain why he has been so trusting of Teyla. Honestly, I don't think that Sheppard could do it -- he has always been extremely protective and trusting of her. This has been there since day one...there may not be a reason that he can voice. It is a natural connection between them and one that others have viewed both suspiciously and with interest.

                              I like how this season we also got to see a lot of their working dynamic...though the team was segregated quite often in the later part of the season, we got to see how the pair operates in the field. Though they don't always agree, Teyla has pretty much fallen into the second-in-command position since Ford left. It's great to see that element of trust working again, and the two of them play off each other very well in the military sense. They work together well and can depend upon each other to watch each others' backs. I love the moment in "Michael" when he hands her the gun -- the split-second team work reveals a lot about how well they know each other. They function as one, and it's always great to see that on-screen.

                              Finally, I really feel that we got to see glimpses into what may be coming in the future with their relationship. It's been confirmed through interviews that their interaction in "Conversion" was due to underlying feelings being acted upon without restraint. He lost control for a moment and immediately went for Teyla; this wasn't an accident on the part of the writers, and the fact that we see him "apologizing" to Teyla at the end of the episode is also an important hint. This relationship is important to him, and having her comfortable and friendly with him is clearly important as well.

                              I honestly think that that kiss opened something for both of them. I don't think it's something that either of them are comfortable acknowledging or dealing with right now, but it is going to have to happen sometime in the future. This is again true in "The Long Goodbye" with Thalen's "confession" of Sheppard's feelings. The way that Teyla quickly left at the end of that confrontation told me that she needed to excuse herself from the situation; what had happened was personal, deeply so, and she needed to think it over alone. The fact that we have had two of these moments in a season tells me that this is going to come up again in the future. While we don't know for sure what in these scenes was true and what was fabricated or emphasized by outside forces, I think that at least some came directly from the characters. With time, I think we'll get to see a lot more.
                              Wow...SP thats an awesome analysis! I agree with what you brought up about TLG and Conversion.... I do think that it will pop up again some time in the future.

                              I have a question. Does Ronnon know about Teyla being part wraith? Because his treatment of Ellia, and Micheal in comparison with how he treats Teyla suggests to me that he doesn't know. I mean he knows about her ability to sense the wraith....but correct me if I'm wrong.....didn't we know about her abilities last season before knowing she was part wraith?

                              I think it would be interesting if next season (if Ronnon doesn't already know that is.....) if they showed him finding out about Teyla's wraithness, and maybe trusting her a little less, and treating her a little worse (not anything extreme of course....but just like being cold around her), it would not only be interesting for those two characters, but it could also play out kind of well for our ship. They could show Shep being really supportive and protective of Teyla, which is always good for our ship. Maybe shep could also talk some sense into Ronnon.

                              On another note....I really hope we do get Trinity II....that would be too awesome. It's to bad JM isn't doing blogs here anymore....because he was usually quite good about providing us with spoilers.
                              Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


                                Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
                                Hmm...I like the modifications of Twix....because they are close to twix, but not twix. I just don't like twix because, it's basically just endorsing a brand name......and our ship is way above that. I mean if shp weir ppl get something cool like sparky, then we should have something better than a name that endorses a product.

                                I've probably just pissed some of you off....and I did not mean to, so sorry if I have. Also...I know it's kind of hypocritical of me to judge the new name ideas when I'm failing to come up with my again....sorry.
                                Hey you didn't piss me off..if that's what you thought..I hate endorsements too..I just liked that whole...'when you need a moment'..and did you see where 'sparky' came from..not impressed (disliked the show) nor do I think it's that acronym in my opinion is's just fun.

                                Hmmmm.....sometimes I question my devotion to 'RoLo'...well since it's set, and I pretty much set that name as rule, then stays. But otherwise I'm up for anything.

                                If you have any ideas on another acronym go for it GEL cause I'm just testing it out...TWIX is not written in stone and as I said we still have to vote..several people don't like it and I don't mind...shoot, I'm up for anything that is better than Shepmagan or Sheyla....

                                Anyway it's fun to run with TWIX! At this point I think JT will win!

                                Originally posted by 4prettierships
                                I really need to rewatch all of the episodes so I can remember everything that happened, but from what I can remember, I feel that season two was more shippier! In season one Teyla and John were still getting to knwo each other, there wasn't much time left over to be shippy! However, in season two they finally were able to show how much they cared for each other. (As I said in my previous post about Allies.) I never really was a shipper during season one, so I probably didn't notice half of the things that you guys have, and then (as much as I hate to admit it ) I was a ronan/teyla shipper when he was first introduced as a charachter, and then the more I thought about it I realized they just didn't work. (If birds of a feather fly too close together they might just crash )

                                And how did I come to this conclusion?

                                Teyla and Ronan are friends, and nothing more. In no way
                                Welcome to the light my child...welcome to the light! Hello former T/R shipper..glad you can come and post..even if you still are other people and have fun! as long as it stays in topic of the greatness of J/T!
                                Last edited by vaberella; 15 March 2006, 08:17 AM.
                                Click statement above to read article.

