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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Camy
    Well, seems that the innocent conversation the other night hosted by yours truly and my other great friends, SnogginPicard and Witchblade....cause some

    For those who felt left out, hurt, betrayed, offended or were not interested or impressed by our thought provoking conversations....I apologize....

    With that said, we cannot continue or repeat the same thing as some of you wanted to do.. At least not in this forum!

    but, there is hope beyond the my mother always says, there is peace after the storm....or something like that! (it kind of looses its meaning in the translation)

    So, few suggestions..Thanks to Gypsi...(Thank you, very much, Gypsi) apparently there is a thread that is called Off-Topic where we can chat....
    Who would like to test it with me...and when?

    Next, does anyone have any other suggestions as to how we can chat online? I don't have AOL or any type of messenger like least to my, I am going to need some help with this...

    Finally, most of you know that I like to express my opinions openly and my intentions, as well as that of my dear friends, was never to use this thread for any thing other than to enjoy and share each others opinions and ideas, about John and Teyla, while respecting every one else in the process, (characters, actors and all of the posters in GW)...and that is what we DID the other night and that is what, at least I will continue to do in all of my postings..and I know that my peers will as well...

    It was my thought that these threads were for people to come and express their opinions freely while engaging in in-depth conversations that entertain but also shed some insight and interactions among differences in opinions, but of coarse, without offending any of the actors and/or the characters and especially no one in any other threads... I can only speak for myself...but I guess I was wrong, and feel that not everyone can handle these type of postings.......

    Therefore, to those whom I offended or somehow agitated or annoyed....sorry...that is just the way I am..but I will try to refrain myself from doing so....just wish that somehow, things could have been resolve without having to bring others in the middle....

    To my friends..SnoggingPicard and know I love ya..and I am so sorry that you guys got caught in the middle of this...I take full responsibility for whatever it is that we did wrong!

    In any case, l hope that this thread continues with its awesome postings and conversations...To all the Sheppard/Teyla shippers, remain strong and faithful...for we all know that in the end...these two will unite and their fans will be there all the way.....

    Thanks everyone!

    with lots of love for all my John/Teyla fans....
    The problem wasn't the subjects of conversation. the problem was the fact that you treated this place like a chat room!

    If you want to "chat," then go somewhere else. Forums are meant to be elegant places where people spend a little bit of time on their posts. The posts are supposed to follow (mostly) English protocalls (or whatever language is used on the forum), such as correct spelling and grammer.

    This is not a chat room. This is a forum.

    PS: Camy, could you try and gather a bunch of pictures and post them in one post? Personally, I find it annoying when youmake a stream of posts, most of them just pictures. Please put them in one post.
    This poster has a Superiority Complex. Apologies in advance.


      Okk folks, Gipsy is off at Gabit, so i'm gonna stick my nose in.

      Perhaps, when you folks post pics, how about for a while you put all those links (and i did say links, not IMG tags) in one post, then those that are interested can click on said links without endless streams of pictures bogging down the conversation.

      And, while i'm not here to be the conversation meanie....people here have expressed the desire for the discussion to be more of a discussion and less of a chat room.

      I will go into the off-topic area and start a 'shep and teyla ship chat thread' for those that want to chat.

      if folks don't want to use that, just got and downloan instant messenger (i use it all the time and it's easy) or to yahoo and download thier messenger. MSN has one too

      Every thread goes through this rough patch from time to time, where the folks that want discussion get frustrated with those that just want to chat. Sometimes what works is for folks to just take a little breather from each other, take a break and then getback together before words are exchanged that aren't nice
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        This Sheyla thread has a chat thread in the off-topic section already.

        Check it out here


          Originally posted by Skydiver
          Okk folks, Gipsy is off at Gabit, so i'm gonna stick my nose in.

          Perhaps, when you folks post pics, how about for a while you put all those links (and i did say links, not IMG tags) in one post, then those that are interested can click on said links without endless streams of pictures bogging down the conversation.

          And, while i'm not here to be the conversation meanie....people here have expressed the desire for the discussion to be more of a discussion and less of a chat room.

          I will go into the off-topic area and start a 'shep and teyla ship chat thread' for those that want to chat.

          if folks don't want to use that, just got and downloan instant messenger (i use it all the time and it's easy) or to yahoo and download thier messenger. MSN has one too

          Every thread goes through this rough patch from time to time, where the folks that want discussion get frustrated with those that just want to chat. Sometimes what works is for folks to just take a little breather from each other, take a break and then getback together before words are exchanged that aren't nice

          Thank you so much....You handled this in such a nice and respectful way....not like others...


            NoDot]The problem wasn't the subjects of conversation. the problem was the fact that you treated this place like a chat room!

            If you want to "chat," then go somewhere else. Forums are meant to be elegant places where people spend a little bit of time on their posts. The posts are supposed to follow (mostly) English protocalls (or whatever language is used on the forum), such as correct spelling and grammer.
            You mean grammar!? Do we have a policy for this in the forum?

            This is not a chat room. This is a forum.

            PS: Camy, could you try and gather a bunch of pictures and post them in one post? Personally, I find it annoying when youmake a stream of posts, most of them just pictures. Please put them in one post.
            I will try and please you, NoDot as best as I can....promise...don't want to get on your bad side! Did I say this correctly? Sorry, English is my second language...

            You are right....NoDot...I do come here very often....but I didn't know there was a difference between discussions and chatting...I thought I was having a very lengthy and interesting discussions which many in this thread actually wanted to be a part of .....but I won't do it again....I guess I am going to be more careful and I guess I am going to need some help distinguishing between discussions and chatts.....

            So, short messages are discussions....and long ones are chats...? Right?
            Just out of curiosity, is this thread the only that does this?

            oooppsss....I think I am chatting again...

            Anyone who wants to join me and chat with me about John and Teyla, this Saturday night at 9:00p.m. in the off-topic thread. I want to have some long chats.....

            thanks Warrior for the link.....

            If anyone else has any other idea...please let me know...

            have a great weekend too NoDot...I won't post nothing long again...I think! Sorry, if I upset you....never my intention.


              Originally posted by Camy
              You mean grammar!? Do we have a policy for this in the forum?
              Oh, BLEH! I hate it when I do that!

              I will try and please you, NoDot as best as I can....promise...don't want to get on your bad side! Did I say this correctly? Sorry, English is my second language...

              You are right....NoDot...I do come here very often....but I didn't know there was a difference between discussions and chatting...I thought I was having a very lengthy and interesting discussions which many in this thread actually wanted to be a part of .....but I won't do it again....I guess I am going to be more careful and I guess I am going to need some help distinguishing between discussions and chatts.....

              So, short messages are discussions....and long ones are chats...? Right?
              Just out of curiosity, is this thread the only that does this?

              oooppsss....I think I am chatting again...

              Anyone who wants to join me and chat with me about John and Teyla, this Saturday night at 9:00p.m. in the off-topic thread. I want to have some long chats.....

              thanks Warrior for the link.....

              If anyone else has any other idea...please let me know...

              have a great weekend too NoDot...I won't post nothing long again...I think! Sorry, if I upset you....never my intention.
              Chatting is a long stream of short replies, like what you people were doing before. Discussions usually have longer posts which are (usually) gramatically correct. Non-native English speakers aren't held to this as tightly, but it's still prefered to have posts with correct grammar and spelling.

              (Note: This isn't GateWorld's policy, it's the spirit of forums.)
              This poster has a Superiority Complex. Apologies in advance.


                Originally posted by NoDot
                Oh, BLEH! I hate it when I do that!
                Oh gosh, don't you HATE that word!! I always mess it up! Stupid English language having stupid words that don't make sense.

                "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                  Originally posted by Skydiver
                  Okk folks, Gipsy is off at Gabit, so i'm gonna stick my nose in.

                  Perhaps, when you folks post pics, how about for a while you put all those links (and i did say links, not IMG tags) in one post, then those that are interested can click on said links without endless streams of pictures bogging down the conversation.

                  And, while i'm not here to be the conversation meanie....people here have expressed the desire for the discussion to be more of a discussion and less of a chat room.

                  I will go into the off-topic area and start a 'shep and teyla ship chat thread' for those that want to chat.

                  if folks don't want to use that, just got and downloan instant messenger (i use it all the time and it's easy) or to yahoo and download thier messenger. MSN has one too

                  Every thread goes through this rough patch from time to time, where the folks that want discussion get frustrated with those that just want to chat. Sometimes what works is for folks to just take a little breather from each other, take a break and then getback together before words are exchanged that aren't nice
                  Thanks for doing this! Maybe the hiatus has everyone wound up a little tight or something...or maybe it's just the water! Hope you guys all have great weekends, and we need to think up another idea for discussion...any thoughts? Do we want to speculate about the next part of the season or go back to old episodes? I stink at making up these ideas, so if any of you want to pitch any, that'd be cool.

                  "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                  HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                    Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                    Oh gosh, don't you HATE that word!! I always mess it up! Stupid English language having stupid words that don't make sense.
                    Note to all ConLang makers: Make it phoenic! Please!
                    This poster has a Superiority Complex. Apologies in advance.


                      Originally posted by NoDot
                      Note to all ConLang makers: Make it phoenic! Please!
                      Oh, no....fancy words..I should just stick with Spanish...

                      Hola! Me llamo Camy...
                      Como estan ustedes?
                      Yo muy bien, que quieren hablar?

                      Adios, amigos....

                      You know, maybe I should just do my own thread...OOOHHHH COOL IDEA!
                      Do you think I can do that....?

                      Okay...discussions..I am not good at this...but, I was browsing through pics..and came across this..and I want to know what you guys think of these two differen scenarios...what is the difference..besides the obvious of each incident...but forgetting that Shep was under the influence, how would you describe each and what would you see as the difference, similarities, meaning, purpose...etc...If it's stupid then just ignore it and enjoy the pics..and NoDot..I will try to post them all in two's that..? there are several...maybe three postings........

                      Okay...the dreaded Chaya! At least for me...I think this kind of happen because it happened...I think we were trying to see a romantic side to Sheppard without a main character and VOILA! She came into the pic...besides that I didn't see the irrelevance of this episode....any thoughts...


                      I think that the first two pictures show an attractive woman kissing an attractive man... I don't see anything beyond that...I don't even feel any real deep feelings....or even desires....I could be John and Teyla...

                      Now, this is awkward...just looks weird...and uncomfortable...don't look right...

                      Okay...Now I put this pic here because this is right before the, let's say that it sets the mood and the shows his desires and his intentions....




                        These are my favorites...I believe that Teyla was responding to the kiss as well...just look at her puckering up and if she was so scared...don't you think she could have beaten the crap out of him...if she felt in any type of danger....anyways, surprised...confused...yes...but I think she wasn't that
                        much against it...

                        Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 28 October 2005, 01:03 PM.


                          gotta the rest later..let me know what you think


                            Wow. That look! I think my hair just caught on fire!


                              HEY CAMY Just getting your attention here, I was scanning though all the usual bickering you see in ship threads every so often (I remember back when the Sam/Jack thread went to h*** over the same kind of thing for a while, fortunately it bounced back) Anyway, I noticed you mentioned something about the off-topic thread, Saturday night at 9:00 but you didn't mention a time-zone. And as we all come from different places...I don't want to end up coming by at noon the next day...or the day before...

                              By the way, I have nothing against posting pictures *especially Shep/Teyla kissing pictures * But you posted that one post twice and I just thought you might want to delete it. Because I've done that by accident before too...


                                Originally posted by melpomene
                                HEY CAMY Just getting your attention here, I was scanning though all the usual bickering you see in ship threads every so often (I remember back when the Sam/Jack thread went to h*** over the same kind of thing for a while, fortunately it bounced back) Anyway, I noticed you mentioned something about the off-topic thread, Saturday night at 9:00 but you didn't mention a time-zone. And as we all come from different places...I don't want to end up coming by at noon the next day...or the day before...

                                By the way, I have nothing against posting pictures *especially Shep/Teyla kissing pictures * But you posted that one post twice and I just thought you might want to delete it. Because I've done that by accident before too...

                                Thank you so much...and WELCOME! I really needed those words of encouragement believe it or not! Thanks...It is tough and it just seem to have a pattern...anyways, I love everyone here...and I love this thread more than any other...and I want to respect and make everyone happy as much as possible..and I want people to know that you can PM me if you feel that I am doing something that should be long as we respect one another, I promise...I will listen....I am still learning the whole posting thing...most of you have been doing it for like most of your life..I just started doing this two months ago...the very first time!
                                Anyhow, don't want to ramble again..sorry...I will correct my error...thanking for pointing it out for me..

                                Now, as far as the meeting..GOSH, you are really talking to a non-time converter....Sorry,...anyone care to help here! I hope you do come and if this time is to different for everyone make some suggestions..I can be here as early as 7:00p.m. (eastern time)and as late as the next morning since it will be Sunday..I can do an all those...then I get to sleep all Sunday! So, please, someone help! I'm so glad you want to join! the more the merrier!
                                got your pm....thanks

