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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
    I thought the same, it turns out I went on a DISNEY CRUISE VACATION!!!! See the lastest post in my LJ for more info and please leave all comments on there thanks
    Ohhh. Cool. Nice surprise.
    I'll have to check it out then.

    Originally posted by Rockhound View Post
    Landjrule - I thought we had it tough just with the forum down. I always feel lost with no computer.

    Sci - It's from S1 Poisoning the Well.

    Love looking at all the con pictures too. Found a lot on the JF thread.

    "The weapon the Ancients built to defend this outpost."

    "The Who?"

    "You do have security clearance to be here?"

    "Yeah, Yeah, General O'Neill just gave it to me."

    "Then you don't even know about the Stargate."

    "The What?"

    He was so innocent then! And Sci, I know you know that one!
    Oh. Duh. Thanks. I forgot that line.

    Hee hee. Yep!! I got this one. He was so cute in that scene.


      hi everyone
      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
      Hi JT'ers..

      Just got back from the Chicago Con and I'm pretty exhausted and my brain is kinda mushy...

      So a very quick re-cap

      Joe looked drop dead gorgeous..

      At the photo shoot the photographer was checking to see if the photo he took of us was ok .. so I was left standing there with my arm around Joe's waist waiting for him to decide .. he finally decided it was ok... I was happy to stand there all night.. just so the photo would be ok of course.. ahem!!

      Joe's talk was awesome... he didnt want the chair and spent the entire 45 minutes strutting around the stage.. he said he's hyper active.. nooo !! you would never guess... great talk and some very funny stories.. I'm sure there will be lots of con reports floating around where you can read about it in detail... Knightie from the whump thread is going to send me the full audio...

      Rachel phoned Joe while he was on stage... he said he's always forgetting to turn his cell off... even on set... he didnt get to it in time and it rang again a few minutes later but it wasnt Rachel so he said he wouldnt answer it..

      SGAfan said Rachel crept up on him backstage and she kissed him on the cheek and he turned around surprised and when he saw it was Rachel.. he picked her up and swung her around... Awww!

      Rachel is so incredibly beautiful.. even more so off screen... her talk with Paul was hilarious..

      I went to the private sitting with her and a few others and guess what.. Joe phoned her while she was talking to us ... we told her we didnt mind if she spoke to him.. but by the time she got her cell out she missed his call.. she said that she was disappointed as she hadnt had a chance to spend much time with him ... and he was most likely calling her from the airport.

      She talked about her family and background and what she thought of Joe/Jason/David and Paul..
      She also spoke about the show and its ending and how disappointed they were..
      But they all seem to be moving on and looking forward to their new projects.. Rachel is now writing herself and has her own company and wants to do her own thing... Joe the same and David has always been doing his own stuff.. so they are all busy...and they would love to work with each other again... they are all close and you can see that they have a wonderful bond.... Rachel said she was always teased by Joe and Jason and it sounds like they had such fun on set.. though I think Rachel got to put them in their place at times..

      Rachel gave us all a hug at the end ..she is incredibly warm and friendly and I got a lovely pic with her but I cant post it as it includes 7 other fans and I didnt know most of them..

      PS. Michael Shanks asked the audience if they were looking forward to SGU and the repsonse was dismal.. I was quite surprised...he seemed really surprised .. and he also seemed surprised that 95% of the audience were fans of both SGA and SG1..
      Thank youso much thank you so much thank you so much you're so lucky I would have loved to go. It seemed awesome thank you so much for sharing It's really great to see how friends they all seem to be. (Besides there is awesome pics from Michael )
      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
      Guess I didn't have to search to far...


      Wraithfodder has found several of con reports, pics and twitter messages from the convention... so I will pass you along to the link where you can check out all the different links for the convention....

      Have fun you guys
      Thank you so much for the links (The Michael quote would have more its place in here LOL)
      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      Now I'm down to 90%

      Glad you had a great time.

      YW hun. I think zuz made them.

      Thanks for the ficrec. If I find time, I'll read it.

      Thanks Flo. Do the actors of the shows do it or does someone else do the voice overs???

      Some JT fanvids by Sariana. They are very sad. So be warned. Vid 1 and 2
      Thanks for the vid yeah another memories can't wait to see them.

      As for the voices no we have translators (?) they are french actors or people accustomed to do this. So sometimes we have fun when we listen to soemone and we say 'hey this is Bruce Willis voice LOL) generally one actor have the same voice. But i started sanctuary yesterday and Amanda voice seemed to me a little different so I don't know if the person behind chaged.
      Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
      Hey y'all! We've got another birthday in the house. Nina's birthday is on August 30th!

      Her favorite character is John.

      Her favorite episodes are Search and Rescue, Spoils of War, Rising, The Return 1, Doppelganger.

      She would love siggies...or fics.

      Her other interests are Danny/Lindsay from CSI:NY or Criminal Minds.

      So let's get out there and celebrate!
      Youhou *start working*
      Originally posted by Rockhound View Post
      :mckay "He just doesn't like going through the Stargate."

      :sheppard "He's worse than Dr. McCoy."

      :teyla "Who?"

      :sheppard "The TV character Dr. Beckett plays in real life."
      Originally posted by Teyilia View Post

      Nobody wanbts to ask the little pretty faerie (moi) about her recent beautiful trip to the middle of the Caribean Sea?! *cries*
      You seem to have a wonderful time and you're so lucky for PotC. You made great memories
      Originally posted by Rockhound View Post
      Landjrule - I thought we had it tough just with the forum down. I always feel lost with no computer.

      Sci - It's from S1 Poisoning the Well.

      Love looking at all the con pictures too. Found a lot on the JF thread.

      :beckett "The weapon the Ancients built to defend this outpost."

      :sheppard "The Who?"

      :beckett"You do have security clearance to be here?"

      :sheppard "Yeah, Yeah, General O'Neill just gave it to me."

      "Then you don't even know about the Stargate."

      :sheppar "The What?"

      He was so innocent then! And Sci, I know you know that one!
      True thanks for the memories

      Sorry for the OT but I had to share it I watched the last ep of moonlight today. And at one moment I was like it can't be her and I didn't follow anymore the action because I was trying to decide if it was her or not. And yeah it was Claudia Black and I wasn't even sure LOL.

      I had the same reaction about Paul McG in Star Trek. we were ten in the room when I went (I was alone and went after work there weren't many people) and when I saw him I was 'this is carson' and after I remembered reading that he was cast in the movie so I was sure it was him but seriously it took him what ? 10 seconds . But I loved it.

      Or when you see the Genii in a movie with Steven Seagal LOL.
      Sig by the Great Linda06



        Sigs by Scifan


          I'll try this again...
          Virtual season 6!

          We have 5 episodes remaining that need fixing into place. 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20. So we have a few decisions to make.

          We have two pitches that we said we were going to use that haven't been placed yet:
          From Jess:
          Teyla receives word from someone (perhaps while the team is off-world) that the Athosians have had an outbreak of some terrible PG disease. Teyla wants to go there and see her people, but John is totally against the idea--due to him not wanting her to get infected or have her accidently bring it back to Atlantis...whatever the reason. (enter angst) If both Carson and Keller are there, we could have one taking one side of the argument and the other taking the opposing one. Woolsey sides with John, until one of the expedition members (Ronon maybe?) starts to exhibit symptoms. Now, suddenly, they need to find a cure. Another argument with John and Teyla (why are those from earth treated "better" than the Athosians) then they reach a truce of sorts. Together with Carson and/or Keller, they come up with a treatment. Athosians (and the rest of the PG for that matter) are saved from this disease. Maybe a final JT scene, patching (or not) things up.

          Plot A would obviously be the Athosian outbreak. Plot B could be Ronon and his suffering through the episode...and how that's affecting everyone.

          Points that could be addressed:

          --What is Teyla's relationship with her people after the breakup with Kanaan?
          --What, if any, lasting effects will this have on John and Teyla's relationship?

          Teyla comes to them to go see the Athosians it turns out that Woolsey and Shep had already known and sent a team (wearing Hazmat suits ) and they had come back infected (and subsequently been put in isolation), which could lead to how it spreads to Ronon...
          From Cazz:
          Anyway, someone is seeking revenge on Teyla, could be someone we introduce earlier in the season, or someone from a previous season (Sora?) or someone from before then. They set a trap for her but only manage to capture Shep and Rodney. Those two are put in a cell that starts filling up with water. Back on Atlantis the captor gets in touch and says that if Teyla hands herself over they will return her teammates. Obviously Woolsey refuses this. But Ronon (cos Ronon knows ) helps Teyla get there (maybe with the help of Lorne or Zelenka too?). Once there the captor changes their mind and says only one of them can be freed in exchange for Teyla. By this time the water is getting quite high. Teyla deliberates and ends up choosing to free Sheppard, the captor then frees Rodney instead. So Teyla is put in the cell, with Sheppard thinking she chose to save Rodney over him. And then the water keeps getting higher and they think they're going to die and what not But Ronon had something up his sleeve when he helped get Teyla there, what that is I'm not sure of yet
          I believe we said those would go one after the other, so which do we want them as, 16 & 17 or 17 & 18??

          Also, in which episode do we want John and Teyla to actually get together?? I think it should be after that second pitch, so would be either ep 18 or 19 depending on where we place those two.

          And finally, for end of the season do we want a two parter? A final ep that leads on from ep 19 but isn't a two parter? Or a stand alone ep? Don't forget that the final ep needs to follow on from the Todd/gene storyline

          Also, do we want the season to end on a cliffhanger or draw the series to a conclusion?
          If there are no responses again then I'm done with the VS6 (I don't have the time to waste on it anymore), if you still want to go ahead with it then someone else with have to organise it.
          What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


            Hello guys,

            I did see a Blue's recap of the con. Aww, that was a sweet story about Joe and Rachel.

            You know...


            I wish I could give you guys news from the Con, but there were no questions along those lines directed to either Rachel or Joe respectively. The only question that came close was when a young lady asked Rachel about Teyla’s pregnancy. I think the question was whether if Teyla had not gotten pregnant, do she think the TPTB would have gone ahead with John and Teyla. I didn’t take notes. I am trying to write this from memory. But the hunky and cute Paul McGillion said something, then the laughter started and somehow that part of the question got lost. LOL, I believe this was the point that Paul said Teyla was sleeping around for the past three seasons that pregnancy was sort of expected to happen with all the worlds she had visited. LOL. Paul teased Rachel constantly. Rachel did get in some shots too.

            It was interesting to see how some fans viewed the show. While sitting with a group of people, a gentleman said he was waiting on Teyla and Ronon to get together in the show while we were watching music videos while waiting for our photographs from the photo ops. I was like WHAT. I only observed that particular relationship as a brother/sister thing myself. And Jason has stated time and again, he see his character with someone like Teyla, but not Teyla. Recent confirmation...the commentary for Broken Ties. So it was and interesting to hear all these different POVs.

            And if anyone of you guys are's more...

            Sigs made by the talented Cazzblade, Donna, Jeyla, Linda, Luciana, Mayra, Mrs.B, Padme
            Scifan, Teylafan, WraithLord & YC & me.

            Thanks for the memory to the cast and crew of Stargate Atlantis.
            WraithLord - R.I.P.


              Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
              Hello guys,

              I did see a Blue's recap of the con. Aww, that was a sweet story about Joe and Rachel.

              You know...


              I wish I could give you guys news from the Con, but there were no questions along those lines directed to either Rachel or Joe respectively. The only question that came close was when a young lady asked Rachel about Teyla?s pregnancy. I think the question was whether if Teyla had not gotten pregnant, do she think the TPTB would have gone ahead with John and Teyla. I didn?t take notes. I am trying to write this from memory. But the hunky and cute Paul McGillion said something, then the laughter started and somehow that part of the question got lost. LOL, I believe this was the point that Paul said Teyla was sleeping around for the past three seasons that pregnancy was sort of expected to happen with all the worlds she had visited. LOL. Paul teased Rachel constantly. Rachel did get in some shots too.

              It was interesting to see how some fans viewed the show. While sitting with a group of people, a gentleman said he was waiting on Teyla and Ronon to get together in the show while we were watching music videos while waiting for our photographs from the photo ops. I was like WHAT. I only observed that particular relationship as a brother/sister thing myself. And Jason has stated time and again, he see his character with someone like Teyla, but not Teyla. Recent confirmation...the commentary for Broken Ties. So it was and interesting to hear all these different POVs.

              And if anyone of you guys are's more...

              I've just read your report in the Teyla thread... its a wonderful recap.. as I said over there I don't think I need to write one...

              As for asking about JT...

              I deliberatley didnt bother... both Rachel and Joe have admitted on enough occasions that they were pretty happy with how the relationship between them was going and I'm convinced it would have been continued if the circumstances had been different... ie Rachel's pregnancy and wanting to have McKay have his happy ever after due to the cancellation. We've had confirmation from Joe/Rachel/Jason, Martin Gero and Joe Mallozzie that there was something between JT and that Teyla was perfect for John... but due to circumstances beyond their control the story was taken in a different direction...
              Rachel hasnt watched any of season 5 yet and the actors rarely watch the episodes... so I don't think Rachel is even aware of how neglected the team bond or the relationship between her and John was..she was really surprised when I told her and said she was sorry it came across that way... she was disappointed that Rachel background wasn't better explored.. she said she would love to have a movie so that all these things can be put right and tie up all the loose ends, but ultimately she is very happy to have 5 years with a cast who are now like a family to her... and she hopes to work with them again in the future..

              Cazz Your are doing a wonderful job on the virtual season 6... I'll read through and offer some suggestions.. though I have to admit I'm beginning to mix up eps now as there have been so many suggestions..
              Would it be easier to concentrate on the first few eps and once they're finished and posted then carry on with the next few.... I'm getting them all muddled up now....


                Originally posted by bluealien View Post

                Cazz Your are doing a wonderful job on the virtual season 6... I'll read through and offer some suggestions.. though I have to admit I'm beginning to mix up eps now as there have been so many suggestions..
                Would it be easier to concentrate on the first few eps and once they're finished and posted then carry on with the next few.... I'm getting them all muddled up now....
                Most of the eps (up to ep 13 I think) summeries are on the LJ We need to at least come up with ideas for the final eps as we need to make sure the continuity works before people write their whole ep and find something needs changing. Plus it depends on the schedule we post the eps on, if we wait til the first eps are out then there won't be much time to write the rest.

                What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                  Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                  Most of the eps (up to ep 13 I think) summeries are on the LJ We need to at least come up with ideas for the final eps as we need to make sure the continuity works before people write their whole ep and find something needs changing. Plus it depends on the schedule we post the eps on, if we wait til the first eps are out then there won't be much time to write the rest.

                  Do you have a link to the LJ summaries..

                  I'll read through them before offering any suggestions..


                    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                    Do you have a link to the LJ summaries..

                    I'll read through them before offering any suggestions..
                    Yep, it's here I've just updated it to ep 15.

                    What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                      I take it my idea for a Get Smart (2008 movie timeline) and SGA crossover is no go Cazz?? >.< You seem to go over my ideas as if I said nothing? Maybe I should just sit back and read what others post?

                      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                        Okay, okay I know I said I'd be on but recently, life took a turn for the worse. I have been ill, had studying/revising to do and only now have managed to get back on track. So now I will for DEFFO BE ON!

                        JOHN SHEPPARD.
                        Thanks scifan for this bootyful siggie!!!


                          Originally posted by happyatlantis View Post
                          Okay, okay I know I said I'd be on but recently, life took a turn for the worse. I have been ill, had studying/revising to do and only now have managed to get back on track. So now I will for DEFFO BE ON!
                          Welcome back...


                            Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                            I'll try this again...

                            If there are no responses again then I'm done with the VS6 (I don't have the time to waste on it anymore), if you still want to go ahead with it then someone else with have to organise it.
                            Let me think about if for a bit to get some ideas. Maybe fore someone getting revenge on Teyla it could be one of Michael's hybrids. Getting revenge on he for killing his master. ??

                            I'm sure it might change, but I'd say 17 and 18. Then have JT get together in 19

                            Can I say that the end should be a two parter and have a good Cliffy?

                            I'm hoping to get more time to start ep two soon. Sorry hun. I know your are very busy.


                              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                              Hi JT'ers..

                              Just got back from the Chicago Con and I'm pretty exhausted and my brain is kinda mushy...

                              So a very quick re-cap

                              Joe looked drop dead gorgeous..

                              At the photo shoot the photographer was checking to see if the photo he took of us was ok .. so I was left standing there with my arm around Joe's waist waiting for him to decide .. he finally decided it was ok... I was happy to stand there all night.. just so the photo would be ok of course.. ahem!!

                              Joe's talk was awesome... he didnt want the chair and spent the entire 45 minutes strutting around the stage.. he said he's hyper active.. nooo !! you would never guess... great talk and some very funny stories.. I'm sure there will be lots of con reports floating around where you can read about it in detail... Knightie from the whump thread is going to send me the full audio...

                              Rachel phoned Joe while he was on stage... he said he's always forgetting to turn his cell off... even on set... he didnt get to it in time and it rang again a few minutes later but it wasnt Rachel so he said he wouldnt answer it..

                              SGAfan said Rachel crept up on him backstage and she kissed him on the cheek and he turned around surprised and when he saw it was Rachel.. he picked her up and swung her around... Awww!

                              Rachel is so incredibly beautiful.. even more so off screen... her talk with Paul was hilarious..

                              I went to the private sitting with her and a few others and guess what.. Joe phoned her while she was talking to us ... we told her we didnt mind if she spoke to him.. but by the time she got her cell out she missed his call.. she said that she was disappointed as she hadnt had a chance to spend much time with him ... and he was most likely calling her from the airport.

                              She talked about her family and background and what she thought of Joe/Jason/David and Paul..
                              She also spoke about the show and its ending and how disappointed they were..
                              But they all seem to be moving on and looking forward to their new projects.. Rachel is now writing herself and has her own company and wants to do her own thing... Joe the same and David has always been doing his own stuff.. so they are all busy...and they would love to work with each other again... they are all close and you can see that they have a wonderful bond.... Rachel said she was always teased by Joe and Jason and it sounds like they had such fun on set.. though I think Rachel got to put them in their place at times..

                              Rachel gave us all a hug at the end ..she is incredibly warm and friendly and I got a lovely pic with her but I cant post it as it includes 7 other fans and I didnt know most of them..

                              PS. Michael Shanks asked the audience if they were looking forward to SGU and the repsonse was dismal.. I was quite surprised...he seemed really surprised .. and he also seemed surprised that 95% of the audience were fans of both SGA and SG1..
                              Now there's a visual. How adorable. I'm glad that they continue to act around each other as if they've never left each other on the show. It only shows that they are all true friends.

                              I hope we get to see them together any of them in some other show.

                              What is Joe doing?
                              What kind of company does Rachel have?

                              Thanks for sharing Blue. I'm glad you had a good time and got to keep your hands around him longer. Gosh, what I would have done.


                                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                                Now there's a visual. How adorable. I'm glad that they continue to act around each other as if they've never left each other on the show. It only shows that they are all true friends.

                                I hope we get to see them together any of them in some other show.

                                What is Joe doing?
                                What kind of company does Rachel have?

                                Thanks for sharing Blue. I'm glad you had a good time and got to keep your hands around him longer. Gosh, what I would have done.
                                Joe isnt doing anything at the moment but has other business interests that keeps him solvent ... I think he's waiting on the right thing to come along... he doesn't need the money so isnt prepared to just take anything.... I think he is working on a few projects that are in the early stages and doesnt want to say too much about them..

                                Rachel has her own production company as far as I know.. I think thats what she meant when she said she has her own company.. she wants to produce her own stuff.. she is writing also and wants to make her own decisons and not be reliant on others.. I think she has a big network of friends now in the industry.. including Joe who is very knowledgeable on the industry and I'm sure willing to offer her advise..

