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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Linda, I made some things... I think yuo will like them.

    OT art.


    don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

    facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


      I iz back in the land of rain and more rain (The forum looks wierd Has something changed or is it just that I got used to my phone's version? )

      Originally posted by gater101 View Post
      You hated on John in that scene?? How could you! I loved John in that scene! His reaction was just... It was just right! Confused, then hurt and angry. Which he would be. I didn't even hate on Teyla. I did hate on the writers though for the "It just happened" (bah!") line. But that scene is my favourite JT scene.

      John: Is this a joke?

      It's just so painful to watch but also the most amazing feeling because you know that he hopes it is because he can't bear the thought of her being pregnant by another man.

      Iz in complete agreement, that scene was mesmerising, difficult to watch but you couldn't take your eyes off it.

      Love the Scotland sigs btw

      What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


        Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
        I iz back in the land of rain and more rain (The forum looks wierd Has something changed or is it just that I got used to my phone's version? )

        Iz in complete agreement, that scene was mesmerising, difficult to watch but you couldn't take your eyes off it.

        Love the Scotland sigs btw

        I think you just got used to your phone's version lol.

        Ah, beautiful angst... Not many scenes like that in SGA... Plenty of scenes are difficult to watch but for entirely different reasons... *mckeller*

        And thaks

        Oh, and I have now earned the right to call in favours from my manager so just you name a date and we'll be getting to Alton Towers
        don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

        facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


          Originally posted by gater101 View Post
          You hated on John in that scene?? How could you! I loved John in that scene! His reaction was just... It was just right! Confused, then hurt and angry. Which he would be. I didn't even hate on Teyla. I did hate on the writers though for the "It just happened" (bah!") line. But that scene is my favourite JT scene.
          That was the only scene in the entire baby arc thingy where John reacted perfectly...and I agree it was one of the best JT moments where his feelings were pretty obvious... his confusion and hurt was palpable.. I felt so sorry for him.. and it totally summed up how the news just socker punched him... I don't know why the writers chose to allow Teyla to tell him like that and why she kept it from him.. the only reason I could think of was because she knew how he would react.. and how hurt he would be, but it still bothered me because I felt Teyla was stronger than that.. its from then on that Teyla's character lost me... if it had been the case that she kept the news from him because deep down she did know he had feelings for her, then her telling him like this would have made sense... but we never got any explanation at all..

          Suddenly its all about Kanaan and their life together and we get no explanation of the feelings between John and Teyla.. as if there werent any and John suddenly seems fine with the whole thing.. so as usual the writers had no idea what they were doing because they contradicted themselves every moment.

          But again if Teyla and John were just good friends why couldnt she tell him about Kanaan and being pregnant..he was her closest and most trusted friend so why keep something so important from him.. and if she kept the news because she was worried about his reaction, why then get angry with him because he reacted the exact way she thought he would...

          So I'm still in denial over the whole Kanaan fiasco.. none of it made sense.. I didnt have a problem with Teyla going to Kanaan if she felt nothing was going to happen between her and John but it was all just brushed under the carpet and the lack of development and chemistry between Teyla and Kanaan should made the whole thing a total sham..... also one moment the writers make JT pretty obvious and then they ignore it like it never happened.... then they throw it in there again quite blatently and then puff, it's gone again...

          So all it did was made Teyla seem a bit heartless and not really know her own mind and as JF said at last years Comic Con. he just ended up getting his marching orders...


            Originally posted by gater101 View Post
            Oh, and I have now earned the right to call in favours from my manager so just you name a date and we'll be getting to Alton Towers
            Awesome Hopefully I'll hear something next week (or this week ) about a temporary job so once I have that sorted I'll see what kind of time I can take off

            Deadline for the first flashfic prompt: Holiday is today Challenge JT I have one myself, just about to type it up

            Oh and for the Rising rewatch on thursday, if there are any questions you have in mind PM me with them and I'll add them to the list, I'll put up questions for both part 1 and part 2

            What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


              Morning. I did a simple Rachel calander. (Sorry if you saw it another thread. )

              Off to catch up now.


                Beautiful Sci!

                What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  Morning. I did a simple Rachel calander. (Sorry if you saw it another thread. )

                  Off to catch up now.
                  That's beautiful sci...


                    Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                    Well it says it is at 625x200, the 625 is fine, just needs a bit less in hight, though I might use spioler tags on the top of my sig rather then below it.. heck I might even link to the sig as an art piece on my DA somewhere...
                    So you want it smaller for stuff underneath right? Mine says the height is 175. Can you PM it too me? Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong one

                    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                    The problem is, there is not one ep I can watch that doesn't have McKay in it, and in S4-5 I can't even watch Teyla's "so called ep" without seeing Keller in it
                    Do you mean in the scene or the whole show?

                    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                    Which all has McKay in them

                    Ain't it just. I'm hoping that Rachel gets a really good gig on a TV show so then she can't do SGA movie

                    She can still do both.


                      Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                      Beautiful Sci!

                      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                      That's beautiful sci...
                      Thanks Cazz and Blue.

                      I just put it together. She does the beauty all on her own.


                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        Thanks Cazz and Blue.

                        I just put it together. She does the beauty all on her own.
                        Yes she does and she looks stunning in those pics...


                          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                          It's TPTB's love of McKay then Keller that's ruined the whole thing for me But I have my DS9 DVD's to watch Now they knew how to make a show and theyw eren't scared to take a chance

                          Oh I dunno, just a wild guess I haven't watched it yet, is it any good?

                          Yeah it's about time someone taught them a lesson so I hope none of the actors are available for the movie
                          Personally, I would say it was good. It a show that passes the time. Waiting to see JF in the next weeks ep.

                          Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                          hi everyone

                          I love your way of thinking. You're right this sentence was delicious. Except this i really think I hate this scene. I can't help it but to resent against John after all the time Teyla was by his side.
                          And sadly the other eps didn't help to apease my fears

                          I can't give you an answer but I know how you feel. SGA was my first real ship. SGA explained to me what a ship was. I joined forum, read a lot of fanfics even started making art. I don't do this for other shows I tried some fanarts for other shows but it's all. I don't even read fanfics for other shows (because I prefer the serie sometimes or because it reminded me the depression over the end of the show ) so SGA is the only show that brought me to fandom

                          Great choice. Wow The Gift one of my favorite scene and fav fighting scene

                          Yeah great scenes

                          LOL Happy birthday and welcome

                          LOL Yeah I know what you mean
                          Yeah there's always this little voice behind which say 'They're wrong'
                          Youhou I can't wait to see you
                          I'm pretty much the same. If I read any fanfics, its been JT ones. And though I've done art for other shows and ships, I find them hard to do sometimes. JT are the ones that inspired me the most and also brought me here.

                          Thanks hun.

                          Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                          Awesome as always

                          Yeah while John didn't knew it Really odd but it doesn't even surprise us anymore. I know how you feel I lost a lot of JT feeling and I fear a little to watch SGA again because I haven't finished it by lost of interest (yeah I couldn't bring myself to watch a total McKeller ep and I stopped watching it).
                          I fear too to be depressed you know you watch it again and again and you always remember that there is no end.
                          But I'd love to rewatch them and discuss it

                          Oh yeah

                          I agree with you about Rachel I 'd love to see her in movies or series. Besides I really have hope if there was a movie but I don't know why. We know so well the authors that there is no need to count on it and to have Teyla find her real place again. And hope that Keller won't be in there. No really I'm sorry for Keller but if she isn't there we have perhaps a chance to see the real characters we love John Teyla Ronon and Mckay (sorry Linda if the authors hadn't messed up with him in season4 -5) he would have stayed my fav character after Teyla

                          Ok now I need to watch it for sure. Linda have you action in it You're right to propose great shows

                          Now Linda I'm totally traumatized by what you said. I was searching for JT in Youtube and I came across this extract of 38 minutes and I think this is an ep you could watch without suffering too much McKay. In this extract he seems totally out of his place and she downloaded a lot of JT moments and watching The Long Goodbye you're right even in the most John Teyla Weir action, McKay was there
                          There has been moments where we have had JT moments without Mckay in the scene, but it's the writers that put him up top, if over Shep. They like the fact that DH can bang out dialog and as for Keller, if the didn't make her so much like Kaylee(sp) I think I would like her more. Don't get me wrong. I liked Jewel in Firefly. Kaylee was young and smart, but I don't like how the writers did Keller.
                          Some how the main ship switched from JT to MK. OH wait! We know how. It was tptb.


                            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                            Yes she does and she looks stunning in those pics...
                            That she does. Have you seen the one where she's on a magazine cover and dressed in a gown?

                            Congrats on Milestones Ruby, Cazz and Jess!!



                              I'm writing
                              don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                              facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                                Originally posted by gater101 View Post

                                Ah, beautiful angst... Not many scenes like that in SGA... Plenty of scenes are difficult to watch but for entirely different reasons... *mckeller*
                                Laura, great post earlier on that scene in BAMSR (I think? so bad at ep names ). Completely agree

                                Oh, and I have now earned the right to call in favours from my manager so just you name a date and we'll be getting to Alton Towers
                                *upper lip starts shaking* Without little ol' me??? *pouts* Darn me being a foreigner!!!

                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                Morning. I did a simple Rachel calander. (Sorry if you saw it another thread. )


                                Off to catch up now.
                                Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                                Save Our Seeker!
                                LotS on LJ.

