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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Don't pass out, hon! I told you I've been super-busy...I haven't even been in other places I usually am. *curses homework* Anyhoo, I lost my invite to the ship fest, and was wondering what today is? Is not fics, is it? I don't do that. Looks like I missed the pic stories, though. *curses missing pic fics* I like doing those. What's tomorrow?

    T: What is on the menu for the ship fest today?
    J: I dunno. I think it might be fics today.

    S: I wonder if Trippy's gonna attempt any fics?
    T: Oh, I do not believe that is a good idea. Do you not remember what happened the last time she attempted to write fan fiction?

    S:, we can't have that again. I'm trying to repress those memories.
    Sig by Camy


      Drabble challenge 1 (exactly 100 words of story.)


      John accidentally loses or breaks one of Teyla's favorite things. Show her finding out, OR him apologizing, OR how they make up.

      And if that's not enough, here's a list of 12 drabble prompts I posted a while ago in the sheppard_teyla LJ:

      Some suggest higher ratings, so use your judgement when posting responses. You may post all of your responses, rated to NC-17 in the LJ, if you want. And any PG responses here and there or here and in sga_john_teyla. :-)

      (As always with my challenges, if you're inspired to write a longer story, go ahead. It's no problem.)
      Last edited by Doxymom; 16 February 2006, 12:26 PM.


        A few months ago we had a John/Teyla ficathon between the two John/Teyla lists. Here's the ficathon master list so you can find more fics to read.

        **ficathon definition: everyone supplied two story plots to me and agreed to write whatever they got. On a certain day, I passed them out to different people. They had a time limit to write the stories.

        John/Teyla Ficathon Master Story List!

        Below is a list of completed stories and WIPs. (There were more fics, but many are still not finished or not online yet.)

        **note, at least a couple of these were nominated for Isis Awards too!**

        Completed stories:

        Author: Tielan.
        Title: AMENDS AND PROMISES PG-13

        Author: Zaahn
        Title: Storm Callings K+ / PG-13

        Author: Nicole
        Title: Secrets PG-13

        Author: Madjm
        Title: Piece of Cake PG

        Author: cblade
        Title: First Moments

        Author: MaiaRey
        Title: Whispers and Kisses PG.

        Author: Magpie_dreamer
        Title: Little Lies PG-13

        Author: Doxymom
        Title: Fountains with Lights PG

        ~WIPS~ (last time I checked. May be done now.)

        Author: Donna Lynn
        Title: Ever Wanted NC-17

        Author: cblade
        Title: First Fight PG-13
        Last edited by Doxymom; 16 February 2006, 12:27 PM.


          Another 5 min fic challenge! Confessions:

          Did John really NOT record a message in Letters from Pegasus or did he just not want anyone to know? Did he confess to Teyla later or did it contain info about her or did he, maybe, tell someone he wasn't coming back because of a woman? You decide.

          (If you compare backgrounds between when he's speaking about Sumner to when he says goodbye, they're different, indicating he either moved or recorded two messages.)


          1. Write for at least 5 minutes, you may write longer.
          2. Don't edit your work until after you finish writing it--as you write just put down anything that comes into your head no matter how stupid it may seem. You can always fix it and it may be better than you think.
          3. Have fun!


            Originally posted by Camy
            Sanssong, DM...Nicole, BP and all the others..where are you guys?
            I'm still around. I don't have that much time to post right now. I am working on an essay I have to write and I have another project I am working on. Just know I am keeping up and reading the other posts and I love what I am seeing! Keep it up!

            Ritter love your valentine video! Certainly one of your best and my new favorite!


              Originally posted by majortrip
              Don't pass out, hon! I told you I've been super-busy...I haven't even been in other places I usually am. *curses homework* Anyhoo, I lost my invite to the ship fest, and was wondering what today is? Is not fics, is it? I don't do that. Looks like I missed the pic stories, though. *curses missing pic fics* I like doing those. What's tomorrow?

              T: What is on the menu for the ship fest today?
              J: I dunno. I think it might be fics today.

              S: I wonder if Trippy's gonna attempt any fics?
              T: Oh, I do not believe that is a good idea. Do you not remember what happened the last time she attempted to write fan fiction?

              S:, we can't have that again. I'm trying to repress those memories.
              Oh, Trippy...I understand..I am just so happy to read your words..hehehehehe
              New mini skirt?....

              You can do anything you want for today...but there is something special in the, FICS...but you can add any ficpic that you'd like..Did you read my picfic? You must leave me a review...please...
              So, here's the rundown..but again, feel free to contribute anything that you'd like..I know you have some nice caps in your maybe you can share those with us or do some more pic fic...I know AG is going to post one later on in the, here's the invitation again with the calendar of events for the week..However, if you want to contribute with any of the other ideas that we've had for the week, by all means feel free to do so....

              Today if John/Teyla fics...those of you who have tons of fics out there or now of some really good ones, even post some of your favorite from other authors, go ahead...we have a lot of newbies here who may not have seen some of these...Hey, another thing we can add to this is to list your favorite John and Teyla sites..I know many of you know so many great sites that I and others here may not know go ahead and post those links...Thanks...

              I shall be back tonight to read these awesome fics and to see some of the vids that I never had time to see..also, I will be updating and reposting Stuck with You...


                Originally posted by Doxymom
                Drabble challenge 1


                John accidentally loses or breaks one of Teyla's favorite things. Show her finding out, OR him apologizing, OR how they make up.

                And if that's not enough, here's a list of 12 drabble prompts I posted a while ago in the sheppard_teyla LJ:


                Some suggest higher ratings, so use your judgement when posting responses. You may post all of your responses, rated to NC-17 in the LJ, if you want. And any PG responses here and there or here and in sga_john_teyla. :-)

                (As always with my challenges, if you're inspired to write a longer story, go ahead. It's no problem.)
                Um..not too sound ignorant, but what is a drabble?
                Maybe you should define or write some of the criterias for each one of these.. I know what a one shot is and I know what a 5 minute challenge..but perhaps others don't and I am not very good at explaining things...I get all !@#$%^&! You know what I mean, right?
                Maybe define each one and perhaps post an example of each one..hehehehe

                DM...YOU ARE AWESOME...

                I would love to take on some of these...but I don't have the time to write and I don't know if I should post it without someone revising it...I'll see what I can do...I have like three fics that I have started and I've done nothing for the past two weeks..YIKES!


                  Originally posted by Camy
                  Oh, Trippy...I understand..I am just so happy to read your words..hehehehehe
                  New mini skirt?....
                  Um, no, I assure you all my miniskirts are old.
                  Originally posted by Camy
                  Did you read my picfic? You must leave me a review...please...
                  Sure, here's my review: You're a nutjob. *huggles Camy*

                  Thanks for reposting the invitation. Let's see, I'll try to come back for fave S/T moments, and maybe Coup D'Etat discussion, but later in the day/evening. I go to class on Saturdays. *curses*


                  Sig by Camy


                    HEY, MEL...ARE YOU HERE...?
                    I need you to send me the vid that you made for me "You and Me" by Lifehouse....can you repost it here..cause I went hunting it down but the account has expired..I have it at home in the CD that SP made for me..but I want to do something with it, now..otherwise, I am going to have to wait till I get home...

                    Thanks, hon...On another note...Let's get some more Fics in here..guys...I can't open the ones that are posted DM....I'll have to wait till I get ya hon...!


                      Okay, got lots of fic ideas running through my brain and no time to actually write them! But, if I have a snow day tomorrow then you all can be assured that I have several more chapters out.

                      Camy, my final review of Stuck on You.

                      (5 words) I am stuck on them!

                      Wonderful work Camy, I love John asking the Queen to the dance and then the end was so cute. Wonderful.
                      Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                        majortrip]Um, no, I assure you all my miniskirts are old.
                        Your no fun!

                        Sure, here's my review: You're a nutjob. *huggles Camy*
                        Oh, I feel loved...Um..I think!

                        Thanks for reposting the invitation. Let's see, I'll try to come back for fave S/T moments, and maybe Coup D'Etat discussion, but later in the day/evening. I go to class on Saturdays. *curses*
                        Oh, sweetie, don't curse...I know...and I understand..everyone here is bottled up with work...and that is why I had fun and stayed up doing my story so that it could bring a smile on everyone's face...Whatever you can contribute..even with you just popping in now and then and saying enough with me!

                        Do your things first..and then come by and see us...


                          Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                          Okay, got lots of fic ideas running through my brain and no time to actually write them! But, if I have a snow day tomorrow then you all can be assured that I have several more chapters out.

                          Camy, my final review of Stuck on You.

                          (5 words) I am stuck on them!

                          Wonderful work Camy, I love John asking the Queen to the dance and then the end was so cute. Wonderful.
                          Thanks Ritter...that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.....


                            Camy love the pic fic! It was hilarious with just the right amount of ship! I especially loved the ending!


                              Originally posted by Camy
                              HEY, MEL...ARE YOU HERE...?
                              I need you to send me the vid that you made for me "You and Me" by Lifehouse....can you repost it here..cause I went hunting it down but the account has expired..I have it at home in the CD that SP made for me..but I want to do something with it, now..otherwise, I am going to have to wait till I get home...

                              Thanks, hon...On another note...Let's get some more Fics in here..guys...I can't open the ones that are posted DM....I'll have to wait till I get ya hon...!
                              Camy needs Shep/Teyla and the file is expired! *a flurry of typing keys and internet windows opening and closing ensues amidst a streak of bizarre words that seem to be being employed as curses but are not recognizable as such...Finally Mel lifts her head from off the keyboard of her smoking laptop, her hair frizzy and mussed from effort, and lets out a long, low yowl of victory*

                              You and Me

                              Am I in time?

                              P.S. in a little Off-topic here I know some of ya'll's are Sam/Jack fans too so as just a tiny addition to this very, very on-topic post here's a link for my S/J V-day vid. 'You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This' And since commenting on it on this thread is probably not a good idea... green rep, pm's and e-mail comments are welcome
                              Last edited by melpomene; 16 February 2006, 12:06 PM.


                                Originally posted by Camy
                                Um..not too sound ignorant, but what is a drabble?
                                Maybe you should define or write some of the criterias for each one of these.. I know what a one shot is and I know what a 5 minute challenge..but perhaps others don't and I am not very good at explaining things...I get all !@#$%^&! You know what I mean, right?
                                Maybe define each one and perhaps post an example of each one..hehehehe

                                DM...YOU ARE AWESOME...

                                I would love to take on some of these...but I don't have the time to write and I don't know if I should post it without someone revising it...I'll see what I can do...I have like three fics that I have started and I've done nothing for the past two weeks..YIKES!

                                I'll try to define the fic terms.

                                One-shot: I'm not certain of this one. I believe it's a short one-time story or single scene story that will definitely not have a sequel and doesn't usually seem to need one.

                                Drabble: story of *exactly* 100 words. That doesn't include title, author's name, disclaimer, etc. It's 100 words of story.

                                5 Min Fic Challenge--write for at least 5 minutes anything that comes into your head immediately after reading the prompt. You may write longer, but the idea is to write a story as fast as you can without stopping to edit.

                                Double Drabble: 200 word fic or two drabbles that are linked, for example, a drabble in John's POV followed by one in Teyla's POV that deal with the same or complimentary subjects.

                                Ficathon: people sign up to write plots supplied by someone else, or a prompt supplied by a facilitator. The difference between this and a challenge is people sign up without knowing what they'll get and agree to write whatever they get. Usually they offer two prompts into the "Kitty" and the facilitator assigns those to the other authors, but sometimes, the facilitator has a list of prompts and just gives those out. (We had this on the yahoo JT and STF lists.)

                                drabble-a-thon: (my term! ) similar to a ficathon only people must write a fic of exactly 100 words in response to the prompts. (We had one of these on the STF list.)

                                5 Minute Ficathon: (my own term! ) I posted 5 Minute Fic prompts at a certain time. Everyone who wanted to write showed up within that hour to try and finish whatever prompt was given out then. (We had this on the yahoo JT list.)

                                Missing Scene: fic written to fill in a hole in an episode--written as if between aired scenes or shows.

                                Episode Tag: A scene that tells what happened immediately after an episode ended.

                                HC, hurt/comfort: a story in which one character is hurt and another comforts them in some way.

                                flash fic: short, complete, story of 1500 words or less.

                                Vignette: short story that's longer than a flash fic, but shorter than a novella.

                                novella: very long story that's of less than 200 pages.

                                novel: 200+ page story.

                                I know I left out a lot of terms.

                                Fun stuff!

                                We held all the ficathons for John/Teyla over the last hiatus and got a LOT of fic responses. It was great!

